Re: titling histograms

From: Stephen Markacs (
Date: Fri Oct 01 1999 - 17:48:39 MEST

>   Stephen,
>   Click on the histogram you want to change a title with right mouse
>   button and you will get a menu. One of the menu item is SetTitle.
>   Michal Lijowski

This doesn't work for me.  When I click in the histogram with the right
mouse button, I get a TFrame menu, which doesn't have a SetTitle.  If I
click on the title of the histogram, I get a TPaveText::title menu, which
has a very promising looking EditText item, except it just doesn't work. 
Selecting it completely fails to do anything whatsoever. 

What I'd really like is a way to do it from the root prompt.  I've
generally had bad experience with doing things by mousing on the canvas
(I've had it lock up too many times when doing so)  But if there is a
working mouse-based solution, I'd use it.

   S t e p h e n   M a r k a c s 

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