where is cout?

From: Giovanni Organtini (Giovanni.Organtini@roma1.infn.it)
Date: Wed Oct 13 1999 - 17:49:37 MEST

I recently installed the new version of root for Linux RedHat 6.0 (before
I was using the RedHat 5.0 version). I had few macros working I tried 
with the new version. The first problem arise when I try to print a
message: a simple macro like the following

#include <iostream.h>

int tgo() {
  cout << "CIAO\n";

simply fail because:

Error: No symbol cout in current scope  FILE:/home/oper/ly/./tgo.C LINE:4
Error: << Illegal operator for pointer 3 FILE:/home/oper/ly/./tgo.C LINE:4
*** Interpreter error recovered ***

Then there are for sure other problems since any macro results, at least,
in *** Break *** segmentation violation.

Any idea? Thank you very much.

Dr. Giovanni Organtini
Dip.to di Fisica - Univ. "La Sapienza" & INFN-Roma
Tel. +39-06-49914328
Fax. +39-06-4453829

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