Reading several histogrms.

From: Maurizio Ungaro (
Date: Thu Oct 14 1999 - 01:25:20 MEST

Maybe I'm dummy,
I''ve created a out.root file with 50 histograms in it.
Name like : Q2_1.605 etc etc.
If I try to read them with the browes I can do it,
but from the command line I cannot:
I do 

TFile a("out.root");;

and I get the right list.

then if I try 


I get :

root [4]  Q2_1.955->Draw();
Error: No symbol Q2_1.955->Draw() in current scope
FILE:/tmp/fileCarAcr_cint LINE:1
Possible candidates are...
filename       line:size busy function type and name
*** Interpreter error recovered ***

What's going on?

Thanks a lot,

Maurizio Ungaro

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