Building GUIs with ROOT...

From: Daniel Flath (
Date: Fri Oct 15 1999 - 22:49:51 MEST


I am evaluating the possibility of making an ROOT based GUI for event
analysis and am having problems with a few things with my test GUI.

(1) The new ROOT GUI classes (TGThis, TGThat, TGEtc.) --  From what I've
found on the website, I'm assuming they are still not implemented on the
Windows platforms.  Is this correct?

(2) Since I've assumed '1' I've been using the old stuff (TCanvas, TPad,
etc) -- My main problem here is that I can't find an 'edit box'
component for users to enter text.  I took a look at TPaveText, but
there doesn't seem to be a way for the user to enter text into it.  Is
there a way to do this?  Do I have to capture user input and manually
fill a TPaveText (and how would I do this), or is there another way?

(3) Is it possible to prevent the user from resizing a TPad?  I tried
calling TPad::SetEditable(kFALSE) but this didn't work.  In fact it
generated an error...  "TPad::SetEditable not in current scope".  After
looking at the "SetEditable" code I can't see why this would cause an
error.  Is there a reason for this?

Since most of our collaborators will be using Windows NT, it is
important for us to be able to support both the UNIXes and NT.  


Daniel Flath
LCD Group
Stanford Linear Accelerator Center
(650) 926-8794

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