Updating root files

From: Mariusz Stanczak (MStanczak@usa.net)
Date: Wed Nov 10 1999 - 09:32:20 MET

Hello All,								[Root 2.23/8 on WinNT 4sp5]

   I have a root file with 25K+ trees, each with 1K+ branches with 6 leaves
of simple data types (int, float).  It's not a very typical (as I understand
it) root file in that each branch is completely separate from others
(created with branch->Fill() as opposed to tree->Fill() which, BTW resulted
in a 1/3 the file size in half the time).  I have a few questions concerning
this file;
- when updating the file I do:
			TTree *tree = (TTree *)f_root->Get(temp_t);
			if (!tree)
				tree = new TTree(temp_t, "");

//			branch = tree->GetBranch(temp_s);
//			if (branch)
//				delete branch;

			branch = tree->Branch(temp_s, &data,
					"t/i:of/F:hf/F:lf/F:cf/F:v/i", 4800);
			tree->Write(NULL, TObject::kOverwrite);
			delete tree;

which despite the overwrite parameter will still add a branch (instead of
replacing it) if a branch with a given name already exists.  What should I
do to force replacing an existing branch?  As you can see, I tried to delete
it before creating a new version of it, but that raises an exception.

- The IsSortable returns TRUE yet new/updated trees are added to the end of
the tree.  How to keep trees, branches sorted (by name)?

- On a root file with this many trees doing f->Get() is very time consuming.
Is there a faster way?  The update data is sorted (and so initially, see
above, is the root file).  I read the examples that use GetEntriesFast, but
how does one see/set which tree is "active" for writing?

- The AutoSave mechanism seems not to work under WinNT... reading/writing
large root files will happily exhaust all (virtual)memory and force killing
the program (that's why I immediately write a tree and delete it from
memory... is there a better way?).

Misc: TBenchmark:
	- The class description states that specifying an existing name with
Start() resets that bench's parameters... on my system it does not.  Also,
wouldn't it useful to be able to force freeing of a slot in the bench table,
for example by an additional parameter to Show?



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