Running Xcdb

      xcdb [-geometry WxH+X+Y]
           [-font fontname]
           [-title title]
           [-I dirname]
           [-a pid]
           [-r funcname]
           [-e numelts]
           [-c numcalls]
           [-d numdetails]
           [-b numbreaks]
           [-i signo]
           [-f fetcher]
           program [args...]

Arguments -geometry WxH+X+Y A window size and position, overriding the specification in .Xdefaults (if any).
-font fontname The name of a font, overriding the specification in .Xdefaults (if any).
-title title A title to place on the window border.
-bw Use a black-on-white color scheme.
-wb Use a white-on-black color scheme.
-I dirname A directory to search for source files that cannot be found in the current directory (multiple -I flags are cumulative; up to 50 directories will be searched in the order listed). You can also specify the search path after Xcdb is running; see "Preferences" on page 133.
-a pid The ID of an existing process to attach to, instead of starting a new process.
-r funcname Specifies how far to run the program's initialization routines. Normally the program runs to the symbol main, the standard starting point for C programs. To stop at some other function, specify its name. For example, to stop at the program's first instruction, specify -r \verb,__,start.
To stop at the function that initializes C++ static objects, specify
-r \verb,__,C\verb,_,runtime\verb,_,startup.
-e numelts The maximum count of elements to display for any array (default is 1000).
-c numcalls The maximum count of functions to display in the function call traceback (default is 20).
-d numdetails The count of detail levels to add (or remove) when More (or Less) detail is selected from a data object formatting menu.
-b numbreaks The maximum count of breakpoints that can be set simultaneously (default is 50).
-i signo The number of a signal to ignore and pass to the program (multiple -i flags are cumulative).
-f fetcher The name of a program to call when the debugger needs to display a source file that it cannot find in the regular UNIX file system. The debugger invokes the program, passes it the name of the specified file as a command-line argument, and displays its output in the Listing window pane. Use this feature when, for example, your source files are kept in an SCCS or RCS database.
-l Write window layout information to a file named sample-layout when the debugger exits. You can then copy this file into your .Xdefaults file where it will be read when you next run the debugger. See "Customizing Xcdb" on page 136.
-q Run quietly, revealing the debugger only if the program being debugged stops due to a signal or runtime exception.
-v Run verbosely, print status information and commentary while running.
-n Do not include shared object file symbols when loading the program. For large shared libraries, this option can significantly speed up the debugger and reduce the amount of virtual memory used.
-p Ignore compiler-generated filename qualifiers appearing in the program symbol table. This allows source files to be found (by searching the directories specified with -I) even if they were moved after the executable was generated.
program The name of the program to execute.
args Arguments to be passed to the program.


    xcdb -I/u/derek/myproject -e2000 -c20 -i14 -i30 stuff one two three
invokes Xcdb and:

To invoke Xcdb on a document whose library is in the workspace, specify RunDocument on the command line. For example, to debug MarsApp:

    xcdb RunDocument MarsApp

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