Erroneous behavior when launching or debugging your program

You are in a typical edit-compile-debug cycle, and things seem to be compiling. You look at the log from Makeit and see that SmartLn is copying your shared library to $TaligentSharedLibs. Yet, as you try to run your programs, you encounter various difficulties: it crashes with SIGIOT, SIGSEV, or SIGILL signals; it throws an exception; or it just hangs. In some cases, it isn't possible to launch the debugger, or when you do launch the debugger, it doesn't give reasonable answers.

  1. Examine the time stamps of the items in $TaligentSharedLibs:
      ls -ltr $TaligentSharedLibs | more
    This produces a directory listing reverse-sorted by modification time.
  2. Look for your program's targets in the listing. Are the targets close together or far apart?
    1. If the targets are close together (meaning they have been recompiled within a few minutes of each other), the problem lies elsewhere.
    2. If the targets are significantly separated in the list, it is possible that you have been trying to launch your program with incompatible compiler outputs. For example, you might have been successfully compiling your shared library, but failing to compile the associated program binary.
    When this last situation occurs, the most effective way to clear all confusion is to:
    1. Delete all but the original headers, source files, data files, and *.PinkMake files from your source directory, $TaligentSharedLibs, and $TaligentExports (delete the *.Make, *AllCSources.C, *.o, *.e, *Lib, and program binaries from all three locations, as appropriate).
    2. Start over with QuietMake -M -fast complete.
NOTE If you attended a Taligent training class, you should have the QuietMake script. If you would like a copy, contact Taligent DTS.

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