AIX system is sluggish after stopping

You stop the CommonPoint application system, but the AIX system still seems extremely sluggish and unresponsive (the cursor might move erratically instead of smoothly).

    Look in the output for processes like these:
      user 11549     1   0 20:24:20  pts/2  0:02 PinkPatrol
      user 13609     1   0 20:24:39  pts/2  0:02 ServerThreadsText
      user 13874     1   0 20:24:52  pts/2  0:00 HackInputDeviceHandler
      user 14108     1   0 20:24:20  pts/2  0:00 SOL2 LiveForeverOhMagicalOne 
      user 15176 20003   0 20:25:29  pts/2  0:02 TeamNub >>PinkProc<< 00000001 00004E23 FFFFFFFF TeamNub 50 53
      user 15919     1   0 20:24:47  pts/2  0:04 ServerThreadsVisual
      user 18239     1   0 20:25:02  pts/2  0:00 InputDeviceHandler
      user 19034 17241   0 20:30:13  pts/2  0:03 RunDocument -c -o TShapesStationery ShapesLib Shapes1
      user 20003     1   0 20:24:33  pts/2  0:14 ServerThreadsFilesys
If your processes look similar, it probably means that CommonPoint -stop was only partially successful or that an attempt was made to run CommonPoint twice. To fix the problem, kill each process manually.

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