12#ifndef ROOT_TGDMLParse
13#define ROOT_TGDMLParse
205 typedef std::map<std::string, double>
#define ClassDefOverride(name, id)
ROOT::Detail::TRangeCast< T, true > TRangeDynCast
TRangeDynCast is an adapter class that allows the typed iteration through a TCollection.
Option_t Option_t TPoint TPoint const char GetTextMagnitude GetFillStyle GetLineColor GetLineWidth GetMarkerStyle GetTextAlign GetTextColor GetTextSize void char Point_t Rectangle_t WindowAttributes_t Float_t Float_t Float_t Int_t Int_t UInt_t UInt_t Rectangle_t Int_t Int_t Window_t TString Int_t GCValues_t GetPrimarySelectionOwner GetDisplay GetScreen GetColormap GetNativeEvent const char const char dpyName wid window const char font_name cursor keysym reg const char only_if_exist regb h Point_t winding char text const char depth char const char Int_t count const char ColorStruct_t color const char filename
Option_t Option_t TPoint TPoint const char GetTextMagnitude GetFillStyle GetLineColor GetLineWidth GetMarkerStyle GetTextAlign GetTextColor GetTextSize void char Point_t Rectangle_t WindowAttributes_t attr
TGDMLBaseTGDMMapHelper::iterator fPosInMap
TGDMAssignmentHelper & operator=(const T *ptr)
TGDMAssignmentHelper(TGDMLBaseTGDMMapHelper &baseMap, const std::string &key)
This class is used in the process of reading and writing the GDML "matrix" tag.
This class contains the implementation of the GDML parser associated to all the supported GDML elemen...
XMLNodePointer_t Ellipsoid(TXMLEngine *gdml, XMLNodePointer_t node, XMLAttrPointer_t attr)
In the solids section of the GDML file, an ellipsoid may be declared.
double Evaluate(const char *evalline)
Takes a string containing a mathematical expression and returns the value of the expression.
TGeoVolume * GDMLReadFile(const char *filename="test.gdml")
Creates the new instance of the XMLEngine called 'gdml', using the filename >> then parses the file a...
XMLNodePointer_t Reflection(TXMLEngine *gdml, XMLNodePointer_t node, XMLAttrPointer_t attr)
In the solids section of the GDML file, a Reflected Solid may be declared when the ReflectedSolid key...
XMLNodePointer_t TopProcess(TXMLEngine *gdml, XMLNodePointer_t node)
In the setup section of the GDML file, the top volume need to be declared.
TGeoVolume * GetVolume(const char *name)
TGeoScale * GetScaleObj(const char *name)
std::map< std::string, std::string > ReflVolMap
std::map< std::string, double > ConstMap
ReflSolidMap freflsolidmap
Map containing reflection names and the Solid name ir references to.
const char * ParseGDML(TXMLEngine *gdml, XMLNodePointer_t node)
This function recursively moves thru the DOM tree of the GDML file.
XMLNodePointer_t SclProcess(TXMLEngine *gdml, XMLNodePointer_t node, XMLAttrPointer_t attr)
In the define section of the GDML file, rotations can be declared.
TGDMMapHelper< const char > FileMap
XMLNodePointer_t BorderSurfaceProcess(TXMLEngine *gdml, XMLNodePointer_t node, XMLAttrPointer_t attr)
In the structure section of the GDML file, border surfaces can be declared.
XMLNodePointer_t Trd(TXMLEngine *gdml, XMLNodePointer_t node, XMLAttrPointer_t attr)
In the solids section of the GDML file, a Trd may be declared.
const char * fCurrentFile
TGeoRotation * GetRotation(const char *name)
void DefineConstants()
Define constant expressions used.
std::map< std::string, std::string > ReflectionsMap
const char * NameShort(const char *name)
This function looks thru a string for the chars '0x' next to each other, when it finds this,...
XMLNodePointer_t Orb(TXMLEngine *gdml, XMLNodePointer_t node, XMLAttrPointer_t attr)
In the solids section of the GDML file, an Orb may be declared.
FileMap ffilemap
Map containing reflected volume names and the solid ref for it.
TGDMMapHelper< TGDMLMatrix > MatrixMap
MatrixMap fmatrices
Map containing values of constants declared in the file.
XMLNodePointer_t Hype(TXMLEngine *gdml, XMLNodePointer_t node, XMLAttrPointer_t attr)
In the solids section of the GDML file, a Hype may be declared.
TGDMMapHelper< TGeoMaterial > MatMap
TGDMMapHelper< TGeoVolume > VolMap
VolMap fvolmap
Map containing solid names and the TGeoShape for it.
double GetScaleVal(const char *unit)
Throughout the GDML file, a unit can de specified.
std::string fDefault_lunit
XMLNodePointer_t BooSolid(TXMLEngine *gdml, XMLNodePointer_t node, XMLAttrPointer_t attr, int num)
In the solid section of the GDML file, boolean solids can be declared.
XMLNodePointer_t Para(TXMLEngine *gdml, XMLNodePointer_t node, XMLAttrPointer_t attr)
In the solids section of the GDML file, a Para may be declared.
XMLNodePointer_t Arb8(TXMLEngine *gdml, XMLNodePointer_t node, XMLAttrPointer_t attr)
In the solids section of the GDML file, an Arb8 may be declared.
RotMap frotmap
Map containing position names and the TGeoTranslation for it.
XMLNodePointer_t PosProcess(TXMLEngine *gdml, XMLNodePointer_t node, XMLAttrPointer_t attr)
In the define section of the GDML file, positions can be declared.
ReflVolMap freflvolmap
Map containing reflection names and the TGDMLRefl for it - containing refl matrix.
XMLNodePointer_t Sphere(TXMLEngine *gdml, XMLNodePointer_t node, XMLAttrPointer_t attr)
In the solids section of the GDML file, a Sphere may be declared.
ReflectionsMap freflectmap
Map containing placed volume names and the TGeoNode for it.
XMLNodePointer_t Trap(TXMLEngine *gdml, XMLNodePointer_t node, XMLAttrPointer_t attr)
In the solids section of the GDML file, a Trap may be declared.
std::map< std::string, double > FracMap
XMLNodePointer_t EleProcess(TXMLEngine *gdml, XMLNodePointer_t node, XMLNodePointer_t parentn, Bool_t hasIsotopes, Bool_t hasIsotopesExtended)
When the element keyword is found, this function is called, and the name and values of the element ar...
XMLNodePointer_t Polyhedra(TXMLEngine *gdml, XMLNodePointer_t node, XMLAttrPointer_t attr)
In the solids section of the GDML file, a Polyhedra may be declared.
XMLNodePointer_t Cone(TXMLEngine *gdml, XMLNodePointer_t node, XMLAttrPointer_t attr)
In the solids section of the GDML file, a cone may be declared.
XMLNodePointer_t ElCone(TXMLEngine *gdml, XMLNodePointer_t node, XMLAttrPointer_t attr)
In the solids section of the GDML file, an elliptical cone may be declared.
TGDMMapHelper< TGeoElement > EleMap
TGDMMapHelper< TGeoNode > PvolMap
MatMap fmatmap
Map containing element names and the TGeoElement for it.
TGDMMapHelper< TGeoMixture > MixMap
SclMap fsclmap
Map containing rotation names and the TGeoRotation for it.
XMLNodePointer_t MatrixProcess(TXMLEngine *gdml, XMLNodePointer_t node, XMLAttrPointer_t attr)
In the define section of the GDML file, matrices These are referenced by other GDML tags,...
IsoMap fisomap
Map containing scale names and the TGeoScale for it.
XMLNodePointer_t IsoProcess(TXMLEngine *gdml, XMLNodePointer_t node, XMLNodePointer_t parentn)
In the material section of the GDML file, an isotope may be declared.
PvolMap fpvolmap
Map containing volume names and the TGeoVolume for it.
double Value(const char *svalue) const
Convert number in string format to double value.
TGeoTranslation * GetPosition(const char *name)
XMLNodePointer_t TwistTrap(TXMLEngine *gdml, XMLNodePointer_t node, XMLAttrPointer_t attr)
In the solids section of the GDML file, a TwistTrap may be declared.
MedMap fmedmap
Map containing material names and the TGeoMaterial for it.
static TGeoVolume * StartGDML(const char *filename)
TGDMMapHelper< TGeoShape > SolMap
XMLNodePointer_t Paraboloid(TXMLEngine *gdml, XMLNodePointer_t node, XMLAttrPointer_t attr)
In the solids section of the GDML file, a Paraboloid may be declared.
Int_t SetAxis(const char *axisString)
When using the 'divide' process in the geometry this function sets the variable 'axis' depending on w...
ConstMap fconsts
Map containing files parsed during entire parsing, with their world volume name.
std::string fDefault_aunit
XMLNodePointer_t QuantityProcess(TXMLEngine *gdml, XMLNodePointer_t node, XMLAttrPointer_t attr)
In the define section of the GDML file, quantities can be declared.
TGDMMapHelper< TGeoTranslation > PosMap
XMLNodePointer_t Polycone(TXMLEngine *gdml, XMLNodePointer_t node, XMLAttrPointer_t attr)
In the solids section of the GDML file, a Polycone may be declared.
XMLNodePointer_t Box(TXMLEngine *gdml, XMLNodePointer_t node, XMLAttrPointer_t attr)
In the solids section of the GDML file, a box may be declared.
SolMap fsolmap
Map containing mixture names and the TGeoMixture for it.
EleMap felemap
Map containing isotope names and the TGeoIsotope for it.
XMLNodePointer_t Tube(TXMLEngine *gdml, XMLNodePointer_t node, XMLAttrPointer_t attr)
In the solids section of the GDML file, a Tube may be declared.
TString GetScale(const char *unit)
Throughout the GDML file, a unit can de specified.
XMLNodePointer_t AssProcess(TXMLEngine *gdml, XMLNodePointer_t node)
In the structure section of the GDML file, assembly volumes can be declared.
TGeoShape * GetSolid(const char *name)
TXMLEngine * fFileEngine[20]
XMLNodePointer_t RotProcess(TXMLEngine *gdml, XMLNodePointer_t node, XMLAttrPointer_t attr)
In the define section of the GDML file, rotations can be declared.
TGDMMapHelper< TGeoMedium > MedMap
TGDMMapHelper< TGeoIsotope > IsoMap
XMLNodePointer_t Torus(TXMLEngine *gdml, XMLNodePointer_t node, XMLAttrPointer_t attr)
In the solids section of the GDML file, a Torus may be declared.
TGDMMapHelper< TGeoScale > SclMap
XMLNodePointer_t ConProcess(TXMLEngine *gdml, XMLNodePointer_t node, XMLAttrPointer_t attr)
In the define section of the GDML file, constants can be declared.
XMLNodePointer_t VolProcess(TXMLEngine *gdml, XMLNodePointer_t node)
In the structure section of the GDML file, volumes can be declared.
XMLNodePointer_t OpticalSurfaceProcess(TXMLEngine *gdml, XMLNodePointer_t node, XMLAttrPointer_t attr)
In the solids section of the GDML file, optical surfaces can be defined.
XMLNodePointer_t SkinSurfaceProcess(TXMLEngine *gdml, XMLNodePointer_t node, XMLAttrPointer_t attr)
In the structure section of the GDML file, skin surfaces can be declared.
XMLNodePointer_t ElTube(TXMLEngine *gdml, XMLNodePointer_t node, XMLAttrPointer_t attr)
In the solids section of the GDML file, a ElTube may be declared.
XMLNodePointer_t Xtru(TXMLEngine *gdml, XMLNodePointer_t node, XMLAttrPointer_t attr)
In the solids section of the GDML file, an Xtru may be declared.
XMLNodePointer_t MatProcess(TXMLEngine *gdml, XMLNodePointer_t node, XMLAttrPointer_t attr, int z)
In the materials section of the GDML file, materials can be declared.
TGDMMapHelper< TGDMLRefl > ReflSolidMap
XMLNodePointer_t CutTube(TXMLEngine *gdml, XMLNodePointer_t node, XMLAttrPointer_t attr)
In the solids section of the GDML file, a Cut Tube may be declared.
XMLNodePointer_t ScaledSolid(TXMLEngine *gdml, XMLNodePointer_t node, XMLAttrPointer_t attr)
In the solids section of the GDML file, a Scaled Solid may be declared when the scaledSolid keyword i...
TGDMMapHelper< TGeoRotation > RotMap
MixMap fmixmap
Map containing medium names and the TGeoMedium for it.
XMLNodePointer_t UsrProcess(TXMLEngine *gdml, XMLNodePointer_t node)
User data to be processed.
This class is a helper class for TGDMLParse.
TGeoMatrix * fMatrix
solid name being reflected
TGeoMatrix * GetMatrix()
This accessor method returns the matrix.
const char * fSolid
reflected solid name
TGDMAssignmentHelper< T > operator[](const std::string &key)
Geometrical transformation package.
Class describing rotations.
Class describing scale transformations.
Base abstract class for all shapes.
Class describing translations.
TGeoVolume, TGeoVolumeMulti, TGeoVolumeAssembly are the volume classes.
Mother of all ROOT objects.
Typedefs used by the geometry group.