ROOT Version 6.32 Release Notes



ROOT version 6.32/00 is scheduled for release around May 2024.

For more information, see:

The following people have contributed to this new version:

Guilherme Amadio, CERN/IT,
Bertrand Bellenot, CERN/EP-SFT,
Jakob Blomer, CERN/EP-SFT,
Rene Brun,
Philippe Canal, FNAL,
Jolly Chen, CERN/EP-SFT,
Olivier Couet, CERN/EP-SFT,
Gerri Ganis, CERN/EP-SFT,
Florine de Geus, CERN/ATLAS,
Andrei Gheata, CERN/EP-SFT,
Enrico Guiraud, CERN/EP-SFT and Princeton,
Jonas Hahnfeld, CERN/EP-SFT,
Akeem Hart, Queen Mary University of London/DUNE and MINERvA,
Dennis Klein, GSI,
Sergey Linev, GSI,
Pere Mato, CERN/EP-SFT,
Lorenzo Moneta, CERN/EP-SFT,
Alja Mrak Tadel, UCSD/CMS,
Axel Naumann, CERN/EP-SFT,
Vincenzo Eduardo Padulano, CERN/EP-SFT,
Danilo Piparo, CERN/EP-SFT,
Fons Rademakers, CERN/IT,
Jonas Rembser, CERN/EP-SFT,
Matevz Tadel, UCSD/CMS,
Vassil Vassilev, Princeton/CMS,
Wouter Verkerke, NIKHEF/Atlas,

Deprecation and Removal

Core Libraries

I/O Libraries

TTree Libraries

Add files from subdirectories with TChain::Add globbing

It is now possible to add files from multiple subdirectories with TChain::Add globbing. For example,


grabs all the root files with the path /path/to/tree/somedir/file.root (but not /path/to/tree/file.root and /path/to/tree/somedir/anotherdir/file.root).

Another example:


This grabs all the root files in subdirectories that have a name starting with subdir and ending with some digit.

Histogram Libraries

Math Libraries


RooFit Libraries

New CPU likelihood evaluation backend by default

The new vectorizing CPU evaluation backend is not the default for RooFit likelihoods. Likelihood minimization is now up to 10x faster on a single CPU core.

If you experience unexpected problems related to the likelihood evaluation, you can revert back to the old backend by passing RooFit::EvalBackend("legacy") to RooAbsPdf::fitTo() or RooAbsPdf::createNLL().

In case you observe any slowdowns with the new likelihood evaluation, please open a GitHub issue about this, as such a performance regression is considered a bug.

Compile your code with memory safe interfaces

If you define the ROOFIT_MEMORY_SAFE_INTERFACES preprocessor macro, the RooFit interface changes in a way such that memory leaks are avoided.

The most prominent effect of this change is that many functions that used to return an owning pointer (e.g., a pointer to an object that you need to manually delete) are then returning a std::unique_pt for automatic memory management.

For example this code would not compile anymore, because there is the rist that the caller forgets to delete params:

RooArgSet * params = pdf.getParameters(nullptr);

If you wrap such return values in a std::unique_ptr, then your code will compile both with and without memory safe interfaces:

std::unique_ptr<RooArgSet> params{pdf.getParameters(nullptr)};

Also some virtual RooFit functions like RooAbsReal::createIntegral() are returning a different type conditional on ROOFIT_MEMORY_SAFE_INTERFACES. If you are overriding such a function, you need to use the RooFit::OwningPtr return type, which is an alias for std::unique_ptr in memory-safe mode or an alias for a raw pointer otherwise.

RooFit::OwningPtr<RooAbsReal> RooAbsReal::createIntegral(...) const override
   std::unique_ptr<RooAbsReal> integral;
   // Prepare a std::unique_ptr as the return value
   // Use the RooFit::makeOwningPtr<T>() helper to translate the
   // std::unique_ptr to the actual return type (either std::unique_ptr<T> or T*).
   return RooFit::makeOwningPtr<RooAbsReal>(std::move(integral));

The biggest application of the memory-safe interfaces is to spot memory leaks in RooFit-based frameworks. If you make sure that your framework compiles both with and without ROOFIT_MEMORY_SAFE_INTERFACES, you can get rid of all memory leaks related to RooFit user error! After making the necessary changes, you can remove the marco definition again to keep backwards compatibility.

Note that the memory-safe interfaces might become the default at some point, so doing this backwards-compatible migration early is strongly encouraged and appreciated.

Removal of some memory-unsafe interfaces

Deprecation of legacy iterators

The following methods related to the RooFit legacy iterators are deprecated and will be removed in ROOT 6.34. They should be replaced with the suitable STL-compatible interfaces, or you can just use range-based loops:

Deprecation of legacy test statistics classes in public interface

Instantiating the following classes and even including their header files is deprecated, and the headers will be removed in ROOT 6.34:

Please use the higher-level functions RooAbsPdf::createNLL() and RooAbsPdf::createChi2() if you want to create objects that represent test statistics.

Change of RooParamHistFunc

The RooParamHistFunc didn’t take any observable RooRealVar as constructor argument. It assumes as observable the internal variables in the passed RooDataHist. This means it was in most contexts unusable, because the input can’t be changed, other than loading a different bin in the dataset.

Furthermore, there was actually a constructor that took a RooAbsArg x, but it was simply ignored.

To fix all these problems, the existing constructors were replaced by a new one that takes the observable explicitly.

Since the old constructors resulted in wrong computation graphs that caused trouble with the new CPU evaluation backend, they had to be removed without deprecation. Please adapt your code if necessary.


2D Graphics Libraries

3D Graphics Libraries

Geometry Libraries

Database Libraries

Networking Libraries

GUI Libraries

Montecarlo Libraries

PROOF Libraries


PyROOT was rebased on the latest version of the cppyy library. This means PyROOT benefits from many upstream improvements and fixes, for example related to the conversion of NumPy arrays to vectors, implicit conversion from nested Python tuples to nested initializer lists, and improved overload resolution.

Related to this cppyy upgrade, there are some changes in PyROOT behavior.

Different representation of std::string

Calling repr() on a cppyy.gbl.std.string object now comes with a “b” prefix, i.e. a bytes object is returned instead of a Python string. This is an intentional change for better unicode support.


No more implicit conversion of static size char buffer to Python strings

A static size character buffer of type char[n] is not converted to a Python string anymore. The reason for this: since it was previously assumed the string was null-terminated, there was no way to get the bytes after a null, even if you wanted to.

import ROOT

struct Struct { char char_buffer[5] {}; }; // struct with char[n]
void fill_char_buffer(Struct & st) {
    std::string foo{"foo"};
    std::memcpy(st.char_buffer,, foo.size());

struct = ROOT.Struct()
char_buffer = struct.char_buffer

# With thew new cppyy, you get access to the lower level buffer instead of a
# Python string:
print("struct.char_buffer            : ", char_buffer)

# However, you can turn the buffer into a string very easily with as_string():
print("struct.char_buffer.as_string(): ", char_buffer.as_string())

The output of this script with ROOT 6.32:

struct.char_buffer            :  <cppyy.LowLevelView object at 0x74c7a2682fb0>
struct.char_buffer.as_string():  foo

Deprecate the attribute pythonization of TDirectory in favor of item-getting syntax

The new recommended way to get objects from a TFile or any TDirectory in general is now via __getitem__:

tree = my_file["my_tree"] # instead of my_file.my_tree

This is more consistent with other Python collections (like dictionaries), makes sure that member functions can’t be confused with branch names, and easily allows you to use string variables as keys.

With the new dictionary-like syntax, you can also get objects with names that don’t qualify as a Python variable. Here is a short demo:

import ROOT

with ROOT.TFile.Open("my_file.root", "RECREATE") as my_file:

    # Populate the TFile with simple objects.
    my_file.WriteObject(ROOT.std.string("hello world"), "my_string")
    my_file.WriteObject(ROOT.vector["int"]([1, 2, 3]), "my vector")

    print(my_file["my_string"])  # new syntax
    print(my_file.my_string)  # old deprecated syntax

    # With the dictionary syntax, you can also use names that don't qualify as
    # a Python variable:
    print(my_file["my vector"])
    # print( vector) # the old syntax would not work here!

The old pythonization with the __getattr__ syntax still works, but emits a deprecation warning and will be removed from ROOT 6.34.

Language Bindings

JavaScript ROOT


Class Reference Guide

Build, Configuration and Testing Infrastructure