Here is the format of the DATA for a TRef object in Release 3.02.06.
-------- 0->1 Version = Version of TObject Class (base class of TRef) 2->5 fUniqueID = Unique ID of referenced object. Typically, every referenced | object has an ID that is a positive integer set to a counter | of the number of referenced objects in the file, beginning at 1. | fUniqueID in the TRef object matches fUniqueID in the | referenced object. 6->9 fBits = A 32 bit mask containing status bits for the TRef object. | The bits relevant to ROOTIO are: | 0x00000008 - Other objects may need to be deleted when this one is. | 0x00000010 - Object is referenced by pointer to persistent object. | 0x01000000 - Object is on Heap. | 0x02000000 - Object has not been deleted. 10->11 pidf = An identifier of the TProcessID record for the process that wrote the | referenced object. This identifier is an unsigned short. The relevant | record has a name that is the string "ProcessID" concatenated with the | ASCII decimal representation of "pidf" (no leading zeros). | 0 is a valid pidf. -------