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Reference Guide
Namespaces | Functions
QuantFuncMathMore.cxx File Reference
#include "gsl/gsl_cdf.h"
Include dependency graph for QuantFuncMathMore.cxx:


 This namespace contains pre-defined functions to be used in conjuction with TExecutor::Map and TExecutor::MapReduce.


double ROOT::MathMore::chisquared_quantile (double z, double r)
 Re-implementation in MathMore of the Inverse ( \(D^{-1}(z)\)) of the cumulative distribution function of the lower tail of the \(\chi^2\) distribution with \(r\) degrees of freedom (#chisquared_cdf). More...
double ROOT::MathMore::gamma_quantile (double z, double alpha, double theta)
 Re-implementation in MathMore of the Inverse ( \(D^{-1}(z)\)) of the cumulative distribution function of the lower tail of the gamma distribution (#gamma_cdf). More...
Quantile Functions from MathMore

The implementation used is that of GSL.

double ROOT::Math::tdistribution_quantile_c (double z, double r)
 Inverse ( \(D^{-1}(z)\)) of the cumulative distribution function of the upper tail of Student's t-distribution (tdistribution_cdf_c). More...
double ROOT::Math::tdistribution_quantile (double z, double r)
 Inverse ( \(D^{-1}(z)\)) of the cumulative distribution function of the lower tail of Student's t-distribution (tdistribution_cdf). More...