Logo ROOT   6.08/07
Reference Guide
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /// \file
2 /// \ingroup tutorial_gl
3 /// This macro demonstrates how to create and use linear gradients to fill
4 /// a histogram or a pad.
5 /// To use this macro you need OpenGL enabled in pad:
6 /// either set OpenGL.CanvasPreferGL to 1 in $ROOTSYS/etc/system.rootrc;
7 /// or call `gStyle->SetCanvasPreferGL(kTRUE);` before canvas created.
8 ///
9 /// \macro_image(nobatch)
10 /// \macro_code
11 ///
12 /// \author Timur Pocheptsov
14 //Includes for ACLiC (cling does not need them).
15 #include "TColorGradient.h"
16 #include "TCanvas.h"
17 #include "TColor.h"
18 #include "TStyle.h"
19 #include "TError.h"
20 #include "TH1F.h"
22 //Aux. functions for tutorials/gl.
23 #include "customcolorgl.h"
25 //______________________________________________________________________
26 void grad()
27 {
28  //1. Try to 'allocate' five indices for our custom colors.
29  //We can use hard-coded indices like 1001, 1002, 1003, ... but
30  //I prefer to find free indices in the ROOT's color table
31  //to avoid possible conflicts with other tutorials.
32  Color_t colorIndices[5] = {};
33  if (ROOT::GLTutorials::FindFreeCustomColorIndices(colorIndices) != 5) {
34  ::Error("grad", "failed to create new custom colors");
35  return;
36  }
38  //Make sure we enabled OpenGL support in a canvas.
41  //2. Test if canvas supports OpenGL:
42  TCanvas * const cnv = new TCanvas("gradient demo 1", "gradient demo 1", 100, 100, 600, 600);
43  if (!cnv->UseGL()) {
44  ::Error("grad", "This macro requires OpenGL");
45  delete cnv;
46  return;
47  }
49  typedef TColorGradient::Point Point;
51  //3. Create custom colors:
52  //Linear gradient is defined by: 1) colors (to interpolate between them),
53  //2) coordinates for these colors along the gradient axis [0., 1.] (must be sorted!).
54  //3) Start and end points for a gradient, you specify them in some NDC rect ([0,0 - 1,1]),
55  //and this rect is either: bounding rect of your polygon/object to fill
56  //(gradient->SetCoordinateMode(TColorGradient::kObjectBoundingMode))
57  //or bounding rect of a pad (gradient->SetCoordinateMode(TColorGradient::kPadMode)).
58  //kObjectBoundingMode is the default one.
60  const Color_t &frameGradient = colorIndices[2];//This gradient is a mixture of colorIndices[0] and colorIndices[1]
61  //Fill color for a pad frame:
62  {
63  new TColor(colorIndices[0], 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, "special pad color1", 0.55);
64  new TColor(colorIndices[1], 1., 1., 1., "special pad color2", 0.05);
66  //dark-white-white-dark:
67  const Double_t locations[] = {0., 0.2, 0.8, 1.};
68  const Color_t gradientIndices[4] = {colorIndices[0], colorIndices[1], colorIndices[1], colorIndices[0]};
70  //Gradient for a pad's frame.
71  TLinearGradient * const gradFill1 = new TLinearGradient(frameGradient, 4, locations, gradientIndices);
72  //Horizontal:
73  gradFill1->SetStartEnd(Point(0., 0.), Point(1., 0.));
74  }
76  //This gradient is a mixture of two standard colors.
77  const Color_t &padGradient = colorIndices[3];
78  //Fill color for a pad:
79  {
80  const Double_t locations[] = {0., 1.};
81  const Color_t gradientIndices[4] = {30, 38};//We create a gradient from system colors.
83  //Gradient for a pad.
84  TLinearGradient * const gradFill2 = new TLinearGradient(padGradient, 2, locations, gradientIndices);
85  //Vertical:
86  gradFill2->SetStartEnd(Point(0., 0.), Point(0., 1.));
87  }
89  //Another gradient built from three standard colors.
90  const Color_t &histGradient = colorIndices[4];
91  //Fill color for a histogram:
92  {
93  const Color_t gradientIndices[3] = {kYellow, kOrange, kRed};
94  const Double_t locations[3] = {0., 0.5, 1.};
96  //Gradient for a histogram.
97  TLinearGradient * const gradFill3 = new TLinearGradient(histGradient, 3, locations, gradientIndices);
98  //Vertical:
99  gradFill3->SetStartEnd(Point(0., 0.), Point(0., 1.));
100  }
102  cnv->SetFillColor(padGradient);
103  cnv->SetFrameFillColor(frameGradient);
105  TH1F * const hist = new TH1F("a1", "b1", 20, -3., 3.);
106  hist->SetFillColor(histGradient);
107  hist->FillRandom("gaus", 100000);
108  hist->Draw();
109 }
unsigned FindFreeCustomColorIndices(T(&indices)[N])
Definition: customcolorgl.h:44
Definition: Rtypes.h:61
R__EXTERN TStyle * gStyle
Definition: TStyle.h:418
THist< 1, float, THistStatContent, THistStatUncertainty > TH1F
Definition: THist.hxx:302
tomato 1-D histogram with a float per channel (see TH1 documentation)}
Definition: TH1.h:575
Definition: Rtypes.h:61
void Error(const char *location, const char *msgfmt,...)
short Color_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:79
void SetCanvasPreferGL(Bool_t prefer=kTRUE)
Definition: TStyle.h:332
virtual void FillRandom(const char *fname, Int_t ntimes=5000)
Fill histogram following distribution in function fname.
Definition: TH1.cxx:3293
virtual void Draw(Option_t *option="")
Draw this histogram with options.
Definition: TH1.cxx:2851
virtual void SetFillColor(Color_t fcolor)
Set the fill area color.
Definition: TAttFill.h:42
Define a linear color gradient.
The Canvas class.
Definition: TCanvas.h:41
double Double_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:55
The color creation and management class.
Definition: TColor.h:23
void SetStartEnd(const Point &p1, const Point &p2)
Set end and start.
void SetFrameFillColor(Color_t color=1)
Definition: TAttPad.h:75
Bool_t UseGL() const
Definition: TCanvas.h:235
const Bool_t kTRUE
Definition: Rtypes.h:91
Definition: Rtypes.h:62