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Reference Guide
glvox2.C File Reference

Detailed Description

This macro demonstrates how to use "glcol" option for TH3 and how to create user defined TRANSFER FUNCTION: transfer function maps bin value to voxel's opacity.

codomain is 0, 1 To pass transparency function into painting algorithm, you have to:

  1. Create TF1 object (with symbolic expression like "0.5 * (sin(x) + 1)":
    TF1 * tf = new TF1("TransferFunction", "0.5 * (sin(x) + 1)", -10., 10.);
    IMPORTANT, the name of TF1 object MUST be "TransferFunction".
  2. Add this function into a hist's list of functions:
    TList * lof = hist->GetListOfFunctions();
    if (lof) lof->Add(tf);
    It's also possible to use your own function and pass it into TF1, please read TF1 documentation to learn how.

This macro is to be compiled: TF1 is extremely slow with CINT's function as an argument.

Definition in file glvox2.C.