Logo ROOT   6.08/07
Reference Guide
mt001_fillHistos.C File Reference

Detailed Description

Fill histograms in parallel and write them on file.

The simplest meaningful possible example which shows ROOT thread awareness.

/// \date January 2016
// Total amount of numbers
const UInt_t nNumbers = 20000000U;
// The number of workers
const UInt_t nWorkers = 4U;
Int_t mt001_fillHistos()
// The first, fundamental operation to be performed in order to make ROOT
// thread-aware.
// We define our work item
auto workItem = [](UInt_t workerID) {
// One generator, file and ntuple per worker
TRandom3 workerRndm(workerID); // Change the seed
TFile f(Form("myFile_%u.root", workerID), "RECREATE");
TH1F h(Form("myHisto_%u", workerID), "The Histogram", 64, -4, 4);
for (UInt_t i = 0; i < nNumbers; ++i) {
// Create the collection which will hold the threads, our "pool"
std::vector<std::thread> workers;
// Fill the "pool" with workers
for (auto workerID : ROOT::TSeqI(nWorkers)) {
workers.emplace_back(workItem, workerID);
// Now join them
for (auto && worker : workers) worker.join();
return 0;
Danilo Piparo

Definition in file mt001_fillHistos.C.