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ROOT 6.10/09 Reference Guide |
The Geometry related classes.
Several documents describing these classes are listed below:
See also the use of the geometry classes in AliROOT package of ALICE.
Classes | |
class | TGeoArb8 |
An arbitrary trapezoid with less than 8 vertices standing on. More... | |
class | TGeoAtt |
Visualization and tracking attributes for volumes and nodes. More... | |
class | TGeoBBox |
Box class. More... | |
class | TGeoBoolNode |
Base class for Boolean operations between two shapes. More... | |
class | TGeoBranchArray |
An array of daughter indices making a geometry path. More... | |
class | TGeoBuilder |
Utility class for creating geometry objects.These will be associated with the current selected geometry manager object: More... | |
class | TGeoCacheState |
Class storing the state of the cache at a given moment. More... | |
class | TGeoCombiTrans |
Class describing rotation + translation. More... | |
class | TGeoCompositeShape |
Class handling Boolean composition of shapes. More... | |
class | TGeoCone |
Conical tube class. More... | |
class | TGeoConeSeg |
A phi segment of a conical tube. More... | |
class | TGeoCtub |
A tube segment cut with 2 planes. More... | |
class | TGeoDecayChannel |
A decay channel for a radionuclide. More... | |
class | TGeoElement |
Base class for chemical elements. More... | |
class | TGeoElementRN |
Class representing a radionuclide. More... | |
class | TGeoElementTable |
Table of elements. More... | |
class | TGeoElemIter |
Iterator for decay branches. More... | |
class | TGeoEltu |
Elliptical tube class. More... | |
class | TGeoExtension |
ABC for user objects attached to TGeoVolume or TGeoNode. More... | |
class | TGeoGenTrans |
Most general transformation, holding a translation, a rotation and a scale. More... | |
class | TGeoGlobalMagField |
Global magnetic field manager. More... | |
class | TGeoGtra |
Gtra is a twisted trapezoid. More... | |
class | TGeoHalfSpace |
A half-space defined by: More... | |
class | TGeoHelix |
Class representing a helix curve. More... | |
class | TGeoHMatrix |
Matrix class used for computing global transformations Should NOT be used for node definition. More... | |
class | TGeoHype |
Hyperboloid class defined by 5 parameters. More... | |
class | TGeoIdentity |
An identity transformation. More... | |
class | TGeoIterator |
A geometry iterator. More... | |
class | TGeoIteratorPlugin |
class | TGeoManager |
The manager class for any TGeo geometry. More... | |
class | TGeoMaterial |
Base class describing materials. More... | |
class | TGeoMatrix |
Geometrical transformation package. More... | |
class | TGeoMedium |
Media are used to store properties related to tracking and which are useful only when using geometry with a particle transport MC package (via VMC). More... | |
class | TGeoNavigator |
Class providing navigation API for TGeo geometries. More... | |
class | TGeoNode |
A node represent a volume positioned inside another.They store links to both volumes and to the TGeoMatrix representing the relative positioning. More... | |
class | TGeoNodeCache |
Special pool of reusable nodes. More... | |
class | TGeoNodeMatrix |
A node containing local transformation. More... | |
class | TGeoNodeOffset |
Node containing an offset. More... | |
class | TGeoPara |
Parallelepiped class. More... | |
class | TGeoParaboloid |
Paraboloid class. More... | |
class | TGeoParallelWorld |
Base class for a flat parallel geometry. More... | |
class | TGeoPatternFinder |
Base finder class for patterns. More... | |
class | TGeoPcon |
A polycone. More... | |
class | TGeoPgon |
A polygone. More... | |
class | TGeoPhysicalNode |
Physical nodes are the actual 'touchable' objects in the geometry, representing a path of positioned volumes starting with the top node: path=/TOP/A_1/B_4/C_3 , where A, B, C represent names of volumes. More... | |
class | TGeoPNEntry |
The knowledge of the path to the objects that need to be misaligned is essential since there is no other way of identifying them. More... | |
class | TGeoPolygon |
An arbitrary polygon defined by vertices. More... | |
class | TGeoRCExtension |
Reference counted extension which has a pointer to and owns a user defined TObject. More... | |
class | TGeoRCPtr< T > |
A reference counting-managed pointer for classes derived from TGeoExtension which can be used as C pointer. More... | |
class | TGeoRotation |
Class describing rotations. More... | |
class | TGeoScale |
Class describing scale transformations. More... | |
class | TGeoScaledShape |
A shape scaled by a TGeoScale transformation. More... | |
class | TGeoShape |
Base abstract class for all shapes. More... | |
class | TGeoShapeAssembly |
The shape encapsulating an assembly (union) of volumes. More... | |
class | TGeoSphere |
Spherical shell class. More... | |
class | TGeoStateInfo |
Statefull info for the current geometry level. More... | |
class | TGeoTorus |
Torus segment class. More... | |
class | TGeoTranslation |
Class describing translations. More... | |
class | TGeoTrap |
TRAP is a general trapezoid, i.e. More... | |
class | TGeoTrd1 |
A trapezoid with only x length varying with z. More... | |
class | TGeoTrd2 |
A trapezoid with both x and y lengths varying with z. More... | |
class | TGeoTube |
Cylindrical tube class. More... | |
class | TGeoTubeSeg |
A phi segment of a tube. More... | |
class | TGeoUniformMagField |
Implementation for uniform magnetic field. More... | |
class | TGeoVolume |
TGeoVolume, TGeoVolumeMulti, TGeoVolumeAssembly are the volume classes. More... | |
class | TGeoVolumeAssembly |
Volume assemblies. More... | |
class | TGeoVolumeMulti |
Volume families. More... | |
class | TGeoVoxelFinder |
Finder class handling voxels. More... | |
class | TGeoXtru |
An extrusion with fixed outline shape in x-y and a sequence of z extents (segments). More... | |
class | TVirtualGeoConverter |
Abstract class for geometry converters. More... | |
class | TVirtualGeoPainter |
Abstract class for geometry painters. More... | |
class | TVirtualGeoTrack |
Base class for user-defined tracks attached to a geometry. More... | |
class | TVirtualMagField |
Abstract class for magnetic field. More... | |