'ADDITION AND CONVOLUTION' RooFit tutorial macro #209
Decay function p.d.fs with optional B physics effects (mixing and CP violation) that can be analytically convolved with e.g. Gaussian resolution functions
pdf1 = decay(t,tau) (x) delta(t) pdf2 = decay(t,tau) (x) gauss(t,m,s) pdf3 = decay(t,tau) (x) (f*gauss1(t,m1,s1) + (1-f)*gauss2(t,m1,s1))
Processing /mnt/build/workspace/root-makedoc-v612/rootspi/rdoc/src/v6-12-00-patches/tutorials/roofit/rf209_anaconv.C...
[1mRooFit v3.60 -- Developed by Wouter Verkerke and David Kirkby[0m
Copyright (C) 2000-2013 NIKHEF, University of California & Stanford University
All rights reserved, please read http://roofit.sourceforge.net/license.txt
void rf209_anaconv()
decay_gm1.plotOn(frame) ;
RooRealVar gm1frac(
"fraction of gm1",0.5) ;
new TCanvas(
"rf209_anaconv",600, 600);
- Author
- 07/2008 - Wouter Verkerke
Definition in file rf209_anaconv.C.