template<typename F , typename Args = typename ROOT::TypeTraits::CallableTraits<typename std::decay<F>::type>::arg_types_nodecay, typename Ret = typename ROOT::TypeTraits::CallableTraits<typename std::decay<F>::type>::ret_type> |
auto | ROOT::RDF::Not (F &&f) -> decltype(ROOT::Internal::NotHelper(Args(), std::forward< F >(f))) |
| Given a callable with signature bool(T1, T2, ...) return a callable with same signature that returns the negated result. More...
template<typename... ArgTypes, typename F > |
std::function< bool(ArgTypes...)> | ROOT::Internal::NotHelper (ROOT::TypeTraits::TypeList< ArgTypes... >, F &&f) |
template<typename... ArgTypes, typename Ret , typename... Args> |
std::function< bool(ArgTypes...)> | ROOT::Internal::NotHelper (ROOT::TypeTraits::TypeList< ArgTypes... >, Ret(*f)(Args...)) |