28 Bool_t getStatus(){
return status;}
49 .method(
"doEval", &MyFunctor::doEval )
50 .method(
"getStatus", &MyFunctor::getStatus)
64 r<<
"MyFunctor <- MyFunctorModule$MyFunctor";
66 r<<
"u <- new(MyFunctor)";
69 r<<
72 r<<
"print(sprintf('value in R = %f',u$doEval( 1 )))";
80 r[
83 r<<
84 r<<
"print(sprintf('value in R = %f',functor$doEval( 1 )))";
85 std::cout<<
"value in ROOT = "<<
Double_t(* Function)(Double_t)
ROOT R was implemented using the R Project library and the modules Rcpp and RInside
static TRInterface & Instance()
static method to get an TRInterface instance reference
Double_t Erf(Double_t x)
Computation of the error function erf(x).
Double_t BesselY1(Double_t x)
Bessel function Y0(x) for positive x.