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ROOT 6.18/05 Reference Guide |
A general description of the Histogram library is documented in the class TH1.
ROOT supports the following histogram types:
3-D histograms:
See also:
Modules | |
Histograms and graphs painting classes. | |
Advanced spectra processing classes. | |
TSpectrum painting class. | |
TUnfold classes | |
Files | |
file | RAxis.cxx |
file | RHistDrawable.cxx |
Classes | |
class | TAxis |
Class to manage histogram axis. More... | |
class | TBackCompFitter |
Backward compatible implementation of TVirtualFitter. More... | |
class | TBinomialEfficiencyFitter |
Binomial fitter for the division of two histograms. More... | |
class | TConfidenceLevel |
Class to compute 95% CL limits. More... | |
class | TEfficiency |
Class to handle efficiency histograms. More... | |
class | TF1 |
1-Dim function class More... | |
class | TF12 |
A projection of a TF2 along X or Y. More... | |
class | TF1Convolution |
Class wrapping convolution of two functions. More... | |
class | TF1NormSum |
Class adding two functions: c1*f1+c2*f2. More... | |
class | TF2 |
A 2-Dim function with parameters. More... | |
class | TF3 |
A 3-Dim function with parameters. More... | |
class | TFitResult |
Extends the ROOT::Fit::Result class with a TNamed inheritance providing easy possibility for I/O. More... | |
class | ROOT::v5::TFormula |
The FORMULA class (ROOT version 5) More... | |
class | TFormula |
The Formula class. More... | |
class | ROOT::v5::TFormulaPrimitive |
The Formula Primitive class. More... | |
class | TGraph |
A Graph is a graphics object made of two arrays X and Y with npoints each. More... | |
class | TGraph2D |
Graphics object made of three arrays X, Y and Z with the same number of points each. More... | |
class | TGraph2DErrors |
Graph 2D class with errors. More... | |
class | TGraphAsymmErrors |
TGraph with asymmetric error bars. More... | |
class | TGraphBentErrors |
A TGraphBentErrors is a TGraph with bent, assymetric error bars. More... | |
class | TGraphDelaunay |
TGraphDelaunay generates a Delaunay triangulation of a TGraph2D. More... | |
class | TGraphDelaunay2D |
TGraphDelaunay2D generates a Delaunay triangulation of a TGraph2D. More... | |
class | TGraphErrors |
A TGraphErrors is a TGraph with error bars. More... | |
class | TGraphSmooth |
A helper class to smooth TGraph. More... | |
class | TGraphTime |
TGraphTime is used to draw a set of objects evolving with nsteps in time between tmin and tmax. More... | |
class | TH1C |
1-D histogram with a byte per channel (see TH1 documentation) More... | |
class | TH1D |
1-D histogram with a double per channel (see TH1 documentation)} More... | |
class | TH1F |
1-D histogram with a float per channel (see TH1 documentation)} More... | |
class | TH1I |
1-D histogram with an int per channel (see TH1 documentation)} More... | |
class | TH1S |
1-D histogram with a short per channel (see TH1 documentation) More... | |
class | TH2C |
2-D histogram with a byte per channel (see TH1 documentation) More... | |
class | TH2D |
2-D histogram with a double per channel (see TH1 documentation)} More... | |
class | TH2F |
2-D histogram with a float per channel (see TH1 documentation)} More... | |
class | TH2I |
2-D histogram with an int per channel (see TH1 documentation)} More... | |
class | TH2Poly |
2D Histogram with Polygonal Bins More... | |
class | TH2PolyBin |
Helper class to represent a bin in the TH2Poly histogram. More... | |
class | TH2S |
2-D histogram with a short per channel (see TH1 documentation) More... | |
class | TH3 |
The 3-D histogram classes derived from the 1-D histogram classes. More... | |
class | TH3C |
3-D histogram with a byte per channel (see TH1 documentation) More... | |
class | TH3D |
3-D histogram with a double per channel (see TH1 documentation)} More... | |
class | TH3F |
3-D histogram with a float per channel (see TH1 documentation)} More... | |
class | TH3I |
3-D histogram with an int per channel (see TH1 documentation)} More... | |
class | TH3S |
3-D histogram with a short per channel (see TH1 documentation) More... | |
class | THbookBranch |
HBOOK Branch. More... | |
class | THbookFile |
This class is an interface to the Hbook objects in Hbook files. More... | |
class | THbookKey |
HBOOK Key. More... | |
class | THbookTree |
A wrapper class supporting Hbook ntuples (CWN and RWN). More... | |
class | THLimitsFinder |
Class to compute nice axis limits. More... | |
class | THn |
Multidimensional histogram. More... | |
class | THnBase |
Multidimensional histogram base. More... | |
class | THnSparse |
Efficient multidimensional histogram. More... | |
class | THStack |
The Histogram stack class. More... | |
class | TKDE |
Kernel Density Estimation class. More... | |
class | TLimit |
Algorithm to compute 95% C.L. More... | |
class | TMultiDimFit |
Multidimensional Fits in ROOT. More... | |
class | TMultiGraph |
A TMultiGraph is a collection of TGraph (or derived) objects. More... | |
class | TPolyMarker |
A PolyMarker is defined by an array on N points in a 2-D space. More... | |
class | TPrincipal |
Principal Components Analysis (PCA) More... | |
class | TProfile |
Profile Histogram. More... | |
class | TProfile2D |
Profile2D histograms are used to display the mean value of Z and its RMS for each cell in X,Y. More... | |
class | TProfile2Poly |
2D Profile Histogram with Polygonal Bins. More... | |
class | TProfile2PolyBin |
Helper class to represent a bin in the TProfile2Poly histogram. More... | |
class | TProfile3D |
Profile3D histograms are used to display the mean value of T and its RMS for each cell in X,Y,Z. More... | |
class | TSpline |
Base class for spline implementation containing the Draw/Paint methods. More... | |
class | TSpline3 |
Class to create third splines to interpolate knots Arbitrary conditions can be introduced for first and second derivatives at beginning and ending points. More... | |
class | TSpline5 |
Class to create quintic natural splines to interpolate knots Arbitrary conditions can be introduced for first and second derivatives using double knots (see BuildCoeff) for more on this. More... | |
class | TSplinePoly |
Base class for TSpline knot. More... | |
class | TSplinePoly3 |
Class for TSpline3 knot. More... | |
class | TSplinePoly5 |
Class for TSpline5 knot. More... | |
class | TSVDUnfold |
SVD Approach to Data Unfolding. More... | |
class | TVirtualFitter |
Abstract Base Class for Fitting. More... | |
class | TVirtualGraphPainter |
Abstract interface to a histogram painter. More... | |
class | TVirtualHistPainter |
Abstract interface to a histogram painter. More... | |