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Reference Guide
ROOT 7 ntuple tutorials

Various examples showing the ROOT 7 ntuples.

This is part of the ROOT 7 prototype! It will change without notice. It might trigger earthquakes. Feedback is welcome!


file  ntpl001_staff.C
  View in nbviewer Open in SWAN Write and read tabular data with RNTuple.
file  ntpl002_vector.C
  View in nbviewer Open in SWAN Write and read STL vectors with RNTuple.
file  ntpl003_lhcbOpenData.C
  View in nbviewer Open in SWAN Convert LHCb run 1 open data from a TTree to RNTuple.
file  ntpl004_dimuon.C
  View in nbviewer Open in SWAN Convert CMS open data from a TTree to RNTuple.