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Reference Guide
xmlnewfile.C File Reference

Detailed Description

View in nbviewer Open in SWAN Example to create a new xml file with the TXMLEngine class

#include "TXMLEngine.h"
void xmlnewfile(const char* filename = "example.xml")
// First create engine
// Create main node of document tree
XMLNodePointer_t mainnode = xml.NewChild(0, 0, "main");
// Simple child node with content inside
xml.NewChild(mainnode, 0, "child1", "Content of child1 node");
// Other child node with attributes
XMLNodePointer_t child2 = xml.NewChild(mainnode, 0, "child2");
xml.NewAttr(child2, 0, "attr1","value1");
xml.NewAttr(child2, 0, "attr2","value2");
// Child node with subnodes
XMLNodePointer_t child3 = xml.NewChild(mainnode, 0, "child3");
xml.NewChild(child3, 0, "subchild1", "subchild1 content");
xml.NewChild(child3, 0, "subchild2", "subchild2 content");
xml.NewChild(child3, 0, "subchild3", "subchild3 content");
// Child node with subnodes and namespace
XMLNodePointer_t child4 = xml.NewChild(mainnode, 0, "child4");
XMLNsPointer_t ns4 = xml.NewNS(child4, "http://website/webpage");
xml.NewChild(child4, ns4, "subchild1", "subchild1 content");
xml.NewChild(child4, ns4, "subchild2", "subchild2 content");
xml.NewChild(child4, ns4, "subchild3", "subchild3 content");
// now create document and assign main node of document
XMLDocPointer_t xmldoc = xml.NewDoc();
xml.DocSetRootElement(xmldoc, mainnode);
// Save document to file
xml.SaveDoc(xmldoc, filename);
// Release memory before exit
void * XMLNodePointer_t
Definition: TXMLEngine.h:17
void * XMLNsPointer_t
Definition: TXMLEngine.h:18
void * XMLDocPointer_t
Definition: TXMLEngine.h:20
XMLAttrPointer_t NewAttr(XMLNodePointer_t xmlnode, XMLNsPointer_t, const char *name, const char *value)
creates new attribute for xmlnode, namespaces are not supported for attributes
Definition: TXMLEngine.cxx:580
XMLNsPointer_t NewNS(XMLNodePointer_t xmlnode, const char *reference, const char *name=0)
create namespace attribute for xmlnode.
Definition: TXMLEngine.cxx:735
void SaveDoc(XMLDocPointer_t xmldoc, const char *filename, Int_t layout=1)
store document content to file if layout<=0, no any spaces or newlines will be placed between xmlnode...
XMLNodePointer_t NewChild(XMLNodePointer_t parent, XMLNsPointer_t ns, const char *name, const char *content=0)
create new child element for parent node
Definition: TXMLEngine.cxx:709
void FreeDoc(XMLDocPointer_t xmldoc)
frees allocated document data and deletes document itself
XMLDocPointer_t NewDoc(const char *version="1.0")
creates new xml document with provided version
void DocSetRootElement(XMLDocPointer_t xmldoc, XMLNodePointer_t xmlnode)
set main (root) node for document
Sergey Linev

Definition in file xmlnewfile.C.