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PyRoot tutorials

Selected examples illustrating how to use ROOT's Python interface: PyROOT.


file  demo.py
 To run, do an "execfile( '<path-to>/demo.py' )" or "python <path-to>/demo.py".
file  demoshelp.py
  View in nbviewer Open in SWAN Display demo help.
file  DynamicSlice.py
  View in nbviewer Open in SWAN Example of function called when a mouse event occurs in a pad.
file  fillrandom.py
  View in nbviewer Open in SWAN FillRandom example
file  fit1.py
  View in nbviewer Open in SWAN Fit example.
file  formula1.py
  View in nbviewer Open in SWAN TF1 example.
file  geometry.py
  View in nbviewer Open in SWAN Geometry
file  gerrors.py
  View in nbviewer Open in SWAN A Simple Graph with error bars
file  graph.py
  View in nbviewer Open in SWAN A Simple Graph Example
file  gui_ex.py
 A Simple GUI Example.
file  h1draw.py
  View in nbviewer Open in SWAN A Simple histogram drawing example
file  hsimple.py
  View in nbviewer Open in SWAN This program creates :
file  hsum.py
  View in nbviewer Open in SWAN Simple example illustrating how to use the C++ interpreter
file  mrt.py
  View in nbviewer Open in SWAN Build ROOT Ntuple from other source.
file  multifit.py
  View in nbviewer Open in SWAN Example showing how to fit in a sub-range of an histogram An histogram is created and filled with the bin contents and errors defined in the table below.
file  na49geomfile.py
 Before executing this macro, the file makegeometry.C must have been executed.
file  na49view.py
 This macro generates two views of the NA49 detector.
file  na49visible.py
 Set visibility attributes for the NA49 geometry Set Shape attributes.
file  ntuple1.py
  View in nbviewer Open in SWAN Ntuple drawing example.
file  numberEntry.py
file  parse_CSV_file_with_TTree_ReadStream.py
 This function provides an example of how one might massage a csv data file to read into a ROOT TTree via TTree::ReadStream.
file  pyroot001_arrayInterface.py
  View in nbviewer Open in SWAN This tutorial illustrates the conversion of STL vectors and TVec to numpy arrays without copying the data.
file  pyroot002_TTreeAsMatrix.py
  View in nbviewer Open in SWAN This tutorial shows how a TTree can be quickly converted to a numpy array or a pandas.DataFrame.
file  pyroot003_prettyPrinting.py
  View in nbviewer Open in SWAN This tutorial illustrates the pretty printing feature of PyROOT, which reveals the content of the object if a string representation is requested, e.g., by Python's print statement.
file  ratioplot.py
  View in nbviewer Open in SWAN Display two histograms and their ratio.
file  shapes.py
  View in nbviewer Open in SWAN Draw the geometry using the x3d viewver.
file  staff.py
  View in nbviewer Open in SWAN example of macro to read data from an ascii file and create a root file with a Tree.
file  surfaces.py
  View in nbviewer Open in SWAN Surfaces example
file  tornado.py
 Tornado example.
file  zdemo.py
  View in nbviewer Open in SWAN This macro is an example of graphs in log scales with annotations.