This is the complete list of members for TFormula, including all inherited members.
AbstractMethod(const char *method) const | TObject | |
AddParameter(const TString &name, Double_t value=0) | TFormula | inline |
AddToTObjectTable(TObject *) | TObject | privatestatic |
AddVariable(const TString &name, Double_t value=0) | TFormula | |
AddVariables(const TString *vars, const Int_t size) | TFormula | |
AppendPad(Option_t *option="") | TObject | virtual |
Browse(TBrowser *b) | TObject | virtual |
CallFuncSignature typedef | TFormula | private |
CheckedHash() | TObject | inline |
ClassName() const | TObject | virtual |
Clear(Option_t *option="") | TFormula | virtual |
Clone(const char *newname="") const | TNamed | virtual |
Compare(const TObject *obj) const | TNamed | virtual |
Compile(const char *expression="") | TFormula | |
Copy(TObject &f1) const | TFormula | virtual |
Delete(Option_t *option="") | TObject | virtual |
DistancetoPrimitive(Int_t px, Int_t py) | TObject | virtual |
DoAddParameter(const TString &name, Double_t value, bool processFormula) | TFormula | protected |
DoError(int level, const char *location, const char *fmt, va_list va) const | TObject | protectedvirtual |
DoEval(const Double_t *x, const Double_t *p=nullptr) const | TFormula | protected |
DoSetParameters(const Double_t *p, Int_t size) | TFormula | protected |
Draw(Option_t *option="") | TObject | virtual |
DrawClass() const | TObject | virtual |
DrawClone(Option_t *option="") const | TObject | virtual |
Dump() const | TObject | virtual |
EDeprecatedStatusBits enum name | TObject | |
Error(const char *method, const char *msgfmt,...) const | TObject | virtual |
EStatusBits enum name | TFormula | |
Eval(Double_t x) const | TFormula | |
Eval(Double_t x, Double_t y) const | TFormula | |
Eval(Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t z) const | TFormula | |
Eval(Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t z, Double_t t) const | TFormula | |
EvalPar(const Double_t *x, const Double_t *params=0) const | TFormula | |
EvalPar(const T *x, const Double_t *params=0) const | TFormula | inline |
Execute(const char *method, const char *params, Int_t *error=0) | TObject | virtual |
Execute(TMethod *method, TObjArray *params, Int_t *error=0) | TObject | virtual |
ExecuteEvent(Int_t event, Int_t px, Int_t py) | TObject | virtual |
ExtractFunctors(TString &formula) | TFormula | protected |
fAllParametersSetted | TFormula | private |
Fatal(const char *method, const char *msgfmt,...) const | TObject | virtual |
fBits | TObject | private |
fClingInitialized | TFormula | private |
fClingInput | TFormula | private |
fClingName | TFormula | private |
fClingParameters | TFormula | private |
fClingVariables | TFormula | private |
fConsts | TFormula | protected |
fFormula | TFormula | protected |
fFuncPtr | TFormula | private |
fFuncs | TFormula | protected |
fFunctionsShortcuts | TFormula | protected |
fgDtorOnly | TObject | privatestatic |
fgObjectStat | TObject | privatestatic |
fGradFuncPtr | TFormula | private |
fGradGenerationInput | TFormula | private |
fGradMethod | TFormula | private |
FillBuffer(char *&buffer) | TNamed | virtual |
FillDefaults() | TFormula | private |
FillParametrizedFunctions(std::map< std::pair< TString, Int_t >, std::pair< TString, TString > > &functions) | TFormula | private |
FillVecFunctionsShurtCuts() | TFormula | private |
FindObject(const char *name) const | TObject | virtual |
FindObject(const TObject *obj) const | TObject | virtual |
fIsCladRuntimeIncluded | TFormula | privatestatic |
fLambdaPtr | TFormula | private |
fLazyInitialization | TFormula | private |
fLinearParts | TFormula | protected |
fMethod | TFormula | private |
fName | TNamed | protected |
fNdim | TFormula | protected |
fNpar | TFormula | protected |
fNumber | TFormula | protected |
fParams | TFormula | protected |
fReadyToExecute | TFormula | private |
fSavedInputFormula | TFormula | private |
fTitle | TNamed | protected |
fUniqueID | TObject | private |
fVars | TFormula | protected |
fVectorized | TFormula | protected |
GenerateGradientPar() | TFormula | |
GetDrawOption() const | TObject | virtual |
GetDtorOnly() | TObject | static |
GetExpFormula(Option_t *option="") const | TFormula | |
GetGradientFormula() const | TFormula | |
GetGradientFuncName() const | TFormula | inlineprivate |
GetIconName() const | TObject | virtual |
GetLinearPart(Int_t i) const | TFormula | |
GetName() const | TNamed | inlinevirtual |
GetNdim() const | TFormula | inline |
GetNpar() const | TFormula | inline |
GetNumber() const | TFormula | inline |
GetObjectInfo(Int_t px, Int_t py) const | TObject | virtual |
GetObjectStat() | TObject | static |
GetOption() const | TObject | inlinevirtual |
GetParameter(const char *name) const | TFormula | |
GetParameter(Int_t param) const | TFormula | |
GetParameters() const | TFormula | |
GetParameters(Double_t *params) const | TFormula | |
GetParName(Int_t ipar) const | TFormula | |
GetParNumber(const char *name) const | TFormula | |
GetTitle() const | TNamed | inlinevirtual |
GetUniqueID() const | TObject | virtual |
GetVariable(const char *name) const | TFormula | |
GetVarName(Int_t ivar) const | TFormula | |
GetVarNumber(const char *name) const | TFormula | |
GradientPar(const Double_t *x, TFormula::GradientStorage &result) | TFormula | |
GradientPar(const Double_t *x, Double_t *result) | TFormula | |
GradientStorage typedef | TFormula | |
HandleExponentiation(TString &formula) | TFormula | private |
HandleFunctionArguments(TString &formula) | TFormula | private |
HandleLinear(TString &formula) | TFormula | private |
HandleParametrizedFunctions(TString &formula) | TFormula | private |
HandleParamRanges(TString &formula) | TFormula | private |
HandlePolN(TString &formula) | TFormula | private |
HandleTimer(TTimer *timer) | TObject | virtual |
HasGeneratedGradient() const | TFormula | inline |
HasGradientGenerationFailed() const | TFormula | inlineprivate |
Hash() const | TNamed | inlinevirtual |
HasInconsistentHash() const | TObject | inline |
Info(const char *method, const char *msgfmt,...) const | TObject | virtual |
InheritsFrom(const char *classname) const | TObject | virtual |
InheritsFrom(const TClass *cl) const | TObject | virtual |
InitLambdaExpression(const char *formula) | TFormula | private |
InputFormulaIntoCling() | TFormula | private |
Inspect() const | TObject | virtual |
InvertBit(UInt_t f) | TObject | inline |
IsAParameterName(const TString &formula, int ipos) | TFormula | protectedstatic |
IsBracket(const char c) | TFormula | protectedstatic |
IsDefaultVariableName(const TString &name) | TFormula | privatestatic |
IsEqual(const TObject *obj) const | TObject | virtual |
IsFolder() const | TObject | virtual |
IsFunctionNameChar(const char c) | TFormula | protectedstatic |
IsHexadecimal(const TString &formula, int ipos) | TFormula | protectedstatic |
IsLinear() const | TFormula | inline |
IsOnHeap() const | TObject | inline |
IsOperator(const char c) | TFormula | protectedstatic |
IsScientificNotation(const TString &formula, int ipos) | TFormula | protectedstatic |
IsSortable() const | TNamed | inlinevirtual |
IsValid() const | TFormula | inline |
IsVectorized() const | TFormula | inline |
IsZombie() const | TObject | inline |
kBitMask enum value | TObject | |
kCanDelete enum value | TObject | |
kCannotPick enum value | TObject | |
kHasUUID enum value | TObject | |
kInconsistent enum value | TObject | |
kInvalidObject enum value | TObject | |
kIsOnHeap enum value | TObject | |
kIsReferenced enum value | TObject | |
kLambda enum value | TFormula | |
kLinear enum value | TFormula | |
kMustCleanup enum value | TObject | |
kNoContextMenu enum value | TObject | |
kNormalized enum value | TFormula | |
kNotDeleted enum value | TObject | |
kNotGlobal enum value | TFormula | |
kObjInCanvas enum value | TObject | |
kOnlyPrepStep enum value | TObject | protected |
kOverwrite enum value | TObject | |
kSingleKey enum value | TObject | |
kWriteDelete enum value | TObject | |
kZombie enum value | TObject | |
ls(Option_t *option="") const | TNamed | virtual |
MakeZombie() | TObject | inlineprotected |
MayNotUse(const char *method) const | TObject | |
Notify() | TObject | virtual |
Obsolete(const char *method, const char *asOfVers, const char *removedFromVers) const | TObject | |
operator delete(void *ptr) | TObject | |
operator delete[](void *ptr) | TObject | |
operator new(size_t sz) | TObject | inline |
operator new(size_t sz, void *vp) | TObject | inline |
operator new[](size_t sz) | TObject | inline |
operator new[](size_t sz, void *vp) | TObject | inline |
operator=(const TFormula &rhs) | TFormula | |
TNamed::operator=(const TNamed &rhs) | TNamed | |
TObject::operator=(const TObject &rhs) | TObject | inline |
Paint(Option_t *option="") | TObject | virtual |
Pop() | TObject | virtual |
PrepareEvalMethod() | TFormula | private |
PrepareFormula(TString &formula) | TFormula | protected |
PreProcessFormula(TString &formula) | TFormula | protected |
Print(Option_t *option="") const | TFormula | virtual |
ProcessFormula(TString &formula) | TFormula | protected |
Read(const char *name) | TObject | virtual |
RecursiveRemove(TObject *obj) | TObject | virtual |
ReInitializeEvalMethod() | TFormula | private |
ReplaceAllNames(TString &formula, std::map< TString, TString > &substitutions) | TFormula | private |
ReplaceParamName(TString &formula, const TString &oldname, const TString &name) | TFormula | protected |
ResetBit(UInt_t f) | TObject | inline |
SaveAs(const char *filename="", Option_t *option="") const | TObject | virtual |
SavePrimitive(std::ostream &out, Option_t *option="") | TObject | virtual |
SetBit(UInt_t f, Bool_t set) | TObject | |
SetBit(UInt_t f) | TObject | inline |
SetDrawOption(Option_t *option="") | TObject | virtual |
SetDtorOnly(void *obj) | TObject | static |
SetName(const char *name) | TFormula | virtual |
SetNameTitle(const char *name, const char *title) | TNamed | virtual |
SetObjectStat(Bool_t stat) | TObject | static |
SetParameter(const char *name, Double_t value) | TFormula | |
SetParameter(Int_t param, Double_t value) | TFormula | |
SetParameters(const Double_t *params) | TFormula | |
SetParameters(Double_t p0, Double_t p1, Double_t p2=0, Double_t p3=0, Double_t p4=0, Double_t p5=0, Double_t p6=0, Double_t p7=0, Double_t p8=0, Double_t p9=0, Double_t p10=0) | TFormula | |
SetParName(Int_t ipar, const char *name) | TFormula | |
SetParNames(const char *name0="p0", const char *name1="p1", const char *name2="p2", const char *name3="p3", const char *name4="p4", const char *name5="p5", const char *name6="p6", const char *name7="p7", const char *name8="p8", const char *name9="p9", const char *name10="p10") | TFormula | |
SetPredefinedParamNames() | TFormula | protected |
SetTitle(const char *title="") | TNamed | virtual |
SetUniqueID(UInt_t uid) | TObject | virtual |
SetVariable(const TString &name, Double_t value) | TFormula | |
SetVariables(const std::pair< TString, Double_t > *vars, const Int_t size) | TFormula | |
SetVectorized(Bool_t vectorized) | TFormula | |
Sizeof() const | TNamed | virtual |
SysError(const char *method, const char *msgfmt,...) const | TObject | virtual |
TestBit(UInt_t f) const | TObject | inline |
TestBits(UInt_t f) const | TObject | inline |
TFormula() | TFormula | |
TFormula(const char *name, const char *formula="", bool addToGlobList=true, bool vectorize=false) | TFormula | |
TFormula(const char *name, const char *formula, int ndim, int npar, bool addToGlobList=true) | TFormula | |
TFormula(const TFormula &formula) | TFormula | |
TNamed() | TNamed | inline |
TNamed(const char *name, const char *title) | TNamed | inline |
TNamed(const TString &name, const TString &title) | TNamed | inline |
TNamed(const TNamed &named) | TNamed | |
TObject() | TObject | inline |
TObject(const TObject &object) | TObject | inline |
UseCurrentStyle() | TObject | virtual |
Warning(const char *method, const char *msgfmt,...) const | TObject | virtual |
Write(const char *name=0, Int_t option=0, Int_t bufsize=0) | TObject | virtual |
Write(const char *name=0, Int_t option=0, Int_t bufsize=0) const | TObject | virtual |
~TFormula() | TFormula | virtual |
~TNamed() | TNamed | virtual |
~TObject() | TObject | virtual |