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1/// \file
2/// \ingroup tutorial_hist
3/// \notebook
4/// Palette coloring for 2D histograms' stack is activated thanks to the option `PFC`
5/// (Palette Fill Color).
6/// When this option is given to `THStack::Draw` the histograms in the
7/// `THStack` get their color from the current color palette defined by
8/// `gStyle->SetPalette(...)`. The color is determined according to the number of
9/// histograms.
11/// In this example four 2D histograms are displayed with palette coloring.
12/// The color of each graph is picked inside the palette number 1.
14/// \macro_image
15/// \macro_code
17/// \author Olivier Couet
19void thstack2palettecolor () {
21 auto h1 = new TH2F("h1","h1",20,0,6,20,-4,4);
22 auto h2 = new TH2F("h2","h1",20,0,6,20,-4,4);
23 auto h3 = new TH2F("h3","h1",20,0,6,20,-4,4);
24 auto h4 = new TH2F("h4","h1",20,0,6,20,-4,4);
25 auto h5 = new TH2F("h5","h1",20,0,6,20,-4,4);
26 h2->Fill(2.,0.,5);
27 h3->Fill(3.,0.,10);
28 h4->Fill(4.,0.,15);
29 h5->Fill(5.,0.,20);
30 auto hs = new THStack("hs","Test of palette colored lego stack");
31 hs->Add(h1);
32 hs->Add(h2);
33 hs->Add(h3);
34 hs->Add(h4);
35 hs->Add(h5);
36 hs->Draw("0lego1 PFC");
R__EXTERN TStyle * gStyle
Definition TStyle.h:412
2-D histogram with a float per channel (see TH1 documentation)}
Definition TH2.h:251
The Histogram stack class.
Definition THStack.h:38
void SetPalette(Int_t ncolors=kBird, Int_t *colors=0, Float_t alpha=1.)
See TColor::SetPalette.
Definition TStyle.cxx:1782
TH1F * h1
Definition legend1.C:5