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Reference Guide
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1// @(#)root/proofplayer:$Id$
2// Author: Kristjan Gulbrandsen 11/05/04
5 * Copyright (C) 1995-2004, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. *
6 * All rights reserved. *
7 * *
8 * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. *
9 * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. *
10 *************************************************************************/
12/** \class TPerfStats
13\ingroup proofkernel
15Provides the interface for the PROOF internal performance measurement
16and event tracing.
20#include "TPerfStats.h"
22#include "Riostream.h"
23#include "TCollection.h"
24#include "TEnv.h"
25#include "TError.h"
26#include "TFile.h"
27#include "TH1.h"
28#include "TH2.h"
29#include "TDSet.h"
30#include "TProofDebug.h"
31#include "TProof.h"
32#include "TProofServ.h"
33#include "TSlave.h"
34#include "TStatus.h"
35#include "TTree.h"
36#include "TSQLServer.h"
37#include "TSQLResult.h"
38#include "TParameter.h"
39#include "TPluginManager.h"
40#include "TROOT.h"
41#include "TTimeStamp.h"
42#include "TProofMonSender.h"
51/// Constructor
54 : fEvtNode("-3"), fType(TVirtualPerfStats::kUnDefined), fSlave(),
55 fEventsProcessed(0), fBytesRead(0), fLen(0), fLatency(0.0), fProcTime(0.0), fCpuTime(0.0),
56 fIsStart(kFALSE), fIsOk(kFALSE)
58 if (gProofServ != 0) {
60 } else {
61 if (gProof && gProof->IsLite())
62 fEvtNode = "0";
63 else
64 fEvtNode = "-2"; // not on a PROOF server
65 }
67 if (offset != 0) {
69 fTimeStamp.GetNanoSec() - offset->GetNanoSec());
70 }
74/// Compare method. Must return -1 if this is smaller than obj,
75/// 0 if objects are equal and 1 if this is larger than obj.
79 const TPerfEvent *pe = dynamic_cast<const TPerfEvent*>(obj);
81 if (!pe) {
82 Error("Compare", "input is not a TPerfEvent object");
83 return 0;
84 }
87 return -1;
88 } else if (fTimeStamp == pe->fTimeStamp) {
89 return 0;
90 } else {
91 return 1;
92 }
96/// Dump content of this instance
101 if (fEvtNode == -2) {
102 where = "TPerfEvent: StandAlone ";
103 } else if ( fEvtNode == -1 ) {
104 where = "TPerfEvent: Master ";
105 } else {
106 where.Form("TPerfEvent: Worker %s ", fEvtNode.Data());
107 }
108 Printf("%s %s %f", where.Data(),
116/// Normal constructor.
119 : fTrace(0), fPerfEvent(0), fPacketsHist(0), fProcPcktHist(0),
120 fEventsHist(0), fNodeHist(0), fLatencyHist(0),
121 fProcTimeHist(0), fCpuTimeHist(0), fBytesRead(0),
122 fTotCpuTime(0.), fTotBytesRead(0), fTotEvents(0), fNumEvents(0),
123 fSlaves(0), fDoHist(kFALSE),
124 fDoTrace(kFALSE), fDoTraceRate(kFALSE), fDoSlaveTrace(kFALSE), fDoQuota(kFALSE),
125 fMonitorPerPacket(kFALSE), fMonSenders(3),
126 fDataSet("+++none+++"), fDataSetSize(-1), fOutput(output)
128 TProof *proof = (gProofServ) ? gProofServ->GetProof() : gProof;
130 // Master flag
131 Bool_t isMaster = ((proof && proof->TestBit(TProof::kIsMaster)) ||
134 (proof && proof->IsLite())) ? kTRUE : kFALSE;
136 TList *l = 0;
138 TParameter<Int_t> *dyns = (TParameter<Int_t> *) input->FindObject("PROOF_DynamicStartup");
139 if (dyns) {
140 // When starring up dynamically the number of slots needs to be guessed from the
141 // maximum workers request. There is no way to change this later on.
142 Int_t nwrks = dyns->GetVal();
143 if (nwrks > 0) {
144 l = new TList;
145 for (Int_t i = 0; i < nwrks; i++) {
146 TSlaveInfo *wi = new TSlaveInfo(TString::Format("0.%d", i));
147 wi->SetStatus(TSlaveInfo::kActive);
148 l->Add(wi);
149 }
150 l->SetOwner(kTRUE);
151 deletel = kTRUE;
152 }
153 }
154 if (!l) l = proof ? proof->GetListOfSlaveInfos() : 0 ;
157 while (TSlaveInfo *si = dynamic_cast<TSlaveInfo*>(nextslaveinfo()))
158 if (si->fStatus == TSlaveInfo::kActive) fSlaves++;
160 PDB(kMonitoring,1) Info("TPerfStats", "Statistics for %d slave(s)", fSlaves);
162 fDoHist = (input->FindObject("PROOF_StatsHist") != 0);
163 fDoTrace = (input->FindObject("PROOF_StatsTrace") != 0);
164 fDoTraceRate = (input->FindObject("PROOF_RateTrace") != 0);
165 fDoSlaveTrace = (input->FindObject("PROOF_SlaveStatsTrace") != 0);
166 PDB(kMonitoring,1)
167 Info("TPerfStats", "master:%d hist:%d,trace:%d,rate:%d,wrktrace:%d",
170 // Check per packet monitoring
171 Int_t perpacket = -1;
172 if (TProof::GetParameter(input, "PROOF_MonitorPerPacket", perpacket) != 0) {
173 // Check if there is a global monitor-per-packet setting
174 perpacket = gEnv->GetValue("Proof.MonitorPerPacket", 0);
175 }
178 Info("TPerfStats", "sending full information after each packet");
180 // Extract the name of the dataset
181 TObject *o = 0;
182 TIter nxi(input);
183 while ((o = nxi()))
184 if (!strncmp(o->ClassName(), "TDSet", strlen("TDSet"))) break;
185 if (o) {
186 fDSet = (TDSet *) o;
188 if (fDataSetSize > 0) {
189 fDataSet = "";
191 gProofServ->GetUser()) : TString("");
192 TString dss = fDSet->GetName(), ds;
193 Ssiz_t fd = 0, nq = kNPOS;
194 while (dss.Tokenize(ds, fd, "[,| ]")) {
195 if ((nq = ds.Index("?")) != kNPOS) ds.Remove(nq);
196 ds.ReplaceAll(grus, "");
197 if (!fDataSet.IsNull()) fDataSet += ",";
198 fDataSet += ds;
199 }
200 }
201 }
203 // Dataset string limited in length: get the authorized size
204 fDataSetLen = gEnv->GetValue("Proof.Monitor.DataSetLen", 512);
205 if (fDataSetLen != 512)
206 Info("TPerfStats", "dataset string length truncated to %d chars", fDataSetLen);
208 //
209 PDB(kMonitoring,1)
210 Info("TPerfStats", "dataset: '%s', # files: %d", fDataSet.Data(), fDataSetSize);
212 if ((isMaster && (fDoTrace || fDoTraceRate)) || (!isMaster && fDoSlaveTrace)) {
213 // Construct tree
214 gDirectory->RecursiveRemove(gDirectory->FindObject("PROOF_PerfStats"));
215 fTrace = new TTree("PROOF_PerfStats", "PROOF Statistics");
217 fTrace->Bronch("PerfEvents", "TPerfEvent", &fPerfEvent, 64000, 0);
218 output->Add(fTrace);
219 PDB(kMonitoring,1)
220 Info("TPerfStats", "tree '%s' added to the output list", fTrace->GetName());
221 }
223 if (fDoHist && isEndMaster) {
224 // Make Histograms
225 Double_t time_per_bin = 1e-3; // 10ms
226 Double_t min_time = 0;
227 Int_t ntime_bins = 1000;
229 gDirectory->RecursiveRemove(gDirectory->FindObject("PROOF_PacketsHist"));
230 fPacketsHist = new TH1D("PROOF_PacketsHist", "Packets processed per Worker",
231 fSlaves, 0, fSlaves);
235 output->Add(fPacketsHist);
236 PDB(kMonitoring,1)
237 Info("TPerfStats", "histo '%s' added to the output list", fPacketsHist->GetName());
239 gDirectory->RecursiveRemove(gDirectory->FindObject("PROOF_ProcPcktHist"));
240 fProcPcktHist = new TH1I("PROOF_ProcPcktHist", "Packets being processed per Worker",
241 fSlaves, 0, fSlaves);
245 output->Add(fProcPcktHist);
246 PDB(kMonitoring,1)
247 Info("TPerfStats", "histo '%s' added to the output list", fProcPcktHist->GetName());
249 gDirectory->RecursiveRemove(gDirectory->FindObject("PROOF_EventsHist"));
250 fEventsHist = new TH1D("PROOF_EventsHist", "Events processed per Worker",
251 fSlaves, 0, fSlaves);
255 output->Add(fEventsHist);
256 PDB(kMonitoring,1)
257 Info("TPerfStats", "histo '%s' added to the output list", fEventsHist->GetName());
259 gDirectory->RecursiveRemove(gDirectory->FindObject("PROOF_NodeHist"));
260 fNodeHist = new TH1D("PROOF_NodeHist", "Slaves per Fileserving Node",
261 fSlaves, 0, fSlaves);
265 output->Add(fNodeHist);
266 PDB(kMonitoring,1)
267 Info("TPerfStats", "histo '%s' added to the output list", fNodeHist->GetName());
269 gDirectory->RecursiveRemove(gDirectory->FindObject("PROOF_LatencyHist"));
270 fLatencyHist = new TH2D("PROOF_LatencyHist", "GetPacket Latency per Worker",
271 fSlaves, 0, fSlaves,
276 output->Add(fLatencyHist);
277 PDB(kMonitoring,1)
278 Info("TPerfStats", "histo '%s' added to the output list", fLatencyHist->GetName());
280 gDirectory->RecursiveRemove(gDirectory->FindObject("PROOF_ProcTimeHist"));
281 fProcTimeHist = new TH2D("PROOF_ProcTimeHist", "Packet Processing Time per Worker",
282 fSlaves, 0, fSlaves,
287 output->Add(fProcTimeHist);
288 PDB(kMonitoring,1)
289 Info("TPerfStats", "histo '%s' added to the output list", fProcTimeHist->GetName());
291 gDirectory->RecursiveRemove(gDirectory->FindObject("PROOF_CpuTimeHist"));
292 fCpuTimeHist = new TH2D("PROOF_CpuTimeHist", "Packet CPU Time per Worker",
293 fSlaves, 0, fSlaves,
298 output->Add(fCpuTimeHist);
299 PDB(kMonitoring,1)
300 Info("TPerfStats", "histo '%s' added to the output list", fCpuTimeHist->GetName());
302 nextslaveinfo.Reset();
303 Int_t slavebin=1;
304 while (TSlaveInfo *si = dynamic_cast<TSlaveInfo*>(nextslaveinfo())) {
305 if (si->fStatus == TSlaveInfo::kActive) {
306 fPacketsHist->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(slavebin, si->GetOrdinal());
307 fProcPcktHist->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(slavebin, si->GetOrdinal());
308 fEventsHist->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(slavebin, si->GetOrdinal());
309 fNodeHist->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(slavebin, si->GetOrdinal());
310 fLatencyHist->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(slavebin, si->GetOrdinal());
311 fProcTimeHist->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(slavebin, si->GetOrdinal());
312 fCpuTimeHist->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(slavebin, si->GetOrdinal());
313 slavebin++;
314 }
315 }
316 }
317 // Cleanup
318 if (deletel) delete(l);
320 if (isMaster) {
322 // Monitoring for query performances using monitoring system (e.g. Monalisa, SQL, ...)
323 //
324 // We support multiple specifications separated by ',' or '|' or '\' (the latter need
325 // top be escaped three times in the regular experession), e.g.
326 // ProofServ.Monitoring: Monalisa bla bla bla,
327 // +ProofServ.Monitoring: SQL blu blu blu
329 TString mons = gEnv->GetValue("ProofServ.Monitoring", ""), mon;
330 Ssiz_t fmon = 0;
332 while (mons.Tokenize(mon, fmon, "[,|\\\\]")) {
333 if (mon != "") {
334 // Extract arguments (up to 9 'const char *')
335 TString a[10];
336 Int_t from = 0;
338 Int_t na = 0;
339 while (mon.Tokenize(tok, from, " ")) {
340 if (tok.BeginsWith("sendopts:")) {
341 tok.ReplaceAll("sendopts:", "");
342 sendopts = tok;
343 } else {
344 a[na++] = tok;
345 }
346 }
347 na--;
348 // Get monitor object from the plugin manager
349 TPluginHandler *h = 0;
350 if ((h = gROOT->GetPluginManager()->FindHandler("TProofMonSender", a[0]))) {
351 if (h->LoadPlugin() != -1) {
352 monSender =
353 (TProofMonSender *) h->ExecPlugin(na, a[1].Data(), a[2].Data(), a[3].Data(),
354 a[4].Data(), a[5].Data(), a[6].Data(),
355 a[7].Data(), a[8].Data(), a[9].Data());
357 if (monSender && monSender->SetSendOptions(sendopts) != 0) SafeDelete(monSender);
358 }
359 }
360 }
362 if (monSender) {
364 PDB(kMonitoring,1)
365 Info("TPerfStats", "created monitoring object: %s - # of active monitors: %d",
366 mon.Data(), fMonSenders.GetEntries());
367 fDoQuota = kTRUE;
368 }
369 monSender = 0;
370 }
371 }
375/// Destructor
379 // Shutdown the monitor writers, if any
385/// Simple event.
389 if (type == kStop && fPacketsHist != 0) {
391 fPacketsHist->LabelsOption("auv","X");
392 }
394 if (type == kStop && fDoQuota)
397 if (fTrace == 0) return;
400 pe.fType = type;
402 fPerfEvent = &pe;
403 fTrace->SetBranchAddress("PerfEvents",&fPerfEvent);
404 fTrace->Fill();
405 fPerfEvent = 0;
409/// Packet event.
410/// See WriteQueryLog for the descripition of the structure sent for monitoring
411/// when fMonitorPerPacket is kTRUE.
413void TPerfStats::PacketEvent(const char *slave, const char* slavename, const char* filename,
417 if (fDoTrace && fTrace != 0) {
420 pe.fType = kPacket;
421 pe.fSlaveName = slavename;
422 pe.fFileName = filename;
423 pe.fSlave = slave;
424 pe.fEventsProcessed = eventsprocessed;
425 pe.fBytesRead = bytesRead;
426 pe.fLatency = latency;
427 pe.fProcTime = proctime;
428 pe.fCpuTime = cputime;
430 fPerfEvent = &pe;
431 fTrace->SetBranchAddress("PerfEvents",&fPerfEvent);
432 fTrace->Fill();
433 fPerfEvent = 0;
434 }
436 PDB(kMonitoring,1)
437 Info("PacketEvent","%s: fDoHist: %d, fPacketsHist: %p, eventsprocessed: %lld",
440 if (fDoHist && fPacketsHist != 0) {
446 }
448 if (fDoQuota) {
452 }
454 // Write to monitoring system, if requested
458 if (!gProofServ || !gProofServ->GetSessionTag() || !gProofServ->GetProof() || !qr) {
459 Error("PacketEvent", "some required object are undefined (%p %p %p %p)",
461 (gProofServ ? gProofServ->GetProof() : 0),
462 ((gProofServ && gProofServ->GetProof()) ? qr : 0));
463 return;
464 }
466 TTimeStamp stop;
468 identifier.Form("%s-q%d", gProofServ->GetSessionTag(), qr->GetSeqNum());
470 TList values;
471 values.SetOwner();
472 values.Add(new TParameter<int>("id", 0));
473 values.Add(new TNamed("user", gProofServ->GetUser()));
474 values.Add(new TNamed("proofgroup", gProofServ->GetGroup()));
475 values.Add(new TNamed("begin", fTzero.AsString("s")));
476 values.Add(new TNamed("end", stop.AsString("s")));
477 values.Add(new TParameter<int>("walltime", stop.GetSec()-fTzero.GetSec()));
478 values.Add(new TParameter<Long64_t>("bytesread", fTotBytesRead));
479 values.Add(new TParameter<Long64_t>("events", fTotEvents));
480 values.Add(new TParameter<Long64_t>("totevents", fNumEvents));
481 values.Add(new TParameter<int>("workers", fSlaves));
482 values.Add(new TNamed("querytag", identifier.Data()));
484 // Memory usage on workers
485 TStatus *pst = (fOutput) ? (TStatus *) fOutput->FindObject("PROOF_Status") : 0;
486 // This most likely will be always NULL when sending from GetNextPacket ...
487 Long64_t vmxw = (pst) ? (Long64_t) pst->GetVirtMemMax() : -1;
488 Long64_t rmxw = (pst) ? (Long64_t) pst->GetResMemMax() : -1;
489 values.Add(new TParameter<Long64_t>("vmemmxw", vmxw));
490 values.Add(new TParameter<Long64_t>("rmemmxw", rmxw));
491 // Memory usage on master
492 values.Add(new TParameter<Long64_t>("vmemmxm", (Long64_t) fgVirtMemMax));
493 values.Add(new TParameter<Long64_t>("rmemmxm", (Long64_t) fgResMemMax));
494 // Dataset information
495 values.Add(new TNamed("dataset", fDataSet.Data()));
496 values.Add(new TParameter<int>("numfiles", fDataSetSize));
497 // Missing files
498 TList *mfls = (fOutput) ? (TList *) fOutput->FindObject("MissingFiles") : 0;
499 Int_t nmiss = (mfls && mfls->GetSize() > 0) ? mfls->GetSize() : 0;
500 values.Add(new TParameter<int>("missfiles", nmiss));
501 // Query status
502 Int_t est = (pst) ? pst->GetExitStatus() : -1;
503 values.Add(new TParameter<int>("status", est));
504 // Root version
505 TString rver = TString::Format("%s|%s", gROOT->GetVersion(), gROOT->GetGitCommit());
506 values.Add(new TNamed("rootver", rver.Data()));
508 for (Int_t i = 0; i < fMonSenders.GetEntries(); i++) {
510 if (m) {
511 // Send query summary
512 if (m->SendSummary(&values, identifier) != 0)
513 Error("PacketEvent", "sending of summary info failed (%s)", m->GetName());
514 } else {
515 Warning("PacketEvent", "undefined entry found in monitors array for id: %d", i);
516 }
517 }
518 }
522/// File event.
524void TPerfStats::FileEvent(const char *slave, const char *slavename, const char *nodename,
525 const char *filename, Bool_t isStart)
527 if (fDoTrace && fTrace != 0) {
530 pe.fType = kFile;
531 pe.fSlaveName = slavename;
532 pe.fNodeName = nodename;
533 pe.fFileName = filename;
534 pe.fSlave = slave;
535 pe.fIsStart = isStart;
537 fPerfEvent = &pe;
538 fTrace->SetBranchAddress("PerfEvents",&fPerfEvent);
539 fTrace->Fill();
540 fPerfEvent = 0;
541 }
543 if (fDoHist && fPacketsHist != 0) {
544 fNodeHist->Fill(nodename, isStart ? 1 : -1);
545 }
549/// Open file event.
551void TPerfStats::FileOpenEvent(TFile *file, const char *filename, Double_t start)
553 if (fDoTrace && fTrace != 0) {
556 pe.fType = kFileOpen;
557 pe.fFileName = filename;
558 pe.fFileClass = file != 0 ? file->ClassName() : "none";
559 pe.fProcTime = double(TTimeStamp())-start;
560 pe.fIsOk = (file != 0);
562 fPerfEvent = &pe;
563 fTrace->SetBranchAddress("PerfEvents",&fPerfEvent);
564 fTrace->Fill();
565 fPerfEvent = 0;
566 }
570/// Read file event.
574 if (fDoTrace && fTrace != 0) {
577 pe.fType = kFileRead;
578 pe.fFileName = file->GetName();
579 pe.fFileClass = file->ClassName();
580 pe.fLen = len;
581 pe.fProcTime = double(TTimeStamp())-start;
583 fPerfEvent = &pe;
584 fTrace->SetBranchAddress("PerfEvents",&fPerfEvent);
585 fTrace->Fill();
586 fPerfEvent = 0;
587 }
591/// Record TTree file unzip event.
592/// start is the TimeStamp before unzip
593/// pos is where in the file the compressed buffer came from
594/// complen is the length of the compressed buffer
595/// objlen is the length of the de-compressed buffer
597void TPerfStats::UnzipEvent(TObject * /* tree */, Long64_t /* pos */,
598 Double_t /* start */, Int_t /* complen */,
599 Int_t /* objlen */)
601 // Do nothing for now.
605/// Rate event.
610 if ((fDoTrace || fDoTraceRate) && fTrace != 0) {
613 pe.fType = kRate;
614 pe.fEventsProcessed = eventsprocessed;
615 pe.fBytesRead = bytesRead;
616 pe.fProcTime = proctime;
617 pe.fLatency = deltatime;
619 fPerfEvent = &pe;
620 fTrace->SetBranchAddress("PerfEvents",&fPerfEvent);
621 fTrace->Fill();
622 fPerfEvent = 0;
623 }
627/// Set number of bytes read.
631 fBytesRead = num;
635/// Get number of bytes read.
639 return fBytesRead;
643/// Send to the connected monitoring servers information related to this query.
644/// The information is of three types: 'summary', 'dataset' and 'files'.
645/// Actual 'table' formatting is done by the relevant sender, implementation of
646/// TProofMonSender, where the details are given.
650 TTimeStamp stop;
652 // Write to monitoring system
653 if (!fMonSenders.IsEmpty()) {
656 if (!gProofServ || !gProofServ->GetSessionTag() || !gProofServ->GetProof() || !qr) {
657 Error("WriteQueryLog", "some required object are undefined (%p %p %p %p)",
659 (gProofServ ? gProofServ->GetProof() : 0),
660 ((gProofServ && gProofServ->GetProof()) ? qr : 0));
661 return;
662 }
665 identifier.Form("%s-q%d", gProofServ->GetSessionTag(), qr->GetSeqNum());
667 TList values;
668 values.SetOwner();
669 values.Add(new TParameter<int>("id", 0));
670 values.Add(new TNamed("user", gProofServ->GetUser()));
671 values.Add(new TNamed("proofgroup", gProofServ->GetGroup()));
672 values.Add(new TNamed("begin", fTzero.AsString("s")));
673 values.Add(new TNamed("end", stop.AsString("s")));
674 values.Add(new TParameter<int>("walltime", stop.GetSec()-fTzero.GetSec()));
675 values.Add(new TParameter<float>("cputime", fTotCpuTime));
676 values.Add(new TParameter<Long64_t>("bytesread", fTotBytesRead));
677 values.Add(new TParameter<Long64_t>("events", fTotEvents));
678 values.Add(new TParameter<Long64_t>("totevents", fTotEvents));
679 values.Add(new TParameter<int>("workers", fSlaves));
680 values.Add(new TNamed("querytag", identifier.Data()));
682 TList *mfls = (fOutput) ? (TList *) fOutput->FindObject("MissingFiles") : 0;
683 // Memory usage on workers
684 TStatus *pst = (fOutput) ? (TStatus *) fOutput->FindObject("PROOF_Status") : 0;
685 Long64_t vmxw = (pst) ? (Long64_t) pst->GetVirtMemMax() : -1;
686 Long64_t rmxw = (pst) ? (Long64_t) pst->GetResMemMax() : -1;
687 values.Add(new TParameter<Long64_t>("vmemmxw", vmxw));
688 values.Add(new TParameter<Long64_t>("rmemmxw", rmxw));
689 // Memory usage on master
690 values.Add(new TParameter<Long64_t>("vmemmxm", (Long64_t) fgVirtMemMax));
691 values.Add(new TParameter<Long64_t>("rmemmxm", (Long64_t) fgResMemMax));
692 // Dataset information
693 values.Add(new TNamed("dataset", fDataSet.Data()));
694 values.Add(new TParameter<int>("numfiles", fDataSetSize));
695 // Missing files
696 Int_t nmiss = (mfls && mfls->GetSize() > 0) ? mfls->GetSize() : 0;
697 values.Add(new TParameter<int>("missfiles", nmiss));
698 // Query status
699 Int_t est = (pst) ? pst->GetExitStatus() : -1;
700 values.Add(new TParameter<int>("status", est));
701 // Root version
702 TString rver = TString::Format("%s|%s", gROOT->GetVersion(), gROOT->GetGitCommit());
703 values.Add(new TNamed("rootver", rver.Data()));
705 for (Int_t i = 0; i < fMonSenders.GetEntries(); i++) {
707 if (m) {
708 // Send query summary
709 if (m->SendSummary(&values, identifier) != 0)
710 Error("WriteQueryLog", "sending of summary info failed (%s)", m->GetName());
711 // Send dataset information
712 if (m->SendDataSetInfo(fDSet, mfls, fTzero.AsString("s"), identifier) != 0)
713 Error("WriteQueryLog", "sending of dataset info failed (%s)", m->GetName());
714 // Send file information
715 if (m->SendFileInfo(fDSet, mfls, fTzero.AsString("s"), identifier) != 0)
716 Error("WriteQueryLog", "sending of files info failed (%s)", m->GetName());
717 } else {
718 Warning("WriteQueryLog", "undefined entry found in monitors array for id: %d", i);
719 }
720 }
721 }
725/// Setup the PROOF input list with requested statistics and tracing options.
729 const Int_t ntags=3;
730 const char *tags[ntags] = {"StatsHist", "StatsTrace", "SlaveStatsTrace"};
733 for (Int_t i=0; i<ntags; i++) {
734 varname.Form("Proof.%s", tags[i]);
735 parname.Form("PROOF_%s", tags[i]);
736 if (!input->FindObject(parname))
737 if (gEnv->GetValue(varname, 0)) input->Add(new TNamed(parname.Data(),""));
738 }
742/// Initialize PROOF statistics run.
746 if (gPerfStats)
747 delete gPerfStats;
748 fgVirtMemMax = -1;
749 fgResMemMax = -1;
754 // This measures the time taken by the constructor: not negligeable ...
756 } else {
758 }
762/// Terminate the PROOF statistics run.
766 if (!gPerfStats) return;
771 delete gPerfStats;
772 gPerfStats = 0;
776/// Record memory usage
780 ProcInfo_t pi;
781 if (!gSystem->GetProcInfo(&pi)){
784 }
788/// Get memory usage
#define SafeDelete(p)
Definition RConfig.hxx:533
#define a(i)
Definition RSha256.hxx:99
#define h(i)
Definition RSha256.hxx:106
#define e(i)
Definition RSha256.hxx:103
long Long_t
Definition RtypesCore.h:54
constexpr Bool_t kFALSE
Definition RtypesCore.h:94
constexpr Ssiz_t kNPOS
Definition RtypesCore.h:117
long long Long64_t
Definition RtypesCore.h:69
constexpr Bool_t kTRUE
Definition RtypesCore.h:93
const char Option_t
Definition RtypesCore.h:66
#define ClassImp(name)
Definition Rtypes.h:382
@ kRed
Definition Rtypes.h:66
@ kGreen
Definition Rtypes.h:66
@ kCyan
Definition Rtypes.h:66
ROOT::Detail::TRangeCast< T, true > TRangeDynCast
TRangeDynCast is an adapter class that allows the typed iteration through a TCollection.
#define gDirectory
Definition TDirectory.h:384
R__EXTERN TEnv * gEnv
Definition TEnv.h:170
Option_t Option_t TPoint TPoint const char GetTextMagnitude GetFillStyle GetLineColor GetLineWidth GetMarkerStyle GetTextAlign GetTextColor GetTextSize void input
Option_t Option_t TPoint TPoint const char GetTextMagnitude GetFillStyle GetLineColor GetLineWidth GetMarkerStyle GetTextAlign GetTextColor GetTextSize void char Point_t Rectangle_t WindowAttributes_t Float_t Float_t Float_t Int_t Int_t UInt_t UInt_t Rectangle_t Int_t Int_t Window_t TString Int_t GCValues_t GetPrimarySelectionOwner GetDisplay GetScreen GetColormap GetNativeEvent const char const char dpyName wid window const char font_name cursor keysym reg const char only_if_exist regb h Point_t winding char text const char depth char const char Int_t count const char ColorStruct_t color const char filename
Option_t Option_t TPoint TPoint const char GetTextMagnitude GetFillStyle GetLineColor GetLineWidth GetMarkerStyle GetTextAlign GetTextColor GetTextSize void char Point_t Rectangle_t WindowAttributes_t Float_t Float_t Float_t Int_t Int_t UInt_t UInt_t Rectangle_t Int_t Int_t Window_t TString Int_t GCValues_t GetPrimarySelectionOwner GetDisplay GetScreen GetColormap GetNativeEvent const char const char dpyName wid window const char font_name cursor keysym reg const char only_if_exist regb h Point_t winding char text const char depth char const char Int_t count const char ColorStruct_t color const char Pixmap_t Pixmap_t PictureAttributes_t attr const char char ret_data h unsigned char height h offset
Option_t Option_t TPoint TPoint const char GetTextMagnitude GetFillStyle GetLineColor GetLineWidth GetMarkerStyle GetTextAlign GetTextColor GetTextSize void char Point_t Rectangle_t WindowAttributes_t Float_t Float_t Float_t Int_t Int_t UInt_t UInt_t Rectangle_t Int_t Int_t Window_t TString Int_t GCValues_t GetPrimarySelectionOwner GetDisplay GetScreen GetColormap GetNativeEvent const char const char dpyName wid window const char font_name cursor keysym reg const char only_if_exist regb h Point_t winding char text const char depth char const char Int_t count const char ColorStruct_t color const char Pixmap_t Pixmap_t PictureAttributes_t attr const char char ret_data h unsigned char height h Atom_t Int_t ULong_t ULong_t unsigned char prop_list Atom_t Atom_t Atom_t Time_t UChar_t len
Option_t Option_t TPoint TPoint const char GetTextMagnitude GetFillStyle GetLineColor GetLineWidth GetMarkerStyle GetTextAlign GetTextColor GetTextSize void char Point_t Rectangle_t WindowAttributes_t Float_t Float_t Float_t Int_t Int_t UInt_t UInt_t Rectangle_t Int_t Int_t Window_t TString Int_t GCValues_t GetPrimarySelectionOwner GetDisplay GetScreen GetColormap GetNativeEvent const char const char dpyName wid window const char font_name cursor keysym reg const char only_if_exist regb h Point_t winding char text const char depth char const char Int_t count const char ColorStruct_t color const char Pixmap_t Pixmap_t PictureAttributes_t attr const char char ret_data h unsigned char height h Atom_t Int_t ULong_t ULong_t unsigned char prop_list Atom_t Atom_t Atom_t Time_t type
#define PDB(mask, level)
Definition TProofDebug.h:56
R__EXTERN TProofServ * gProofServ
Definition TProofServ.h:347
R__EXTERN TProof * gProof
Definition TProof.h:1077
#define gROOT
Definition TROOT.h:406
void Printf(const char *fmt,...)
Formats a string in a circular formatting buffer and prints the string.
Definition TString.cxx:2503
R__EXTERN TSystem * gSystem
Definition TSystem.h:572
#define gPerfStats
virtual void SetFillColor(Color_t fcolor)
Set the fill area color.
Definition TAttFill.h:37
virtual void SetMarkerStyle(Style_t mstyle=1)
Set the marker style.
Definition TAttMarker.h:40
virtual void SetBinLabel(Int_t bin, const char *label)
Set label for bin.
Definition TAxis.cxx:886
virtual void SetOwner(Bool_t enable=kTRUE)
Set whether this collection is the owner (enable==true) of its content.
This class implements a data set to be used for PROOF processing.
Definition TDSet.h:153
Int_t GetNumOfFiles()
Return the number of files in the dataset.
Definition TDSet.cxx:2018
virtual Int_t GetValue(const char *name, Int_t dflt) const
Returns the integer value for a resource.
Definition TEnv.cxx:491
A ROOT file is an on-disk file, usually with extension .root, that stores objects in a file-system-li...
Definition TFile.h:53
1-D histogram with a double per channel (see TH1 documentation)
Definition TH1.h:670
1-D histogram with an int per channel (see TH1 documentation)
Definition TH1.h:540
virtual void SetDirectory(TDirectory *dir)
By default, when a histogram is created, it is added to the list of histogram objects in the current ...
Definition TH1.cxx:8958
@ kAllAxes
Definition TH1.h:76
virtual void LabelsOption(Option_t *option="h", Option_t *axis="X")
Sort bins with labels or set option(s) to draw axis with labels.
Definition TH1.cxx:5403
TAxis * GetXaxis()
Definition TH1.h:324
virtual Int_t Fill(Double_t x)
Increment bin with abscissa X by 1.
Definition TH1.cxx:3344
virtual void SetMinimum(Double_t minimum=-1111)
Definition TH1.h:405
virtual UInt_t SetCanExtend(UInt_t extendBitMask)
Make the histogram axes extendable / not extendable according to the bit mask returns the previous bi...
Definition TH1.cxx:6670
virtual void LabelsDeflate(Option_t *axis="X")
Reduce the number of bins for the axis passed in the option to the number of bins having a label.
Definition TH1.cxx:5266
2-D histogram with a double per channel (see TH1 documentation)
Definition TH2.h:357
Int_t Fill(Double_t) override
Invalid Fill method.
Definition TH2.cxx:393
A doubly linked list.
Definition TList.h:38
TObject * FindObject(const char *name) const override
Find an object in this list using its name.
Definition TList.cxx:576
void Add(TObject *obj) override
Definition TList.h:81
The TNamed class is the base class for all named ROOT classes.
Definition TNamed.h:29
const char * GetName() const override
Returns name of object.
Definition TNamed.h:47
Int_t GetEntries() const override
Return the number of objects in array (i.e.
void Delete(Option_t *option="") override
Remove all objects from the array AND delete all heap based objects.
Bool_t IsEmpty() const override
Definition TObjArray.h:65
void Add(TObject *obj) override
Definition TObjArray.h:68
Mother of all ROOT objects.
Definition TObject.h:41
virtual const char * GetName() const
Returns name of object.
Definition TObject.cxx:444
R__ALWAYS_INLINE Bool_t TestBit(UInt_t f) const
Definition TObject.h:199
virtual const char * ClassName() const
Returns name of class to which the object belongs.
Definition TObject.cxx:213
virtual void Warning(const char *method, const char *msgfmt,...) const
Issue warning message.
Definition TObject.cxx:979
virtual void Error(const char *method, const char *msgfmt,...) const
Issue error message.
Definition TObject.cxx:993
@ kInvalidObject
if object ctor succeeded but object should not be used
Definition TObject.h:72
virtual void Info(const char *method, const char *msgfmt,...) const
Issue info message.
Definition TObject.cxx:967
TString fEvtNode
Definition TPerfStats.h:42
Int_t Compare(const TObject *obj) const override
Compare method.
void Print(Option_t *option="") const override
Dump content of this instance.
TVirtualPerfStats::EEventType fType
Definition TPerfStats.h:44
TPerfEvent(TTimeStamp *offset=0)
TTimeStamp fTimeStamp
Definition TPerfStats.h:43
Provides the interface for the PROOF internal performance measurement and event tracing.
Definition TPerfStats.h:70
void SetBytesRead(Long64_t num) override
Set number of bytes read.
TString fDataSet
Monitoring engines.
Definition TPerfStats.h:102
static Long_t fgResMemMax
Max virtual memory used by this process.
Definition TPerfStats.h:109
Int_t fDataSetLen
Dataset string.
Definition TPerfStats.h:103
TPerfEvent * fPerfEvent
start time of this run
Definition TPerfStats.h:77
Long64_t fBytesRead
histogram of cpu time spent processing packets
Definition TPerfStats.h:85
~TPerfStats() override
TPerfStats(TList *input, TList *output)
Max resident memory used by this process.
static Long_t fgVirtMemMax
Saved pointer to the output list.
Definition TPerfStats.h:108
TTree * fTrace
Definition TPerfStats.h:75
TH1D * fPacketsHist
TPerfEvent used to fill tree.
Definition TPerfStats.h:78
TList * fOutput
Saved pointer to the TDSet object.
Definition TPerfStats.h:106
Long64_t fNumEvents
total number of events processed
Definition TPerfStats.h:89
Int_t fDataSetSize
Maximum size of the dataset string fDataSet.
Definition TPerfStats.h:104
TH2D * fCpuTimeHist
histogram of real time spent processing packets
Definition TPerfStats.h:84
static void SetMemValues()
Record memory usage.
void RateEvent(Double_t proctime, Double_t deltatime, Long64_t eventsprocessed, Long64_t bytesRead) override
Rate event.
TH1D * fNodeHist
histogram of events processed per slave
Definition TPerfStats.h:81
void WriteQueryLog()
Send to the connected monitoring servers information related to this query.
static void Setup(TList *input)
Setup the PROOF input list with requested statistics and tracing options.
Bool_t fDoTraceRate
Trace details in master.
Definition TPerfStats.h:94
void SimpleEvent(EEventType type) override
Simple event.
TH2D * fProcTimeHist
histogram of latency due to packet requests
Definition TPerfStats.h:83
TH2D * fLatencyHist
histogram of slaves per file serving node
Definition TPerfStats.h:82
TH1I * fProcPcktHist
histogram of packets processed per slave
Definition TPerfStats.h:79
void FileEvent(const char *slave, const char *slavename, const char *nodename, const char *filename, Bool_t isStart) override
File event.
static void Stop()
Terminate the PROOF statistics run.
TDSet * fDSet
Definition TPerfStats.h:105
void PacketEvent(const char *slave, const char *slavename, const char *filename, Long64_t eventsprocessed, Double_t latency, Double_t proctime, Double_t cputime, Long64_t bytesRead) override
Packet event.
Bool_t fDoTrace
Fill histos.
Definition TPerfStats.h:93
Double_t fTotCpuTime
track bytes read of main file
Definition TPerfStats.h:86
TH1D * fEventsHist
histogram of packets being processed per slave
Definition TPerfStats.h:80
Bool_t fDoHist
number of active slaves
Definition TPerfStats.h:92
void UnzipEvent(TObject *tree, Long64_t pos, Double_t start, Int_t complen, Int_t objlen) override
Record TTree file unzip event.
static void GetMemValues(Long_t &vmax, Long_t &rmax)
Get memory usage.
Long64_t fTotEvents
total bytes read on all slaves
Definition TPerfStats.h:88
TTimeStamp fTzero
TTree with trace events.
Definition TPerfStats.h:76
Long64_t GetBytesRead() const override
Get number of bytes read.
static void Start(TList *input, TList *output)
Initialize PROOF statistics run.
void FileReadEvent(TFile *file, Int_t len, Double_t start) override
Read file event.
Bool_t fDoSlaveTrace
Trace processing rate in master.
Definition TPerfStats.h:95
Bool_t fMonitorPerPacket
Save stats on SQL server for quota management.
Definition TPerfStats.h:98
Long64_t fTotBytesRead
total cpu time of all slaves
Definition TPerfStats.h:87
TObjArray fMonSenders
Whether to send the full entry per each packet.
Definition TPerfStats.h:100
void FileOpenEvent(TFile *file, const char *filename, Double_t start) override
Open file event.
Int_t fSlaves
total number of events to be processed
Definition TPerfStats.h:90
Bool_t fDoQuota
Full tracing in workers.
Definition TPerfStats.h:96
Provides the interface for PROOF monitoring to different writers.
const char * GetOrdinal() const
Definition TProofServ.h:253
const char * GetUser() const
Definition TProofServ.h:241
TProof * GetProof() const
Definition TProofServ.h:237
const char * GetGroup() const
Definition TProofServ.h:242
Bool_t IsEndMaster() const
Definition TProofServ.h:292
Bool_t IsMaster() const
Definition TProofServ.h:293
const char * GetSessionTag() const
Definition TProofServ.h:245
This class controls a Parallel ROOT Facility, PROOF, cluster.
Definition TProof.h:316
TObject * GetParameter(const char *par) const
Get specified parameter.
Definition TProof.cxx:9918
TQueryResult * GetQueryResult(const char *ref=0)
Return pointer to the full TQueryResult instance owned by the player and referenced by 'ref'.
Definition TProof.cxx:2148
@ kIsMaster
Definition TProof.h:345
Bool_t IsLite() const
Definition TProof.h:933
TList * GetListOfSlaveInfos()
Returns list of TSlaveInfo's. In case of error return 0.
Definition TProof.cxx:2321
A container class for query results.
This class holds the status of an ongoing operation and collects error messages.
Definition TStatus.h:32
Basic string class.
Definition TString.h:139
Ssiz_t Length() const
Definition TString.h:417
const char * Data() const
Definition TString.h:376
void Resize(Ssiz_t n)
Resize the string. Truncate or add blanks as necessary.
Definition TString.cxx:1152
Bool_t IsNull() const
Definition TString.h:414
static TString Format(const char *fmt,...)
Static method which formats a string using a printf style format descriptor and return a TString.
Definition TString.cxx:2378
virtual int GetProcInfo(ProcInfo_t *info) const
Returns cpu and memory used by this process into the ProcInfo_t structure.
Definition TSystem.cxx:2489
The TTimeStamp encapsulates seconds and ns since EPOCH.
Definition TTimeStamp.h:45
time_t GetSec() const
Definition TTimeStamp.h:109
Int_t GetNanoSec() const
Definition TTimeStamp.h:110
const char * AsString(const Option_t *option="") const
Return the date & time as a string.
A TTree represents a columnar dataset.
Definition TTree.h:79
virtual Int_t Fill()
Fill all branches.
Definition TTree.cxx:4603
virtual Int_t SetBranchAddress(const char *bname, void *add, TBranch **ptr=nullptr)
Change branch address, dealing with clone trees properly.
Definition TTree.cxx:8385
virtual void SetDirectory(TDirectory *dir)
Change the tree's directory.
Definition TTree.cxx:8966
virtual TBranch * Bronch(const char *name, const char *classname, void *addobj, Int_t bufsize=32000, Int_t splitlevel=99)
Create a new TTree BranchElement.
Definition TTree.cxx:2404
Provides the interface for the PROOF internal performance measurement and event tracing.
static const char * EventType(EEventType type)
Return the name of the event type.
Long_t fMemVirtual
Definition TSystem.h:210
Long_t fMemResident
Definition TSystem.h:209
TMarker m
Definition textangle.C:8
TLine l
Definition textangle.C:4
static void output()