ROOT 2007 Location

The workshop will be held at CERN in and around the council chamber (building 503, 1st floor, i.e. the one above the ground floor). Registration will be from 8:00 on Monday, March 26 in front of the meeting room. To enter and exit CERN you need a visitor badge. If you do not have a badge, when entering the CERN site by the main gate, tell the gate keeper that you are attending the ROOT workshop. He will have a list of participants. At registration you will be given a ROOT 2007 badge which you will have to keep with you. It will give you easy access to CERN on Tuesday and Wednesday.

Coffee breaks will be served in the corridor in front of the meeting room, while lunches are in the CERN Restaurant number 1, a few meters away from the meeting room.

The meeting room will be equipped with a PC running Windows with a projector. We strongly suggest people to come with electronic presentations. Supported formats are PowerPoint and PDF. You can come with your presentation on a memory stick, but experience shows that it is much safer if you download it beforehand. The PC will be connected to internet, so you may also download the presentation from a remote location. But best is to send your presentation to the organizers as a mail attachement or simply a mail indicating a public area from where we can download it. Please identify your talk clearly (not talk.ppt or root2007.pdf!!).

Visitors should have their laptop wireless interfaces registered before they can access the internet. In the registration form indicate as the contact person to sign your request.

See the following link for more practical details on coming to CERN.

Rene Brun, Fons Rademakers
Last update 07/03/2006 by RB