//*CMZ :  2.24/01 31/03/2000  09.28.04  by  Rene Brun
//*CMZ :  2.23/12 31/01/2000  18.38.57  by  Rene Brun
//*CMZ :  2.23/10 01/01/2000  00.09.28by  Fons Rademakers
//*CMZ :  2.23/09 19/11/99  14.37.18  by  Fons Rademakers
//*CMZ :  2.23/03 10/10/99  15.45.04  by  Fons Rademakers
//*CMZ :  2.22/05 06/06/99  11.20.30  by  Fons Rademakers
//*CMZ :  2.22/01 03/06/99  08.58.11  by  Fons Rademakers
//*CMZ :  2.22/00 07/04/99  11.40.43  by  Rene Brun
//*-- Author :    Rene Brun   28/11/94

 * Copyright (C) 1995-2000, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers.               *
 * All rights reserved.                                                  *
 *                                                                       *
 * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE.                         *
 * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS.             *

#include <iostream.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <errno.h>
#ifndef WIN32
#   include <unistd.h>
#   define ssize_t int
#   include <io.h>
#   include <sys/stat.h>
#   include <sys/types.h>

#include "Strlen.h"
#include "TFile.h"
#include "TWebFile.h"
#include "TNetFile.h"
#include "TROOT.h"
#include "TFree.h"
#include "TKey.h"
#include "TDatime.h"
#include "TSystem.h"
#include "TError.h"
#include "Bytes.h"
//*KEEP,TInterpreter, T=C++.
#include "TInterpreter.h"
#include "TClassTable.h"

TFile *gFile;                 //Pointer to current file

const Int_t  TFile::kBegin = 64;
const Char_t TFile::kUnits = 4;

Double_t TFile::fgBytesRead  = 0;
Double_t TFile::fgBytesWrite = 0;


//*-*x17 macros/layout_file
 TFile::TFile() : TDirectory()
//*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*File default Constructor*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
//*-*                    ========================
   fD          = -1;
   fFree       = 0;
   fWritten    = 0;
   fSumBuffer  = 0;
   fSum2Buffer = 0;

   if (gDebug)
      cerr << "TFile default ctor" <<endl;

 TFile::TFile(const char *fname1, Option_t *option, const char *ftitle, Int_t compress)
//*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*File Constructor*-*--*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
//*-*                    ================
//  If Option = NEW or CREATE   create a new file and open it for writing,
//                              if the file already exists the file is
//                              not opened.
//            = RECREATE        create a new file, if the file already
//                              exists it will be overwritten.
//            = UPDATE          open an existing file for writing.
//            = READ            open an existing file for reading.
//  Use IsOpen() to check if the file is opened successfuly.
//  The parameter name is used to identify the file in the current job
//    name may be different in a job writing the file and another job
//    reading/writing the file.
//  When the file is created, the name of the file seen from the file system
//    is fname. It is recommended to specify fname as "file.root"
//    The suffix root will be used by object browsers to automatically
//    identify ROOT files.
//  The title of the file (ftitle) will be shown by the ROOT browsers.
//  A ROOT file (like a Unix file system) may contain objects and
//    directories. There are no restrictions for the number of levels
//    of directories.
//  A ROOT file is designed such that one can write in the file in pure
//    sequential mode (case of BATCH jobs). In this case, the file may be
//    read sequentially again without using the file index written
//    at the end of the file. In case of a job crash, all the information
//    on the file is therefore protected.
//  A ROOT file can be used interactively. In this case, one has the
//    possibility to delete existing objects and add new ones.
//  When an object is deleted from the file, the freed space is added
//  into the FREE linked list (lFree). The FREE list consists of a chain
//  of consecutive free segments on the file. At the same time, the first
//  4 bytes of the freed record on the file are overwritten by GAPSIZE
//  where GAPSIZE = -(Number of bytes occupied by the record).
//  compress = 0 objects written to this file will not be compressed.
//  compress = 1 minimal compression level but fast.
//  ....
//  compress = 9 maximal compression level but slow.
//  Note that the compression level may be changed at any time.
//  The new compression level will only apply to newly written objects.
//  The function TFile::Map shows the compression factor
//  for each object written to this file.
//  The function TFile::GetCompressionFactor returns the global
//  compression factor for this file.
//  A ROOT file is a suite of consecutive data records with the following
//    format (see also the TKey class);
// TKey ---------------------
//      byte 1->4  Nbytes    = Length of compressed object (in bytes)
//           5->6  Version   = TKey version identifier
//           7->10 ObjLen    = Length of uncompressed object
//          11->14 Datime    = Date and time when object was written to file
//          15->16 KeyLen    = Length of the key structure (in bytes)
//          17->18 Cycle     = Cycle of key
//          19->22 SeekKey   = Pointer to record itself (consistency check)
//          23->26 SeekPdir  = Pointer to directory header
//          27->27 lname     = Number of bytes in the class name
//          28->.. ClassName = Object Class Name
//          ..->.. lname     = Number of bytes in the object name
//          ..->.. Name      = lName bytes with the name of the object
//          ..->.. lTitle    = Number of bytes in the object title
//          ..->.. Title     = Title of the object
//          -----> DATA      = Data bytes associated to the object
//  The first data record starts at byte fBEGIN (currently set to kBegin)
//  Bytes 1->kBegin contain the file description:
//       byte  1->4  "root"      = Root file identifier
//             5->8  fVersion    = File format version
//             9->12 fBEGIN      = Pointer to first data record
//            13->16 fEND        = Pointer to first free word at the EOF
//            17->20 fSeekFree   = Pointer to FREE data record
//            21->24 fNbytesFree = Number of bytes in FREE data record
//            25->28 nfree       = Number of free data records
//            29->32 fNbytesName = Number of bytes in TNamed at creation time
//            33->33 fUnits      = Number of bytes for file pointers
//            34->37 fCompress   = Zip compression level

//  The structure of a directory is shown in TDirectory::TDirectory

   if (!gROOT)
      ::Fatal("TFile::TFile", "ROOT system not initialized");

   gDirectory = 0;

   fD          = -1;
   fFile       = this;
   fFree       = 0;
   fVersion    = gROOT->GetVersionInt();  //ROOT version in integer format
   fUnits      = kUnits;
   fOption     = option;
   fCompress   = compress;
   fWritten    = 0;
   fSumBuffer  = 0;
   fSum2Buffer = 0;
   fBytesRead  = 0;
   fBytesWrite = 0;

   if (!fOption.CompareTo("NET", TString::kIgnoreCase))

   if (!fOption.CompareTo("WEB", TString::kIgnoreCase)) {
      fOption   = "READ";
      fWritable = kFALSE;

   Bool_t create = kFALSE;
   if (!fOption.CompareTo("NEW", TString::kIgnoreCase) ||
       !fOption.CompareTo("CREATE", TString::kIgnoreCase))
       create = kTRUE;
   Bool_t recreate = fOption.CompareTo("RECREATE", TString::kIgnoreCase)
                    ? kFALSE : kTRUE;
   Bool_t update   = fOption.CompareTo("UPDATE", TString::kIgnoreCase)
                    ? kFALSE : kTRUE;
   Bool_t read     = fOption.CompareTo("READ", TString::kIgnoreCase)
                    ? kFALSE : kTRUE;
   if (!create && !recreate && !update && !read) {
      read    = kTRUE;
      fOption = "READ";

   const char *fname;
   if ((fname = gSystem->ExpandPathName(fname1))) {
      delete [] (char*)fname;
      fname = GetName();
   } else {
      Error("TFile", "error expanding path %s", fname1);
      goto zombie;

   if (recreate) {
      if (!gSystem->AccessPathName(fname, kFileExists))
      recreate = kFALSE;
      create   = kTRUE;
      fOption  = "CREATE";
   if (create && !gSystem->AccessPathName(fname, kFileExists)) {
      Error("TFile", "file %s already exists", fname);
      goto zombie;
   if (update) {
      if (gSystem->AccessPathName(fname, kFileExists)) {
         Error("TFile", "file %s does not exist", fname);
         goto zombie;
      if (gSystem->AccessPathName(fname, kWritePermission)) {
         Error("TFile", "no write permission, could not open file %s", fname);
         goto zombie;
   if (read) {
      if (gSystem->AccessPathName(fname, kFileExists)) {
         Error("TFile", "file %s does not exist", fname);
         goto zombie;
      if (gSystem->AccessPathName(fname, kReadPermission)) {
         Error("TFile", "no read permission, could not open file %s", fname);
         goto zombie;

//*-*--------------Connect to file system stream
   if (create || update) {
#ifndef WIN32
      fD = SysOpen(fname, O_RDWR | O_CREAT, 0644);
      fD = SysOpen(fname, O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_BINARY, S_IREAD | S_IWRITE);
      if (fD == -1) {
         SysError("TFile", "file %s can not be opened", fname);
         goto zombie;
      fWritable = kTRUE;
   } else {
#ifndef WIN32
      fD = SysOpen(fname, O_RDONLY, 0644);
      fD = SysOpen(fname, O_RDONLY | O_BINARY, S_IREAD | S_IWRITE);
      if (fD == -1) {
         SysError("TFile", "file %s can not be opened for reading", fname);
         goto zombie;
      fWritable = kFALSE;



   // error in file opening occured, make this object a zombie
   gDirectory = gROOT;

 TFile::TFile(const TFile &file)

//*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*File destructor*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
//*-*                    ===============




   if (gDebug)
      cerr <<"TFile dtor called for " << GetName() << endl;

 void TFile::Init(Bool_t create)
   // Initialize a TFile object.

   Int_t max_file_size = 2000000000;  // should rather check disk quota
   Int_t nfree;

   // make newly opened file the current file and directory

//*-*---------------NEW file
   if (create) {
      fFree        = new TList(this);
      fBEGIN       = kBegin;    //First used word in file following the file header
      fEND         = fBEGIN;    //Pointer to end of file
      new TFree(fBEGIN, max_file_size);  //Create new free list

//*-* Write Directory info
      Int_t namelen= TNamed::Sizeof();
      Int_t nbytes = namelen + TDirectory::Sizeof();
      TKey *key    = new TKey(fName,fTitle,IsA(),nbytes);
      fNbytesName  = key->GetKeylen() + namelen;
      fSeekDir     = key->GetSeekKey();
      fSeekFree    = 0;
      fNbytesFree  = 0;
      char *buffer = key->GetBuffer();
      delete key;
   else {
      char *header = new char[kBegin];

      // make sure this is a root file
      if (strncmp(header, "root", 4)) {
         Error("TFile", "%s not a ROOT file", fName.Data());
         delete [] header;
         goto zombie;

      char *buffer = header + 4;    // skip the "root" file identifier
      frombuf(buffer, &fVersion);
      frombuf(buffer, &fBEGIN);
      frombuf(buffer, &fEND);
      frombuf(buffer, &fSeekFree);
      frombuf(buffer, &fNbytesFree);
      frombuf(buffer, &nfree);
      frombuf(buffer, &fNbytesName);
      frombuf(buffer, &fUnits );
      frombuf(buffer, &fCompress);
      fSeekDir = fBEGIN;
      delete [] header;
//*-*-------------Read Free segments structure if file is writable
      if (fWritable) {
        fFree = new TList(this);
        if (fSeekFree > fBEGIN) {
        } else {
           Warning("TFile","file %s probably not closed, cannot read free segments",GetName());
//*-*-------------Read directory info
      Int_t nbytes = fNbytesName + TDirectory::Sizeof();
      header       = new char[nbytes];
      buffer       = header;
      buffer = header+fNbytesName;
      Version_t versiondir;
      frombuf(buffer, &fNbytesKeys);
      frombuf(buffer, &fNbytesName);
      frombuf(buffer, &fSeekDir);
      frombuf(buffer, &fSeekParent);
      frombuf(buffer, &fSeekKeys);
//*-*---------read TKey::FillBuffer info
      Int_t nk = sizeof(Int_t) +sizeof(Version_t) +2*sizeof(Int_t)+2*sizeof(Short_t)
      buffer = header+nk;
      TString cname;
      cname.ReadBuffer(buffer); // fName.ReadBuffer(buffer); file may have been renamed
      delete [] header;
      if (fNbytesName < 10 || fNbytesName > 1000) {
         Error("Init","Cannot read directory info");
         goto zombie;
//*-* -------------Read keys of the top directory
      if (fSeekKeys > fBEGIN) {
         gDirectory = this;
      } else {
         Warning("TFile","file %s probably not closed, trying to recover",GetName());

   if (TClassTable::GetDict("TProof")) {
      if (gROOT->ProcessLineFast("TProof::IsActive()"))
         gROOT->ProcessLineFast(Form("TProof::This()->ConnectFile((TFile *)0x%lx);",

   // error in file opening occured, make this object a zombie
   gDirectory = gROOT;

 void TFile::Close(Option_t *)
//*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Close a file*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
//*-*                    ============

   if (!IsOpen()) return;


   TDirectory *cursav = gDirectory;

   if (gFile == this) {
      cursav = 0;

   // Delete all supported directories structures from memory
   cd();      // Close() sets gFile = 0

   if (IsWritable()) {
      TFree *f1      = (TFree*) GetListOfFree()->First();
      if (f1) {
         WriteFree();       //*-*- Write free segments linked list
         WriteHeader();     //*-*- Now write file header

   // Delete free segments from free list (but don't delete list header)
   if (fFree) {

   if (IsOpen()) {
      fD = -1;

   fWritable = kFALSE;

   if (cursav)
   else {
      gFile      = 0;
      gDirectory = gROOT;


   if (TClassTable::GetDict("TProof")) {
      if (gROOT->ProcessLineFast("TProof::IsActive()"))
         gROOT->ProcessLineFast(Form("TProof::This()->DisConnectFile((TFile *)0x%lx);",


 void TFile::Delete(const char *namecycle)
//*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Delete object namecycle*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
//*-*                      =======================
//  namecycle identifies an object in the top directory of the file
//   namecycle has the format name;cycle
//   name  = * means all
//   cycle = * means all cycles (memory and keys)
//   cycle = "" or cycle = 9999 ==> apply to a memory object
//   When name=* use T* to delete subdirectories also
//   examples:
//     foo   : delete object named foo in memory
//     foo;1 : delete cycle 1 of foo on file
//     foo;* : delete all cycles of foo on disk and also from memory
//     *;2   : delete all objects on file having the cycle 2
//     *;*   : delete all objects from memory and file
//    T*;*   : delete all objects from memory and file and all subdirectories

   if (gDebug)
      Printf("TFile Deleting Name=%s",namecycle);

 void TFile::Draw(Option_t *option)
//*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Fill Graphics Structure and Paint-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
//*-*                    =================================
// Loop on all objects (memory or file) and all subdirectories


 void TFile::Flush()
   // Synchornize a file's in-core and on-disk states.

   if (IsOpen() && fWritable) {
      if (SysSync(fD) < 0)
         SysError("Flush", "error flushing file %s", GetName());

 void TFile::FillBuffer(char *&buffer)
//*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Encode file output buffer*-*-*-*-*-*-*
//*-*                    =========================
// The file output buffer contains only the FREE data record

   Version_t version = TFile::Class_Version();
   tobuf(buffer, version);

 Int_t TFile::GetBestBuffer()
//*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Return the best buffer size of objects on this file*-*-*-*-*-*
//*-*            ===================================================
//  The best buffer size is estimated based on the current mean value
//  and standard deviation of all objects written so far to this file.
//  Returns mean value + one standard deviation.

   if (!fWritten) return TBuffer::kInitialSize;
   Double_t mean = fSumBuffer/fWritten;
   Double_t rms2 = TMath::Abs(fSum2Buffer/fSumBuffer -mean*mean);
   return (Int_t)(mean + TMath::Sqrt(rms2));

 Float_t TFile::GetCompressionFactor()
//*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Return the file compression factor*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
//*-*                =================================
//  Add total number of compressed/uncompressed bytes for each key.
//  return ratio of the two.
   Short_t  keylen;
   UInt_t   datime;
   Int_t    nbytes,objlen;
   char    *header = new char[kBegin];
   char    *buffer;
   Seek_t   idcur = fBEGIN;
   Float_t comp,uncomp;
   comp = uncomp = fBEGIN;
   char nwh = 64;

   while (idcur < fEND-100) {
      frombuf(buffer, &nbytes);
      if (nbytes < 0) {
         idcur -= nbytes;
      Version_t versionkey;
      frombuf(buffer, &versionkey);
      frombuf(buffer, &objlen);
      frombuf(buffer, &datime);
      frombuf(buffer, &keylen);
      if (!objlen) objlen = nbytes-keylen;
      comp   += nbytes;
      uncomp += keylen + objlen;
      idcur  += nbytes;
   delete [] header;
   return uncomp/comp;

 Int_t TFile::GetRecordHeader(char *buf, Seek_t first, Int_t maxbytes, Int_t &nbytes, Int_t &objlen, Int_t &keylen)
//*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Read the logical record header starting at position first
//*-*              =========================================================
// maxbytes bytes are read into buf
// the function reads nread bytes where nread is the minimum of maxbytes
// and the number of bytes before the end of file.
// the function returns nread.
// In output arguments:
//    nbytes : number of bytes in record
//             if negative, this is a deleted record
//             if 0, cannot read record, wrong value of argument first
//    objlen : uncompressed object size
//    keylen : length of logical record header
// Note that the arguments objlen and keylen are returned only if maxbytes >=16

   if (first < fBEGIN) return 0;
   if (first > fEND)   return 0;
   Int_t nread = maxbytes;
   if (first+maxbytes > fEND) nread = fEND-maxbytes;
   if (nread < 4) {
      Warning("GetRecordHeader","parameter maxbytes=%d must be >= 4",nread);
      return nread;
   Version_t versionkey;
   Short_t  klen;
   UInt_t   datime;
   Int_t    nb,olen;
   char *buffer = buf;
   nbytes = nb;
   if (nb < 0) return nread;
//   const Int_t headerSize = Int_t(sizeof(nb) +sizeof(versionkey) +sizeof(olen) +sizeof(datime) +sizeof(klen));
   const Int_t headerSize = 16;
   if (nread < headerSize) return nread;
   frombuf(buffer, &versionkey);
   frombuf(buffer, &olen);
   frombuf(buffer, &datime);
   frombuf(buffer, &klen);
   if (!olen) olen = nbytes-klen;
   objlen = olen;
   keylen = klen;
   return nread;

 void TFile::ls(Option_t *option)
//*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*List File contents*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
//*-*                    ==================
//  Indentation is used to identify the file tree
//  Subdirectories are listed first
//  then objects in memory
//  then objects on the file

   cout <<ClassName()<<"**t\t"<<GetName()<<"t"<<GetTitle()<<endl;

 Bool_t TFile::IsOpen() const
   // Returns kTRUE in case file is open and kFALSE if file is not open.

   return fD == -1 ? kFALSE : kTRUE;

 void TFile::MakeFree(Seek_t first, Seek_t last)
//*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Mark unused bytes on the file*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
//*-*                    =============================
//  The list of free segments is in the lFree linked list
//  When an object is deleted from the file, the freed space is added
//  into the FREE linked list (lFree). The FREE list consists of a chain
//  of consecutive free segments on the file. At the same time, the first
//  4 bytes of the freed record on the file are overwritten by GAPSIZE
//  where GAPSIZE = -(Number of bytes occupied by the record).

   TFree *f1      = (TFree*) GetListOfFree()->First();
   if (!f1) return;
   TFree *newfree = f1->AddFree(first,last);
   Seek_t nfirst  = newfree->GetFirst();
   Seek_t nlast   = newfree->GetLast();
   Int_t nbytes   = Int_t (nfirst - nlast -1);
   Int_t nb       = sizeof(Int_t);
   char * buffer  = new char[nb];
   char * psave   = buffer;
   tobuf(buffer, nbytes);
   if (nlast == fEND-1) fEND = nfirst;
   WriteBuffer(psave, nb);
   delete [] psave;

 void TFile::Map()
//*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*List the contents of a file sequentially*-*-*-*-*-*
//*-*                ========================================
//  For each logical record found, it prints
//     Date/Time  Record_Adress Logical_Record_Length  ClassName  CompressionFactor
//  Example of output
//  960122/105933  At:64        N=160       TFile
//  960122/105933  At:224       N=402       TH1F           CX = 2.09
//  960122/105934  At:626       N=1369      TH2F           CX = 5.57
//  960122/105934  At:1995      N=1761      TProfile       CX = 1.63
//  960122/105936  At:3756      N=181640    THN            CX = 1.10
//  960122/105936  At:185396    N=326       TFile
//  960122/105936  At:185722    N=98        TFile
   Short_t  keylen,cycle;
   UInt_t   datime;
   Int_t    nbytes,date,time,objlen,nwheader;
   Seek_t   seekkey,seekpdir;
   char    *header = new char[kBegin];
   char    *buffer;
   char     nwhc;
   Seek_t   idcur = fBEGIN;

   nwheader = 64;
   Int_t nread = nwheader;

   while (idcur < fEND) {
      if (idcur+nread >= fEND) nread = fEND-idcur-1;
      frombuf(buffer, &nbytes);
      if (!nbytes) {
         Printf("Address = %dtNbytes = %dt=====E R R O R=======", idcur, nbytes);
      if (nbytes < 0) {
         Printf("Address = %dtNbytes = %dt=====G A P===========", idcur, nbytes);
         idcur -= nbytes;
      Version_t versionkey;
      frombuf(buffer, &versionkey);
      frombuf(buffer, &objlen);
      frombuf(buffer, &datime);
      frombuf(buffer, &keylen);
      frombuf(buffer, &cycle);
      frombuf(buffer, &seekkey);
      frombuf(buffer, &seekpdir);
      frombuf(buffer, &nwhc);
      char *classname = new char[nwhc+1];
      int i;
      for (i = 0;i < nwhc; i++) frombuf(buffer, &classname[i]);
      classname[nwhc] = '0';
      TDatime::GetDateTime(datime, date, time);
      if (objlen != nbytes-keylen) {
         Float_t cx = Float_t(objlen+keylen)/Float_t(nbytes);
         Printf("%d/%06d  At:%-8d  N=%-8d  %-14s CX = %5.2f",date,time,idcur,nbytes,classname,cx);
      } else {
         Printf("%d/%06d  At:%-8d  N=%-8d  %-14s",date,time,idcur,nbytes,classname);
      delete [] classname;
      idcur += nbytes;
   delete [] header;

 void TFile::Paint(Option_t *option)
//*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Paint all objects in the file*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
//*-*                    =============================


 void TFile::Print(Option_t *option)
//*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Print all objects in the file*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
//*-*                    =============================

   Printf("TFile: name=%s, title=%s, option=%s", GetName(), GetTitle(), GetOption());

 Bool_t TFile::ReadBuffer(char *buf, int len)
   // Read a buffer from the file. This is the basic low level read operation.
   // Returns kTRUE in case of failure.

   if (IsOpen()) {
      ssize_t siz;
      while ((siz = SysRead(fD, buf, len)) < 0 && TSystem::GetErrno() == EINTR)
      if (siz < 0) {
         SysError("ReadBuffer", "error reading from file %s", GetName());
         return kTRUE;
      if (siz != len) {
         Error("ReadBuffer", "error reading all requested bytes from file %s, got %d of %d",
               GetName(), siz, len);
         return kTRUE;
      fBytesRead  += siz;
      fgBytesRead += siz;

      return kFALSE;
   return kTRUE;

 void TFile::ReadFree()
//*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Read the FREE linked list*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
//*-*                      =========================
//  Every file has a linked list (fFree) of free segments
//  This linked list has been written on the file via WriteFree
//  as a single data record

   TKey *headerfree  = new TKey(fSeekFree,fNbytesFree);
   char *buffer = headerfree->GetBuffer();
   buffer =  headerfree->GetBuffer();
   while(1) {
      TFree *afree = new TFree();
      if (afree->GetLast() > fEND) break;
   delete headerfree;

 void TFile::Recover()
//*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Attempt to recover file if not correctly closed*-*-*-*-*
//*-*              ===============================================

   Short_t  keylen,cycle;
   UInt_t   datime;
   Int_t    nbytes,date,time,objlen,nwheader;
   Seek_t   seekkey,seekpdir;
   char    *header = new char[kBegin];
   char    *buffer, *bufread;
   char     nwhc;
   Seek_t   idcur = fBEGIN;

   Long_t id, size, flags, modtime;

   fEND = (Int_t)size;

   if (fWritable && !fFree) fFree  = new TList(this);

   TKey *key;
   Int_t nrecov = 0;
   nwheader = 64;
   Int_t nread = nwheader;

   while (idcur < fEND) {
      if (idcur+nread >= fEND) nread = fEND-idcur-1;
      buffer  = header;
      bufread = header;
      frombuf(buffer, &nbytes);
      if (!nbytes) {
         Printf("Address = %dtNbytes = %dt=====E R R O R=======", idcur, nbytes);
      if (nbytes < 0) {
         idcur -= nbytes;
         if (fWritable) new TFree(idcur,idcur-nbytes-1);
      Version_t versionkey;
      frombuf(buffer, &versionkey);
      frombuf(buffer, &objlen);
      frombuf(buffer, &datime);
      frombuf(buffer, &keylen);
      frombuf(buffer, &cycle);
      frombuf(buffer, &seekkey);
      frombuf(buffer, &seekpdir);
      frombuf(buffer, &nwhc);
      char *classname = new char[nwhc+1];
      int i;
      for (i = 0;i < nwhc; i++) frombuf(buffer, &classname[i]);
      classname[nwhc] = '0';
      TDatime::GetDateTime(datime, date, time);
      if (!strcmp(classname,"TBasket")) {idcur += nbytes; continue;}
      if (seekpdir != fSeekDir) {idcur += nbytes; continue;}
      key = new TKey();
      delete [] classname;
      idcur += nbytes;
   if (fWritable) {
      new TFree(fEND,2000000000);
      if (nrecov) Write();
   delete [] header;
   if (nrecov) Warning("Recover", "successfully recovered %d keys", nrecov);
   else        Warning("Recover", "no keys recovered");

 void TFile::Seek(Seek_t offset, ERelativeTo pos)
   // Seek to a specific position in the file. Pos it either kBeg, kCur or kEnd.

   int whence = 0;
   switch (pos) {
   case kBeg:
      whence = SEEK_SET;
   case kCur:
      whence = SEEK_CUR;
   case kEnd:
      whence = SEEK_END;
   if (SysSeek(fD, offset, whence) < 0)
      SysError("Seek", "cannot seek to position %d in file %s", offset, GetName());

 void TFile::SetCompressionLevel(Int_t level)
//*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Set level of compression for this file*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
//*-*                ======================================
//  level = 0 objects written to this file will not be compressed.
//  level = 1 minimal compression level but fast.
//  ....
//  level = 9 maximal compression level but slow.
//  Note that the compression level may be changed at any time.
//  The new compression level will only apply to newly written objects.
//  The function TFile::Map shows the compression factor
//  for each object written to this file.
//  The function TFile::GetCompressionFactor returns the global
//  compression factor for this file.

   if (level < 0) level = 0;
   if (level > 9) level = 9;
   fCompress = level;

 Int_t TFile::Sizeof() const
//*-*-*-*-*-*-*Return the size in bytes of the file header-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
//*-*          ===========================================

   return 0;

 void TFile::Streamer(TBuffer &b)
   // Stream a TFile object.

   if (b.IsReading()) {
      b.ReadVersion();  //Version_t v = b.ReadVersion();
   } else {

 void TFile::SumBuffer(Int_t bufsize)
//*-*-*-*-*Increment statistics for buffer sizes of objects in this file*-*-*
//*-*      =============================================================

   fSumBuffer  += bufsize;
   fSum2Buffer += bufsize*bufsize;

 void TFile::Write(const char *, Int_t opt, Int_t bufsiz)
//*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Write memory objects to this file*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
//*-*                =================================
//  Loop on all objects in memory (including subdirectories).
//  A new key is created in the KEYS linked list for each object.
//  The list of keys is then saved on the file (via WriteKeys)
//  as a single data record.
//  For values of opt see TObject::Write().
//  The directory header info is rewritten on the directory header record.
//  The linked list of FREE segments is written.
//  The file header is written (bytes 1->fBEGIN).

   if (!IsWritable()) {
      Warning("Write", "file not opened in write mode");

   TDirectory *cursav = gDirectory;

   if (gDebug) {
      if (!GetTitle() || strlen(GetTitle()) == 0)
         Printf("TFile Writing Name=%s", GetName());
         Printf("TFile Writing Name=%s Title=%s", GetName(), GetTitle());

   TDirectory::Write(0, opt, bufsiz); // Write directory tree
   WriteFree();                       // Write free segments linked list
   WriteHeader();                     // Now write file header


 Bool_t TFile::WriteBuffer(const char *buf, int len)
   // Write a buffer to the file. This is the basic low level write operation.
   // Returns kTRUE in case of failure.

   if (IsOpen() && fWritable) {
      ssize_t siz;
      while ((siz = SysWrite(fD, buf, len)) < 0 && TSystem::GetErrno() == EINTR)
      if (siz < 0) {
         SysError("WriteBuffer", "error writing to file %s", GetName());
         return kTRUE;
      if (siz != len) {
         Error("WriteBuffer", "error writing all requested bytes to file %s, wrote %d of %d",
               GetName(), siz, len);
         return kTRUE;
      fBytesWrite  += siz;
      fgBytesWrite += siz;

      return kFALSE;
   return kTRUE;

 void TFile::WriteFree()
//*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Write FREE linked list on the file *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
//*-*                    ==================================
//  The linked list of FREE segments (fFree) is written as a single data
//  record

//*-* Delete old record if it exists
   if (fSeekFree != 0){
      MakeFree(fSeekFree, fSeekFree + fNbytesFree -1);

   Int_t nbytes = 0;
   TFree *afree;
   TIter next (fFree);
   while ((afree = (TFree*) next())) {
      nbytes += afree->Sizeof();
   if (!nbytes) return;
   TKey *key    = new TKey(fName,fTitle,IsA(),nbytes);
   if (key->GetSeekKey() == 0) {
      delete key;
   char *buffer = key->GetBuffer();

   while ((afree = (TFree*) next())) {
   fNbytesFree = key->GetNbytes();
   fSeekFree   = key->GetSeekKey();
   delete key;

 void TFile::WriteHeader()
//*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Write File Header*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
//*-*                    =================
   TFree *lastfree = (TFree*)GetListOfFree()->Last();
   if (lastfree) fEND  = lastfree->GetFirst();
   const char *root = "root";
   char *psave  = new char[kBegin];
   char *buffer = psave;
   Int_t nfree  = fFree->GetSize();
   memcpy(buffer, root, 4); buffer += 4;
   tobuf(buffer, fVersion);
   tobuf(buffer, fBEGIN);
   tobuf(buffer, fEND);
   tobuf(buffer, fSeekFree);
   tobuf(buffer, fNbytesFree);
   tobuf(buffer, nfree);
   tobuf(buffer, fNbytesName);
   tobuf(buffer, fUnits);
   tobuf(buffer, fCompress);
   Int_t nbytes  = buffer - psave;
   WriteBuffer(psave, nbytes);
   delete [] psave;

 TFile *TFile::Open(const char *name, Option_t *option, const char *ftitle, Int_t compress)
   // Static member function allowing the creation/opening of either a
   // TFile, TNetFile, TWebFile or a TRFIOFile. The returned type of TFile
   // depends on the file name. If the file starts with "root:" a TNetFile
   // object will be returned, with "http:" a TWebFile, with "rfio:" a
   // TRFIOFile and with "file:" or the default a local TFile. However,
   // before opening a file via TNetFile a check is made to see if the URL
   // specifies a local file. If that is the case the file will be opened
   // via a normal TFile. To force the opening of a local file via a
   // TNetFile use either TNetFile directly or specify as host "localhost".

   TFile *f = 0;

   if (!strncmp(name, "root:", 5)) {
      TUrl url(name);
      TInetAddress a(gSystem->GetHostByName(url.GetHost()));
      TInetAddress b(gSystem->GetHostByName(gSystem->HostName()));
      if (strcmp(a.GetHostName(), b.GetHostName()))
         f = new TNetFile(name, option, ftitle, compress);
      else {
         const char *fname = url.GetFile();
         if (fname[1] == '/' || fname[1] == '~' || fname[1] == '$')
            f = new TFile(&fname[1], option, ftitle, compress);
            f = new TFile(Form("%s%s", gSystem->HomeDirectory(), fname),
                          option, ftitle, compress);
   } else if (!strncmp(name, "rfio:", 5)) {
      if (gROOT->LoadClass("TRFIOFile", "RFIO")) return 0;
      f = (TFile*) gROOT->ProcessLineFast(Form("new TRFIOFile("%s","%s","%s",%d)",
          name, option, ftitle, compress));
   } else if (!strncmp(name, "hpss:", 5)) {

   } else if (!strncmp(name, "http:", 5))
      f = new TWebFile(name);
   else if (!strncmp(name, "file:", 5))
      f = new TFile(name+5, option, ftitle, compress);
      f = new TFile(name, option, ftitle, compress);

   return f;

 Int_t TFile::SysOpen(const char *pathname, Int_t flags, UInt_t mode)
   // Interface to system open. All arguments like in "man 2 open".

   return ::open(pathname, flags, mode);

 Int_t TFile::SysClose(Int_t fd)
   // Interface to system close. All arguments like in "man 2 close".

   return ::close(fd);

 Int_t TFile::SysRead(Int_t fd, void *buf, Int_t len)
   // Interface to system read. All arguments like in "man 2 read".

   return ::read(fd, buf, len);

 Int_t TFile::SysWrite(Int_t fd, const void *buf, Int_t len)
   // Interface to system write. All arguments like in "man 2 write".

   return ::write(fd, buf, len);

 Seek_t TFile::SysSeek(Int_t fd, Seek_t offset, Int_t whence)
   // Interface to system lseek. All arguments like in "man 2 lseek"
   // except that the offset and return value are Long_t to be able to
   // handle 64 bit file systems.

   return ::lseek(fd, offset, whence);

 Int_t TFile::SysSync(Int_t fd)
   // Interface to system fsync. All arguments like in "man 2 fsync".

#ifndef WIN32
   return ::fsync(fd);
   return 0;

 Double_t TFile::GetFileBytesRead() { return fgBytesRead; }

 Double_t TFile::GetFileBytesWritten() { return fgBytesWrite; }

 void TFile::SetFileBytesRead(Double_t bytes){ fgBytesRead = bytes; }

 void TFile::SetFileBytesWritten(Double_t bytes){ fgBytesWrite = bytes; }

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