//*CMZ : 2.24/05 15/05/2000 20.25.48 by Fons Rademakers
//*CMZ : 2.24/03 18/04/2000 19.15.03 by Valery Fine(fine@bnl.gov)
//*CMZ : 2.24/02 05/04/2000 19.02.18 by Rene Brun
//*CMZ : 2.24/01 27/03/2000 16.15.56 by Rene Brun
//*CMZ : 2.23/12 26/01/2000 10.04.52 by Rene Brun
//*CMZ : 2.23/04 13/10/99 16.01.02 by Fons Rademakers
//*CMZ : 2.23/03 21/09/99 13.02.43 by Rene Brun
//*CMZ : 2.23/01 24/08/99 18.17.19 by Fons Rademakers
//*CMZ : 2.21/08 17/03/99 08.32.00 by Rene Brun
//*CMZ : 2.21/07 05/03/99 17.21.43 by Rene Brun
//*-- Author : Nenad Buncic 18/10/95
* Copyright (C) 1995-2000, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. *
* All rights reserved. *
* *
* For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. *
* For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. *
#include "TROOT.h"
#include "TBaseClass.h"
#include "TVirtualPad.h"
#include "TClass.h"
#include "TClassTable.h"
#include "TDataMember.h"
#include "TDataType.h"
#include "TDatime.h"
#include "TEnv.h"
#include "TError.h"
#include "THtml.h"
#include "TMethod.h"
#include "TSystem.h"
#include "TString.h"
//*KEEP,TInterpreter, T=C++.
#include "TInterpreter.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <fstream.h>
THtml *gHtml = 0;
const Int_t kSpaceNum = 1;
const char *formatStr = "%12s %5s %s";
enum ESortType {kCaseInsensitive, kCaseSensitive};
enum EFileType {kSource, kInclude, kTree};
// The HyperText Markup Language (HTML) is a simple data format used to
// create hypertext documents that are portable from one platform to another.
// HTML documents are SGML documents with generic semantics that are
// appropriate for representing information from a wide range of domains.
// The THtml class is designed to provide an easy way for converting ROOT
// classes, and files as well, into HTML documents. Here is the few rules
// and suggestions for a configuration, coding and usage.
// Configuration:
// -------------
// The output directory could be specified using the Root.Html.OutputDir
// environment variable ( default value: "html/" ). Also it is necessary to
// define Root.Html.SourceDir to point to directories containing .cxx and .h
// files ( see: TEnv ).
// Examples:
// Root.Html.OutputDir: html
// Root.Html.SourceDir: src:include:.:/usr/user/source
// Root.Html.Root: http://root.cern.ch/root/html
// During the conversion, THtml will look for the certain number of
// user defined strings, i.e. author's name, copyright note, etc.
// This could be defined with following environment variables:
// Root.Html.Author ( default: // Author:)
// Root.Html.LastUpdate ( default: // @(#))
// Root.Html.Copyright ( default: * Copyright)
// Coding rules:
// ------------
// A class description block, which must be placed before the first
// member function, has a following form:
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// // //
// // TMyClass //
// // //
// // This is the description block. //
// // //
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// The environment variable Root.Html.Description ( see: TEnv ) contents
// the delimiter string ( default value: //_________________ ). It means
// that you can also write your class description block like this:
// //_____________________________________________________________
// // A description of the class starts with the line above, and
// // will take place here !
// //
// Note that EVERYTHING until the first non-commented line is considered
// as a valid class description block.
// A member function description block starts immediately after '{'
// and looks like this:
// void TWorld::HelloWorldFunc( string *text )
// {
// // This is an example of description for the
// // TWorld member function
// helloWorld.Print( text );
// }
// Like in a class description block, EVERYTHING until the first
// non-commented line is considered as a valid member function
// description block.
// ==> The "Begin_Html" and "End_Html" special keywords <=========
// --------------------------------------------
// You can insert pure html code in your comment lines. During the
// generation of the documentation, this code will be inserted as is
// in the html file.
// Pure html code must be inserted between the keywords "Begin_Html"
// and "End_Html" starting/finishing anywhere in the comment lines.
// Examples of pure html code are given in many Root classes.
// See for example the classes TDataMember and TMinuit.
// ==> The escape character
// --------------------
// Outside blocks starting with "Begin_Html" and finishing with "End_Html"
// one can prevent the automatic translation of symbols like "<" and ">"
// to "<" and ">" by using the escape character in front.
// The default escape character is backslash and can be changed
// via the member function SetEscape.
// Usage:
// -----
// Root> gHtml.MakeAll // invoke a make for all classes
// Root> gHtml.MakeClass( TMyClass ) // create a HTML files for that class only
// Root> gHtml.MakeIndex() // creates an index files only
// Root> gHtml.MakeTree( TMyClass ) // creates an inheritance tree for a class
// Root> gHtml.Convert( hist1.mac, "Histogram example" )
// Environment variables:
// ---------------------
// Root.Html.OutputDir ( default: htmldoc/)
// Root.Html.SourceDir ( default: .:src/:include/)
// Root.Html.Author ( default: // Author:)
// Root.Html.LastUpdate ( default: // @(#))
// Root.Html.Copyright ( default: * Copyright)
// Root.Html.Description ( default: //____________________ )
// Root.Html.HomePage ( URL to the user defined home page )
// Root.Html.SearchEngine ( link to the search engine )
ClassImp( THtml )
// Create a THtml object. Use object directly or via the global
// pointer gHtml. In case output directory does not exist an error
// will be printed and gHtml stays 0 also zombie bit will be set.
fLen = 1024;
fLine = new char [fLen];
fCounter = new char [6];
fEscFlag = kFALSE;
// get prefix for source directory
fSourcePrefix = gEnv->GetValue( "Root.Html.SourcePrefix", "");
// check for source directory
fSourceDir = gEnv->GetValue( "Root.Html.SourceDir", "./:src/:include/" );
// check for output directory
fOutputDir = gEnv->GetValue( "Root.Html.OutputDir", "htmldoc/" );
fXwho = "http://consult.cern.ch/xwho/people?";
Int_t st;
Long_t sId, sSize, sFlags, sModtime;
if ((st = gSystem->GetPathInfo(fOutputDir, &sId, &sSize, &sFlags, &sModtime)) ||
!(sFlags & 2)) {
if (st == 0) {
Error("THtml", "output directory %s is an existing file", fOutputDir);
// Try creating directory
if (gSystem->MakeDirectory(fOutputDir) == -1) {
Error("THtml", "output directory %s does not exist", fOutputDir);
// insert html object in the list of special ROOT objects
gHtml = this;
// Default destructor
if( fLine ) delete [] fLine;
if( fCounter ) delete [] fCounter;
fSourceDir = 0;
fLen = 0;
int CaseSensitiveSort( const void *name1, const void *name2 )
// Friend function for sorting strings, case sensitive
// Input: name1 - pointer to the first string
// name2 - pointer to the second string
// NOTE: This function compares its arguments and returns an integer less
// than, equal to, or greater than zero, depending on whether name1
// is lexicographically less than, equal to, or greater than name2.
return( strcmp( *( (char **) name1 ), *( (char **) name2 )) );
int CaseInsensitiveSort( const void *name1, const void *name2 )
// Friend function for sorting strings, case insensitive
// Input: name1 - pointer to the first string
// name2 - pointer to the second string
// NOTE: This function compares its arguments and returns an integer less
// than, equal to, or greater than zero, depending on whether name1
// is lexicographically less than, equal to, or greater than name2,
// but characters are forced to lower-case prior to comparison.
return( strcasecmp( *( (char **) name1 ), *( (char **) name2 )) );
void THtml::Class2Html( TClass *classPtr, Bool_t force )
// It creates HTML file for a single class
// Input: classPtr - pointer to the class
const char *tab = "<!--TAB-->";
const char *tab2 = "<!--TAB2--> ";
const char *tab4 = "<!--TAB4--> ";
const char *tab6 = "<!--TAB6--> ";
gROOT->GetListOfGlobals( kTRUE );
// create a filename
char *tmp1 = gSystem->ExpandPathName( fOutputDir );
char *tmp2 = gSystem->ConcatFileName( tmp1, classPtr->GetName() );
char *filename = StrDup( tmp2, 6 );
strcat( filename, ".html" );
if( tmp1 ) delete [] tmp1;
if( tmp2 ) delete [] tmp2;
tmp1 = tmp2 = 0;
if( IsModified( classPtr, kSource ) || force ) {
// open class file
ofstream classFile;
classFile.open( filename, ios::out );
Bool_t classFlag = kFALSE;
if( classFile.good() ) {
Printf( formatStr, "", fCounter, filename );
// write a HTML header for the classFile file
WriteHtmlHeader( classFile, classPtr->GetName() );
// make a link to the description
classFile << "<!--BEGIN-->" << endl;
classFile << "<center>" << endl;
classFile << "<h1>" << classPtr->GetName() << "</h1>" << endl;
classFile << "<hr width=300>" << endl;
classFile << "<!--SDL--><em><a href=#" << classPtr->GetName()
<< ":description>class description</a>";
// make a link to the '.cxx' file
classFile << " - <a href="src/" << classPtr->GetName() << ".cxx.html"";
classFile << ">source file</a>";
// make a link to the inheritance tree
classFile << " - <a href="" << classPtr->GetName() << "_Tree.ps"";
classFile << ">inheritance tree</a>";
classFile << "</em>" << endl;
classFile << "<hr width=300>" << endl;
classFile << "</center>" << endl;
// make a link to the '.h' file
classFile << "<h2>" << "class <a name="" << classPtr->GetName() << "" href="";
classFile << GetFileName( (const char * ) classPtr->GetDeclFileName() ) << """;
classFile << ">" << classPtr->GetName() << "</a> ";
// copy .h file to the Html output directory
char *declf = GetSourceFileName(classPtr->GetDeclFileName());
delete [] declf;
// make a loop on base classes
Bool_t first = kTRUE;
TBaseClass *inheritFrom;
TIter nextBase( classPtr->GetListOfBases() );
while (( inheritFrom = ( TBaseClass * ) nextBase() )) {
if( first ) {
classFile << ": ";
first = kFALSE;
else classFile << ", ";
classFile << "public ";
// get a class
TClass *classInh = GetClass( (const char * ) inheritFrom->GetName() );
char *htmlFile = GetHtmlFileName( classInh );
if( htmlFile ) {
classFile << "<a href="";
// make a link to the base class
classFile << htmlFile;
classFile << "">" << inheritFrom->GetName() << "</a>";
delete [] htmlFile;
htmlFile = 0;
else classFile << inheritFrom->GetName();
classFile << "</h2>" << endl;
classFile << "<pre>" << endl;
// make a loop on member functions
TMethod *method;
TIter nextMethod( classPtr->GetListOfMethods() );
Int_t len, maxLen[3];
len = maxLen[0] = maxLen[1] = maxLen[2] = 0;
// loop to get a pointers to a method names
const Int_t nMethods = classPtr->GetNmethods();
const char **methodNames = new const char*[3*2*nMethods];
Int_t mtype, num[3];
mtype = num[0] = num[1] = num[2] = 0;
while (( method = ( TMethod * ) nextMethod() )) {
!strcmp( method->GetName(), "Dictionary" ) ||
!strcmp( method->GetName(), "Class_Version" ) ||
!strcmp( method->GetName(), "Class_Name" ) ||
!strcmp( method->GetName(), "DeclFileName" ) ||
!strcmp( method->GetName(), "DeclFileLine" ) ||
!strcmp( method->GetName(), "ImplFileName" ) ||
!strcmp( method->GetName(), "ImplFileLine" )
) continue;
if( kIsPrivate & method->Property() )
mtype = 0;
else if( kIsProtected & method->Property() )
mtype = 1;
else if( kIsPublic & method->Property() )
mtype = 2;
methodNames[mtype*2*nMethods+2*num[mtype]] = method->GetName();
if (method->GetReturnTypeName() ) len = strlen( method->GetReturnTypeName() );
else len = 0;
if( kIsVirtual & method->Property() ) len += 8;
if( kIsStatic & method->Property() ) len += 7;
maxLen[mtype] = maxLen[mtype] > len ? maxLen[mtype] : len;
const char* type = strrchr( method->GetReturnTypeName(), ' ' );
if( ! type ) type = method->GetReturnTypeName();
else type++;
if( classPtr && !strcmp( type, classPtr->GetName() ))
methodNames[mtype*2*nMethods+2*num[mtype]] = "A00000000";
// if this is the destructor
while( '~' == *methodNames[mtype*2*nMethods+2*num[mtype]] )
methodNames[mtype*2*nMethods+2*num[mtype]] = "A00000001";
methodNames[mtype*2*nMethods+2*num[mtype]+1] = (char *) method;
Int_t i, j;
for( j = 0; j < 3; j ++ ) {
if( *( methodNames+j*2*nMethods ) ) {
qsort( methodNames+j*2*nMethods, num[j], 2*sizeof( methodNames ), CaseInsensitiveSort );
const char *ftitle = 0;
switch( j ) {
case 0: ftitle = "private:";
case 1: ftitle = "protected:";
case 2: ftitle = "public:";
if( j ) classFile << endl;
classFile << tab4 << "<b>" << ftitle << "</b><br>" << endl;
for( i = 0; i < num[j]; i++ ) {
method = (TMethod *) methodNames[j*2*nMethods+2*i+1];
if( method ) {
Int_t w = 0;
if( method->GetReturnTypeName() ) len = strlen( method->GetReturnTypeName() );
else len = 0;
if( kIsVirtual & method->Property() ) len += 8;
if( kIsStatic & method->Property() ) len += 7;
classFile << tab6;
for( w = 0; w < ( maxLen[j]-len ); w++ )
classFile << " ";
if( kIsVirtual & method->Property() )
classFile << "virtual ";
if( kIsStatic & method->Property() )
classFile << "static ";
strcpy( fLine, method->GetReturnTypeName() );
ExpandKeywords( classFile, fLine, classPtr, classFlag );
classFile << " " << tab << "<!--BOLD-->";
classFile << "<a href="#" << classPtr->GetName();
classFile << ":";
ReplaceSpecialChars( classFile, method->GetName() );
classFile << "">";
ReplaceSpecialChars( classFile, method->GetName() );
classFile << "</a><!--PLAIN-->";
strcpy( fLine, method->GetSignature() );
ExpandKeywords( classFile, fLine, classPtr, classFlag );
classFile << endl;
delete [] methodNames;
// make a loop on data members
first = kFALSE;
TDataMember *member;
TIter nextMember( classPtr->GetListOfDataMembers() );
Int_t len1, len2, maxLen1[3], maxLen2[3];
len1 = len2 = maxLen1[0] = maxLen1[1] = maxLen1[2] = 0;
maxLen2[0] = maxLen2[1] = maxLen2[2] = 0;
mtype = num[0] = num[1] = num[2] = 0;
Int_t ndata = classPtr->GetNdata();
// if data member exist
if( ndata ) {
TDataMember **memberArray = new TDataMember*[3*ndata];
if( memberArray ) {
while (( member = ( TDataMember * ) nextMember() )) {
!strcmp( member->GetName(), "fgIsA" )
) continue;
if( kIsPrivate & member->Property() )
mtype = 0;
else if( kIsProtected & member->Property() )
mtype = 1;
else if( kIsPublic & member->Property() )
mtype = 2;
memberArray[mtype*ndata+num[mtype]] = member;
if( member->GetFullTypeName() )
len1 = strlen( (char * ) member->GetFullTypeName() );
else len1 = 0;
if( member->GetName() )
len2 = strlen( member->GetName() );
else len2 = 0;
if( kIsStatic & member->Property() ) len1 += 7;
// Take in account the room the array index will occupy
Int_t dim = member->GetArrayDim();
Int_t indx = 0;
while (indx < dim ){
len2 += Int_t(TMath::Log10(member->GetMaxIndex(indx))) + 3;
maxLen1[mtype] = maxLen1[mtype] > len1 ? maxLen1[mtype] : len1;
maxLen2[mtype] = maxLen2[mtype] > len2 ? maxLen2[mtype] : len2;
classFile << endl;
classFile << "<h3>" << tab2 << "<a name="";
classFile << classPtr->GetName();
classFile << ":Data Members">Data Members</a></h3>" << endl;
for( j = 0; j < 3; j++ ) {
if( memberArray[j*ndata] ) {
const char *ftitle = 0;
switch( j ) {
case 0: ftitle = "private:";
case 1: ftitle = "protected:";
case 2: ftitle = "public:";
if( j ) classFile << endl;
classFile << tab4 << "<b>" << ftitle << "</b><br>" << endl;
for( i = 0; i < num[j]; i++ ) {
Int_t w = 0;
member = memberArray[j*ndata+i];
classFile << tab6;
if ( member->GetFullTypeName() ) len1 = strlen( member->GetFullTypeName() );
else len1 = 0;
if( kIsStatic & member->Property() ) len1 += 7;
for( w = 0; w < ( maxLen1[j]-len1 ); w++ )
classFile << " ";
if( kIsStatic & member->Property() )
classFile << "static ";
strcpy( fLine, member->GetFullTypeName() );
ExpandKeywords( classFile, fLine, classPtr, classFlag );
classFile << " " << tab << "<!--BOLD-->";
classFile << "<a name="" << classPtr->GetName() << ":";
classFile << member->GetName();
classFile << "">" << member->GetName();
// Add the dimensions to "array" members
Int_t dim = member->GetArrayDim();
Int_t indx = 0;
Int_t indxlen = 0;
while (indx < dim ){
classFile << "[" << member->GetMaxIndex(indx)<<"]";
// Take in account the room this index will occupy
indxlen += Int_t(TMath::Log10(member->GetMaxIndex(indx))) + 3;
classFile << "</a><!--PLAIN--> ";
len2 = 0;
if( member->GetName() )
len2 = strlen( member->GetName() ) + indxlen;
for( w = 0; w < ( maxLen2[j]-len2 ); w++ )
classFile << " ";
classFile << " " << tab;
classFile << "<i><a name="Title:";
classFile << member->GetName();
classFile << "">";
strcpy( fLine, member->GetTitle() );
ReplaceSpecialChars( classFile, fLine );
classFile << "</a></i>" << endl;
classFile << "</pre>" << endl;
delete [] memberArray;
classFile << "<!--END-->" << endl;
// create a 'See also' part
DerivedClasses( classFile, classPtr );
// process a '.cxx' file
ClassDescription( classFile, classPtr, classFlag );
// close a file
else Error( "Make", "Can't open file '%s' !", filename );
else Printf( formatStr, "-no change-", fCounter, filename );
if( filename ) delete [] filename;
filename = 0;
void THtml::ClassDescription( ofstream &out, TClass *classPtr, Bool_t &flag )
// This function builds the description of the class
// Input: out - output file stream
// classPtr - pointer to the class
// flag - this is a '/' flag
char *ptr, *key;
Bool_t tempFlag = kFALSE;
char *filename = 0;
// allocate memory
char *nextLine = new char [256];
char *pattern = new char [80];
char *lastUpdate = new char [80];
char *author = new char [80];
char *copyright = new char [80];
char *funcName = new char [64];
const char *lastUpdateStr;
const char *authorStr;
const char *copyrightStr;
const char *descriptionStr;
// just in case
*lastUpdate = *author = *copyright = 0;
// define pattern
strcpy( pattern, classPtr->GetName() );
strcat( pattern, "::" );
Int_t len = strlen( pattern );
// get environment variables
lastUpdateStr = gEnv->GetValue( "Root.Html.LastUpdate", "// @(#)" );
authorStr = gEnv->GetValue( "Root.Html.Author", "// Author:" );
copyrightStr = gEnv->GetValue( "Root.Html.Copyright", " * Copyright" );
descriptionStr = gEnv->GetValue( "Root.Html.Description", "//____________________" );
// find a .cxx file
char *tmp1 = GetSourceFileName(classPtr->GetImplFileName());
char *realFilename = StrDup( tmp1, 16 );
if( !realFilename ) Error( "Make", "Can't find file '%s' !", tmp1 );
if( tmp1 ) delete [] tmp1;
tmp1 = 0;
Bool_t classDescription = kTRUE;
Bool_t foundLastUpdate = kFALSE;
Bool_t foundAuthor = kFALSE;
Bool_t foundCopyright = kFALSE;
Bool_t firstCommentLine = kTRUE;
Bool_t extractComments = kFALSE;
Bool_t thisLineIsCommented = kFALSE;
Bool_t thisLineIsPpLine = kFALSE;
// Class Description Title
out << "<hr>" << endl;
out << "<!--DESCRIPTION-->";
out << "<h2><a name="" << classPtr->GetName();
out << ":description">Class Description</a></h2>" << endl;
// open source file
ifstream sourceFile;
sourceFile.open( realFilename, ios::in );
if( sourceFile.good() ) {
// open a .cxx.html file
tmp1 = gSystem->ExpandPathName( fOutputDir );
char *tmp2 = gSystem->ConcatFileName( tmp1, "src" );
char *dirname = StrDup( tmp2 );
if( tmp1 ) delete [] tmp1;
if( tmp2 ) delete [] tmp2;
tmp1 = tmp2 = 0;
// create directory if necessary
if( gSystem->AccessPathName( dirname ))
gSystem->MakeDirectory( dirname );
tmp1 = gSystem->ConcatFileName( dirname, classPtr->GetName() );
filename = StrDup( tmp1, 16 );
strcat( filename, ".cxx.html" );
ofstream tempFile;
tempFile.open( filename, ios::out );
if( dirname ) delete [] dirname;
if( tmp1 ) delete [] tmp1;
tmp1 = 0;
if( tempFile.good() ) {
// create an array of method names
Int_t i = 0;
TMethod *method;
TIter nextMethod( classPtr->GetListOfMethods() );
Int_t numberOfMethods = classPtr->GetNmethods();
const char **methodNames = new const char* [2*numberOfMethods];
while (( method = ( TMethod * ) nextMethod() )) {
methodNames[2*i] = method->GetName();
methodNames[2*i+1] = ( const char * ) method;
// write a HTML header
char *sourceTitle = StrDup( classPtr->GetName(), 16 );
strcat( sourceTitle, " - source file" );
WriteHtmlHeader( tempFile, sourceTitle );
if( sourceTitle ) delete [] sourceTitle;
tempFile << "<pre>" << endl;
while( !sourceFile.eof() ) {
sourceFile.getline( fLine, fLen-1 );
if( sourceFile.eof() ) break;
// set start & end of the line
if (!fLine) {
fLine = (char *) " ";
Warning("ClassDescription", "found an empty line");
char *startOfLine = fLine;
char *endOfLine = fLine + strlen( fLine ) - 1;
// remove leading spaces
while( isspace( *startOfLine )) startOfLine++;
// remove trailing spaces
while( isspace( *endOfLine )) endOfLine--;
if( *startOfLine == '#' && !tempFlag )
thisLineIsPpLine = kTRUE;
// if this line is a comment line
else if( !strncmp( startOfLine, "//", 2 )) {
thisLineIsCommented = kTRUE;
thisLineIsPpLine = kFALSE;
// remove a repeating characters from the end of the line
while( (*endOfLine == *startOfLine ) &&
( endOfLine >= startOfLine )) endOfLine--;
char tempChar = *endOfLine;
*endOfLine = 0;
if( extractComments ) {
if( firstCommentLine ) {
out << "<pre>";
firstCommentLine = kFALSE;
if( endOfLine >= startOfLine+2 )
ExpandKeywords( out, startOfLine+2, classPtr, flag );
out << endl;
*endOfLine = tempChar;
// if line is composed of the same characters
if( (endOfLine == startOfLine ) && *( startOfLine+2 ) && classDescription ) {
extractComments = kTRUE;
classDescription = kFALSE;
else {
thisLineIsCommented = kFALSE;
if( flag ) {
out << fLine << endl;
else {
extractComments = kFALSE;
if( !firstCommentLine ) {
out << "</pre>";
firstCommentLine = kTRUE;
// if NOT member function
key = strstr( fLine, pattern );
if( !key ) {
// check for a lastUpdate string
if( !foundLastUpdate && lastUpdateStr) {
if( !strncmp( fLine, lastUpdateStr, strlen( lastUpdateStr )) ) {
strcpy( lastUpdate, fLine+strlen( lastUpdateStr ));
foundLastUpdate = kTRUE;
// check for an author string
if( !foundAuthor && authorStr) {
if( !strncmp( fLine, authorStr, strlen( authorStr )) ) {
strcpy( author, fLine+strlen( authorStr ));
foundAuthor = kTRUE;
// check for a copyright string
if( !foundCopyright && copyrightStr) {
if( !strncmp( fLine, copyrightStr, strlen( copyrightStr )) ) {
strcpy( copyright, fLine+strlen( copyrightStr ));
foundCopyright = kTRUE;
// check for a description comments
if( descriptionStr && !strncmp( fLine, descriptionStr, strlen( descriptionStr )) ) {
if( classDescription ) {
// write description out
classDescription = kFALSE;
extractComments = kTRUE;
else {
Bool_t found = kFALSE;
// find method name
char *funcName = key + len;
while( *funcName && isspace( *funcName ) )
char *nameEndPtr = funcName;
// In case of destructor
if( *nameEndPtr == '~' ) nameEndPtr++;
while( *nameEndPtr && IsName( *nameEndPtr ) )
char c1 = *nameEndPtr;
char pe = 0;
char *params, *paramsEnd;
params = nameEndPtr;
paramsEnd = NULL;
while( *params && isspace( *params ) ) params++;
if( *params != '(') params = NULL;
else params++;
paramsEnd = params;
// if signature exist, try to find the ending character
if( paramsEnd ) {
Int_t count = 1;
while( *paramsEnd ) {
if( *paramsEnd == '(') count++;
if( *paramsEnd == ')')
if( !--count ) break;
pe = *paramsEnd;
*paramsEnd = 0;
*nameEndPtr = 0;
// get method
TMethod *method;
method = classPtr->GetMethodAny( funcName );
// restore characters
if( paramsEnd ) *paramsEnd = pe;
if( nameEndPtr ) *nameEndPtr = c1;
if( method ) {
char *typeEnd = NULL;
char c2 = 0;
found = kFALSE;
// try to get type
typeEnd = key-1;
while( ( typeEnd > fLine ) && (isspace( *typeEnd ) || *typeEnd == '*') )
c2 = *typeEnd;
*typeEnd = 0;
char *type = typeEnd - 1;
while( IsName( *type ) && ( type > fLine ))
if( !IsWord( *type )) type++;
while( (type > fLine ) && isspace( *( type-1 )) )
if( type > fLine ) {
if( !strncmp( type-5, "const", 5 ))
found = kTRUE;
else found = kFALSE;
else if( type == fLine )
found = kTRUE;
if( !strcmp( type, "void" ) && ( *funcName == '~' ) )
found = kTRUE;
*typeEnd = c2;
if( found ) {
ptr = strchr( nameEndPtr, '{');
char *semicolon = strchr( nameEndPtr, ';');
if( semicolon )
if( !ptr || ( semicolon < ptr )) found = kFALSE;
if( !ptr && found ) {
found = kFALSE;
while( sourceFile.getline( nextLine, 255 ) && fLine && nextLine &&
( strlen( fLine ) < ( fLen-strlen( nextLine )) )) {
strcat( fLine, "n" );
strcat( fLine, nextLine );
if (( ptr = strchr( fLine, '{') )) {
found = kTRUE;
*ptr = 0;
else if( ptr ) *ptr = 0;
if( found ) {
char *colonPtr = strrchr( fLine, ':');
if( colonPtr > funcName ) *colonPtr = 0;
if( found ) {
out << "<hr>" << endl;
out << "<!--FUNCTION-->";
if( typeEnd ) {
c2 = *typeEnd;
*typeEnd = 0;
ExpandKeywords( out, fLine, classPtr, flag );
*typeEnd = c2;
while( typeEnd < key ) {
if( *typeEnd == '*')
out << *typeEnd;
*nameEndPtr = 0;
out << " <a name="" << classPtr->GetName() << ":";
out << funcName << "" href="src/";
out << classPtr->GetName() << ".cxx.html#" << classPtr->GetName() << ":";
ReplaceSpecialChars( out, funcName );
out << "">";
ReplaceSpecialChars( out, funcName );
out << "</a>";
tempFile << "<a name="" << classPtr->GetName() << ":";
ReplaceSpecialChars( tempFile, funcName );
tempFile << ""> </a>";
// remove this method name from the list of methods
i = 0;
while( i < numberOfMethods ) {
const char *mptr = methodNames[2*i];
if( mptr ) {
while( *mptr == '*') mptr++;
if( !strcmp( mptr, funcName )) {
methodNames[2*i] = NULL;
*nameEndPtr = c1;
if( colonPtr ) *colonPtr = ':';
ExpandKeywords( out, nameEndPtr, classPtr, flag );
out << "<br>" << endl;
extractComments = kTRUE;
if( ptr ) *ptr = '{';
// write to '.cxx.html' file
if( thisLineIsPpLine )
ExpandPpLine( tempFile, fLine );
else {
if( thisLineIsCommented ) tempFile << "<b>";
ExpandKeywords( tempFile, fLine, classPtr, tempFlag, "../" );
if( thisLineIsCommented ) tempFile << "</b>";
tempFile << endl;
tempFile << "</pre>" << endl;
// do some checking
Bool_t inlineFunc = kFALSE;
i = 0;
while( i++ < numberOfMethods ) {
if( methodNames[2*i] ) {
inlineFunc = kTRUE;
if( inlineFunc ) {
out << "<br><br><br>" << endl;
out << "<h3>Inline Functions</h3>" << endl;
out << "<hr>" << endl;
out << "<pre>" << endl;
Int_t maxlen = 0, len = 0;
for( i = 0; i < numberOfMethods; i++ ) {
if( methodNames[2*i] ) {
method = ( TMethod * ) methodNames[2*i+1];
if ( method->GetReturnTypeName() ) len = strlen( method->GetReturnTypeName() );
else len = 0;
maxlen = len > maxlen ? len : maxlen;
// write out an inline functions
for( i = 0; i < numberOfMethods; i++ ) {
if( methodNames[2*i] ) {
method = ( TMethod * ) methodNames[2*i+1];
if( method ) {
!strcmp( method->GetName(), "Dictionary" ) ||
!strcmp( method->GetName(), "Class_Version" ) ||
!strcmp( method->GetName(), "Class_Name" ) ||
!strcmp( method->GetName(), "DeclFileName" ) ||
!strcmp( method->GetName(), "DeclFileLine" ) ||
!strcmp( method->GetName(), "ImplFileName" ) ||
!strcmp( method->GetName(), "ImplFileLine" )
) continue;
out << "<!--INLINE FUNCTION-->";
if(method->GetReturnTypeName() ) len = strlen( method->GetReturnTypeName() );
else len = 0;
out << "<!--TAB6--> ";
while( len++ < maxlen+2 ) out << " ";
char *tmpstr = StrDup( method->GetReturnTypeName() );
if( tmpstr ) {
ExpandKeywords( out, tmpstr, classPtr, flag );
delete [] tmpstr;
out << " <a name="" << classPtr->GetName();
out << ":" << method->GetName() << "" href="";
out << GetFileName( classPtr->GetDeclFileName() ) << "">";
out << method->GetName() << "</a>";
strcpy( fLine, method->GetSignature() );
ExpandKeywords( out, fLine, classPtr, flag );
out << endl;
out << "</pre>" << endl;
// write tempFile footer
WriteHtmlFooter( tempFile, "../" );
// close a temp file
delete [] methodNames;
else Error( "MakeClass", "Can't open file '%s' !", filename );
// close a source file
else Error( "Make", "Can't open file '%s' !", realFilename );
// write classFile footer
WriteHtmlFooter( out, "", lastUpdate, author, copyright );
// free memory
if( nextLine ) delete [] nextLine;
if( pattern ) delete [] pattern;
if( lastUpdate ) delete [] lastUpdate;
if( author ) delete [] author;
if( copyright ) delete [] copyright;
if( funcName ) delete [] funcName;
if( realFilename ) delete [] realFilename;
if( filename ) delete [] filename;
void THtml::ClassTree( TVirtualPad *psCanvas, TClass *classPtr, Bool_t force )
// It makes a class tree
// Input: psCanvas - pointer to the current canvas
// classPtr - pointer to the class
if( psCanvas && classPtr ) {
char *tmp1 = gSystem->ConcatFileName( gSystem->ExpandPathName( fOutputDir ), classPtr->GetName() );
char *filename = StrDup( tmp1 , 16 );
strcat( filename, "_Tree.ps" );
if( tmp1 ) delete [] tmp1;
tmp1 = 0;
if( IsModified( classPtr, kTree ) || force ) {
Printf( formatStr, "", "", filename );
classPtr->Draw( "same" );
else Printf( formatStr, "-no change-", "", filename );
if( filename ) delete [] filename;
void THtml::Convert( const char *filename, const char *title, const char *dirname )
// It converts a single text file to HTML
// Input: filename - name of the file to convert
// title - title which will be placed at the top of the HTML file
// dirname - optional parameter, if it's not specified, output will
// be placed in html/examples directory.
// NOTE: Output file name is the same as filename, but with extension .html
const char *dir;
char *ptr;
Bool_t isCommentedLine = kFALSE;
Bool_t tempFlag = kFALSE;
// if it's not defined, make the "examples" as a default directory
if( !*dirname ) {
dir = gSystem->ConcatFileName( gSystem->ExpandPathName( fOutputDir ), "examples" );
// create directory if necessary
if( gSystem->AccessPathName( dir ))
gSystem->MakeDirectory( dir );
else dir = dirname;
// find a file
char *realFilename = gSystem->Which( fSourceDir, filename, kReadPermission );
if( realFilename ) {
// open source file
ifstream sourceFile;
sourceFile.open( realFilename, ios::in );
delete [] realFilename;
realFilename = 0;
if( sourceFile.good() ) {
// open temp file with extension '.html'
if( !gSystem->AccessPathName( dir )) {
char *tmp1 = gSystem->ConcatFileName( dir, GetFileName( filename ));
char *htmlFilename = StrDup( tmp1, 16 );
strcat( htmlFilename, ".html" );
if( tmp1 ) delete [] tmp1;
tmp1 = 0;
ofstream tempFile;
tempFile.open( htmlFilename, ios::out );
if( tempFile.good() ) {
Printf( "Convert: %s", htmlFilename );
// write a HTML header
WriteHtmlHeader( tempFile, title );
tempFile << "<h1>" << title << "</h1>" << endl;
tempFile << "<pre>" << endl;
while( !sourceFile.eof() ) {
sourceFile.getline( fLine, fLen-1 );
if( sourceFile.eof() ) break;
// remove leading spaces
ptr = fLine;
while( isspace( *ptr )) ptr++;
// check for a commented line
if( !strncmp( ptr, "//", 2 )) isCommentedLine = kTRUE;
else isCommentedLine = kFALSE;
// write to a '.html' file
if( isCommentedLine ) tempFile << "<b>";
gROOT->GetListOfGlobals(kTRUE); // force update of this list
ExpandKeywords( tempFile, fLine, NULL, tempFlag, "../" );
if( isCommentedLine ) tempFile << "</b>";
tempFile << endl;
tempFile << "</pre>" << endl;
// write a HTML footer
WriteHtmlFooter( tempFile, "../" );
// close a temp file
else Error( "Convert", "Can't open file '%s' !", htmlFilename );
// close a source file
if( htmlFilename ) delete [] htmlFilename;
htmlFilename = 0;
else Error( "Convert", "Directory '%s' doesn't exist, or it's write protected !", dir );
else Error( "Convert", "Can't open file '%s' !", realFilename );
else Error( "Convert", "Can't find file '%s' !", filename );
Bool_t THtml::CopyHtmlFile( const char *sourceName, const char *destName )
// Copy file to HTML directory
// Input: sourceName - source file name
// destName - optional destination name, if not
// specified it would be the same
// as the source file name
// Output: TRUE if file is successfully copied, or
// FALSE if it's not
// NOTE: The destination directory is always fOutputDir
Bool_t ret = kFALSE;
Int_t check = 0;
// source file name
char *tmp1 = gSystem->Which( fSourceDir, sourceName, kReadPermission );
char *sourceFile = StrDup( tmp1, 16 );
if( tmp1 ) delete [] tmp1;
tmp1 = 0;
if( sourceFile ) {
// destination file name
char *tmpstr = 0;
if( !*destName ) tmpstr = StrDup( GetFileName( sourceFile ), 16 );
else tmpstr = StrDup( GetFileName( destName ), 16 );
destName = tmpstr;
tmp1 = gSystem->ConcatFileName( gSystem->ExpandPathName( fOutputDir ), destName );
char *filename = StrDup( tmp1, 16 );
if( tmp1 ) delete [] tmp1;
tmp1 = 0;
// Get info about a file
Long_t sId, sSize, sFlags, sModtime;
Long_t dId, dSize, dFlags, dModtime;
if( !( check = gSystem->GetPathInfo( sourceFile, &sId, &sSize, &sFlags, &sModtime )) )
check = gSystem->GetPathInfo( filename, &dId, &dSize, &dFlags, &dModtime );
if( (sModtime != dModtime ) || check ) {
char *cmd = new char[256];
#ifdef R__UNIX
strcpy( cmd, "/bin/cp " );
strcat( cmd, sourceFile );
strcat( cmd, " " );
strcat( cmd, filename );
#ifdef WIN32
strcpy( cmd, "copy \"" );
strcat( cmd, sourceFile );
strcat( cmd, "\" \"" );
strcat( cmd, filename );
strcat( cmd, "\"");
char *bptr = 0;
while( bptr = strchr( cmd, '/') )
*bptr = '\\';
ret = !gSystem->Exec( cmd );
delete [] cmd;
delete [] filename;
delete [] tmpstr;
delete [] sourceFile;
else Error( "Copy", "Can't copy file '%s' to '%s' directory !", sourceName, fOutputDir );
return( ret );
void THtml::CreateIndex( const char **classNames, Int_t numberOfClasses )
// Create an index
// Input: classNames - pointer to an array of class names
// numberOfClasses - number of elements
Int_t i, len, maxLen = 0;
char *tmp1 = gSystem->ConcatFileName( gSystem->ExpandPathName( fOutputDir ), "ClassIndex.html" );
char *filename = StrDup( tmp1 );
if( tmp1 ) delete [] tmp1;
tmp1 = 0;
// open indexFile file
ofstream indexFile;
indexFile.open( filename, ios::out );
for( i = 0; i < numberOfClasses; i++ ) {
len = strlen( classNames[i] );
maxLen = maxLen > len ? maxLen : len;
if( indexFile.good() ) {
Printf( formatStr, "", fCounter, filename );
// write indexFile header
WriteHtmlHeader( indexFile, "Class Index" );
indexFile << "<h1>Index</h1>" << endl;
// check for a search engine
const char *searchEngine = gEnv->GetValue( "Root.Html.SearchEngine", "" );
// if exists ...
if( *searchEngine ) {
// create link to search engine page
indexFile << "<h2><a href="" << searchEngine
<< "">Search the Class Reference Guide</a></h2>" << endl;
indexFile << "<hr>" << endl;
indexFile << "<pre>" << endl;
indexFile << "<ul>" << endl;
// loop on all classes
for( i = 0; i < numberOfClasses; i++ ) {
// get class
TClass *classPtr = GetClass( (const char * ) classNames[i] );
indexFile << "<li>";
char *htmlFile = GetHtmlFileName( classPtr );
if( htmlFile ) {
indexFile << "<a name="";
indexFile << classNames[i];
indexFile << "" href="";
indexFile << htmlFile;
indexFile << "">";
indexFile << classNames[i];
indexFile << "</a> ";
delete [] htmlFile;
htmlFile = 0;
else indexFile << classNames[i];
// write title
len = strlen( classNames[i] );
for( Int_t w = 0; w < ( maxLen-len+2 ); w++ )
indexFile << ".";
indexFile << " ";
indexFile << "<a name="Title:";
indexFile << classPtr->GetName();
indexFile << "">";
ReplaceSpecialChars( indexFile, classPtr->GetTitle() );
indexFile << "</a>" << endl;
indexFile << "</ul>" << endl;
indexFile << "</pre>" << endl;
// write indexFile footer
TDatime date;
WriteHtmlFooter( indexFile, "", date.AsString() );
// close file
else Error( "MakeIndex", "Can't open file '%s' !", filename );
if( filename ) delete [] filename;
void THtml::CreateIndexByTopic( char **fileNames, Int_t numberOfNames, Int_t maxLen )
// It creates several index files
// Input: fileNames - pointer to an array of file names
// numberOfNames - number of elements in the fileNames array
// maxLen - maximum length of a single name
ofstream outputFile;
char *filename = NULL;
Int_t i;
for( i = 0; i < numberOfNames; i++ ) {
if( !filename ) {
// create a filename
char *tmp1 = gSystem->ConcatFileName( gSystem->ExpandPathName( fOutputDir ), fileNames[i] );
filename = StrDup( tmp1, 16);
if( tmp1 ) delete [] tmp1;
tmp1 = 0;
char *underlinePtr = strrchr( filename, '_');
*underlinePtr = 0;
strcat( filename, "_Index.html" );
// open a file
outputFile.open( filename, ios::out );
// check if it's OK
if( outputFile.good() ) {
Printf( formatStr, "", fCounter, filename );
// write outputFile header
WriteHtmlHeader( outputFile, "Index" );
outputFile << "<h2>" << "Index" << "</h2><hr>" << endl;
outputFile << "<pre>" << endl;
outputFile << "<ul>" << endl;
else Error( "MakeIndex", "Can't open file '%s' !", filename );
delete [] filename;
// get a class
TClass *classPtr = GetClass( (const char * ) strrchr( fileNames[i], '_')+1 );
if( classPtr ) {
// write a classname to an index file
outputFile << "<li>";
char *htmlFile = GetHtmlFileName( classPtr );
if( htmlFile ) {
outputFile << "<a name="";
outputFile << classPtr->GetName();
outputFile << "" href="";
outputFile << htmlFile;
outputFile << "">";
outputFile << classPtr->GetName();
outputFile << "</a> ";
delete [] htmlFile;
htmlFile = 0;
else outputFile << classPtr->GetName();
// write title
Int_t len = strlen( classPtr->GetName() );
for( Int_t w = 0; w < maxLen-len; w++ )
outputFile << ".";
outputFile << " ";
outputFile << "<a name="Title:";
outputFile << classPtr->GetName();
outputFile << "">";
ReplaceSpecialChars( outputFile, classPtr->GetTitle() );
outputFile << "</a>" << endl;
else Error( "MakeIndex", "Unknown class '%s' !", strchr( fileNames[i], '_')+1 );
// first base name
char *first = strrchr( fileNames[i], '_');
if( first ) *first = 0;
// second base name
char *second = NULL;
if( i < ( numberOfNames - 1 )) {
second = strrchr( fileNames[i+1], '_');
if( second ) *second = 0;
// check and close the file if necessary
if( !first || !second || strcmp( fileNames[i], fileNames[i+1] )) {
if( outputFile.good() ) {
outputFile << "</ul>" << endl;
outputFile << "</pre>" << endl;
// write outputFile footer
TDatime date;
WriteHtmlFooter( outputFile, "", date.AsString() );
// close file
filename = NULL;
else Error( "MakeIndex", "Corrupted file '%s' !", filename );
if( first ) *first = '_';
if( second ) *second = '_';
// free memory
for( i = 0; i < numberOfNames; i++ )
if( *fileNames[i] ) delete [] fileNames[i];
void THtml::CreateListOfTypes()
// Create list of all data types
Int_t maxLen = 0;
Int_t len;
// open file
ofstream typesList;
char *outFile = gSystem->ConcatFileName( gSystem->ExpandPathName( fOutputDir ), "ListOfTypes.html" );
typesList.open( outFile, ios::out );
if( typesList.good() ) {
Printf( formatStr, "", "", outFile );
// write typesList header
WriteHtmlHeader( typesList, "List of data types" );
typesList << "<h2> List of data types </h2><hr>" << endl;
typesList << "<dl><dd>" << endl;
typesList << "<pre>" << endl;
// make loop on data types
TDataType *type;
TIter nextType( gROOT->GetListOfTypes() );
while (( type = ( TDataType * ) nextType() )) {
if( *type->GetTitle() && !strchr( type->GetName(), '(' ) ) {
if( type->GetName() ) len = strlen( type->GetName() );
else len = 0;
maxLen = maxLen > len ? maxLen : len;
maxLen += kSpaceNum;
while (( type = ( TDataType * ) nextType() )) {
if( *type->GetTitle() && !strchr( type->GetName(), '(' ) ) {
typesList << "<b><a name="";
typesList << type->GetName();
typesList << "">" << type->GetName();
typesList << "</a></b>";
if( type->GetName() ) len = strlen( type->GetName() );
else len = 0;
typesList << " ";
for( Int_t j = 0; j < ( maxLen-len ); j++ )
typesList << ".";
typesList << " ";
typesList << "<a name="Title:";
typesList << type->GetTitle();
typesList << "">";
char *tempstr = StrDup( type->GetTitle() );
ReplaceSpecialChars( typesList, tempstr );
typesList << "</a>" << endl;
if( tempstr ) delete [] tempstr;
typesList << "</pre>" << endl;
typesList << "</dl>" << endl;
// write typesList footer
TDatime date;
WriteHtmlFooter( typesList, "", date.AsString() );
// close file
else Error( "Make", "Can't open file '%s' !", outFile );
if (outFile) delete [] outFile;
void THtml::DerivedClasses( ofstream &out, TClass *classPtr )
// It creates a list of derived classes
// Input: out - output file stream
// classPtr - pointer to the class
Bool_t first = kTRUE;
Bool_t found = kFALSE;
// get total number of classes
Int_t numberOfClasses = gClassTable->Classes();
// start from begining
// get class names
TClass *derivedClassPtr;
const char *derivedClassName;
for( Int_t i = 0; i < numberOfClasses; i++ ) {
// get class name
derivedClassName = gClassTable->Next();
// get class pointer
derivedClassPtr = GetClass( derivedClassName );
if ( !derivedClassPtr ) {
Warning("DerivedClasses","Can not find a definition for class <%s>",derivedClassName);
// make a loop on base classes
TBaseClass *inheritFrom;
TIter nextBase( derivedClassPtr->GetListOfBases() );
while (( inheritFrom = ( TBaseClass * ) nextBase() )) {
if( !strcmp( inheritFrom->GetName(), classPtr->GetName() )) {
if( first ) {
out << "<br><hr>" << endl;
out << "<!--SEE ALSO-->";
out << "<h2>See also</h2><dl><dd>" << endl;
if( !first ) out << ", ";
char *htmlFile = GetHtmlFileName( derivedClassPtr );
if( htmlFile ) {
out << "<a href="";
out << htmlFile;
out << "">";
out << derivedClassPtr->GetName() << "</a>";
delete [] htmlFile;
htmlFile = 0;
else out << derivedClassPtr->GetName();
if( first ) {
first = kFALSE;
found = kTRUE;
if( found ) out << "</dl>" << endl;
void THtml::ExpandKeywords( ofstream &out, char *text, TClass *ptr2class,
Bool_t &flag, const char *dir )
// Find keywords in text & create URLs
// Input: out - output file stream
// text - pointer to the array of the characters to process
// ptr2class - pointer to the class
// flag - this is a 'html_begin/html_end' flag
// dir - usually "" or "../", depends of current file
// directory position
char *keyword = text;
char *end;
char *funcName;
char *funcNameEnd;
char *funcSig;
char *funcSigEnd;
char c, c2, c3;
char *tempEndPtr;
c2 = c3 = 0;
Bool_t hide;
Bool_t mmf = 0;
do {
tempEndPtr = end = funcName = funcNameEnd = funcSig = funcSigEnd = NULL;
hide = kFALSE;
// skip until start of the word
while( !IsWord( *keyword ) && *keyword ) {
if( !flag ) ReplaceSpecialChars( out, *keyword );
else out << *keyword;
// get end of the word
end = keyword;
while( IsName( *end ) && *end ) end++;
// put '0' at the end of the keyword
c = *end;
*end = 0;
if( strlen( keyword ) > 50 ) {
out << keyword;
*end = c;
keyword = end;
// check if this is a HTML block
if( flag ) {
if( !strcasecmp( keyword, "end_html" ) && *( keyword-1 ) != '"') {
flag = kFALSE;
hide = kTRUE;
else {
if( !strcasecmp( keyword, "begin_html" ) && *( keyword-1 ) != '"') {
flag = kTRUE;
hide = kTRUE;
else {
*end = c;
tempEndPtr = end;
// skip leading spaces
while( *tempEndPtr && isspace( *tempEndPtr ) ) tempEndPtr++;
// check if we have a something like a 'name[arg].name'
Int_t count = 0;
if( *tempEndPtr == '[') {
// wait until the last ']'
while( count && *tempEndPtr ) {
switch( *tempEndPtr ) {
case '[': count++;
case ']': count--;
if( !strncmp( tempEndPtr, "::", 2 ) || !strncmp( tempEndPtr, "->", 2 ) || ( *tempEndPtr == '.') ) {
funcName = tempEndPtr;
// skip leading spaces
while( isspace( *funcName )) funcName++;
// check if we have a '.' or '->'
if( *tempEndPtr == '.') funcName++;
else funcName += 2;
if( !strncmp( tempEndPtr, "::", 2 )) mmf = kTRUE;
else mmf = kFALSE;
// skip leading spaces
while( *funcName && isspace( *funcName )) funcName++;
// get the end of the word
if( !IsWord( *funcName )) funcName = NULL;
if( funcName ) {
funcNameEnd = funcName;
// find the end of the function name part
while( IsName( *funcNameEnd ) && *funcNameEnd )
c2 = *funcNameEnd;
if( !mmf ) {
// try to find a signature
funcSig = funcNameEnd;
// skip leading spaces
while( *funcSig && isspace( *funcSig )) funcSig++;
if( *funcSig != '(') funcSig = NULL;
else funcSig++;
funcSigEnd = funcSig;
// if signature exist, try to find the ending character
if( funcSigEnd ) {
Int_t count = 1;
while( *funcSigEnd ) {
if( *funcSigEnd == '(') count++;
if( *funcSigEnd == ')')
if( !--count ) break;
c3 = *funcSigEnd;
*funcSigEnd = 0;
*funcNameEnd = 0;
*end = 0;
if( !flag && !hide && *keyword ) {
// get class
TClass *classPtr = GetClass( (const char * ) keyword );
if( classPtr ) {
char *htmlFile = GetHtmlFileName( classPtr );
if( htmlFile ) {
out << "<a href="";
if( *dir && strncmp( htmlFile, "http://", 7 )) out << dir;
out << htmlFile;
if( funcName && mmf ) {
// make a link to the member function
out << "#" << classPtr->GetName() << ":";
out << funcName;
out << "">";
out << classPtr->GetName() << "::";
out << funcName;
out << "</a>";
*funcNameEnd = c2;
keyword = funcNameEnd;
else {
// make a link to the class
out << "">";
out << classPtr->GetName();
out << "</a>";
keyword = end;
delete [] htmlFile;
htmlFile = 0;
else {
out << keyword;
keyword = end;
*end = c;
if( funcName ) *funcNameEnd = c2;
if( funcSig ) *funcSigEnd = c3;
else {
// get data type
TDataType *type = gROOT->GetType( (const char *) keyword );
if( type ) {
// make a link to the data type
out << "<a href="";
if( *dir ) out << dir;
out << "ListOfTypes.html#";
out << keyword << "">";
out << keyword << "</a>";
*end = c;
keyword = end;
else {
// look for '('
Bool_t isfunc = ( (*tempEndPtr == '(') || c == '(')? kTRUE: kFALSE;
if( !isfunc ) {
char *bptr = tempEndPtr + 1;
while( *bptr && isspace( *bptr ) ) bptr++;
if( *bptr == '(') isfunc = kTRUE;
if( isfunc && ptr2class && ( ptr2class->GetMethodAny( keyword )) ) {
out << "<a href="#";
out << ptr2class->GetName();
out << ":" << keyword << "">";
out << keyword << "</a>";
*end = c;
keyword = end;
else {
const char *anyname = gROOT->FindObjectClassName( keyword );
const char *namePtr = NULL;
TClass *cl = 0;
TClass *cdl = 0;
if( anyname ) {
cl = GetClass( anyname );
namePtr = ( const char * ) anyname;
cdl = cl;
else if( ptr2class ) {
cl = ptr2class->GetBaseDataMember( keyword );
if( cl ) {
namePtr = cl->GetName();
TDataMember *member = cl->GetDataMember( keyword );
if( member )
cdl = GetClass( member->GetTypeName() );
if( cl ) {
char *htmlFile = GetHtmlFileName( cl );
if( htmlFile ) {
out << "<a href="";
if( *dir && strncmp( htmlFile, "http://", 7 )) out << dir;
out << htmlFile;
if( cl->GetDataMember( keyword ) ) {
out << "#" << namePtr << ":";
out << keyword;
out << "">";
out << keyword;
out << "</a>";
delete [] htmlFile;
htmlFile = 0;
else out << keyword;
if( funcName ) {
char *ptr = end;
ReplaceSpecialChars( out, c );
while( ptr < funcName )
ReplaceSpecialChars( out, *ptr++ );
TMethod *method = NULL;
if( cdl ) method = cdl->GetMethodAny( funcName );
if( method ) {
TClass *cm = method->GetClass();
if( cm ) {
char *htmlFile2 = GetHtmlFileName( cm );
if( htmlFile2 ) {
out << "<a href="";
if( *dir && strncmp( htmlFile2, "http://", 7 )) out << dir;
out << htmlFile2;
out << "#" << cm->GetName() << ":";
out << funcName;
out << "">";
out << funcName;
out << "</a>";
delete [] htmlFile2;
htmlFile2 = 0;
else out << funcName;
keyword = funcNameEnd;
else keyword = funcName;
else keyword = funcName;
*funcNameEnd = c2;
if( funcSig ) *funcSigEnd = c3;
else keyword = end;
*end = c;
else {
if( funcName ) *funcNameEnd = c2;
if( funcSig ) *funcSigEnd = c3;
out << keyword;
*end = c;
keyword = end;
else {
if( !hide && *keyword )
out << keyword;
*end = c;
keyword = end;
} while( *keyword );
void THtml::ExpandPpLine( ofstream &out, char *line )
// Expand preprocessor statements
// Input: out - output file stream
// line - pointer to the array of characters,
// usually one line from the source file
// NOTE: Looks for the #include statements and
// creates link to the corresponding file
// if such file exists
const char *ptr;
const char *ptrStart;
const char *ptrEnd;
char *fileName;
Bool_t linkExist = kFALSE;
ptrEnd = strstr( line, "include" );
if( ptrEnd ) {
ptrEnd += 7;
if (( ptrStart = strpbrk( ptrEnd, "<"" ))) {
ptrEnd = strpbrk( ptrStart, ">"" );
if( ptrEnd ) {
Int_t len = ptrEnd - ptrStart;
fileName = new char [len + 1];
strncpy( fileName, ptrStart, len );
char *tmpstr = gSystem->Which( fSourceDir, fileName, kReadPermission );
if( tmpstr ) {
char *realFileName = StrDup( tmpstr );
if( realFileName ) {
CopyHtmlFile( realFileName );
ptr = line;
while( ptr < ptrStart )
ReplaceSpecialChars( out, *ptr++ );
out << "<a href="../" << GetFileName( realFileName ) << "">";
out << fileName << "</a>";
out << ptrEnd;
linkExist = kTRUE;
if( realFileName ) delete [] realFileName;
if( fileName ) delete [] fileName;
delete [] tmpstr;
if( !linkExist ) ReplaceSpecialChars( out, line );
const char *THtml::GetFileName( const char *filename )
// It discards any directory information inside filename
// Input: filename - pointer to the file name
// Output: pointer to the string containing just a file name
// without any other directory information, i.e.
// '/usr/root/test.dat' will return 'test.dat'
return( gSystem->BaseName( gSystem->UnixPathName( filename )) );
char *THtml::GetSourceFileName(const char *filename)
// Find the source file. If filename contains a path it will be used
// together with the possible source prefix. If not found we try
// old algorithm, by stripping off the path and trying to find it in the
// specified source search path. Returned string must be deleted by the
// user. In case filename is not found 0 is returned.
char *tmp1;
#ifdef WIN32
if (strchr(filename, '/') || strchr(filename, '\\')) {
if (strchr(filename, '/')) {
char *tmp;
if (strlen(fSourcePrefix) > 0)
tmp = gSystem->ConcatFileName(fSourcePrefix, filename);
tmp = StrDup(filename);
if ((tmp1 = gSystem->Which(fSourceDir, tmp, kReadPermission))) {
delete [] tmp;
return tmp1;
delete [] tmp;
if ((tmp1 = gSystem->Which(fSourceDir, GetFileName(filename), kReadPermission)))
return tmp1;
return 0;
char *THtml::GetHtmlFileName( TClass *classPtr )
// Return real HTML filename
// Input: classPtr - pointer to a class
// Output: pointer to the string containing a full name
// of the corresponding HTML file. The string must be deleted by the user.
char htmlFileName [128];
char *ret = 0;
Bool_t found = kFALSE;
if( classPtr ) {
const char *filename = classPtr->GetImplFileName();
char varName[80];
const char *colon = strchr( filename, ':');
// this should be a prefix
strcpy( varName, "Root.Html." );
if( colon )
strncat( varName, filename, colon-filename );
else strcat( varName, "Root" );
char *tmp;
if( !(tmp = gSystem->Which( fSourceDir, filename, kReadPermission ))) {
strcpy( htmlFileName, gEnv->GetValue( varName, "" ));
if( !*htmlFileName ) found = kFALSE;
else found = kTRUE;
else {
strcpy( htmlFileName, "." );
found = kTRUE;
delete [] tmp;
if( found ) {
char *tmp1 = gSystem->ConcatFileName( htmlFileName, classPtr->GetName() );
ret = StrDup( tmp1, 16 );
strcat( ret, ".html" );
if( tmp1 ) delete [] tmp1;
tmp1 = 0;
else ret = 0;
return ret;
TClass *THtml::GetClass(const char *name1, Bool_t load)
//*-*-*-*-*Return pointer to class with name*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
//*-* =================================
Int_t n = strlen(name1);
char *name = new char[n+1];
strcpy(name, name1);
char *t = name+n-1;
while(*t == ' ') {
*t = 0;
if (t == name) break;
t = name;
while(*t == ' ') t++;
TClass *cl = gROOT->GetClass(t,load);
delete [] name;
return cl;
Bool_t THtml::IsModified( TClass *classPtr, const Int_t type )
// Check if file is modified
// Input: classPtr - pointer to the class
// type - file type to compare with
// values: kSource, kInclude, kTree
// Output: TRUE - if file is modified since last time
// FALSE - if file is up to date
Bool_t ret = kTRUE;
char sourceFile[1024], filename[1024];
char *strPtr, *strPtr2;
switch( type ) {
case kSource:
strPtr2 = GetSourceFileName(classPtr->GetImplFileName());
if (strPtr2) strcpy( sourceFile, strPtr2 );
strPtr = gSystem->ConcatFileName( gSystem->ExpandPathName( fOutputDir ), "src" );
strcpy( filename, strPtr );
delete [] strPtr;
delete [] strPtr2;
#ifdef WIN32
strcat( filename, "\\" );
strcat( filename, "/" );
strcat( filename, classPtr->GetName() );
strcat( filename, ".cxx.html" );
case kInclude:
strPtr2 = GetSourceFileName(classPtr->GetDeclFileName());
if (strPtr2) strcpy( sourceFile, strPtr2 );
strPtr = gSystem->ConcatFileName( gSystem->ExpandPathName( fOutputDir ), GetFileName( classPtr->GetDeclFileName() ));
strcpy( filename,strPtr );
delete [] strPtr;
delete [] strPtr2;
case kTree:
strPtr2 = GetSourceFileName(classPtr->GetDeclFileName());
if (strPtr2) strcpy( sourceFile, strPtr2 );
strPtr = gSystem->ConcatFileName( gSystem->ExpandPathName( fOutputDir ), GetFileName( classPtr->GetName() ));
strcpy( filename, strPtr);
delete [] strPtr;
delete [] strPtr2;
strcat( filename, "_Tree.ps" );
Error( "IsModified", "Unknown file type !" );
// Get info about a file
Long_t sId, sSize, sFlags, sModtime;
Long_t dId, dSize, dFlags, dModtime;
if( !( gSystem->GetPathInfo( sourceFile, &sId, &sSize, &sFlags, &sModtime )) )
if( !( gSystem->GetPathInfo( filename, &dId, &dSize, &dFlags, &dModtime )) )
ret = ( sModtime > dModtime ) ? kTRUE : kFALSE;
return( ret );
Bool_t THtml::IsName( Int_t c )
// Check if c is a valid C++ name character
// Input: c - a single character
// Output: TRUE if c is a valid C++ name character
// and FALSE if it's not.
// NOTE: Valid name characters are [a..zA..Z0..9_],
Bool_t ret = kFALSE;
if( isalnum( c ) || c == '_') ret = kTRUE;
return ret;
Bool_t THtml::IsWord( Int_t c )
// Check if c is a valid first character for C++ name
// Input: c - a single character
// Output: TRUE if c is a valid first character for C++ name,
// and FALSE if it's not.
// NOTE: Valid first characters are [a..zA..Z_]
Bool_t ret = kFALSE;
if( isalpha( c ) || c == '_') ret = kTRUE;
return ret;
void THtml::MakeAll( Bool_t force )
// It makes everything
Int_t i;
Int_t numberOfClasses = gClassTable->Classes();
const char **className = new const char* [numberOfClasses];
// start from begining
for( i = 0; i < numberOfClasses; i++ )
className[i] = gClassTable->Next();
for( i = 0; i < numberOfClasses; i++ ) {
sprintf( fCounter, "%5d", numberOfClasses - i );
MakeClass( (char * ) className[i], force );
*fCounter = 0;
delete [] className;
void THtml::MakeClass(const char *className, Bool_t force )
// Make HTML files for a single class
// Input: className - name of the class to process
TClass *classPtr = GetClass( className );
if( classPtr ) {
char *htmlFile = GetHtmlFileName( classPtr );
if( htmlFile && !strncmp( htmlFile, "http://", 7 )) {
delete [] htmlFile;
htmlFile = 0;
if( htmlFile ) {
Class2Html( classPtr, force );
MakeTree( className, force );
delete [] htmlFile;
htmlFile = 0;
else Printf( formatStr, "-skipped-", fCounter, className );
else Error( "MakeClass", "Unknown class '%s' !", className );
void THtml::MakeIndex()
// It makes an index files
// get total number of classes
Int_t numberOfClasses = gClassTable->Classes();
// allocate memory
const char **classNames = new const char *[numberOfClasses];
char **fileNames = new char *[numberOfClasses];
// start from begining
// get class names
Int_t len = 0;
Int_t maxLen = 0;
Int_t numberOfImpFiles = 0;
for( Int_t i = 0; i < numberOfClasses; i++ ) {
// get class name
classNames[i] = gClassTable->Next();
len = strlen( classNames[i] );
maxLen = maxLen > len ? maxLen : len;
// get class & filename
TClass *classPtr = GetClass( (const char * ) classNames[i] );
const char *impname = classPtr->GetImplFileName();
if( impname ) {
fileNames[numberOfImpFiles] = StrDup( impname, 64 );
char *underline = strchr( fileNames[numberOfImpFiles], '_');
if( underline )
strcpy( underline + 1, classNames[i] );
else {
// for new ROOT install the impl file name has the form: base/src/TROOT.cxx
char *srcdir = strstr(fileNames[numberOfImpFiles], "/src/");
if (srcdir) {
strcpy(srcdir, "_");
for (char *t = fileNames[numberOfImpFiles]; (t[0] = toupper(t[0])); t++) ;
strcat(srcdir, classNames[i]);
} else {
strcpy( fileNames[i], "USER_" );
strcat( fileNames[i], classNames[i] );
else cout << "WARNING class:" << classNames[i] << " has no implementation file name !" << endl;
maxLen += kSpaceNum;
// quick sort
SortNames( classNames, numberOfClasses );
SortNames( (const char ** ) fileNames, numberOfImpFiles );
// create an index
CreateIndex( classNames, numberOfClasses );
CreateIndexByTopic( fileNames, numberOfClasses, maxLen );
// free allocated memory
delete [] classNames;
delete [] fileNames;
void THtml::MakeTree(const char *className, Bool_t force )
// Make an inheritance tree
// Input: className - name of the class to process
// create canvas & set fill color
TVirtualPad *psCanvas = 0;
gROOT->ProcessLineFast("new TCanvas("","psCanvas",0,0,1000,750);");
psCanvas = gPad->GetVirtCanvas();
TClass *classPtr = GetClass( className );
if( classPtr ) {
char *htmlFile = GetHtmlFileName( classPtr );
if( htmlFile && !strncmp( htmlFile, "http://", 7 )) {
delete [] htmlFile;
htmlFile = 0;
if( htmlFile ) {
// make a class tree
ClassTree( psCanvas, classPtr, force );
delete [] htmlFile;
htmlFile = 0;
else Printf( formatStr, "-skipped-", "", className );
else Error( "MakeTree", "Unknown class '%s' !", className );
// close canvas
delete psCanvas;
void THtml::ReplaceSpecialChars( ofstream &out, const char c )
// Replace ampersand, less-than and greater-than character
// Input: out - output file stream
// c - single character
if (fEscFlag) {
out << c;
fEscFlag = kFALSE;
else if (c == fEsc)
fEscFlag = kTRUE;
switch( c ) {
case '<':
out << "<";
case '&':
out << "&";
case '>':
out << ">";
out << c;
void THtml::ReplaceSpecialChars( ofstream &out, const char *string )
// Replace ampersand, less-than and greater-than characters
// Input: out - output file stream
// string - pointer to an array of characters
if( string ) {
char *data = StrDup( string );
if( data ) {
char *ptr = NULL;
char *start = data;
while (( ptr = strpbrk( start, "<&>" ))) {
char c = *ptr;
*ptr = 0;
out << start;
ReplaceSpecialChars( out, c );
start = ptr+1;
out << start;
delete [] data;
void THtml::SortNames( const char **strings, Int_t num, Bool_t type )
// Sort strings
// Input: strings - pointer to an array of strings
// type - sort type
// values : kCaseInsensitive, kCaseSensitive
// default: kCaseInsensitive
if( type == kCaseSensitive )
qsort( strings, num, sizeof( strings ), CaseSensitiveSort );
qsort( strings, num, sizeof( strings ), CaseInsensitiveSort );
char *THtml::StrDup( const char *s1, Int_t n )
// Returns a pointer to a new string which is a duplicate
// of the string to which 's1' points. The space for the
// new string is obtained using the 'new' operator. The new
// string has the length of 'strlen(s1) + n'.
char *str = 0;
if( s1 ) {
if( n < 0 ) n = 0;
str = new char[ strlen( s1 ) + n + 1 ];
if( str ) strcpy( str, s1 );
return( str );
void THtml::WriteHtmlHeader( ofstream &out, const char *title )
// Write HTML header
// Input: out - output file stream
// title - title for the HTML page
TDatime date;
out << "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-// IETF/DTD HTML 2.0// EN">" << endl;
out << "<html>" << endl;
out << "<!-- -->" << endl;
out << "<!-- Author: ROOT team (rootdev@hpsalo.cern.ch) -->" << endl;
out << "<!-- -->" << endl;
out << "<!-- Date: "<< date.AsString() << " -->" << endl;
out << "<!-- -->" << endl;
out << "<head>" << endl;
out << "<title>";
ReplaceSpecialChars( out, title );
out << "</title>" << endl;
out << "<link rev=made href="mailto:rootdev@root.cern.ch">" << endl;
out << "<meta name="rating" content="General">" << endl;
out << "<meta name="objecttype" content="Manual">" << endl;
out << "<meta name="keywords" content="software development, oo, object oriented, ";
out << "unix, x11, windows, c++, html, rene brun, fons rademakers">" << endl;
out << "<meta name="description" content="ROOT - An Object Oriented Framework For Large Scale Data Analysis.">" << endl;
out << "</head>" << endl;
out << "<body BGCOLOR="#ffffff" LINK="#0000ff" VLINK="#551a8b" ALINK="#ff0000" TEXT="#000000">" << endl;
out << "<a name="TopOfPage"></a>" << endl;
void THtml::WriteHtmlFooter( ofstream &out, const char *dir, const char *lastUpdate,
const char *author, const char *copyright )
// Write HTML footer
// Input: out - output file stream
// dir - usually equal to "" or "../", depends of
// current file directory position, i.e. if
// file is in the fOutputDir, then dir will be ""
// lastUpdate - last update string
// author - author's name
// copyright - copyright note
out << endl;
if( *author || *lastUpdate || *copyright ) out << "<hr><br>" << endl;
out << "<!--SIGNATURE-->" << endl;
// get the author( s )
if( *author ) {
out << "<em>Author: ";
char *auth = StrDup(author);
char *name = strtok( auth, "," );
Bool_t firstAuthor = kTRUE;
do {
char *ptr = name;
char c;
// remove leading spaces
while( *ptr && isspace( *ptr ) ) ptr++;
if( !firstAuthor ) out << ", ";
if( !strncmp( ptr, "Nicolas", 7 ) ) {
out << "<a href=http://pcbrun.cern.ch/nicolas/index.html";
ptr += 12;
} else {
out << "<a href="<<GetXwho();
while( *ptr ) {
// Valery's specific case
if( !strncmp( ptr, "Valery", 6 ) ) {
out << "Valeri";
ptr += 6;
else if( !strncmp( ptr, "Fine", 4 ) ) {
out << "Faine";
ptr += 4;
while( *ptr && !isspace( *ptr ) )
out << *ptr++;
if( isspace( *ptr ) ) {
while( *ptr && isspace( *ptr ) ) ptr++;
if( isalpha( *ptr) ) out << '+';
else break;
else break;
c = *ptr;
*ptr = 0;
out << ">" << name << "</a>";
*ptr = c;
out << ptr;
firstAuthor = kFALSE;
} while (( name = strtok( NULL, "," )));
out << "</em><br>" << endl;
delete [] auth;
if( *lastUpdate ) out << "<em>Last update: " << lastUpdate << "</em><br>" << endl;
if( *copyright ) out << "<em>Copyright " << copyright << "</em><br>" << endl;
// this is a menu
out << "<br>" << endl;
out << "<address>" << endl;
out << "<hr>" << endl;
out << "<center>" << endl;
// link to the ROOT home page
out << "<a href="http://root.cern.ch/root/Welcome.html">ROOT page</a> - ";
// link to the user home page( if exist )
const char *userHomePage = gEnv->GetValue( "Root.Html.HomePage", "" );
if( *userHomePage ) {
out << "<a href="";
if( *dir ) {
if( strncmp( userHomePage, "http://", 7 ))
out << dir;
out << userHomePage;
out << "">Home page</a> - ";
// link to the index file
out << "<a href="";
if( *dir ) out << dir;
out << "ClassIndex.html">Class index</a> - ";
// link to the top of the page
out << "<a href="#TopOfPage">Top of the page</a><br>" << endl;
out << "</center>" << endl;
out << "<hr>This page has been automatically generated. If you have any comments or suggestions ";
out << "about the page layout send a mail to <a href="mailto:rootdev@root.cern.ch">ROOT support</a>, or ";
out << "contact <a href="mailto:rootdev@root.cern.ch">the developers</a> with any questions or problems regarding ROOT." << endl;
out << "</address>" << endl;
out << "</body>" << endl;
out << "</html>" << endl;
ROOT page - Class index - Top of the page
This page has been automatically generated. If you have any comments or suggestions about the page layout send a mail to ROOT support, or contact the developers with any questions or problems regarding ROOT.