// @(#)root/base:$Name:  $:$Id: TTask.cxx,v 1.6 2000/12/13 15:13:46 brun Exp $
// Author: Rene Brun   02/09/2000

 * Copyright (C) 1995-2000, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers.               *
 * All rights reserved.                                                  *
 *                                                                       *
 * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE.                         *
 * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS.             *

// TTask is a base class that can be used to build a complex tree of Tasks.
// Each TTask derived class may contain other TTasks that can be executed
// recursively, such that a complex program can be dynamically built and executed
// by invoking the services of the top level Task or one of its subtasks.
// Use the TTask::Add function to add a subtask to an existing TTask.
// To execute a TTask, one calls the ExecuteTask function. ExecuteTask will
// call recursively:
//     - the TTask::Exec function of the derived class
//     - TTask::ExecuteTasks to execute for each task the list of its subtasks.
// If the top level task (see example below) is added to the list of Root
// browsable objects, the tree of tasks can be visualized by the Root browser.
// The browser can be used to start a task, set break points at the beginning
// of a task or when the task has completed. At a breakpoint, data structures
// generated by the execution up this point may be inspected asyncronously
// and then the execution can be resumed by selecting the "Continue" function
// of a task.
// A Task may be active or inactive (controlled by TTask::SetActive).
// When a task is not active, its sub tasks are not executed.
// A TTask tree may be made persistent, saving the status of all the tasks.
// The picture in the Root browser below has been generated by executing
// the following script:
//{ //------------------script tasks.C---------------------------
//   TTask *aliroot  = new TTask("aliroot","ALICE reconstruction main task");
//   TTask *geominit = new TTask("geomInit","Initialize ALICE geometry");
//   TTask *matinit  = new TTask("matInit","Initialize ALICE materials");
//   TTask *physinit = new TTask("physInit","Initialize Physics processes");
//   TTask *tracker  = new TTask("tracker","Track reconstruction manager");
//   TTask *tpcrec   = new TTask("tpcrec","TPC reconstruction");
//   TTask *itsrec   = new TTask("itsrec","ITS reconstruction");
//   TTask *muonrec  = new TTask("muonRec","Muon Reconstruction");
//   TTask *phosrec  = new TTask("phosRec","Phos Reconstruction");
//   TTask *richrec  = new TTask("richRec","Rich Reconstruction");
//   TTask *trdrec   = new TTask("trdRec","TRD Reconstruction");
//   TTask *globrec  = new TTask("globRec","Global Track Reconstruction");
//   TTask *pstats   = new TTask("printStats","Print Run Statistics");
//   TTask *run      = new TTask("run","Process one run");
//   TTask *event    = new TTask("event","Process one event");
//   aliroot->Add(geominit);
//   aliroot->Add(matinit);
//   aliroot->Add(physinit);
//   aliroot->Add(run);
//   run->Add(event);
//   event->Add(tracker);
//   event->Add(muonrec);
//   event->Add(phosrec);
//   event->Add(richrec);
//   event->Add(trdrec);
//   event->Add(globrec);
//   tracker->Add(tpcrec);
//   tracker->Add(itsrec);
//   run->Add(pstats);
//   gROOT->GetListOfBrowsables()->Add(aliroot,"aliroot");
//   new TBrowser;
//} //-------------------------------------------------------------


#include <iostream.h>

#include "TTask.h"
#include "TBrowser.h"
#include "TROOT.h"
#include "TRegexp.h"

TTask *TTask::fgBeginTask  = 0;
TTask *TTask::fgBreakPoint = 0;


 TTask::TTask() {
// default constructor invoked when reading a TTask object from a file

   fHasExecuted = kFALSE;
   fActive      = kTRUE;
   fBreakin  = 0;
   fBreakout = 0;
   fTasks    = 0;
 TTask::TTask(const char* name, const char *title)
      :TNamed(name,title) {
// standard constructor

   fHasExecuted = kFALSE;
   fActive      = kTRUE;
   fBreakin  = 0;
   fBreakout = 0;
   fTasks = new TList();

 TTask::~TTask() {
// delete a task and its subtasks

   if (!fTasks) return;
   delete fTasks;

 TTask::TTask(const TTask &task) {

   fTasks = new TList();

 void TTask::Abort() {
// abort current tree of tasks
// After this call, the tree of tasks is ready to be executed again.
// The application must take care of cleaning data structures created
// by previous executions.

   if (fgBeginTask) {
      printf(" Nothing to abort: No task currently runningn");
   fgBeginTask  = 0;
   fgBreakPoint = 0;

 void TTask::Browse(TBrowser *b) {
// Browse the list of tasks.
// It is recommended to add the top level task to the list of Root browsables by;
//    gROOT->GetListOfBrowsables()->Add(myTopLevelTask)


 void TTask::CleanTasks() {
// reset tasks state: breakpoints and execute flags
// also invokes the Clear function of each task to clear all data structures
// created by a previous execution of a task

   if (fBreakin)  fBreakin  = 1;
   if (fBreakout) fBreakout = 1;
   fHasExecuted = kFALSE;
   TIter next(fTasks);
   TTask *task;
   while((task=(TTask*)next())) {

 void TTask::Clear(Option_t *option) {
// recursively call the Clear function of this task and its subtasks
// The Clear function must be implemented for each derived class
// to clear all data structures created by a previous execution of a task
// This function is automatically called by the CleanTasks function.


 void TTask::Continue() {
// resume execution at the current break point

   if (!fgBeginTask) {
      printf(" No task to continuen");
   fgBreakPoint = 0;


   if (!fgBreakPoint) {
      fgBeginTask = 0;

 void TTask::Exec(Option_t *option) {
// dummy Execute
// This function must be redefined in the derived classes

 void TTask::ExecuteTask(Option_t *option) {
// Execute main task and its subtasks.
// When calling this function, the Exec function of the corresponding class
// is invoked, then the list of its subtasks is executed calling recursively
//  all the subtasks, etc
// The option parameter may be used to select different execution steps
// within a task. This parameter is passed also to all the subtasks.

   if (fgBeginTask) {
      Error("ExecuteTask","Cannot execute task:%s, already running task: %s",GetName(),fgBeginTask->GetName());
   if (!IsActive()) return;

   fOption = option;
   fgBeginTask = this;
   fgBreakPoint = 0;

   if (fBreakin) return;
   if (gDebug > 1) {
      cout<<"Execute task:"<<GetName()<<" : "<<GetTitle()<<endl;

   fHasExecuted = kTRUE;

   if (gDebug > 1) TROOT::DecreaseDirLevel();
   if (fBreakout) return;

   if (!fgBreakPoint) {
      fgBeginTask = 0;

 void TTask::ExecuteTasks(Option_t *option) {
// Execute all the subtasks of a task

   TIter next(fTasks);
   TTask *task;
   while((task=(TTask*)next())) {
      if (fgBreakPoint) return;
      if (!task->IsActive()) continue;
      if (task->fHasExecuted) {
      if (task->fBreakin == 1) {
         printf("Break at entry of task: %sn",task->GetName());
         fgBreakPoint = this;

      if (gDebug > 1) {
         cout<<"Execute task:"<<task->GetName()<<" : "<<task->GetTitle()<<endl;
      task->fHasExecuted = kTRUE;
      if (gDebug > 1) TROOT::DecreaseDirLevel();
      if (task->fBreakout == 1) {
         printf("Break at exit of task: %sn",task->GetName());
         fgBreakPoint = this;

 void TTask::ls(Option_t *option) const
//  list the tree of tasks
//  Indentation is used to identify the task tree
   cout <<GetName()<<"t"<<GetTitle()<<endl;

   TString opta = option;
   TString opt  = opta.Strip(TString::kBoth);

   TRegexp re(opt, kTRUE);

   TObject *obj;
   TIter nextobj(fTasks);
   while ((obj = (TObject *) nextobj())) {
      TString s = obj->GetName();
      if (s.Index(re) == kNPOS) continue;

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