// @(#)root/meta:$Name:  $:$Id: TCint.cxx,v 1.89 2004/05/28 18:13:12 rdm Exp $
// Author: Fons Rademakers   01/03/96

 * Copyright (C) 1995-2000, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers.               *
 * All rights reserved.                                                  *
 *                                                                       *
 * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE.                         *
 * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS.             *

//                                                                      //
// This class defines an interface to the CINT C/C++ interpreter made   //
// by Masaharu Goto from HP Japan.                                      //
//                                                                      //
// CINT is an almost full ANSI compliant C/C++ interpreter.             //
//                                                                      //

#include "TCint.h"
#include "TROOT.h"
#include "TApplication.h"
#include "TGlobal.h"
#include "TDataType.h"
#include "TClass.h"
#include "TClassEdit.h"
#include "TBaseClass.h"
#include "TDataMember.h"
#include "TMethod.h"
#include "TMethodArg.h"
#include "TObjArray.h"
#include "TObjString.h"
#include "TString.h"
#include "TList.h"
#include "TOrdCollection.h"
#include "TVirtualPad.h"
#include "TSystem.h"
#include "TVirtualMutex.h"
#include "TError.h"
#include "TEnv.h"

#ifdef WIN32
#  ifndef ROOT_TGWin32Command
#    include "TGWin32Command.h"
#    undef GetClassInfo
#  endif

#include <vector>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

R__EXTERN int optind;

// reference cint includes
// make sure fproto.h is loaded (it was excluded in TCint.h)
#undef G__FPROTO_H
#include "fproto.h"
#include "Api.h"

// Those are missing from the cint API files:
extern "C" int G__const_whatnoerror();
extern "C" int G__const_setnoerror();
extern "C" int G__const_resetnoerror();

extern "C" void G__clearfilebusy(int);
extern "C" void G__clearstack();

extern "C" int ScriptCompiler(const char *filename, const char *opt) {
   return gSystem->CompileMacro(filename, opt);

extern "C" int IgnoreInclude(const char *fname, const char *expandedfname) {
   return gROOT->IgnoreInclude(fname,expandedfname);

extern "C" void TCint_UpdateClassInfo(char *c, Long_t l) {
  TCint::UpdateClassInfo(c, l);

extern "C" int TCint_AutoLoadCallback(char *c, char *l) {
  return TCint::AutoLoadCallback(c, l);

extern "C" void *TCint_FindSpecialObject(char *c, G__ClassInfo *ci, void **p1, void **p2) {
  return TCint::FindSpecialObject(c, ci, p1, p2);

// It is a "fantom" method to synchronize user keyboard input
// and ROOT prompt line (for WIN32)
const char *fantomline = "TRint::EndOfLineAction();";


 TCint::TCint(const char *name, const char *title) : TInterpreter(name, title)
   // Initialize the CINT interpreter interface.

   fMore      = 0;
   fPrompt[0] = 0;
   fMapfile   = 0;


   fDictPos.ptype = 0;
   fDictPosGlobals.ptype = 0;


#ifndef WIN32
   optind = 1;  // make sure getopt() works in the main program

   // Make sure that ALL macros are seen as C++.

   // Destroy the CINT interpreter interface.

   if (fMore != -1) {
     // only close the opened files do not free memory:
     // G__scratch_all();

   delete fMapfile;


 void TCint::ClearFileBusy()
   // Reset CINT internal state in case a previous action was not correctly
   // terminated by G__init_cint() and G__dlmod().


 void TCint::ClearStack()
   // Delete existing temporary values


 Int_t TCint::InitializeDictionaries()
   // Initialize all registered dictionaries. Normally this is already done
   // by G__init_cint() and G__dlmod().

   return G__call_setup_funcs();

 void TCint::EnableAutoLoading()
   // Enable the automatic loading of shared libraries when a class
   // is used that is stored in a not yet loaded library. Uses the
   // information stored in the class/library map (typically
   // $ROOTSYS/etc/system.rootmap).


 void TCint::EndOfLineAction()
   // It calls a "fantom" method to synchronize user keyboard input
   // and ROOT prompt line.


 void TCint::ExecThreadCB(TWin32SendClass *command)
   // This function must be called from the "Command thread only".

#ifdef WIN32
#ifndef GDK_WIN32
   char *line = (char *)(command->GetData(0));
   EErrorCode *error = (EErrorCode*)(command->GetData(1));
   Int_t iret = ProcessLine((const char *)line,error);
   delete [] line;
   if (LOWORD(command->GetCOP()) == kSendWaitClass)
      ((TWin32SendWaitClass *)command)->Release();
      delete command;
   if (command) { }
   if (command) { }

 Bool_t TCint::IsLoaded(const char* filename) const
   // Return true if the file has already been loaded by cint.

   // We will try in this order:
   //   actual filename
   //   filename as a path relative to
   //            the include path
   //            the shared library path

   G__SourceFileInfo file(filename);
   if (file.IsValid()) { return kTRUE; };

   char *next = gSystem->Which(TROOT::GetMacroPath(), filename, kReadPermission);
   if (next) {
     delete [] next;
     if (file.IsValid()) { return kTRUE; };

   TString incPath = gSystem->GetIncludePath(); // of the form -Idir1  -Idir2 -Idir3
   incPath.Append(":").Prepend(" ");
   incPath.ReplaceAll(" -I",":");       // of form :dir1 :dir2:dir3
   while ( incPath.Index(" :") != -1 ) {
     incPath.ReplaceAll(" :",":");
   next = gSystem->Which(incPath, filename, kReadPermission);
   if (next) {
     delete [] next;
     if (file.IsValid()) { return kTRUE; };

   next = gSystem->DynamicPathName(filename,kTRUE);
   if (next) {
     delete [] next;
     if (file.IsValid()) { return kTRUE; };

   return kFALSE;

 Int_t TCint::Load(const char *filename, Bool_t system)
   // Load a library file in CINT's memory.
   // if 'system' is true, the library is never unloaded.

   int i;
   if (!system)
      i = G__loadfile(filename);
      i = G__loadsystemfile(filename);


   return i;

 void TCint::LoadMacro(const char *filename, EErrorCode *error)
   // Load a macro file in CINT's memory.

   ProcessLine(Form(".L %s", filename), error);

 Long_t TCint::ProcessLine(const char *line, EErrorCode *error)
   // Let CINT process a command line.
   // If the command is executed and the result of G__process_cmd is 0,
   // the return value is the int value corresponding to the result of the command
   // (float and double return values will be truncated).

   Int_t ret = 0;
   if (gApplication) {
      if (gApplication->IsCmdThread()) {

         G__value local_res;

         // It checks whether the input line contains the "fantom" method
         // to synchronize user keyboard input and ROOT prompt line
         if (strstr(line,fantomline)) {
         } else {
            int local_error = 0;

            ret = G__process_cmd((char *)line, fPrompt, &fMore, &local_error, &local_res);
            if (local_error == 0 && G__get_return(&fExitCode) == G__RETURN_EXIT2) {
            if (error)
               *error = (EErrorCode)local_error;

         if (ret==0) ret = G__int(local_res);

      } else
         ret = ProcessLineAsynch(line, error);
   return ret;

 Long_t TCint::ProcessLineAsynch(const char *line, EErrorCode *error)
   // Let CINT process a command line asynch.

#ifndef WIN32
   return ProcessLine(line, error);
#ifndef GDK_WIN32
   if (error) *error = kProcessing;
   char *cmd = new char[strlen(line)+1];
   TWin32SendClass *code = new TWin32SendClass(this,(UInt_t)cmd,(UInt_t)error,0,0);
   return 0;
   return ProcessLine(line, error);

 Long_t TCint::ProcessLineSynch(const char *line, EErrorCode *error)
   // Let CINT process a command line synchronously, i.e we are waiting
   // it will be finished.

  if (gApplication && gApplication->IsCmdThread())
     return ProcessLine(line, error);
#ifdef WIN32
#ifndef GDK_WIN32
   if (error) *error = kProcessing;
   char *cmd = new char[strlen(line)+1];
   TWin32SendWaitClass code(this,(UInt_t)cmd,(UInt_t)error,0,0);
   return 0;

 Long_t TCint::Calc(const char *line, EErrorCode *error)
   // Directly execute an executable statement (e.g. "func()", "3+5", etc.
   // however not declarations, like "Int_t x;").

   Long_t result;

#ifdef WIN32
   // Test on ApplicationImp not being 0 is needed because only at end of
   // TApplication ctor the IsLineProcessing flag is set to 0, so before
   // we can not use it.
   if (gApplication && gApplication->GetApplicationImp()) {
      while (gROOT->IsLineProcessing() && !gApplication) {
         Warning("Calc", "waiting for CINT thread to free");

   result = (Long_t) G__int(G__calc((char *)line));
   if (error) *error = (EErrorCode)G__lasterror();

#ifdef WIN32
   if (gApplication && gApplication->GetApplicationImp())

   return result;

 void TCint::PrintIntro()
   // Print CINT introduction and help message.

   Printf("nCINT/ROOT C/C++ Interpreter version %s", G__cint_version());
   Printf("Type ? for help. Commands must be C++ statements.");
   Printf("Enclose multiple statements between { }.");

 void TCint::Reset()
   // Reset the CINT state to the state saved by the last call to
   // TCint::SaveContext().


 void TCint::ResetAll()
   // Reset the CINT state to its initial state.

   G__init_cint("cint +V");

 void TCint::ResetGlobals()
   // Reset the CINT global object state to the state saved by the last
   // call to TCint::SaveGlobalsContext().


 void TCint::RewindDictionary()
   // Rewind CINT dictionary to the point where it was before executing
   // the current macro. This function is typically called after SEGV or
   // ctlr-C after doing a longjmp back to the prompt.


 Int_t TCint::DeleteGlobal(void *obj)
   // Delete obj from CINT symbol table so it cannot be accessed anymore.
   // Returns 1 in case of success and 0 in case object was not in table.

   return G__deleteglobal(obj);

 void TCint::SaveContext()
   // Save the current CINT state.


 void TCint::SaveGlobalsContext()
   // Save the current CINT state of global objects.


 void TCint::UpdateListOfGlobals()
   // Update the list of pointers to global variables. This function
   // is called by TROOT::GetListOfGlobals().

   G__DataMemberInfo t, *a;
   while (t.Next()) {
      // if name cannot be obtained no use to put in list
      if (t.IsValid() && t.Name()) {
         // first remove if already in list
         TGlobal *g = (TGlobal *)gROOT->fGlobals->FindObject(t.Name());
         if (g) {
            delete g;
         a = new G__DataMemberInfo(t);
         gROOT->fGlobals->Add(new TGlobal(a));

 void TCint::UpdateListOfGlobalFunctions()
   // Update the list of pointers to global functions. This function
   // is called by TROOT::GetListOfGlobalFunctions().

   G__MethodInfo t, *a;
   while (t.Next()) {
      // if name cannot be obtained no use to put in list
      if (t.IsValid() && t.Name()) {
         // first remove if already in list
         TFunction *f = (TFunction *)gROOT->fGlobalFunctions->FindObject(t.Name());
         if (f && f->InterfaceMethod()==((void*)t.InterfaceMethod()) ) {
            TString mangled = f->GetMangledName();
            if (mangled==t.GetMangledName()) {
               delete f;
         a = new G__MethodInfo(t);
         gROOT->fGlobalFunctions->Add(new TFunction(a));

 void TCint::UpdateListOfTypes()
   // Update the list of pointers to Datatype (typedef) definitions. This
   // function is called by TROOT::GetListOfTypes().

   G__TypedefInfo t;
   while (t.Next()) {
      if (gROOT && gROOT->fTypes && t.IsValid() && t.Name()) {
         TDataType *d = (TDataType *)gROOT->fTypes->FindObject(t.Name());
         // only add new types, don't delete old ones with the same name
         // (as is done in UpdateListOfGlobals()),
         // this 'feature' is being used in TROOT::GetType().
         if (!d) {
            gROOT->fTypes->Add(new TDataType(new G__TypedefInfo(t)));

 void TCint::SetClassInfo(TClass *cl, Bool_t reload)
   // Set pointer to CINT's G__ClassInfo in TClass.

   if (!cl->fClassInfo || reload) {

      delete cl->fClassInfo; cl->fClassInfo = 0;
      if (CheckClassInfo(cl->GetName())) {

         cl->fClassInfo = new G__ClassInfo(cl->GetName());

         // In case a class contains an external enum, the enum will be seen as a
         // class. We must detect this special case and make the class a Zombie.
         // Here we assume that a class has at least one method.
         // We can NOT call TClass::Property from here, because this method
         // assumes that the TClass is well formed to do a lot of information
         // caching. The method SetClassInfo (i.e. here) is usually called during
         // the building phase of the TClass, hence it is NOT well formed yet.
         if (cl->fClassInfo->IsValid() &&
             !(cl->fClassInfo->Property() & (kIsClass|kIsStruct))) {

         if (!cl->fClassInfo->IsLoaded()) {
            // this happens when no CINT dictionary is available
            delete cl->fClassInfo;
            cl->fClassInfo = 0;


 Bool_t TCint::CheckClassInfo(const char *name)
   // Checks if a class with the specified name is defined in CINT.
   // Returns kFALSE is class is not defined.

   // In the case where the class is not loaded and belongs to a namespace
   // or is nested, looking for the full class name is outputing a lots of
   // (expected) error messages.  Currently the only way to avoid this is to
   // specifically check that each level of nesting is already loaded.
   // In case of templates the idea is that everything between the outer
   // '<' and '>' has to be skipped, e.g.: aap<pipo<noot>::klaas>::a_class

   char *classname = StrDup(name);
   char *current = classname;
   while (*current) {

      while (*current && *current != ':' && *current != '<')

      if (!*current) break;

      if (*current == '<') {
         int level = 1;
         while (*current && level > 0) {
            if (*current == '<') level++;
            if (*current == '>') level--;

      // *current == ':', must be a "::"
      if (*(current+1) != ':') {
         Error("CheckClassInfo", "unexpected token : in %s", classname);
         delete [] classname;
         return kFALSE;

      *current = '0';
      G__ClassInfo info(classname);
      if (!info.IsLoaded()) {
         delete [] classname;
         return kFALSE;
      *current = ':';
      current += 2;
   delete [] classname;

   Int_t tagnum = G__defined_tagname(name, 2);
   if (tagnum >= 0) return kTRUE;
   G__TypedefInfo t(name);
   if (t.IsValid() && !(t.Property()&G__BIT_ISFUNDAMENTAL)) return kTRUE;
   return kFALSE;

 void TCint::CreateListOfBaseClasses(TClass *cl)
   // Create list of pointers to base class(es) for TClass cl.

   if (!cl->fBase) {

      cl->fBase = new TList;

      G__BaseClassInfo t(*cl->GetClassInfo()), *a;
      while (t.Next()) {
         // if name cannot be obtained no use to put in list
         if (t.IsValid() && t.Name()) {
            a = new G__BaseClassInfo(t);
            cl->fBase->Add(new TBaseClass(a, cl));

 void TCint::CreateListOfDataMembers(TClass *cl)
   // Create list of pointers to data members for TClass cl.

   if (!cl->fData) {

      cl->fData = new TList;

      G__DataMemberInfo t(*cl->GetClassInfo()), *a;
      while (t.Next()) {
         // if name cannot be obtained no use to put in list
         if (t.IsValid() && t.Name() && strcmp(t.Name(), "G__virtualinfo")) {
            a = new G__DataMemberInfo(t);
            cl->fData->Add(new TDataMember(a, cl));

 void TCint::CreateListOfMethods(TClass *cl)
   // Create list of pointers to methods for TClass cl.

   if (!cl->fMethod) {

      cl->fMethod = new TList;

      G__MethodInfo t(*cl->GetClassInfo()), *a;
      while (t.Next()) {
         // if name cannot be obtained no use to put in list
         if (t.IsValid() && t.Name()) {
            a = new G__MethodInfo(t);
            cl->fMethod->Add(new TMethod(a, cl));

 void TCint::CreateListOfMethodArgs(TFunction *m)
   // Create list of pointers to method arguments for TMethod m.

   if (!m->fMethodArgs) {

      m->fMethodArgs = new TList;

      G__MethodArgInfo t(*m->fInfo), *a;
      while (t.Next()) {
         // if type cannot be obtained no use to put in list
         if (t.IsValid() && t.Type()) {
            a = new G__MethodArgInfo(t);
            m->fMethodArgs->Add(new TMethodArg(a, m));

 TString TCint::GetMangledName(TClass *cl, const char *method,
                             const char *params)
   // Return the CINT mangled name for a method of a class with parameters
   // params (params is a string of actual arguments, not formal ones). If the
   // class is 0 the global function list will be searched.

   G__CallFunc  func;
   Long_t       offset;

   if (cl)
      func.SetFunc(cl->GetClassInfo(), method, params, &offset);
   else {
      G__ClassInfo gcl;   // default G__ClassInfo is global environment
      func.SetFunc(&gcl, method, params, &offset);
   return func.GetMethodInfo().GetMangledName();

 TString TCint::GetMangledNameWithPrototype(TClass *cl, const char *method,
                                           const char *proto)
   // Return the CINT mangled name for a method of a class with a certain
   // prototype, i.e. "char*,int,float". If the class is 0 the global function
   // list will be searched.

   Long_t             offset;

   if (cl)
      return cl->GetClassInfo()->GetMethod(method, proto, &offset).GetMangledName();
   else {
      G__ClassInfo gcl;   // default G__ClassInfo is global environment
      return gcl.GetMethod(method, proto, &offset).GetMangledName();

 void *TCint::GetInterfaceMethod(TClass *cl, const char *method,
                                const char *params)
   // Return pointer to CINT interface function for a method of a class with
   // parameters params (params is a string of actual arguments, not formal
   // ones). If the class is 0 the global function list will be searched.

   G__CallFunc  func;
   Long_t       offset;

   if (cl)
      func.SetFunc(cl->GetClassInfo(), method, params, &offset);
   else {
      G__ClassInfo gcl;   // default G__ClassInfo is global environment
      func.SetFunc(&gcl, method, params, &offset);
   return (void *)func.InterfaceMethod();

 void *TCint::GetInterfaceMethodWithPrototype(TClass *cl, const char *method,
                                             const char *proto)
   // Return pointer to CINT interface function for a method of a class with
   // a certain prototype, i.e. "char*,int,float". If the class is 0 the global
   // function list will be searched.

   G__InterfaceMethod f;
   Long_t             offset;

   if (cl)
      f = cl->GetClassInfo()->GetMethod(method, proto, &offset).InterfaceMethod();
   else {
      G__ClassInfo gcl;   // default G__ClassInfo is global environment
      f = gcl.GetMethod(method, proto, &offset).InterfaceMethod();
   return (void *)f;

 const char *TCint::GetInterpreterTypeName(const char *name)
   // The 'name' is known to the interpreter, this function returns
   // the internal version of this name (usually just resolving typedefs)
   // This is used in particular to synchronize between the name used
   // by rootcint and by the run-time enviroment (TClass)
   // Return 0 if the name is not known.

   if (!gInterpreter->CheckClassInfo(name)) return 0;
   G__ClassInfo cl(name);
   if (cl.IsValid()) return cl.Name();
   else return 0;

 void TCint::Execute(const char *function, const char *params, int *error)
   // Execute a global function with arguments params.

   G__CallFunc  func;
   G__ClassInfo cl;
   Long_t       offset;

   // set pointer to interface method and arguments
   func.SetFunc(&cl, function, params, &offset);

   // call function
   if (error) *error = G__lasterror();

 void TCint::Execute(TObject *obj, TClass *cl, const char *method,
                    const char *params, int *error)
   // Execute a method from class cl with arguments params.

   void       *address;
   long        offset;
   G__CallFunc func;

   // If the actuall class of this object inherit 2nd (or more) from TObject,
   // 'obj' is unlikely to be the start of the object (as described by IsA()),
   // hence gInterpreter->Execute will improperly correct the offset.

   void *addr = cl->DynamicCast( TObject::Class(), obj, kFALSE);

   // set pointer to interface method and arguments
   func.SetFunc(cl->GetClassInfo(), method, params, &offset);

   // call function
   address = (void*)((Long_t)addr + offset);
   if (error) *error = G__lasterror();

 void TCint::Execute(TObject *obj, TClass *cl, TMethod *method, TObjArray *params,
                    int *error)
   // Execute a method from class cl with the arguments in array params
   // (params[0] ... params[n] = array of TObjString parameters).

   // Convert the TObjArray array of TObjString parameters to a character
   // string of comma separated parameters.
   // The parameters of type 'char' are enclosed in double quotes and all
   // internal quotes are escaped.

   if (!method) {
      Error("Execute","No method was defined");

   TList *argList = method->GetListOfMethodArgs();

   // Check number of actual parameters against of expected formal ones

   Int_t nparms = argList->LastIndex()+1;
   Int_t argc   = params ? params->LastIndex()+1:0;

   if (nparms != argc) {
      Error("Execute","Wrong number of the parameters");

   const char *listpar = "";
   TString complete(10);

   if (params)
       // Create a character string of parameters from TObjArray
       TIter next(params);
       for (Int_t i = 0; i < argc; i ++)
           TMethodArg *arg = (TMethodArg *) argList->At( i );
           G__TypeInfo type( arg->GetFullTypeName() );
           TObjString *nxtpar = (TObjString *)next();
           if (i) complete += ',';
           if (strstr( type.TrueName(), "char" ))
               TString chpar('"');
               chpar += (nxtpar->String()).ReplaceAll(""","\"");
               // At this point we have to check if string contains \"
               // and apply some more sophisticated parser. Not implemented yet!
               complete += chpar;
               complete += '"';
               complete += nxtpar->String();
       listpar = complete.Data();

   Execute(obj, cl, (char *)method->GetName(), (char *)listpar, error);

 Long_t TCint::ExecuteMacro(const char *filename, EErrorCode *error)
   // Execute a CINT macro.

   if (gApplication)
      return gApplication->ProcessFile(filename, (int*)error);
      /*G__value result =*/ G__exec_tempfile((char*)filename);
   return 0;  // could get return value from result, but what about return type?

 const char *TCint::TypeName(const char *typeDesc)
   // Return the absolute type of typeDesc.
   // E.g.: typeDesc = "class TNamed**", returns "TNamed".
   // You need to use the result immediately before it is being overwritten.

   static char t[1024];
   char *s, *template_start;
   if (!strstr(typeDesc, "(*)(")) {
      s = (char*)strchr(typeDesc, ' ');
      template_start = (char*)strchr(typeDesc, '<');
      if (!strcmp(typeDesc, "long long"))
         strcpy(t, typeDesc);
      // s is the position of the second 'word' (if any)
      // except in the case of templates where there will be a space
      // just before any closing '>': eg.
      //    TObj<std::vector<UShort_t,__malloc_alloc_template<0> > >*
      else if (s && (template_start==0 || (s < template_start)) )
         strcpy(t, s+1);
         strcpy(t, typeDesc);

   int l = strlen(t);
   while (l > 0 && (t[l-1] == '*' || t[l-1] == '&') ) t[--l] = 0;

   return t;

 Int_t TCint::LoadLibraryMap()
   // Load map between class and library. Cint uses this information to
   // automatically load the shared library for a class (autoload mechanism).
   // See also the AutoLoadCallback() method below.

   // open the [system].rootmap files
   if (!fMapfile)
      fMapfile = new TEnv(".rootmap");

   TEnvRec *rec;
   TIter next(fMapfile->GetTable());

   while ((rec = (TEnvRec*) next())) {
      const char *cls = rec->GetName();
      if (!strncmp(cls, "Library.", 8) && strlen(cls) > 8) {
         // get the first lib from the list of lib and dependent libs
         TString libs = rec->GetValue();
         TString delim(" ");
         TObjArray *tokens = libs.Tokenize(delim);
         // convert back from "@@" to "::", we used "@@" because TEnv
         // considers "::" a terminator
         ((TObjString*)tokens->At(0))->String().ReplaceAll("@@", "::");
         char *lib = (char *)((TObjString*)tokens->At(0))->GetName();
         G__set_class_autoloading_table((char*)(cls+8), lib);
         if (gDebug > 0)
            printf("<TCint::LoadLibraryMap>: adding class %s in lib %sn",
                   cls+8, lib);
         delete tokens;
   return 0;

 int TCint::AutoLoadCallback(const char *cls, const char *lib)
   // Load library containing specified class. Returns 0 in case of error
   // and 1 in case if success.

   if (!gROOT || !gInterpreter) return 0;

   // calls to load libCore might come in the very beginning when libCore
   // dictionary is not fully loaded yet, ignore it since libCore is always
   // loaded
   if (strstr(lib, "libCore")) return 1;

   // lookup class to find list of dependent libraries
   TString deplibs = gInterpreter->GetClassSharedLibs(cls);
   if (!deplibs.IsNull()) {
      TString delim(" ");
      TObjArray *tokens = deplibs.Tokenize(delim);
      for (Int_t i = tokens->GetEntries()-1; i > 0; i--) {
         const char *deplib = ((TObjString*)tokens->At(i))->GetName();
         gROOT->LoadClass(cls, deplib);
         if (gDebug > 0)
            ::Info("TCint::AutoLoadCallback", "loaded dependent library %s for class %s",
                   deplib, cls);
      delete tokens;

   if (gROOT->LoadClass(cls, lib) == 0) {
      if (gDebug > 0)
         ::Info("TCint::AutoLoadCallback", "loaded library %s for class %s",
                lib, cls);
      return 1;
   } else
      ::Error("TCint::AutoLoadCallback", "failure loading library %s for class %s",
              lib, cls);
   return 0;

 void *TCint::FindSpecialObject(const char *item, G__ClassInfo *type,
                               void **prevObj, void **assocPtr)
   // Static function called by CINT when it finds an un-indentified object.
   // This function tries to find the UO in the ROOT files, directories, etc.
   // This functions has been registered by the TCint ctor.

   if (!*prevObj || *assocPtr != gDirectory) {
      *prevObj = gROOT->FindSpecialObject(item, *assocPtr);

   if (*prevObj) type->Init(((TObject *)*prevObj)->ClassName());
   return *prevObj;

 void TCint::UpdateClassInfo(char *item, Long_t tagnum)
   // Static function called by CINT when it changes the tagnum for
   // a class (e.g. after re-executing the setup function). In such
   // cases we have to update the tagnum in the G__ClassInfo used by
   // the TClass for class "item".

   if (gROOT && gROOT->GetListOfClasses()) {

      Bool_t load = kFALSE;

      if (strchr(item,'<')) {
         // We have a template which may have duplicates.

         TIter next( gROOT->GetListOfClasses() );
         TClass *cl;

         TString resolvedItem(
                                       ,kTRUE) );
         TString resolved;
         while ( (cl = (TClass*)next()) ) {
            resolved = TClassEdit::ResolveTypedef(TClassEdit::ShortType(cl->GetName(),
            if (resolved==resolvedItem) {
               // we found at least one equivalent.
               // let's force a reload
               load = kTRUE;

      TClass *cl = gROOT->GetClass(item, load);
      if (cl) {
         G__ClassInfo *info = cl->GetClassInfo();
         if (info && info->Tagnum() != tagnum) {
            if (cl->fBase)
            delete cl->fBase;
            cl->fBase = 0;

 void TCint::UpdateAllCanvases()
   // Update all canvases at end the terminal input command.

   TIter next(gROOT->GetListOfCanvases());
   TVirtualPad *canvas;
   while ((canvas = (TVirtualPad *)next()))

 const char* TCint::GetSharedLibs()
   // Refresh the list of shared libraries and return it.

   fSharedLibs = "";

   G__SourceFileInfo cursor(0);
   while (cursor.IsValid()) {
      const char *filename = cursor.Name();
      if (filename &&
          (strstr(filename,".sl")  != 0 ||
           strstr(filename,".dl")  != 0 ||
           strstr(filename,".so")  != 0 ||
           strstr(filename,".dll") != 0 ||
           strstr(filename,".DLL") != 0 ||
           strstr(filename,".a")   != 0)) {
         if (!fSharedLibs.IsNull())
            fSharedLibs.Append(" ");


   return fSharedLibs;

 const char *TCint::GetClassSharedLibs(const char *cls)
   // Get the list of shared libraries containing the code for class cls.
   // The first library in the list is the one containing the class, the
   // others are the libraries the first one depends on. Returns 0
   // in case the library is not found.

   if (!cls || !*cls)
      return 0;

   // lookup class to find list of libraries
   if (fMapfile) {
      TString c = TString("Library.") + cls;
      c.ReplaceAll("::", "@@");
      const char *libs = fMapfile->GetValue(c, "");
      return (*libs) ? libs : 0;
   return 0;

 Bool_t TCint::IsErrorMessagesEnabled()
   // If error messages are disabled, the interpreter should suppress its
   // failures and warning messages from stdout.

   return !G__const_whatnoerror();

 Bool_t TCint::SetErrorMessages(Bool_t enable)
   // If error messages are disabled, the interpreter should  suppress its
   // failures and warning messages from stdout.

  if (enable) G__const_resetnoerror();
  else        G__const_setnoerror();
  return     !G__const_whatnoerror();

 void TCint::AddIncludePath(const char *path)
  // Add the given path to the list of directory in which the interpreter
  // look for include files.



 const char* TCint::GetIncludePath()
  // Refresh the list of include path known to the interpreter and return it,
  // with -I prepended.

  fIncludePath = "";

  G__IncludePathInfo path;

  while ( path.Next() ) {
    const char *pathname = path.Name();
    fIncludePath.Append(" -I").Append(pathname);
  } ;

  return fIncludePath;


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