// @(#)root/base:$Name: $:$Id: TQCommand.cxx,v 1.3 2004/04/27 07:30:35 rdm Exp $
// Author: Valeriy Onuchin 04/27/2004
* Copyright (C) 1995-2001, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. *
* All rights reserved. *
* *
* For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. *
* For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. *
// //
// The Command design pattern is based on the idea, that all editing //
// in an application is done by creating instances of command objects. //
// Command objects apply changes to the edited object and then are //
// stored on a command stack. Furthermore, each command knows how to //
// undo its changes to bring the edited object back to its previous //
// state. As long as the application only uses command objects to //
// change the state of the edited object, it is possible to undo //
// a sequence of commands by traversing the command stack downwards and //
// calling the "undo" method of each command in turn. It is also //
// possible to redo a sequence of commands by traversing the command //
// stack upwards and calling the "redo" method of each command. //
// //
// //
// Examples: //
// //
// 1. Create a new command //
// //
// TQCommand *com = new TQCommand("TH1", hpx, "SetFillColor(Color_t)" //
// "SetFillColor(Color_t)"); //
// //
// 1st parameter - the name of class //
// 2nd parameter - object //
// 3rd parameter - the name of do/redo method //
// 4th parameter - the name of undo method //
// //
// Since redo,undo methods are the same, undo name can be omitted, e.g. //
// //
// TQCommand *com = new TQCommand("TH1", hpx, "SetFillColor(Color_t)"); //
// //
// For objects derived from TObject class name can be omitted, e.g. //
// //
// TQCommand *com = new TQCommand(hpx, "SetFillColor(Color_t)"); //
// //
// 2. Setting undo, redo parameters. //
// //
// Color_t old_color = hpx->GetFillColor(); //
// Color_t new_color = 4; // blue color //
// //
// com->SetRedoArgs(1, new_color); //
// com->SetUndoArgs(1, old_color); //
// //
// 1st argument - the number of undo, redo parameters //
// the other arguments - undo, redo values //
// //
// Since the number of undo,redo parameters is the same one can use //
// //
// com->SetArgs(1, new_color, old_color); //
// //
// 3. Undo, redo method execution //
// //
// com->Redo(); // execute redo method //
// com->Undo(); // execute undo method //
// //
// 4. Merged commands //
// //
// It possible to group several commands together so an end user //
// can undo and redo them with one command. //
// //
// TQCommand *update = new TQCommand(gPad, "Modified()"); //
// com->Add(update); //
// //
// 5. Macro commands //
// //
// "Merging" allows to create macro commands, e.g. //
// //
// TQCommand *macro = new TQCommand("my macro"); //
// macro->Add(com1); //
// macro->Add(com2); //
// ... //
// //
// During Redo operation commands composing macro command are executed //
// sequentially in direct order (first in first out). During Undo, //
// they are executed in reverse order (last in first out). //
// //
// 6. Undo manager. //
// //
// TQUndoManager is recorder of undo and redo operations. This is //
// command history list which can be traversed backwards and upwards //
// performing undo and redo operations. //
// To register command TQUndoManager::Add(TObject*) method is used. //
// //
// TQUndoManager *history = new TQUndoManager(); //
// history->Add(com); //
// //
// TQUndoManager::Add automatically invokes execution of command's //
// Redo method. //
// //
// Use TQUndoManager::Undo to undo commands in history list. //
// Redo is Undo for undo action. Use TQUndoManager::Redo method for that//
// //
#include "TQCommand.h"
#include "TQConnection.h"
#include "TDataType.h"
#include "stdarg.h"
static TQCommand *gActiveCommand = 0;
//////////////////////// auxilary private functions ////////////////////////////
static char *ResolveTypes(const char *method)
// Resolve any typedefs in the method signature. For example:
// func(Float_t,Int_t) becomes func(float,int).
// The returned string must be deleted by the user.
if (!method || !*method) return 0;
char *str = new char[strlen(method)+1];
if (str) strcpy(str, method);
TString res;
char *s = strtok(str, "(");
res = s;
res += "(";
Bool_t first = kTRUE;
while ((s = strtok(0, ",)"))) {
char *s1, s2 = 0;
if ((s1 = strchr(s, '*'))) {
*s1 = 0;
s2 = '*';
if (!s1 && (s1 = strchr(s, '&'))) {
*s1 = 0;
s2 = '&';
TDataType *dt = gROOT->GetType(s);
if (s1) *s1 = s2;
if (!first) res += ",";
if (dt) {
res += dt->GetFullTypeName();
if (s1) res += s1;
} else
res += s;
first = kFALSE;
res += ")";
delete [] str;
str = new char[res.Length()+1];
strcpy(str, res.Data());
return str;
static char *CompressName(const char *method_name)
// Removes "const" words and blanks from full (with prototype)
// method name.
// Example: CompressName(" Draw(const char *, const char *,
// Option_t * , Int_t , Int_t)")
// Returns the string "Draw(char*,char*,char*,int,int)"
// The returned string must be deleted by the user.
if (!method_name || !*method_name) return 0;
char *str = new char[strlen(method_name)+1];
if (str) strcpy(str, method_name);
char *tmp = str;
// substitute "const" with white spaces
while ((tmp = strstr(tmp,"const"))) {
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) *(tmp+i) = ' ';
tmp = str;
char *s;
s = str;
Bool_t quote = kFALSE;
while (*tmp) {
if (*tmp == '"')
quote = quote ? kFALSE : kTRUE;
if (*tmp != ' ' || quote)
*s++ = *tmp;
*s = '0';
s = ResolveTypes(str);
delete [] str;
return s;
void TQCommand::Init(const char *clname, void *obj, const char *redo, const char *undo)
// common protected method used in several constructors
char *credo = CompressName(redo);
char *cundo = CompressName(undo);
fNRargs = fNUargs = -1;
fNewDelete = kFALSE;
fObject = obj;
fRedo = redo ? new TQConnection(clname, obj, credo) : 0;
fUndo = undo ? new TQConnection(clname, obj, cundo) : fRedo;
fRedoArgs = 0;
fUndoArgs = 0;
fStatus = 0;
fState = 0;
delete [] credo;
delete [] cundo;
if (!obj && !redo && !undo) { // macros
fName = clname;
TQCommand::TQCommand(const char *clname, void *obj, const char *redo,
const char *undo) : TList(), TQObject()
// Constructor.
// Input parameters:
// 1. clname - class name.
// 2. obj - an object
// 3. redo - method or function to do/redo operation
// 4. undo - method or function to undo operation
// Comments:
// - if either clname or obj is NULL that means that redo/undo is function
// - to specify default arguments for redo/undo method/function
// '=' must precede to argument value.
// Example:
// TQCommand("TPad", gPad, "SetEditable(=kTRUE)", "SetEditable(=kFALSE)");
// - undo method can be same as redo one. In that case undo parameter
// can be omitted.
// Example:
// TQCommand("TPad", gPad, "SetFillStyle(Style_t)");
Init(clname, obj, redo, undo);
TQCommand::TQCommand(TObject *obj, const char *redo, const char *undo) :
TList(), TQObject()
// Constructor.
// Input parameters:
// 1. obj - an object
// 2. redo - method or function to do/redo operation
// 3. undo - method or function to undo operation
// Comments:
// - to specify default arguments for redo/undo method/function
// '=' must precede to argument value.
// Example:
// TQCommand(gPad, "SetEditable(=kTRUE)", "SetEditable(=kFALSE)");
// - undo method can be same as redo one. In that case "undo"
// can parameter be omitted.
// Example:
// TQCommand(gPad, "SetFillStyle(Style_t)");
if (obj) Init(obj->ClassName(), obj, redo, undo);
else Init(0, 0, redo, undo);
TQCommand::TQCommand(const TQCommand &com) : TList(), TQObject()
// Copy constructor.
fRedo = new TQConnection(*(com.fRedo));
fUndo = new TQConnection(*(com.fUndo));
fRedoArgs = 0;
fUndoArgs = 0;
fNRargs = com.fNRargs;
fNUargs = com.fNUargs;
if (fNRargs > 0) {
fRedoArgs = new Long_t[fNRargs];
for (int i = 0; i< fNRargs; i++) {
fRedoArgs[i] = com.fRedoArgs[i];
if (fNUargs > 0) {
fUndoArgs = new Long_t[fNUargs];
for (int i = 0; i < fNUargs; i++) {
fUndoArgs[i] = com.fUndoArgs[i];
fStatus = com.fStatus;
fNewDelete = com.fNewDelete;
fName = com.fName;
fTitle = com.fTitle;
fObject = com.fObject;
fState = com.fState;
// copy merged commands
TIter next(&com);
TQCommand *obj;
while ((obj = (TQCommand*)next())) {
TList::Add(new TQCommand(*obj));
// dtor.
if (fRedo != fUndo) delete fUndo;
delete fRedo;
delete fRedoArgs;
delete fUndoArgs;
TQCommand *TQCommand::gCommand()
// Return a command which is doing redo/undo action
// This static method allows to set undo parameters dynamically, i.e.
// during execution of Redo function.
// Example:
// For redo actions like TGTextEdit::DelChar() it is not possible to
// know ahead what character will be deleted.
// To set arguments for undo action ( e.g. TGTextEdit::InsChar(char)),
// one needs to call TQCommand::SetUndoArgs(1, character) from
// inside of TGTextEdit::DelChar() method, i.e.
// TQCommand::gCommand()->SetUndoArgs(1, somechar);
return gActiveCommand;
void TQCommand::Delete(Option_t *opt)
// If "opt" is not zero delete every merged command which option string is
// equal to "opt". If "opt" is zero - delete all merged commands.
if (!opt) {
TObjLink *lnk = fFirst;
TObjLink *sav;
while (lnk) {
sav = lnk->Next();
TString ostr = lnk->GetOption();
if (ostr.Contains(opt)) { // remove command
delete lnk->GetObject();
lnk = sav;
Bool_t TQCommand::CanMerge(TQCommand *) const
// Two commands can be merged if they can be composed into
// a single command (Macro command).
// To allow merging commands user might override this function.
return (!fRedo && !fUndo);
void TQCommand::Merge(TQCommand *c)
// Add command to the list of merged commands.
// This make it possible to group complex actions together so an end user
// can undo and redo them with one command. Execution of TQUndoManager::Undo(),
// TQUndoManager::Redo() methods only invokes the top level command as a whole.
// Merge method is analogous to logical join operation.
// Note: Merge method invokes redo action.
Add(c, "merge");
void TQCommand::Add(TObject *obj, Option_t *opt)
// Add command to the list of merged commands.
// Option string can contain substrings:
// "compress" - try to compress input command
// "radd" - execute redo action of input command
// "uadd" - execute undo action of input command
if (!obj->InheritsFrom(TQCommand::Class())) return;
TQCommand *o = (TQCommand *)obj;
TQCommand *c = (TQCommand *)Last();
TString ostr = opt;
if (c) {
if (c->CanCompress(o) || (c->IsEqual(o) && ostr.Contains("compress"))) {
TList::AddLast(o, opt);
if (o->CanRedo() && ostr.Contains("radd")) o->Redo();
if (o->CanUndo() && ostr.Contains("uadd")) o->Undo();
Bool_t TQCommand::CanCompress(TQCommand *c) const
// By default, commands can be compressed if they are:
// - equal
// - setter commands
// More complicated commands might want to override this function.
return (IsEqual(c) && IsSetter());
void TQCommand::Compress(TQCommand *c)
// Compress command. Compression is analogous to arithmetic "addition operation".
// Note:
// - The compressed command will be deleted.
// - Execution Compress method invokes Redo action with new redo arguments
// inheritied from compressed command.
// More complicated commands might want to override this function.
for (int i = 0; i < fNRargs; i++) {
fRedoArgs[i] = c->fRedoArgs[i];
fStatus--; //do not change the state of command
delete c;
Bool_t TQCommand::IsEqual(const TObject* obj) const
// Equal comparison. The commands are equal if they are
// applied to the same object and have the same Redo/Undo actions
// More complicated commands might want to override this function.
if (!obj->InheritsFrom(TQCommand::Class())) return kFALSE;
TQCommand *c = (TQCommand *)obj;
if (!fRedo || !fUndo || (c->GetObject() != fObject)) return kFALSE;
TString cname = fRedo->GetClassName();
TString rname = fRedo->GetName();
return ((cname == c->GetRedo()->GetClassName()) &&
(rname == c->GetRedo()->GetName()));
Bool_t TQCommand::IsSetter() const
// Returns kTRUE is command if Redo is the same as Undo function
// and is the setter action.
// By default, all functions with names like "SetXXX" or "setXXX"
// considered as setters. Another type of setters are Move, Resize operations
// More complicated commands might want to override this function.
TString redo = GetRedoName();
TString undo = GetUndoName();
if (!redo || !undo || (redo != undo)) return kFALSE;
return (redo.BeginsWith("Set") ||
redo.BeginsWith("set") ||
redo.BeginsWith("Move") ||
redo.BeginsWith("move") ||
redo.BeginsWith("Resize") ||
void TQCommand::SetArgs(Int_t narg, ...)
// Set do/redo and undo parameters. The format is
// SetArgs(number_of_params, redo_params, undo_params)
// Example:
// move_command->SetArgs(2, 100, 100, 200, 200);
// 2 params, (100,100) - do/redo position, (200,200) - undo position
if (narg < 0) {
} else if (!narg) { // no arguments
fNRargs = fNUargs = narg;
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, narg);
if (fNRargs != narg ) {
delete fRedoArgs;
fRedoArgs = new Long_t[narg];
if (fNUargs != narg ) {
delete fUndoArgs;
fUndoArgs = new Long_t[narg];
fNRargs = fNUargs = narg;
Int_t i;
for (i = 0; i < fNRargs; i++) {
fRedoArgs[i] = va_arg(ap, Long_t);
for (i = 0; i < fNUargs; i++) {
fUndoArgs[i] = va_arg(ap, Long_t);
void TQCommand::SetRedoArgs(Int_t narg, ...)
// Set redo parameters. The format is
// SetRedoArgs(number_of_params, params)
// Example:
// move_command->SetRedoArgs(2, 100, 100);
if (narg < 0) {
} else if (!narg) { // no arguments
fNRargs = 0;
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, narg);
if (fNRargs != narg ) {
delete fRedoArgs;
fRedoArgs = new Long_t[narg];
fNRargs = narg;
for (int i = 0; i < fNRargs; i++) {
fRedoArgs[i] = va_arg(ap, Long_t);
void TQCommand::SetUndoArgs(Int_t narg, ...)
// Set undo parameters. The format is
// SetUndoArgs(number_of_params, params)
// Example:
// move_command->SetUndoArgs(2, 200, 200);
if (narg < 0) {
} else if (!narg) { // no arguments
fNUargs = narg;
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, narg);
if (fNUargs != narg ) {
delete fUndoArgs;
fUndoArgs = new Long_t[narg];
fNUargs = narg;
for (int i = 0; i < fNUargs; i++) {
fUndoArgs[i] = va_arg(ap, Long_t);
Bool_t TQCommand::CanRedo() const
// Returns kTRUE if Redo action is possible, kFALSE if it's not.
// By default, only single sequential redo action is possible.
return (fStatus <= 0);
Bool_t TQCommand::CanUndo() const
// Returns kTRUE if Undo action is possible, kFALSE if it's not.
// By default, only single tial undo action is possible.
return (fStatus > 0);
void TQCommand::Redo(Option_t *)
// Execute command and then smerged commands
Bool_t done = kFALSE;
fState = 1;
gActiveCommand = this;
if (fNRargs > 0) {
if (fRedo) {
fRedo->ExecuteMethod(fRedoArgs, fNRargs);
done = kTRUE;
} else if (!fNRargs) {
if (fRedo) {
done = kTRUE;
// execute merged commands
TObjLink *lnk = fFirst;
while (lnk) {
TQCommand *c = (TQCommand *)lnk->GetObject();
done = kTRUE;
lnk = lnk->Next();
if (done) Emit("Redo()");
fState = 0;
gActiveCommand = 0;
void TQCommand::Undo(Option_t *)
// Unexecute all merged commands and the command.
// Merged commands are executed in reverse order.
Bool_t done = kFALSE;
fState = -1;
gActiveCommand = this;
// unexecute merged commands
TObjLink *lnk = fLast;
while (lnk) {
TQCommand *c = (TQCommand *)lnk->GetObject();
TString opt = lnk->GetOption();
TObjLink *sav = lnk->Prev();
done = kTRUE;
if (opt.Contains("remove")) { // remove command
delete lnk->GetObject();
lnk = sav;
if (fNUargs > 0) {
if (fUndo) {
fUndo->ExecuteMethod(fUndoArgs, fNUargs);
done = kTRUE;
} else if (!fNUargs) {
if (fUndo) {
done = kTRUE;
if (done) Emit("Undo()");
fState = 0;
gActiveCommand = 0;
const char *TQCommand::GetName() const
// Returns the command name. Default name is "ClassName::RedoName(args)"
// If list of merged commands is not empty the name is
// "ClassName::RedoName(args):cname1:cname2 ..."
const Int_t maxname = 100;
if (!fName.IsNull()) return fName.Data();
TString name;
if (fRedo) {
if (fRedo->GetClassName()) {
name = fRedo->GetClassName();
name += "::";
name += fRedo->GetName();
TQCommand *c;
TObjLink *lnk = fFirst;
while (lnk && (fName.Length() < maxname)) {
c = (TQCommand *)lnk->GetObject();
name += ":";
name += c->GetName();
lnk = lnk->Next();
// trick against "constness"
TQCommand *m = (TQCommand *)this;
m->fName = name;
return name.Data();
const char *TQCommand::GetTitle() const
// Returns command description.
// By default, "ClassName::RedoName(args)_ClassName::UndoName(args)"
if (!fTitle.IsNull()) return fTitle.Data();
TString title = GetName();
if (fUndo) {
title += "_";
title += fUndo->GetClassName();
title += "::";
if (fUndo->GetName()) title += fUndo->GetName();
return title.Data();
const char *TQCommand::GetRedoName() const
// Returns the name of redo command
return (fRedo ? fRedo->GetName() : 0);
const char *TQCommand::GetUndoName() const
// Returns the name of undo command
return (fUndo ? fUndo->GetName() : 0);
Long_t *TQCommand::GetRedoArgs() const
// Returns a pointer to array of redo arguments
return fRedoArgs;
Long_t *TQCommand::GetUndoArgs() const
// Returns a pointer to array of undo arguments
return fUndoArgs;
Int_t TQCommand::GetNRargs() const
// Returns a number of redo arguments
return fNRargs;
Int_t TQCommand::GetNUargs() const
// Returns a number of undo arguments
return fNUargs;
void *TQCommand::GetObject() const
// Returns an object for which undo redo acions are applied
return fObject;
Int_t TQCommand::GetStatus() const
// Returns a number of sequential undo or redo operations
return fStatus;
Bool_t TQCommand::IsMacro() const
// Returns kTRUE if neither redo nor undo action specified
return (!fRedo && !fUndo);
Bool_t TQCommand::IsUndoing() const
// Undo action is in progress
return (fState < 0);
Bool_t TQCommand::IsRedoing() const
// Redo action is in progress
return (fState > 0);
Bool_t TQCommand::IsExecuting() const
// Returns kTRUE if command execution is in progress
return fState;
void TQCommand::SetName(const char *name)
// Sets name of the command
fName = name;
void TQCommand::SetTitle(const char *title)
// Sets description of the command
fTitle = title;
void TQCommand::ls(Option_t *) const
// ls this command and merged commands
TString name = GetName();
printf("%d %sn", fStatus, name.Data());
TObjLink *lnk = fFirst;
while (lnk) {
lnk = lnk->Next();
void TQCommand::Print(Option_t *option) const
// print this command and all merged commands
TQUndoManager::TQUndoManager() : TQCommand(0, 0, 0, 0)
// Constructor
fCursor = 0;
fLimit = ~0; // maximum value for UInt_t
fLogging = kFALSE;
fLogBook = 0;
fCurrent = 0;
// Destructor
if (fLogBook) {
delete fLogBook;
void TQUndoManager::ls(Option_t *option) const
// Lists all commands in stack
if (!IsEmpty()) {
TObjLink *lnk = fFirst;
while (lnk) {
if (lnk == fCursor) {
} else {
printf(" ");
TQCommand *com = (TQCommand*)lnk->GetObject();
lnk = lnk->Next();
void TQUndoManager::Print(Option_t *option) const
// Prints all commands in history stack
void TQUndoManager::SetLogging(Bool_t on)
// Start logging. Delete all previous log records
// Note: logging is not implemented yet
fLogging = on;
if (fLogging) {
if (fLogBook) {
} else {
fLogBook = new TList();
void TQUndoManager::Add(TObject *obj, Option_t *opt)
// Add command to the stack of commands.
// Command's redo action will be executed.
// option string can contain the following substrings:
// "merge" - input command will be merged
// "compress" - input command will be compressed
if (!obj->InheritsFrom(TQCommand::Class())) return;
TQCommand *o = (TQCommand *)obj;
TQCommand *c;
Bool_t onredo = fCursor && fCursor->Next();
TString ostr = onredo ? "1radd" : "0radd"; // execute redo on add
if (opt) ostr += opt;
if (fState) { // undo/redo in progress
c = fCurrent;
if (c) {
fCurrent = o;
c->Add(o, "remove"); // add nested command
// delete all commands after cursor position
if (fCursor && fCursor->Next()) {
TObjLink *lnk = fCursor->Next();
TObjLink *sav;
while (lnk) {
sav = lnk->Next();
delete lnk->GetObject();
lnk = sav;
c = GetCursor();
if (c) {
if (c->CanCompress(o) || c->CanMerge(o) ||
ostr.Contains("merge") || ostr.Contains("compress")) {
fState = 1;
c->Add(o, ostr.Data());
fState = 0;
TList::AddLast(obj, ostr.Data());
fCursor = fLast;
if ((fSize > 0) && ((UInt_t)fSize > fLimit)) {
void TQUndoManager::CurrentChanged(TQCommand *c)
// emit signal
Emit("CurrentChanged(TQCommand*)", (long)c);
void TQUndoManager::Undo(Option_t *option)
// Performs undo action. Move cursor position backward in history stack
Bool_t done = kFALSE;
if (!CanUndo()) return;
TQCommand *sav = fCurrent;
TQCommand *c = (TQCommand*)fCursor->GetObject();
if (c->CanUndo()) {
fState = -1;
fCurrent = c;
fState = 0;
done = kTRUE;
fCursor = fCursor->Prev() ? fCursor->Prev() : fFirst;
} else {
fCursor = fCursor->Prev();
fCurrent = (TQCommand*)fCursor->GetObject();
fState = -1;
fState = 0;
done = kTRUE;
if (done && fLogging && fLogBook) {
fLogBook->Add(new TQCommand(*fCurrent));
if (sav != fCurrent) CurrentChanged(fCurrent);
void TQUndoManager::Redo(Option_t *option)
// Performs redo action. Move cursor position forward in history stack
Bool_t done = kFALSE;
if (!CanRedo()) return;
TQCommand *sav = fCurrent;
TQCommand *c = (TQCommand*)fCursor->GetObject();
if (c->CanRedo()) {
fState = 1;
fCurrent = c;
fState = 0;
done = kTRUE;
fCursor = fCursor->Next() ? fCursor->Next() : fLast;
} else {
fCursor = fCursor->Next();
fCurrent = (TQCommand*)fCursor->GetObject();
fState = 1;
fState = 0;
done = kTRUE;
if (done && fLogging && fLogBook) {
fLogBook->Add(new TQCommand(*fCurrent));
if (sav != fCurrent) CurrentChanged(fCurrent);
Bool_t TQUndoManager::CanRedo() const
// Returns kTRUE if redo action is possible
if (!fCursor) return kFALSE;
TQCommand *c = (TQCommand*)fCursor->GetObject();
if (c->CanRedo()) return kTRUE;
c = fCursor->Next() ? (TQCommand*)fCursor->Next()->GetObject() : 0;
return (c && c->CanRedo());
Bool_t TQUndoManager::CanUndo() const
// Returns kTRUE if undo action is possible
if (!fCursor) return kFALSE;
TQCommand *c = (TQCommand*)fCursor->GetObject();
if (c->CanUndo()) return kTRUE;
c = fCursor->Prev() ? (TQCommand*)fCursor->Prev()->GetObject() : 0;
return (c && c->CanUndo());
Bool_t TQUndoManager::IsLogging() const
// Returns kTRUE if logging is ON
return fLogging;
TQCommand *TQUndoManager::GetCurrent() const
// Returns the last executed command
return fCurrent;
TQCommand *TQUndoManager::GetCursor() const
// Returns a command correspondent to the current cursor position in stack
return (TQCommand*)(fCursor ? fCursor->GetObject() : 0);
void TQUndoManager::SetLimit(UInt_t limit)
// Returns a maximum number of commands which could be located in stack
fLimit = limit;
UInt_t TQUndoManager::GetLimit() const
// Returns a maximum number of commands which could be located in stack
return fLimit;
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