 * Project: RooFit                                                           *
 * Package: RooFitCore                                                       *
 *    File: $Id: RooSimPdfBuilder.cc,v 1.33 2005/12/05 14:58:16 wverkerke Exp $
 * Authors:                                                                  *
 *   WV, Wouter Verkerke, UC Santa Barbara, verkerke@slac.stanford.edu       *
 *   DK, David Kirkby,    UC Irvine,         dkirkby@uci.edu                 *
 *                                                                           *
 * Copyright (c) 2000-2005, Regents of the University of California          *
 *                          and Stanford University. All rights reserved.    *
 *                                                                           *
 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms,                        *
 * with or without modification, are permitted according to the terms        *
 * listed in LICENSE (http://roofit.sourceforge.net/license.txt)             *

// //

// RooSimPdfBuilder is a powerful tool to build RooSimultaneous // PDFs that are defined in terms component PDFs that are identical in // structure, but have different parameters. //

// //


// //

// The following example demonstrates the essence of RooSimPdfBuilder: // Given a dataset D with a RooRealVar X and a RooCategory C that has // state C1 and C2. //



// Coding this example directly with RooFit classes gives // (we assume dataset D and variables C and X have been declared previously) //

// // RooRealVar m("m","mean of gaussian",-10,10) ; // RooRealVar s_C1("s_C1","sigma of gaussian C1",0,20) ; // RooRealVar s_C2("s_C2","sigma of gaussian C2",0,20) ; // RooGaussian gauss_C1("gauss_C1","gaussian C1",X,m,s_C1) ; // RooGaussian gauss_C2("gauss_C2","gaussian C2",X,m,s_C2) ; // // RooRealVar k_C1("k_C1","ArgusBG kappa parameter C1",-50,0) ; // RooRealVar k_C2("k_C2","ArgusBG kappa parameter C2",-50,0) ; // RooRealVar xm("xm","ArgusBG cutoff point",5.29) ; // RooArgusBG argus_C1("argus_C1","argus background C1",X,k_C1,xm) ; // RooArgusBG argus_C2("argus_C2","argus background C2",X,k_C2,xm) ; // // RooRealVar gfrac("gfrac","fraction of gaussian",0.,1.) ; // RooAddPdf pdf_C1("pdf_C1","gauss+argus_C1",RooArgList(gauss_C1,argus_C1),gfrac) ; // RooAddPdf pdf_C2("pdf_C2","gauss+argus_C2",RooArgList(gauss_C2,argus_C2),gfrac) ; // // RooSimultaneous simPdf("simPdf","simPdf",C) ; // simPdf.addPdf(pdf_C1,"C1") ; // simPdf.addPdf(pdf_C2,"C2") ; // //

// Coding this example with RooSimPdfBuilder gives //

// // RooRealVar m("m","mean of gaussian",-10,10) ; // RooRealVar s("s","sigma of gaussian",0,20) ; // RooGaussian gauss("gauss","gaussian",X,m,s) ; // // RooRealVar k("k","ArgusBG kappa parameter",-50,0) ; // RooRealVar xm("xm","ArgusBG cutoff point",5.29) ; // RooArgusBG argus("argus","argus background",X,k,xm) ; // // RooRealVar gfrac("gfrac","fraction of gaussian",0.,1.) ; // RooAddPdf pdf("pdf","gauss+argus",RooArgList(gauss,argus),gfrac) ; // // RooSimPdfBuilder builder(pdf) ; // RooArgSet* config = builder.createProtoBuildConfig() ; // (*config)["physModels"] = "pdf" ; // Name of the PDF we are going to work with // (*config)["splitCats"] = "C" ; // Category used to differentiate sub-datasets // (*config)["pdf"] = "C : k,s" ; // Prescription to taylor PDF parameters k and s // // for each data subset designated by C states // RooSimultaneous* simPdf = builder.buildPdf(*config,&D) ; // //

// The above snippet of code demonstrates the concept of RooSimPdfBuilder: // the user defines a single 'prototype' PDF that defines the structure of all // PDF components of the RooSimultaneous PDF to be built. RooSimPdfBuilder // then takes this prototype and replicates it as a component // PDF for each state of the C index category. //


// In the above example RooSimPdfBuilder // will first replicate k and s into // k_C1,k_C2 and s_C1,s_C2, as prescribed in the // configuration. Then it will recursively replicate all PDF nodes that depend on // the 'split' parameter nodes: gauss into gauss_C1,C2, argus // into argus_C1,C2 and finally pdf into pdf_C1,pdf_C2. // When PDFs for all states of C have been replicated // they are assembled into a RooSimultaneous PDF, which is returned by the buildPdf() // method. //


// Although in this very simple example the use of RooSimPdfBuilder doesn't // reduce the amount of code much, it is already easier to read and maintain // because there is no duplicate code. As the complexity of the RooSimultaneous // to be built increases, the advantages of RooSimPdfBuilder will become more and // more apparent. //

// // //

Builder configuration rules for a single prototype PDF


// Each builder configuration needs at minumum two lines, physModels and splitCats, which identify // the ingredients of the build. In this section we only explain the building rules for // builds from a single prototype PDF. In that case the physModels line always reads //

// // physModels = {pdfName} // //

// The second line, splitCats, indicates which categories are going to be used to // differentiate the various subsets of the 'master' input data set. You can enter // a single category here, or multiple if necessary: //

// // splitCats = {catName} [{catName} ...] // //

// All listed splitcats must be RooCategories that appear in the dataset provided to // RooSimPdfBuilder::buildPdf() //


// The parameter splitting prescriptions, the essence of each build configuration // can be supplied in a third line carrying the name of the pdf listed in physModels //

// // pdfName = {splitCat} : {parameter} [,{parameter},....] // //

// Each pdf can have only one line with splitting rules, but multiple rules can be // supplied in each line, e.g. //

// // pdfName = {splitCat} : {parameter} [,{parameter},....] // {splitCat} : {parameter} [,{parameter},....] // //

// Conversely, each parameter can only have one splitting prescription, but it may be split // by multiple categories, e.g. //

// // pdfName = {splitCat1},{splitCat2} : {parameter} // //

// instructs RooSimPdfBuilder to build a RooSuperCategory // of {splitCat1} and {splitCat2} // and split {parameter} with that RooSuperCategory //


// Here is an example of a builder configuration that uses several of the options discussed // above: //

// // physModels = pdf // splitCats = tagCat runBlock // pdf = tagCat : signalRes,bkgRes // runBlock : fudgeFactor // tagCat,runBlock : kludgeParam // // //

How to enter configuration data

// //

// The prototype builder configuration returned by // RooSimPdfBuilder::createProtoBuildConfig() is a pointer to a RooArgSet filled with // initially blank RooStringVars named physModels,splitCats and one additional for each // PDF supplied to the RooSimPdfBuilders constructor (with the same name) //


// In macro code, the easiest way to assign new values to these RooStringVars // is to use RooArgSets array operator and the RooStringVars assignment operator, e.g. //

// // (*config)["physModels"] = "Blah" ; // //

// To enter multiple splitting rules simply separate consecutive rules by whitespace // (not newlines), e.g. //

// // (*config)["physModels"] = "Blah " // << note trailing space here // "Blah 2" ; // //

// In this example, the C++ compiler will concatenate the two string literals (without inserting // any whitespace), so the extra space after 'Blah' is important here. //


// Alternatively, you can read the configuration from an ASCII file, as you can // for any RooArgSet using RooArgSet::readFromFile(). In that case the ASCII file // can follow the syntax of the examples above and the '\\' line continuation // sequence can be used to fold a long splitting rule over multiple lines. //

// // RooArgSet* config = builder.createProtoBuildConfig() ; // config->readFromFile("config.txt") ; // // --- config.txt ---------------- // physModels = pdf // splitCats = tagCat // pdf = tagCat : bogusPar // ------------------------------- // // // //

Working with multiple prototype PDFs


// It is also possible to build a RooSimultaneous PDF from multiple PDF prototypes. // This is appropriate for cases where the input prototype PDF would otherwise be // a RooSimultaneous PDF by itself. In such cases we don't feed a single // RooSimultaneous PDF into RooSimPdfBuilder, instead we feed it its ingredients and // add a prescription to the builder configuration that corresponds to the // PDF-category state mapping of the prototype RooSimultaneous. //


// The constructor of the RooSimPdfBuilder will look as follows: //

// // RooSimPdfBuilder builder(RooArgSet(pdfA,pdfB,...)) ; // //

// The physModels line is now expanded to carry the pdf->state mapping information // that the prototype RooSimultaneous would have. I.e. //

// // physModels = mode : pdfA=modeA pdfB=modeB // //

// is equivalent to a prototype RooSimultaneous constructed as //

// // RooSimultanous simPdf("simPdf","simPdf",mode); // simPdf.addPdf(pdfA,"modeA") ; // simPdf.addPdf(pdfB,"modeB") ; // //

// The rest of the builder configuration works the same, except that // each prototype PDF now has its own set of splitting rules, e.g. //

// // physModels = mode : pdfA=modeA pdfB=modeB // splitCats = tagCat // pdfA = tagCat : bogusPar // pdfB = tagCat : fudgeFactor // //

// Please note that //

// // In the following case: //

// // physModels = mode : pdfA=modeA pdfB=modeB pdfA=modeC pdfB=modeD // //

// there are still only 2 sets of splitting rules: one for pdfA and one // for pdfB. However, you can differentiate between modeA and modeC in // the above example. The technique is to use mode as splitting category, e.g. //

// // physModels = mode : pdfA=modeA pdfB=modeB pdfA=modeC pdfB=modeD // splitCats = tagCat // pdfA = tagCat : bogusPar // mode : funnyPar // pdfB = mode : kludgeFactor // //

// will result in an individual set of funnyPar parameters for modeA and modeC // labeled funnyPar_modeA and funnyPar_modeB and an individual set of // kludgeFactor parameters for pdfB, kludgeFactor_modeB and kludgeFactor_modeD. // Please note that for splits in the master index category (mode) only the // applicable states are built (A,C for pdfA, B,D for pdfB) //

// // //

Advanced options

// //

Partial splits


// You can request to limit the list of states of each splitCat that // will be considered in the build. This limitation is requested in the // each build as follows: //

// // splitCats = tagCat(Lep,Kao) RunBlock(Run1) // //

// In this example the splitting of tagCat is limited to states Lep,Kao // and the splitting of runBlock is limited to Run1. The splits apply // globally to each build, i.e. every parameter split requested in this // build will be limited according to these specifications. //


// NB: Partial builds have no pdf associated with the unbuilt states of the // limited splits. Running such a pdf on a dataset that contains data with // unbuilt states will result in this data being ignored completely. //

// // //

Non-trivial splits


// It is possible to make non-trivial parameter splits with RooSimPdfBuilder. // Trivial splits are considered simple splits in one (fundamental) category // in the dataset or a split in a RooSuperCategory 'product' of multiple // fundamental categories in the dataset. Non-trivial splits can be performed // using an intermediate 'category function' (RooMappedCategory, // RooGenericCategory,RooThresholdCategory etc), i.e. any RooAbsCategory // derived objects that calculates its output as function of one or more // input RooRealVars and/or RooCategories. //


// Such 'function categories' objects must be constructed by the user prior // to building the PDF. In the RooSimPdfBuilder::buildPdf() function these // objects can be passed in an optional RooArgSet called 'auxiliary categories': //

// // const RooSimultaneous* buildPdf(const RooArgSet& buildConfig, const RooAbsData* dataSet, // const RooArgSet& auxSplitCats, Bool_t verbose=kFALSE) { // ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ // //

// Objects passed in this argset can subsequently be used in the build configuration, e.g. //

// // RooMappedCategory tagMap("tagMap","Mapped tagging category",tagCat,"CutBased") ; // tagMap.map("Lep","CutBased") ; // tagMap.map("Kao","CutBased") ; // tagMap.map("NT*","NeuralNet") ; // ... // builder.buildPdf(config,D,tagMap) ; // ^^^^^^ // // physModels = pdf // splitCats = tagCat runBlock // pdf = tagCat : signalRes // tagMap : fudgeFactor // ^^^^^^ // //

// In the above example signalRes will be split in signalRes_Kao,signalRes_Lep, // signalRes_NT1,signalRes_NT2, while fudgeFactor will be split in fudgeFactor_CutBased // and fudgeFactor_NeuralNet. //


// Category functions passed in the auxSplitCats RooArgSet can be used regularly // in the splitting configuration. They should not be listed in splitCats, // but must be able to be expressed completely in terms of the splitCats that // are listed. //

// // //

Multiple connected builds


// Sometimes you want to build multiple PDFs for independent consecutive fits // that share some of their parameters. For example, we have two prototype PDFs // pdfA(x;p,q) and pdfB(x;p,r) that have a common parameter p. // We want to build a RooSimultaneous for both pdfA and B, // which involves a split of parameter p and we would like to build the // simultaneous pdfs simA and simB such that still share their (now split) parameters // p_XXX. This is accomplished by letting a single instance of RooSimPdfBuilder handle // the builds of both pdfA and pdfB, as illustrated in this example: //

// // RooSimPdfBuilder builder(RooArgSet(pdfA,pdfB)) ; // // RooArgSet* configA = builder.createProtoBuildConfig() ; // (*configA)["physModels"] = "pdfA" ; // (*configA)["splitCats"] = "C" ; // (*configA)["pdf"] = "C : p" ; // RooSimultaneous* simA = builder.buildPdf(*configA,&D) ; // // RooArgSet* configB = builder.createProtoBuildConfig() ; // (*configA)["physModels"] = "pdfB" ; // (*configA)["splitCats"] = "C" ; // (*configA)["pdf"] = "C : p" ; // RooSimultaneous* simB = builder.buildPdf(*configB,&D) ; // // //

Ownership of constructed PDFs


// The RooSimPdfBuilder instance owns all the objects it creates, including the top-level // RooSimultaneous returned by buildPdf(). Therefore the builder instance should // exist as long as the constructed PDFs needs to exist. //

// //


#ifndef _REENTRANT
 #define _REENTRANT
#include "RooFit.h"

#include <string.h>
#include <string.h>

// Matthew D. Langston  <langston@SLAC.Stanford.EDU>
// Microsoft doesn't supply strings.h.  However, strings.h is only
// required for strtok_r (a reentrant version of strtok), and
// Microsoft's version of strtok is already thread safe.
#ifndef _WIN32
#include <strings.h>

#include "RooSimPdfBuilder.h"

#include "RooRealVar.h"
#include "RooFormulaVar.h"
#include "RooAbsCategory.h"
#include "RooCategory.h"
#include "RooStringVar.h"
#include "RooMappedCategory.h"
#include "RooRealIntegral.h"
#include "RooDataSet.h"
#include "RooArgSet.h"
#include "RooPlot.h"
#include "RooAddPdf.h"
#include "RooLinearVar.h"
#include "RooTruthModel.h"
#include "RooAddModel.h"
#include "RooProdPdf.h"
#include "RooCustomizer.h"
#include "RooThresholdCategory.h"
#include "RooMultiCategory.h"
#include "RooSuperCategory.h"
#include "RooSimultaneous.h"
#include "RooTrace.h"
#include "RooFitResult.h"
#include "RooDataHist.h"
#include "RooGenericPdf.h"


 RooSimPdfBuilder::RooSimPdfBuilder(const RooArgSet& protoPdfSet) :
  _compSplitCatSet.setHashTableSize(1000) ;
  _splitNodeList.setHashTableSize(10000) ;

 RooArgSet* RooSimPdfBuilder::createProtoBuildConfig()
  // Make RooArgSet of configuration objects
  RooArgSet* buildConfig = new RooArgSet ;
  buildConfig->addOwned(* new RooStringVar("physModels","List and mapping of physics models to include in build","",4096)) ;
  buildConfig->addOwned(* new RooStringVar("splitCats","List of categories used for splitting","",1024)) ;

  TIterator* iter = _protoPdfSet.createIterator() ;
  RooAbsPdf* proto ;
  while ((proto=(RooAbsPdf*)iter->Next())) {
    buildConfig->addOwned(* new RooStringVar(proto->GetName(),proto->GetName(),"",4096)) ;
  delete iter ;

  return buildConfig ;

 void RooSimPdfBuilder::addSpecializations(const RooArgSet& specSet) 
  _splitNodeList.addOwned(specSet) ;

 const RooSimultaneous* RooSimPdfBuilder::buildPdf(const RooArgSet& buildConfig, const RooArgSet& dependents,
					    const RooArgSet* auxSplitCats, Bool_t verbose)
  // Initialize needed components
  const char* spaceChars = " \t" ;

  // Retrieve physics index category
  Int_t buflen = strlen(((RooStringVar*)buildConfig.find("physModels"))->getVal())+1 ;
  char *buf = new char[buflen] ;

  strcpy(buf,((RooStringVar*)buildConfig.find("physModels"))->getVal()) ;
  RooAbsCategoryLValue* physCat(0) ;
  if (strstr(buf," : ")) {
    const char* physCatName = strtok(buf,spaceChars) ;
    physCat = dynamic_cast<RooAbsCategoryLValue*>(dependents.find(physCatName)) ;
    if (!physCat) {
      cout << "RooSimPdfBuilder::buildPdf: ERROR physics index category " << physCatName 
	   << " not found in dataset variables" << endl ;
      delete[] buf ;
      return 0 ;      
    cout << "RooSimPdfBuilder::buildPdf: category indexing physics model: " << physCatName << endl ;

  // Create list of physics models to be built
  char *physName ;
  RooArgSet physModelSet ;
  if (physCat) {
    // Absorb colon token
    strtok(0,spaceChars) ;
    physName = strtok(0,spaceChars) ;
  } else {
    physName = strtok(buf,spaceChars) ;

  if (!physName) {
    cout << "RooSimPdfBuilder::buildPdf: ERROR: No models specified, nothing to do!" << endl ;
    delete[] buf ;
    return 0 ;

  Bool_t first(kTRUE) ;
  RooArgSet stateMap ;
  while(physName) {

    char *stateName(0) ;

    // physName may be <state>=<pdfName> or just <pdfName> is state and pdf have identical names
    if (strchr(physName,'=')) {
      // Must have a physics category for mapping to make sense
      if (!physCat) {
	cout << "RooSimPdfBuilder::buildPdf: WARNING: without physCat specification "
	     << "<physCatState>=<pdfProtoName> association is meaningless" << endl ;
      stateName = physName ;
      physName = strchr(stateName,'=') ;
      *(physName++) = 0 ;      
    } else {
      stateName = physName ;

    RooAbsPdf* physModel = (RooAbsPdf*) _protoPdfSet.find(physName) ;
    if (!physModel) {
      cout << "RooSimPdfBuilder::buildPdf: ERROR requested physics model " 
	   << physName << " is not defined" << endl ;
      delete[] buf ;
      return 0 ;

    // Check if state mapping has already been defined
    if (stateMap.find(stateName)) {
      cout << "RooSimPdfBuilder::buildPdf: WARNING: multiple PDFs specified for state " 
	   << stateName << ", only first will be used" << endl ;
      continue ;

    // Add pdf to list of models to be processed
    physModelSet.add(*physModel,kTRUE) ; // silence duplicate insertion warnings

    // Store state->pdf mapping    
    stateMap.addOwned(* new RooStringVar(stateName,stateName,physName)) ;

    // Continue with next mapping
    physName = strtok(0,spaceChars) ;
    if (first) {
      first = kFALSE ;
    } else if (physCat==0) {
      cout << "RooSimPdfBuilder::buildPdf: WARNING: without physCat specification, only the first model will be used" << endl ;
      break ;
  cout << "RooSimPdfBuilder::buildPdf: list of physics models " ; physModelSet.Print("1") ;

  // Create list of dataset categories to be used in splitting
  TList splitStateList ;
  RooArgSet splitCatSet ;

  delete[] buf ; 
  buflen = strlen(((RooStringVar*)buildConfig.find("splitCats"))->getVal())+1 ;
  buf = new char[buflen] ;
  strcpy(buf,((RooStringVar*)buildConfig.find("splitCats"))->getVal()) ;

  char *catName = strtok(buf,spaceChars) ;
  char *stateList(0) ;
  while(catName) {

    // Chop off optional list of selected states
    char* tokenPtr(0) ;
    if (strchr(catName,'(')) {

#ifndef _WIN32
      catName = strtok_r(catName,"(",&tokenPtr) ;
      stateList = strtok_r(0,")",&tokenPtr) ;
      catName = strtok(catName,"(") ;
      stateList = strtok(0,")") ;

	} else {
      stateList = 0 ;

    RooCategory* splitCat = dynamic_cast<RooCategory*>(dependents.find(catName)) ;
    if (!splitCat) {
      cout << "RooSimPdfBuilder::buildPdf: ERROR requested split category " << catName 
	   << " is not a RooCategory in the dataset" << endl ;
      delete[] buf ;
      return 0 ;
    splitCatSet.add(*splitCat) ;

    // Process optional state list
    if (stateList) {
      cout << "RooSimPdfBuilder::buildPdf: splitting of category " << catName 
	   << " restricted to states (" << stateList << ")" << endl ;

      // Create list named after this splitCat holding its selected states
      TList* slist = new TList ;
      slist->SetName(catName) ;
      splitStateList.Add(slist) ;

#ifndef _WIN32
      char* stateLabel = strtok_r(stateList,",",&tokenPtr) ;
      char* stateLabel = strtok(stateList,",") ;

      while(stateLabel) {
	// Lookup state label and require it exists
	const RooCatType* type = splitCat->lookupType(stateLabel) ;
	if (!type) {
	  cout << "RooSimPdfBuilder::buildPdf: ERROR splitCat " << splitCat->GetName() 
	       << " doesn't have a state named " << stateLabel << endl ;
	  splitStateList.Delete() ;
	  delete[] buf ;
	  return 0 ;
	slist->Add((TObject*)type) ;

#ifndef _WIN32
	stateLabel = strtok_r(0,",",&tokenPtr) ;
	stateLabel = strtok(0,",") ;
    catName = strtok(0,spaceChars) ;
  if (physCat) splitCatSet.add(*physCat) ;
  RooSuperCategory masterSplitCat("masterSplitCat","Master splitting category",splitCatSet) ;
  cout << "RooSimPdfBuilder::buildPdf: list of splitting categories " ; splitCatSet.Print("1") ;

  // Clone auxiliary split cats and attach to splitCatSet
  RooArgSet auxSplitSet ;
  RooArgSet* auxSplitCloneSet(0) ;
  if (auxSplitCats) {
    // Deep clone auxililary split cats
    auxSplitCloneSet = (RooArgSet*) auxSplitCats->snapshot(kTRUE) ;
    if (!auxSplitCloneSet) {
      cout << "RooSimPdfBuilder::buildPdf(" << GetName() << ") Couldn't deep-clone set auxiliary splitcats, abort." << endl ;
      delete[] buf ;
      return 0 ;

    TIterator* iter = auxSplitCats->createIterator() ;
    RooAbsArg* arg ;
    while((arg=(RooAbsArg*)iter->Next())) {
      // Find counterpart in cloned set
      RooAbsArg* aux = auxSplitCats->find(arg->GetName()) ;

      // Check that there is no fundamental splitCat in the dataset with the bane of the auxiliary split
      if (splitCatSet.find(aux->GetName())) {
	cout << "RooSimPdfBuilder::buildPdf: WARNING: dataset contains a fundamental splitting category " << endl 
	     << " with the same name as an auxiliary split function (" << aux->GetName() << "). " << endl 
	     << " Auxiliary split function will be ignored" << endl ;
	continue ;

      // Check that all servers of this aux cat are contained in splitCatSet
      RooArgSet* parSet = aux->getParameters(splitCatSet) ;
      if (parSet->getSize()>0) {
	cout << "RooSimPdfBuilder::buildPdf: WARNING: ignoring auxiliary category " << aux->GetName() 
	     << " because it has servers that are not listed in splitCatSet: " ;
	parSet->Print("1") ;
	delete parSet ;
	continue ;

      // Redirect servers to splitCatSet
      aux->recursiveRedirectServers(splitCatSet) ;

      // Add top level nodes to auxSplitSet
      auxSplitSet.add(*aux) ;
    delete iter ;

    cout << "RooSimPdfBuilder::buildPdf: list of auxiliary splitting categories " ; auxSplitSet.Print("1") ;

  TList* customizerList = new TList ;

  // Loop over requested physics models and build components
  TIterator* physIter = physModelSet.createIterator() ;
  RooAbsPdf* physModel ;
  while((physModel=(RooAbsPdf*)physIter->Next())) {
    cout << "RooSimPdfBuilder::buildPdf: processing physics model " << physModel->GetName() << endl ;

    RooCustomizer* physCustomizer = new RooCustomizer(*physModel,masterSplitCat,_splitNodeList) ;
    customizerList->Add(physCustomizer) ;

    // Parse the splitting rules for this physics model
    RooStringVar* ruleStr = (RooStringVar*) buildConfig.find(physModel->GetName()) ;
    if (ruleStr) {

      delete[] buf ; 
      buflen = strlen(ruleStr->getVal())+1 ;
      buf = new char[buflen] ;

      strcpy(buf,ruleStr->getVal()) ;
      char *tokenPtr(0) ;

#ifndef _WIN32
      char* token = strtok_r(buf,spaceChars,&tokenPtr) ;
      char* token = strtok(buf,spaceChars) ;
      enum Mode { SplitCat, Colon, ParamList } ;
      Mode mode(SplitCat) ;

      char* splitCatName ;
      RooAbsCategory* splitCat(0) ;

      while(token) {
	switch (mode) {
	case SplitCat:
	    splitCatName = token ;
	    if (strchr(splitCatName,',')) {
	      // Composite splitting category
	      // Check if already instantiated
	      splitCat = (RooAbsCategory*) _compSplitCatSet.find(splitCatName) ;	      
	      TString origCompCatName(splitCatName) ;
	      if (!splitCat) {
		// Build now

#ifndef _WIN32
		char *tokptr = 0;
		char *catName = strtok_r(token,",",&tokptr) ;
		char *catName = strtok(token,",") ;

		RooArgSet compCatSet ;
		while(catName) {
		  RooAbsArg* cat = splitCatSet.find(catName) ;
		  // If not, check if it is an auxiliary splitcat
		  if (!cat) {
		    cat = (RooAbsCategory*) auxSplitSet.find(catName) ;

		  if (!cat) {
		    cout << "RooSimPdfBuilder::buildPdf: ERROR " << catName
			 << " not found in the primary or auxilary splitcat list" << endl ;
		    customizerList->Delete() ;
		    delete customizerList ;

		    splitStateList.Delete() ;
		    delete[] buf ;
		    return 0 ;
		  compCatSet.add(*cat) ;

#ifndef _WIN32
		  catName = strtok_r(0,",",&tokptr) ;
		  catName = strtok(0,",") ;
		splitCat = new RooMultiCategory(origCompCatName,origCompCatName,compCatSet) ;
		_compSplitCatSet.addOwned(*splitCat) ;
		//cout << "composite splitcat: " << splitCat->GetName() ;
	    } else {
	      // Simple splitting category
	      // First see if it is a simple splitting category
	      splitCat = (RooAbsCategory*) splitCatSet.find(splitCatName) ;

	      // If not, check if it is an auxiliary splitcat
	      if (!splitCat) {
		splitCat = (RooAbsCategory*) auxSplitSet.find(splitCatName) ;

	      if (!splitCat) {
		cout << "RooSimPdfBuilder::buildPdf: ERROR splitting category " 
		     << splitCatName << " not found in the primary or auxiliary splitcat list" << endl ;
		customizerList->Delete() ;
		delete customizerList ;
		splitStateList.Delete() ;
		delete[] buf ;
		return 0 ;
	    mode = Colon ;
	    break ;
	case Colon:
	    if (strcmp(token,":")) {
	      cout << "RooSimPdfBuilder::buildPdf: ERROR in parsing, expected ':' after " 
		   << splitCat << ", found " << token << endl ;
	      customizerList->Delete() ;
	      delete customizerList ;
	      splitStateList.Delete() ;
	      delete[] buf ;
	      return 0 ;	    
	    mode = ParamList ;
	    break ;
	case ParamList:
	    // Verify the validity of the parameter list and build the corresponding argset
	    RooArgSet splitParamList ;
	    RooArgSet* paramList = physModel->getParameters(dependents) ;

	    // wve -- add nodes to parameter list
	    RooArgSet* compList = physModel->getComponents() ;
	    paramList->add(*compList) ;
	    delete compList ;

	    Bool_t lastCharIsComma = (token[strlen(token)-1]==',') ;

#ifndef _WIN32
	    char *tokptr = 0 ;
	    char *paramName = strtok_r(token,",",&tokptr) ;
	    char *tokptr(0) ;
	    char *paramName = strtok(token,",") ;

	    // Check for fractional split option 'param_name[remainder_state]'
	    char *remainderState = 0 ;
#ifndef _WIN32
	    char *tokptr2 = 0 ;
	    if (paramName && strtok_r(paramName,"[",&tokptr2)) {
	      remainderState = strtok_r(0,"]",&tokptr2) ;
	    if (paramName && strtok(paramName,"[")) {
	      remainderState = strtok(0,"]") ;

	    while(paramName) {

	      // If fractional split is specified, check that remainder state is a valid state of this split cat
	      if (remainderState) {
		if (!splitCat->lookupType(remainderState)) {
		  cout << "RooSimPdfBuilder::buildPdf: ERROR fraction split of parameter " 
		       << paramName << " has invalid remainder state name: " << remainderState << endl ;
		  delete paramList ;
		  customizerList->Delete() ;
		  delete customizerList ;
		  splitStateList.Delete() ;
		  delete[] buf ;
		  return 0 ;

	      RooAbsArg* param = paramList->find(paramName) ;
	      if (!param) {
		cout << "RooSimPdfBuilder::buildPdf: ERROR " << paramName 
		     << " is not a parameter of physics model " << physModel->GetName() << endl ;
		delete paramList ;
		customizerList->Delete() ;
		delete customizerList ;
		splitStateList.Delete() ;
		delete[] buf ;
		return 0 ;
	      splitParamList.add(*param) ;
	      // Build split leaf of fraction splits here
	      if (remainderState) {

		// Check if we are splitting a real-valued parameter
		if (!dynamic_cast<RooAbsReal*>(param)) {
		  cout << "RooSimPdfBuilder::buildPdf: ERROR fraction split requested of non-real valued parameter " 
		       << param->GetName() << endl ;
		  delete paramList ;
		  customizerList->Delete() ;
		  delete customizerList ;
		  splitStateList.Delete() ;
		  delete[] buf ;
		  return 0 ;

		// Check if we are doing a restricted build
		TList* remStateSplitList = static_cast<TList*>(splitStateList.FindObject(splitCat->GetName())) ;

		// If so, check if remainder state is actually being built.
		if (remStateSplitList && !remStateSplitList->FindObject(remainderState)) {
		  cout << "RooSimPdfBuilder::buildPdf: ERROR " << paramName 
		       << " remainder state " << remainderState << " in parameter split " 
		       << param->GetName() << " is not actually being built" << endl ;
		  delete paramList ;
		  customizerList->Delete() ;
		  delete customizerList ;
		  splitStateList.Delete() ;
		  delete[] buf ;
		  return 0 ;		  

		TIterator* iter = splitCat->typeIterator() ;
		RooCatType* type ;
		RooArgList fracLeafList ;
		TString formExpr("1") ;
		Int_t i(0) ;

		while((type=(RooCatType*)iter->Next())) {

		  // Skip remainder state
		  if (!TString(type->GetName()).CompareTo(remainderState)) continue ;

		  // If restricted build is requested, skip states of splitcat that are not built
		  if (remStateSplitList && !remStateSplitList->FindObject(type->GetName())) {
		    continue ;
		  // Construct name of split leaf
		  TString splitLeafName(param->GetName()) ;
		  splitLeafName.Append("_") ;
		  splitLeafName.Append(type->GetName()) ;
		  // Check if split leaf already exists
		  RooAbsArg* splitLeaf = _splitNodeList.find(splitLeafName) ;
		  if (!splitLeaf) {
		    // If not create it now
		    splitLeaf = (RooAbsArg*) param->clone(splitLeafName) ;
		    _splitNodeList.addOwned(*splitLeaf) ;
		  fracLeafList.add(*splitLeaf) ;
		  formExpr.Append(Form("-@%d",i++)) ;
		delete iter ;		

		// Construct RooFormulaVar expresssing remainder of fraction		
		TString remLeafName(param->GetName()) ;
		remLeafName.Append("_") ;
		remLeafName.Append(remainderState) ;

		// Check if no specialization was already specified for remainder state
		if (!_splitNodeList.find(remLeafName)) {
		  RooAbsArg* remLeaf = new RooFormulaVar(remLeafName,formExpr,fracLeafList) ;
		  _splitNodeList.addOwned(*remLeaf) ;
		  cout << "RooSimPdfBuilder::buildPdf: creating remainder fraction formula for " << remainderState 
		       << " specialization of split parameter " << param->GetName() << " " << formExpr << endl ;

	      // Parse next parameter name
#ifndef _WIN32
	      paramName = strtok_r(0,",",&tokptr) ;
	      if (paramName && strtok_r(paramName,"[",&tokptr2)) {
		remainderState = strtok_r(0,"]",&tokptr2) ;
	      paramName = strtok(0,",") ;
	      if (paramName && strtok(paramName,"[")) {
		remainderState = strtok(0,"]") ;

	    // Add the rule to the appropriate customizer ;
	    physCustomizer->splitArgs(splitParamList,*splitCat) ;

	    delete paramList ;

	    if (!lastCharIsComma) mode = SplitCat ;
	    break ;

#ifndef _WIN32
	token = strtok_r(0,spaceChars,&tokenPtr) ;
	token = strtok(0,spaceChars) ;

      if (mode!=SplitCat) {
	cout << "RooSimPdfBuilder::buildPdf: ERROR in parsing, expected " 
	     << (mode==Colon?":":"parameter list") << " after " << token << endl ;

      //RooArgSet* paramSet = physModel->getParameters(dependents) ;
    } else {
      cout << "RooSimPdfBuilder::buildPdf: no splitting rules for " << physModel->GetName() << endl ;
  cout << "RooSimPdfBuilder::buildPdf: configured customizers for all physics models" << endl ;
  customizerList->Print() ;

  // Create fit category from physCat and splitCatList ;
  RooArgSet fitCatList ;
  if (physCat) fitCatList.add(*physCat) ;
  fitCatList.add(splitCatSet) ;
  TIterator* fclIter = fitCatList.createIterator() ;
  RooSuperCategory *fitCat = new RooSuperCategory("fitCat","fitCat",fitCatList) ;

  // Create master PDF 
  RooSimultaneous* simPdf = new RooSimultaneous("simPdf","simPdf",*fitCat) ;

  // Add component PDFs to master PDF
  TIterator* fcIter = fitCat->typeIterator() ;

  RooCatType* fcState ;  
  while((fcState=(RooCatType*)fcIter->Next())) {
    // Select fitCat state
    fitCat->setLabel(fcState->GetName()) ;

    // Check if this fitCat state is selected
    fclIter->Reset() ;
    RooAbsCategory* splitCat ;
    Bool_t select(kTRUE) ;
    while((splitCat=(RooAbsCategory*)fclIter->Next())) {
      // Find selected state list 
      TList* slist = (TList*) splitStateList.FindObject(splitCat->GetName()) ;
      if (!slist) continue ;
      RooCatType* type = (RooCatType*) slist->FindObject(splitCat->getLabel()) ;
      if (!type) {
	select = kFALSE ;
    if (!select) continue ;

    // Select appropriate PDF for this physCat state
    RooCustomizer* physCustomizer ;
    if (physCat) {      
      RooStringVar* physNameVar = (RooStringVar*) stateMap.find(physCat->getLabel()) ;
      if (!physNameVar) continue ;
      physCustomizer = (RooCustomizer*) customizerList->FindObject(physNameVar->getVal());  
    } else {
      physCustomizer = (RooCustomizer*) customizerList->First() ;

    cout << "RooSimPdfBuilder::buildPdf: Customizing physics model " << physCustomizer->GetName() 
	 << " for mode " << fcState->GetName() << endl ;    

    // Customizer PDF for current state and add to master simPdf
    RooAbsPdf* fcPdf = (RooAbsPdf*) physCustomizer->build(masterSplitCat.getLabel(),verbose) ;
    simPdf->addPdf(*fcPdf,fcState->GetName()) ;
  delete fcIter ;

  // Move customizers (owning the cloned branch node components) to the attic
  _retiredCustomizerList.AddAll(customizerList) ;
  delete customizerList ;

  delete fclIter ;
  splitStateList.Delete() ;

  if (auxSplitCloneSet) delete auxSplitCloneSet ;
  delete physIter ;

  delete[] buf ;
  return simPdf ;

  _retiredCustomizerList.Delete() ;

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