#include <math.h>
#include "Rtypes.h"
#include "Riostream.h"
class RooComplex {
inline RooComplex(Double_t a=0, Double_t b=0) : _re(a), _im(b) { }
virtual ~RooComplex() {} ;
inline RooComplex& operator=(const RooComplex& other) {
if (&other==this) return *this ;
this->_re= other._re;
this->_im= other._im;
inline RooComplex operator-() const {
return RooComplex(-_re,-_im);
inline RooComplex operator+(const RooComplex& other) const {
return RooComplex(this->_re + other._re, this->_im + other._im);
inline RooComplex operator-(const RooComplex& other) const {
return RooComplex(this->_re - other._re, this->_im - other._im);
inline RooComplex operator*(const RooComplex& other) const {
return RooComplex(this->_re*other._re - this->_im*other._im,
this->_re*other._im + this->_im*other._re);
inline RooComplex operator/(const RooComplex& other) const {
Double_t x(other.abs2());
return RooComplex((this->_re*other._re + this->_im*other._im)/x,
(this->_im*other._re - this->_re*other._im)/x);
inline RooComplex operator*(const Double_t& other) const {
return RooComplex(this->_re*other,this->_im*other);
inline Bool_t operator==(const RooComplex& other) const {
return (_re==other._re && _im==other._im) ;
inline Double_t re() const {
return _re;
inline Double_t im() const {
return _im;
inline Double_t abs() const {
return ::sqrt(_re*_re + _im*_im);
inline Double_t abs2() const {
return _re*_re + _im*_im;
inline RooComplex exp() const {
Double_t mag(::exp(_re));
return RooComplex(mag*cos(_im),mag*sin(_im));
inline RooComplex conj() const {
return RooComplex(_re,-_im);
inline RooComplex sqrt() const {
Double_t arg=atan2(_im,_re)*0.5;
Double_t mag=::sqrt(::sqrt(_re*_re + _im*_im));
return RooComplex(mag*cos(arg),mag*sin(arg));
void Print() const;
Double_t _re,_im;
ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const RooComplex& z);
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