#include "Riostream.h"
#include <fstream>
#include "TString.h"
#include "TObject.h"
class TEllipse ;
class RooGraphNode : public TObject {
double fX1;
double fY1;
double fR1;
double fR2;
TString ftext;
double fnumber;
RooGraphNode(double x, double y);
RooGraphNode(double x, double y, double w, double l, TString text);
void paint();
void draw();
void draw(int color);
void SetCoords(double x, double y);
void SetSize(double w, double l);
void SetText(TString text);
void print() const;
void read(ifstream & file);
void ReadPDF(ifstream & file);
double GetX1() const { return fX1; }
double GetY1() const { return fY1; }
double GetRadius() const { return fR1; }
virtual const char* GetName() const { return ftext.Data(); }
void GetNumber(double number);
void GetValue(double number, TList *padlist, TList *edges);
TEllipse *GetEllipse(TList *padlist);
void RemoveE(TList *padlist);
void RemoveT(TList *padlist);
void RemoveN(TList *padlist);
void RemoveEdges(TList *edges, TList *padlist);
void RedrawEdges(TList *edges);
void RedrawEdges(TList *edges, int color);
double GetTotalEChange(TList *nodessprings);
void GetDxDy(double &dx, double &dy, TList *nodessprings);
void NodesSprings(TList *springs, TList *nodessprings);
double GetTotalE(TList *nodessprings, char m);
double GetTotalE2(TList *nodessprings, char m);
double GetTotalExy(TList *nodessprings);
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