#ifndef ROOT_TClassEdit
#define ROOT_TClassEdit
#include "RConfig.h"
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#ifdef R__OLDHPACC
namespace std {
using ::string;
using ::vector;
namespace TClassEdit {
enum EModType {
kDropTrailStar = 1<<0,
kDropDefaultAlloc = 1<<1,
kDropAlloc = 1<<2,
kInnerClass = 1<<3,
kInnedMostClass = 1<<4,
kDropStlDefault = 1<<5,
kDropComparator = 1<<6
enum ESTLType {
kNotSTL = 0,
kVector = 1,
kList = 2,
kDeque = 3,
kMap = 4,
kMultiMap = 5,
kSet = 6,
kMultiSet = 7,
kEnd = 8
std::string CleanType (const char *typeDesc,int mode = 0,const char **tail=0);
bool IsDefAlloc(const char *alloc, const char *classname);
bool IsDefAlloc(const char *alloc, const char *keyclassname, const char *valueclassname);
bool IsDefComp (const char *comp , const char *classname);
int IsSTLCont (const char *type,int testAlloc=0);
bool IsStdClass(const char *type);
bool IsVectorBool(const char *name);
std::string GetLong64_Name(const std::string& original);
int GetSplit (const char *type, std::vector<std::string> &output, int &nestedLoc);
int STLKind (const char *type);
int STLArgs (int kind);
std::string ResolveTypedef(const char *tname, bool resolveAll = false);
std::string ShortType (const char *typeDesc, int mode);
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