// @(#)root/graf:$Name:  $:$Id: TCrown.cxx,v 1.6 2006/07/03 16:10:44 brun Exp $
// Author: Rene Brun   108/08/2002

 * Copyright (C) 1995-2000, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers.               *
 * All rights reserved.                                                  *
 *                                                                       *
 * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE.                         *
 * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS.             *

#include "Riostream.h"
#include "TROOT.h"
#include "TCrown.h"
#include "TVirtualPad.h"


//  A crown is specified with the position of its centre, its inner/outer radius
//  a minimum and maximum angle.
//  The attributes of the outline line are given via TAttLine
//  The attributes of the fill area are given via TAttFill
//  Example
//   gROOT->Reset();
//   TCanvas c1("c1","c1",400,400);
//   TCrown cr1(.5,.5,.3,.4);
//   cr1->SetLineStyle(2);
//   cr1->SetLineWidth(4);
//   cr1.Draw();
//   TCrown cr2(.5,.5,.2,.3,45,315);
//   cr2.SetFillColor(38);
//   cr2.SetFillStyle(3010);
//   cr2.Draw();
//   TCrown cr3(.5,.5,.2,.3,-45,45);
//   cr3.SetFillColor(50);
//   cr3.SetFillStyle(3025);
//   cr3.Draw();
//   TCrown cr4(.5,.5,.0,.2);
//   cr4.SetFillColor(4);
//   cr4.SetFillStyle(3008);
//   cr4.Draw();
<img src="gif/crown.gif">

TCrown::TCrown(): TEllipse()
   // Crown default constructor.

TCrown::TCrown(Double_t x1, Double_t y1,Double_t radin, Double_t radout,Double_t phimin,Double_t phimax)
   // Crown normal constructor.
   //  x1,y1  : coordinates of centre of crown
   //  radin  : inner crown radius
   //  radout : outer crown radius
   //  phimin : min and max angle in degrees (default is 0-->360)
   //  phimax :
   //  When a crown sector only is drawn, the lines connecting the center
   //  of the crown to the edges are drawn by default. One can specify
   //  the drawing option "only" to not draw these lines.


TCrown::TCrown(const TCrown &crown) : TEllipse(crown)
   // Crown copy constructor.


   // Crown default destructor.

void TCrown::Copy(TObject &crown) const
   // Copy this crown to crown.


Int_t TCrown::DistancetoPrimitive(Int_t px, Int_t py)
   // Compute distance from point px,py to a crown
   // if crown is filled, return OK if we are inside
   // otherwise, crown is found if near the crown edges

   const Double_t kPI = TMath::Pi();
   Double_t x = gPad->AbsPixeltoX(px) - GetX1();
   Double_t y = gPad->AbsPixeltoY(py) - GetY1();
   Double_t r = TMath::Sqrt(x*x+y*y);

   Int_t dist = 9999;
   if (r > fR2) return dist;
   if (r < fR1) return dist;
   if (fPhimax-fPhimin < 360) {
      Double_t phi = 180*TMath::ACos(x/r)/kPI;
      if (phi < fPhimin) return dist;
      if (phi > fPhimax) return dist;

   if (GetFillColor() && GetFillStyle()) {
      return 0;
   } else {
      if (TMath::Abs(fR2-r)/fR2 < 0.02) return 0;
      if (TMath::Abs(fR1-r)/fR1 < 0.02) return 0;
   return dist;

void TCrown::DrawCrown(Double_t x1, Double_t y1,Double_t radin,Double_t radout,Double_t phimin,Double_t phimax,Option_t *option)
   // Draw this crown with new coordinates

   TCrown *newcrown = new TCrown(x1, y1, radin, radout, phimin, phimax);

void TCrown::ExecuteEvent(Int_t event, Int_t px, Int_t py)
   // Execute action corresponding to one event
   //  For the time being TEllipse::ExecuteEvent is OK


void TCrown::Paint(Option_t *)
   // Paint this crown with its current attributes

   const Double_t kPI = TMath::Pi();
   const Int_t np = 40;
   static Double_t x[2*np+3], y[2*np+3];

   Double_t angle,dx,dy;
   Double_t dphi = (fPhimax-fPhimin)*kPI/(180*np);
   Double_t ct   = TMath::Cos(kPI*fTheta/180);
   Double_t st   = TMath::Sin(kPI*fTheta/180);
   Int_t i;
   //compute outer points
   for (i=0;i<=np;i++) {
      angle = fPhimin*kPI/180 + Double_t(i)*dphi;
      dx    = fR2*TMath::Cos(angle);
      dy    = fR2*TMath::Sin(angle);
      x[i]  = fX1 + dx*ct - dy*st;
      y[i]  = fY1 + dx*st + dy*ct;
   //compute inner points
   for (i=0;i<=np;i++) {
      angle = fPhimin*kPI/180 + Double_t(i)*dphi;
      dx    = fR1*TMath::Cos(angle);
      dy    = fR1*TMath::Sin(angle);
      x[2*np-i+1]  = fX1 + dx*ct - dy*st;
      y[2*np-i+1]  = fY1 + dx*st + dy*ct;
   x[2*np+2]  = x[0];
   y[2*np+2]  = y[0];
   if (fPhimax-fPhimin >= 360 ) {
      // a complete filled crown
      if (GetFillColor()  && GetFillStyle()) {
      // a complete empty crown
      if (GetLineStyle()) {
   } else {
      //crown segment
      if (GetFillColor()  && GetFillStyle()) gPad->PaintFillArea(2*np+2,x,y);
      if (GetLineStyle()) gPad->PaintPolyLine(2*np+3,x,y);

void TCrown::SavePrimitive(ostream &out, Option_t * /*= ""*/)
   // Save primitive as a C++ statement(s) on output stream out

   out<<"   "<<endl;
   if (gROOT->ClassSaved(TCrown::Class())) {
      out<<"   ";
   } else {
      out<<"   TCrown *";
   out<<"crown = new TCrown("<<fX1<<","<<fY1<<","<<fR1<<","<<fR2


   if (GetNoEdges()) out<<"   crown->SetNoEdges();"<<endl;

   out<<"   crown->Draw();"<<endl;

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