// @(#)root/cont:$Name:  $:$Id: TExMap.cxx,v 1.13 2006/07/26 13:36:42 rdm Exp $
// Author: Fons Rademakers   26/05/99

 * Copyright (C) 1995-2000, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers.               *
 * All rights reserved.                                                  *
 *                                                                       *
 * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE.                         *
 * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS.             *

//                                                                      //
// TExMap                                                               //
//                                                                      //
// This class stores a (key,value) pair using an external hash.         //
// The (key,value) are Long_t's and therefore can contain object        //
// pointers or any longs. The map uses an open addressing hashing       //
// method (linear probing).                                             //
//                                                                      //

#include "TExMap.h"
#include "TMath.h"
#include "TError.h"


TExMap::TExMap(Int_t mapSize)
   // Create a TExMap.

   // needed for automatic resizing to guarantee that one slot is always empty
   if (mapSize < 4) mapSize = 5;

   switch (mapSize) {
      // Avoid calling NextPrime for the common case:
      case   5: fSize = 5; break;
      case 503: fSize = 503; break;
         fSize  = (Int_t)TMath::NextPrime(mapSize);
   fTable = new Assoc_t [fSize];

   fTally = 0;

TExMap::TExMap(const TExMap &map) : TObject(map)
   // Copy constructor.

   fSize  = map.fSize;
   fTally = map.fTally;
   fTable = new Assoc_t [fSize];
   memcpy(fTable, map.fTable, fSize*sizeof(Assoc_t));

TExMap& TExMap::operator=(const TExMap &map)
   // Assignement operator.

   if (this != &map) {
      fSize  = map.fSize;
      fTally = map.fTally;
      fTable = new Assoc_t [fSize];
      memcpy(fTable, map.fTable, fSize*sizeof(Assoc_t));
   return *this;

   // Delete TExMap.

   delete [] fTable; fTable = 0;

void TExMap::Add(ULong_t hash, Long_t key, Long_t value)
   // Add an (key,value) pair to the table. The key should be unique.

   if (!fTable) return;

   Int_t slot = FindElement(hash, key);
   if (!fTable[slot].InUse()) {
      fTable[slot].fKey = key;
      fTable[slot].fValue = value;
      if (HighWaterMark())
         Expand(2 * fSize);
   } else
      Error("Add", "key %ld is not unique", key);

void TExMap::AddAt(UInt_t slot, ULong_t hash, Long_t key, Long_t value)
   // Add an (key,value) pair to the table. The key should be unique.
   // If the 'slot' is open, use it to store the value,
   // otherwise revert to Add(hash,key,value)
   // This is usually used in conjuction with GetValue wiht 3 parameters:
   // if ((idx = (ULong_t)fMap->GetValue(hash, key, slot)) != 0) {
   //    ...
   // } else {
   //    fMap->AddAt(slot,hash,key,value);
   // }

   if (!fTable) return;

   if (!fTable[slot].InUse()) {
      fTable[slot].fKey = key;
      fTable[slot].fValue = value;
      if (HighWaterMark())
         Expand(2 * fSize);
   } else {

Long_t &TExMap::operator()(ULong_t hash, Long_t key)
   // Return a reference to the value belonging to the key with the
   // specified hash value. If the key does not exist it will be added.
   // NOTE: the reference will be invalidated an Expand() triggered by
   // an Add() or another operator() call.

   static Long_t err;
   if (!fTable) {
      Error("operator()", "fTable==0, should never happen");
      return err;

   Int_t slot = FindElement(hash, key);
   if (!fTable[slot].InUse()) {
      fTable[slot].fKey = key;
      fTable[slot].fValue = 0;
      if (HighWaterMark()) {
         Expand(2 * fSize);
         slot = FindElement(hash, key);
   return fTable[slot].fValue;

void TExMap::Delete(Option_t *)
   // Delete all entries stored in the TExMap.

   fTally = 0;

Long_t TExMap::GetValue(ULong_t hash, Long_t key)
   // Return the value belonging to specified key and hash value. If key not
   // found return 0.

   if (!fTable) return 0;

   hash |= 0x1;
   Int_t slot = Int_t(hash % fSize);
   Int_t firstSlot = slot;
   do {
      if (!fTable[slot].InUse()) return 0;
      if (key == fTable[slot].fKey) return fTable[slot].fValue;
      if (++slot == fSize) slot = 0;
   } while (firstSlot != slot);

   Error("GetValue", "table full");
   return 0;

Long_t TExMap::GetValue(ULong_t hash, Long_t key, UInt_t &slot)
   // Return the value belonging to specified key and hash value. If key not
   // found return 0.
   // In 'slot', return the index of the slot used or the first empty slot.
   // (to be used with AddAt).

   if (!fTable) { slot = 0; return 0; }

   hash |= 0x1;
   slot = Int_t(hash % fSize);
   UInt_t firstSlot = slot;
   do {
      if (!fTable[slot].InUse()) return 0;
      if (key == fTable[slot].fKey) return fTable[slot].fValue;
      if (++slot == (UInt_t)fSize) slot = 0;
   } while (firstSlot != slot);

   Error("GetValue", "table full");
   return 0;

void TExMap::Remove(ULong_t hash, Long_t key)
   // Remove entry with specified key from the TExMap.

   if (!fTable)

   Int_t i = FindElement(hash, key);
   if (!fTable[i].InUse()) {
      Error("Remove", "key %ld not found at %d", key, i);


Int_t TExMap::FindElement(ULong_t hash, Long_t key)
   // Find an entry with specified hash and key in the TExMap.
   // Returns the slot of the key or the next empty slot.

   if (!fTable) return 0;

   hash |= 0x1;
   Int_t slot = Int_t(hash % fSize);
   Int_t firstSlot = slot;
   do {
      if (!fTable[slot].InUse()) return slot;
      if (key == fTable[slot].fKey) return slot;
      if (++slot == fSize) slot = 0;
   } while (firstSlot != slot);

   Error("FindElement", "table full");
   return 0;

void TExMap::FixCollisions(Int_t index)
   // Rehash the map in case an entry has been removed.

   Int_t oldIndex, nextIndex;
   Assoc_t nextObject;

   for (oldIndex = index+1; ;oldIndex++) {
      if (oldIndex >= fSize)
         oldIndex = 0;
      nextObject = fTable[oldIndex];
      if (!nextObject.InUse())
      nextIndex = FindElement(nextObject.GetHash(), nextObject.fKey);
      if (nextIndex != oldIndex) {
         fTable[nextIndex] = nextObject;

void TExMap::Expand(Int_t newSize)
   // Expand the TExMap.

   Int_t i;
   Assoc_t *oldTable = fTable;
   Int_t oldsize = fSize;
   newSize = (Int_t)TMath::NextPrime(newSize);
   fTable  = new Assoc_t [newSize];

   for (i = newSize; --i >= 0;) {

   fSize = newSize;
   for (i = 0; i < oldsize; i++)
      if (oldTable[i].InUse()) {
         Int_t slot = FindElement(oldTable[i].GetHash(), oldTable[i].fKey);
         if (!fTable[slot].InUse())
            fTable[slot] = oldTable[i];
            Error("Expand", "slot %d not empty (should never happen)", slot);
   delete [] oldTable;

void TExMap::Streamer(TBuffer &b)
   // Stream all objects in the collection to or from the I/O buffer.

   Int_t i;
   UInt_t R__s, R__c;

   if (b.IsReading()) {
      b.ReadVersion(&R__s, &R__c);
      Int_t n;
      b >> n;
      ULong_t hash;
      Long_t key,value;
      for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
         b >> hash;
         b >> key;
         b >> value;
      b.CheckByteCount(R__s, R__c,TExMap::IsA());
   } else {
      R__c = b.WriteVersion(TExMap::IsA(), kTRUE);
      b << fTally;

      for (i=0;i<fSize;i++) {
         if (!fTable[i].InUse()) continue;
         b << fTable[i].GetHash();
         b << fTable[i].fKey;
         b << fTable[i].fValue;
      b.SetByteCount(R__c, kTRUE);


TExMapIter::TExMapIter(const TExMap *map) : fMap(map), fCursor(0)
   // Create TExMap iterator.

TExMapIter &TExMapIter::operator=(const TExMapIter &rhs)
   // Overloaded assignment operator.

   if (this != &rhs) {
      fMap    = rhs.fMap;
      fCursor = rhs.fCursor;
   return *this;

Bool_t TExMapIter::Next(ULong_t &hash, Long_t &key, Long_t &value)
   // Get next entry from TExMap. Returns kFALSE at end of map.

   while (fCursor < fMap->fSize && !fMap->fTable[fCursor].InUse())

   if (fCursor == fMap->fSize)
      return kFALSE;

   hash  = fMap->fTable[fCursor].GetHash();
   key   = fMap->fTable[fCursor].fKey;
   value = fMap->fTable[fCursor].fValue;

   return kTRUE;

Bool_t TExMapIter::Next(Long_t &key, Long_t &value)
   // Get next entry from TExMap. Returns kFALSE at end of map.

   ULong_t hash;
   return Next(hash, key, value);

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