// $Id: TG3Application.cxx,v 1.3 2005/07/20 09:22:50 brun Exp $
// Class TG3Application
// ----------------------- 
// Implementation of the TVirtualMCApplication
// by Rene Brun 30/12/2002

#include "TG3Application.h"
#include "TGeant3f77.h"
//#include "TG3Stack.h"

#include <TROOT.h>
#include <TInterpreter.h>
#include <TVirtualMC.h>
#include <TLorentzVector.h>

#include <Riostream.h>


TG3Application::TG3Application(const char *name, const char *title) 
  : TVirtualMCApplication(name,title),
// Standard constructor

  new TGeant3f77("g",0);

  // create a user stack
  //fStack = new TG3Stack(100);  

  : TVirtualMCApplication(),
  // Default constructor

  // Destructor  

  //delete fStack;

// private

void TG3Application::ConstructMaterials()
  // Materials


void TG3Application::ConstructVolumes()


// public

void TG3Application::InitMC(const char* /*setup*/)
  // Initialize MC.


void TG3Application::RunMC(Int_t /*nofEvents*/)
  // MC run.


void TG3Application::FinishRun()
  // Finish MC run.


void TG3Application::ConstructGeometry()
  // Construct geometry using TVirtualMC functions.


void TG3Application::InitGeometry()
  // Initialize geometry

  // Nothing needed in this example

void TG3Application::GeneratePrimaries()
  // Fill the user stack (derived from TVirtualMCStack) with primary particles.


void TG3Application::BeginEvent()
  // User actions at beginning of event

  // nothing to be done this example

void TG3Application::BeginPrimary()
  // User actions at beginning of a primary track

  // nothing to be done this example

void TG3Application::PreTrack()
  // User actions at beginning of each track

void TG3Application::Stepping()
  // User actions at each step


void TG3Application::PostTrack()
  // User actions after finishing of each track

  // nothing to be done this example

void TG3Application::FinishPrimary()
  // User actions after finishing of a primary track

  // nothing to be done this example

void TG3Application::FinishEvent()
  // User actions after finishing of an event

  // nothing to be done this example

Double_t TG3Application::TrackingRmax() const
  // No limit

  return DBL_MAX;

Double_t TG3Application::TrackingZmax() const
  // No limit

  return DBL_MAX;

void TG3Application::Field(const Double_t* /* x */, Double_t* b) const
  // No magnetic field.

   b[0] = 0.;
   b[1] = 0.;
   b[2] = 0.;

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