// @(#)root/gui:$Name:  $:$Id: TGIcon.cxx,v 1.21 2006/07/26 13:36:43 rdm Exp $
// Author: Fons Rademakers   05/01/98

 * Copyright (C) 1995-2000, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers.               *
 * All rights reserved.                                                  *
 *                                                                       *
 * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE.                         *
 * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS.             *

    This source is based on Xclass95, a Win95-looking GUI toolkit.
    Copyright (C) 1996, 1997 David Barth, Ricky Ralston, Hector Peraza.

    Xclass95 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
    modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
    version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.


//                                                                      //
// TGIcon                                                               //
//                                                                      //
// This class handles GUI icons.                                        //
//                                                                      //

#include "TGIcon.h"
#include "TGPicture.h"
#include "TSystem.h"
#include "TImage.h"
#include "Riostream.h"
#include "TMath.h"
#include "TGFileDialog.h"
#include "TGMsgBox.h"
#include "TVirtualDragManager.h"


TGIcon::TGIcon(const TGWindow *p, const char *image) : TGFrame(p, 1, 1)
   // Create icon.

   fPic = 0;
   char *path;

   if (!image)
      image = "bld_rgb.xpm";

   path = StrDup(image);

   fPath = gSystem->DirName(path);

   fImage = TImage::Open(path);
   fPic = fClient->GetPicturePool()->GetPicture(gSystem->BaseName(path),
                                                fImage->GetPixmap(), fImage->GetMask());
   TGFrame::Resize(fImage->GetWidth(), fImage->GetHeight());
   delete [] path;

   // Delete icon and free picture.

   if (fPic) fClient->FreePicture(fPic);

void TGIcon::SetPicture(const TGPicture *pic)
   // Set icon picture.

   fPic = pic;

void TGIcon::SetImage(const char *img)
   // Set icon image.

   //delete fImage;
   TImage *i = TImage::Open(img);
   fPath = gSystem->DirName(img);


void TGIcon::SetImage(TImage *img)
   // Change icon image.

   if (!img) {

   delete fImage; //  !! mem.leak!!
   fImage = img;

   Resize(fImage->GetWidth(), fImage->GetHeight());

TGDimension TGIcon::GetDefaultSize() const
   // Return size of icon.

   return TGDimension((fPic) ? fPic->GetWidth()  : fWidth,
                      (fPic) ? fPic->GetHeight() : fHeight);

void TGIcon::DoRedraw()
   // Redraw picture.

   Bool_t border = (GetOptions() & kRaisedFrame) ||
                   (GetOptions() & kSunkenFrame) ||
                   (GetOptions() & kDoubleBorder);

   if (fPic) fPic->Draw(fId, GetBckgndGC()(), border, border);
   if (border)  DrawBorder();

void TGIcon::Resize(UInt_t w, UInt_t h)
   // Resize.

   TGFrame::Resize(w, h);

   // allow scaled resize for icons with TImage
   if (!fImage) {


   if (fPic) {
   Bool_t border = (GetOptions() & kRaisedFrame) ||
                   (GetOptions() & kSunkenFrame) ||
                   (GetOptions() & kDoubleBorder);

   fImage->Scale(w - 2*border, h - 2*border);
   fPic = fClient->GetPicturePool()->GetPicture(fImage->GetName(),
                                                fImage->GetPixmap(), fImage->GetMask());

void TGIcon::MoveResize(Int_t x, Int_t y, UInt_t w, UInt_t h)
   // Move icon to (x,y) and resize it to (w,h).

   Move(x, y);
   Resize(w, h);

void TGIcon::Reset()
   // Reset icon to original image. It can be used only via context menu.

   if (!fImage || !fClient->IsEditable()) return;

   TString name = fImage->GetName();
   char *path = gSystem->ConcatFileName(fPath.Data(), name.Data());

   delete path;

void TGIcon::SetImagePath(const char *path)
   // Set directory where image is located

   if (!path) {
   fPath = gSystem->ExpandPathName(gSystem->UnixPathName(path));

void TGIcon::SavePrimitive(ostream &out, Option_t *option /*= ""*/)
    // Save an icon widget as a C++ statement(s) on output stream out.

   char quote = '"';

   if (fBackground != GetDefaultFrameBackground()) SaveUserColor(out, option);

   if (!fPic) {
      Error("SavePrimitive()", "icon pixmap not found ");

   const char *picname = fPic->GetName();

   out <<"   TGIcon *";
   if (!fImage) {
      out << GetName() << " = new TGIcon(" << fParent->GetName()
         << ",gClient->GetPicture(" << quote
         << gSystem->ExpandPathName(gSystem->UnixPathName(picname))   // if no path
         << quote << ")" << "," << GetWidth() << "," << GetHeight();
      if (fBackground == GetDefaultFrameBackground()) {
         if (!GetOptions()) {
            out <<");" << endl;
         } else {
            out << "," << GetOptionString() <<");" << endl;
      } else {
         out << "," << GetOptionString() << ",ucolor);" << endl;
   } else {
      TString name = fPath;
      name += "/";
      name += fImage->GetName();
      out << GetName() << " = new TGIcon(" << fParent->GetName()  << ","
          << quote << name.Data() << quote << ");" << endl;

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