#ifndef ROOT_TGenPhaseSpace
#define ROOT_TGenPhaseSpace
#include "TLorentzVector.h"
class TGenPhaseSpace : public TObject {
Int_t fNt;
Double_t fMass[18];
Double_t fBeta[3];
Double_t fTeCmTm;
Double_t fWtMax;
TLorentzVector fDecPro[18];
Double_t PDK(Double_t a, Double_t b, Double_t c);
TGenPhaseSpace() {}
TGenPhaseSpace(const TGenPhaseSpace &gen);
virtual ~TGenPhaseSpace() {}
Bool_t SetDecay(TLorentzVector &P, Int_t nt, Double_t *mass, Option_t *opt="");
Double_t Generate();
TLorentzVector *GetDecay(Int_t n);
Int_t GetNt() const { return fNt;}
Double_t GetWtMax() const { return fWtMax;}
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