// @(#)root/sql:$Name:  $:$Id: TKeySQL.cxx,v 1.10 2006/06/22 08:21:22 brun Exp $
// Author: Sergey Linev  20/11/2005

 * Copyright (C) 1995-2005, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers.               *
 * All rights reserved.                                                  *
 *                                                                       *
 * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE.                         *
 * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS.             *

// TKeySQL is represents a metainforamtion about object, which was written to
// SQL database. It keeps object id, which used to locate object data
// from database tables.

#include "TKeySQL.h"

#include "TROOT.h"
#include "TClass.h"
#include "TBrowser.h"
#include "TDirectory.h"
#include "Riostream.h"

#include "TSQLResult.h"
#include "TBufferSQL2.h"
#include "TSQLStructure.h"
#include "TSQLFile.h"


TKeySQL::TKeySQL() :
   // default constructor

TKeySQL::TKeySQL(TDirectory* mother, const TObject* obj, const char* name, const char* title) :
   // Creates TKeySQL and convert obj data to TSQLStructure via TBufferSQL2

   if (name) SetName(name); else
      if (obj!=0) {SetName(obj->GetName());  fClassName=obj->ClassName();}
      else SetName("Noname");

   if (title) SetTitle(title);

   StoreKeyObject((void*)obj, obj ? obj->IsA() : 0);

TKeySQL::TKeySQL(TDirectory* mother, const void* obj, const TClass* cl, const char* name, const char* title) :
   // Creates TKeySQL and convert obj data to TSQLStructure via TBufferSQL2

   if (name && *name) SetName(name);
   else SetName(cl ? cl->GetName() : "Noname");

   if (title) SetTitle(title);

   StoreKeyObject(obj, cl);

TKeySQL::TKeySQL(TDirectory* mother, Long64_t keyid, Long64_t objid, 
                 const char* name, const char* title,
                 const char* keydatetime, Int_t cycle, const char* classname) :
   // Create TKeySQL object, which correponds to single entry in keys table

   if (title) SetTitle(title);
   TDatime dt(keydatetime);
   fDatime = dt;
   fCycle = cycle;
   fClassName = classname;

// TKeySQL destructor

Bool_t TKeySQL::IsKeyModified(const char* keyname, const char* keytitle, const char* keydatime, Int_t cycle, const char* classname)
// Compares keydata with provided and return kTRUE if key was modified
// Used in TFile::StreamKeysForDirectory() method to verify data for that keys
// should be updated

   Int_t len1 = (GetName()==0) ? 0 : strlen(GetName());
   Int_t len2 = (keyname==0) ? 0 : strlen(keyname);
   if (len1!=len2) return kTRUE;
   if ((len1>0) && (strcmp(GetName(), keyname)!=0)) return kTRUE;

   len1 = (GetTitle()==0) ? 0 : strlen(GetTitle());
   len2 = (keytitle==0) ? 0 : strlen(keytitle);
   if (len1!=len2) return kTRUE;
   if ((len1>0) && (strcmp(GetTitle(), keytitle)!=0)) return kTRUE;

   const char* tm = GetDatime().AsSQLString();
   len1 = (tm==0) ? 0 : strlen(tm);
   len2 = (keydatime==0) ? 0 : strlen(keydatime);
   if (len1!=len2) return kTRUE;
   if ((len1>0) && (strcmp(tm, keydatime)!=0)) return kTRUE;

   if (cycle!=GetCycle()) return kTRUE;

   len1 = (GetClassName()==0) ? 0 : strlen(GetClassName());
   len2 = (classname==0) ? 0 : strlen(classname);
   if (len1!=len2) return kTRUE;
   if ((len1>0) && (strcmp(GetClassName(), classname)!=0)) return kTRUE;

   return kFALSE;

void TKeySQL::Delete(Option_t * /*option*/)
// Removes key from current directory
// Note: TKeySQL object is not deleted. You still have to call "delete key"

   TSQLFile* f = (TSQLFile*) GetFile();

   if (f!=0)


Long64_t TKeySQL::GetDBDirId() const
   // return sql id of parent directory

   return GetMotherDir() ? GetMotherDir()->GetSeekDir() : 0;

void TKeySQL::StoreKeyObject(const void* obj, const TClass* cl)
   // Stores object, associated with key, into data tables

   TSQLFile* f = (TSQLFile*) GetFile();

   fCycle = GetMotherDir()->AppendKey(this);

   fKeyId = f->DefineNextKeyId();

   fObjId = f->StoreObjectInTables(fKeyId, obj, cl);

   if (cl) fClassName = cl->GetName();

   if (GetDBObjId()>=0) {
      if (!f->WriteKeyData(this)) {
         // cannot add entry to keys table                          
         Error("StoreKeyObject","Cannot write data to key tables");
         // delete everything relevant for that key
         fObjId = -1;

   if (GetDBObjId()<0)
   // fix me !!! One should delete object by other means
   // delete this;

Int_t TKeySQL::Read(TObject* tobj)
   // To read an object from the file.
   // The object associated to this key is read from the file into memory.
   // Before invoking this function, obj has been created via the
   // default constructor.

   if (tobj==0) return 0;

   void* res = ReadKeyObject(tobj, 0);

   return res==0 ? 0 : 1;

TObject* TKeySQL::ReadObj()
// Read object derived from TObject class
// If it is not TObject or in case of error, return 0

   TObject* tobj = (TObject*) ReadKeyObject(0, TObject::Class());

   if (tobj!=0) {
      if (gROOT->GetForceStyle()) tobj->UseCurrentStyle();
      if (tobj->IsA() == TDirectory::Class()) {
         TDirectory *dir = (TDirectory*) tobj;

   return tobj;

void* TKeySQL::ReadObjectAny(const TClass* expectedClass)
// read object of any type from SQL database

   return ReadKeyObject(0, expectedClass);

void* TKeySQL::ReadKeyObject(void* obj, const TClass* expectedClass)
   // Read object, associated with key, from database

   TSQLFile* f = (TSQLFile*) GetFile();

   if ((GetDBKeyId()<=0) || (f==0)) return obj;

   TBufferSQL2 buffer(TBuffer::kRead, f);

   TClass* cl = 0;

   void* res = buffer.SqlReadAny(GetDBKeyId(), GetDBObjId(), &cl, obj);

   if ((cl==0) || (res==0)) return 0;

   Int_t delta = 0;

   if (expectedClass!=0) {
      delta = cl->GetBaseClassOffset(expectedClass);
      if (delta<0) {
         if (obj==0) cl->Destructor(res);
         return 0;
      if (cl->GetClassInfo() && !expectedClass->GetClassInfo()) {
         //we cannot mix a compiled class with an emulated class in the inheritance
                 "Trying to read an emulated class (%s) to store in a compiled pointer (%s)",

   return ((char*)res) + delta;

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