// @(#)root/net:$Name: $:$Id: TSocket.cxx,v 1.40 2006/11/20 15:56:35 rdm Exp $ // Author: Fons Rademakers 18/12/96 /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1995-2000, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // TSocket // // // // This class implements client sockets. A socket is an endpoint for // // communication between two machines. // // The actual work is done via the TSystem class (either TUnixSystem // // or TWinNTSystem). // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "Bytes.h" #include "NetErrors.h" #include "TEnv.h" #include "TError.h" #include "TMessage.h" #include "TPSocket.h" #include "TPluginManager.h" #include "TROOT.h" #include "TString.h" #include "TSystem.h" #include "TUrl.h" #include "TVirtualAuth.h" #include "TVirtualMutex.h" ULong64_t TSocket::fgBytesSent = 0; ULong64_t TSocket::fgBytesRecv = 0; // // Client "protocol changes" // // This was in TNetFile and TAuthenticate before, but after the introduction // of TSocket::CreateAuthSocket the common place for all the clients is TSocket, // so this seems to be the right place for a version number // // 7: added support for ReOpen(), kROOTD_BYE and kROOTD_PROTOCOL2 // 8: added support for update being a create (open stat = 2 and not 1) // 9: added new authentication features (see README.AUTH) // 10: added support for authenticated socket via TSocket::CreateAuthSocket(...) // 11: modified SSH protocol + support for server 'no authentication' mode // 12: add random tags to avoid reply attacks (password+token) // 13: authentication re-organization; cleanup in PROOF // 14: support for SSH authentication via SSH tunnel // 15: cope with fixes in TUrl::GetFile // 16: add env setup message exchange // Int_t TSocket::fgClientProtocol = 16; // increase when client protocol changes TVirtualMutex *gSocketAuthMutex = 0; ClassImp(TSocket) //______________________________________________________________________________ TSocket::TSocket(TInetAddress addr, const char *service, Int_t tcpwindowsize) : TNamed(addr.GetHostName(), service) { // Create a socket. Connect to the named service at address addr. // Use tcpwindowsize to specify the size of the receive buffer, it has // to be specified here to make sure the window scale option is set (for // tcpwindowsize > 65KB and for platforms supporting window scaling). // Returns when connection has been accepted by remote side. Use IsValid() // to check the validity of the socket. Every socket is added to the TROOT // sockets list which will make sure that any open sockets are properly // closed on program termination. R__ASSERT(gROOT); R__ASSERT(gSystem); fService = service; fSecContext = 0; fRemoteProtocol= -1; fServType = kSOCKD; if (fService.Contains("root")) fServType = kROOTD; if (fService.Contains("proof")) fServType = kPROOFD; fAddress = addr; fAddress.fPort = gSystem->GetServiceByName(service); fBytesSent = 0; fBytesRecv = 0; fCompress = 0; fTcpWindowSize = tcpwindowsize; if (fAddress.GetPort() != -1) { fSocket = gSystem->OpenConnection(addr.GetHostName(), fAddress.GetPort(), tcpwindowsize); if (fSocket != -1) { R__LOCKGUARD2(gROOTMutex); gROOT->GetListOfSockets()->Add(this); } } else fSocket = -1; } //______________________________________________________________________________ TSocket::TSocket(TInetAddress addr, Int_t port, Int_t tcpwindowsize) : TNamed(addr.GetHostName(), "") { // Create a socket. Connect to the specified port # at address addr. // Use tcpwindowsize to specify the size of the receive buffer, it has // to be specified here to make sure the window scale option is set (for // tcpwindowsize > 65KB and for platforms supporting window scaling). // Returns when connection has been accepted by remote side. Use IsValid() // to check the validity of the socket. Every socket is added to the TROOT // sockets list which will make sure that any open sockets are properly // closed on program termination. R__ASSERT(gROOT); R__ASSERT(gSystem); fService = gSystem->GetServiceByPort(port); fSecContext = 0; fRemoteProtocol= -1; fServType = kSOCKD; if (fService.Contains("root")) fServType = kROOTD; if (fService.Contains("proof")) fServType = kPROOFD; fAddress = addr; fAddress.fPort = port; SetTitle(fService); fBytesSent = 0; fBytesRecv = 0; fCompress = 0; fTcpWindowSize = tcpwindowsize; fSocket = gSystem->OpenConnection(addr.GetHostName(), fAddress.GetPort(), tcpwindowsize); if (fSocket == -1) fAddress.fPort = -1; else { R__LOCKGUARD2(gROOTMutex); gROOT->GetListOfSockets()->Add(this); } } //______________________________________________________________________________ TSocket::TSocket(const char *host, const char *service, Int_t tcpwindowsize) : TNamed(host, service) { // Create a socket. Connect to named service on the remote host. // Use tcpwindowsize to specify the size of the receive buffer, it has // to be specified here to make sure the window scale option is set (for // tcpwindowsize > 65KB and for platforms supporting window scaling). // Returns when connection has been accepted by remote side. Use IsValid() // to check the validity of the socket. Every socket is added to the TROOT // sockets list which will make sure that any open sockets are properly // closed on program termination. R__ASSERT(gROOT); R__ASSERT(gSystem); fService = service; fSecContext = 0; fRemoteProtocol= -1; fServType = kSOCKD; if (fService.Contains("root")) fServType = kROOTD; if (fService.Contains("proof")) fServType = kPROOFD; fAddress = gSystem->GetHostByName(host); fAddress.fPort = gSystem->GetServiceByName(service); SetName(fAddress.GetHostName()); fBytesSent = 0; fBytesRecv = 0; fCompress = 0; fTcpWindowSize = tcpwindowsize; if (fAddress.GetPort() != -1) { fSocket = gSystem->OpenConnection(host, fAddress.GetPort(), tcpwindowsize); if (fSocket != -1) { R__LOCKGUARD2(gROOTMutex); gROOT->GetListOfSockets()->Add(this); } } else fSocket = -1; } //______________________________________________________________________________ TSocket::TSocket(const char *url, Int_t port, Int_t tcpwindowsize) : TNamed(TUrl(url).GetHost(), "") { // Create a socket; see CreateAuthSocket for the form of url. // Connect to the specified port # on the remote host. // If user is specified in url, try authentication as user. // Use tcpwindowsize to specify the size of the receive buffer, it has // to be specified here to make sure the window scale option is set (for // tcpwindowsize > 65KB and for platforms supporting window scaling). // Returns when connection has been accepted by remote side. Use IsValid() // to check the validity of the socket. Every socket is added to the TROOT // sockets list which will make sure that any open sockets are properly // closed on program termination. R__ASSERT(gROOT); R__ASSERT(gSystem); fUrl = TString(url); TString host(TUrl(fUrl).GetHost()); fService = gSystem->GetServiceByPort(port); fSecContext = 0; fRemoteProtocol= -1; fServType = kSOCKD; if (fUrl.Contains("root")) fServType = kROOTD; if (fUrl.Contains("proof")) fServType = kPROOFD; fAddress = gSystem->GetHostByName(host); fAddress.fPort = port; SetName(fAddress.GetHostName()); SetTitle(fService); fBytesSent = 0; fBytesRecv = 0; fCompress = 0; fTcpWindowSize = tcpwindowsize; fSocket = gSystem->OpenConnection(host, fAddress.GetPort(), tcpwindowsize); if (fSocket == -1) { fAddress.fPort = -1; } else { R__LOCKGUARD2(gROOTMutex); gROOT->GetListOfSockets()->Add(this); } } //______________________________________________________________________________ TSocket::TSocket(Int_t desc) : TNamed("", "") { // Create a socket. The socket will use descriptor desc. R__ASSERT(gROOT); R__ASSERT(gSystem); fSecContext = 0; fRemoteProtocol= 0; fService = (char *)kSOCKD; fBytesSent = 0; fBytesRecv = 0; fCompress = 0; if (desc >= 0) { fSocket = desc; fAddress = gSystem->GetPeerName(fSocket); R__LOCKGUARD2(gROOTMutex); gROOT->GetListOfSockets()->Add(this); } else fSocket = -1; } //______________________________________________________________________________ TSocket::TSocket(const TSocket &s) : TNamed(s) { // TSocket copy ctor. fSocket = s.fSocket; fService = s.fService; fAddress = s.fAddress; fLocalAddress = s.fLocalAddress; fBytesSent = s.fBytesSent; fBytesRecv = s.fBytesRecv; fCompress = s.fCompress; fSecContext = s.fSecContext; fRemoteProtocol = s.fRemoteProtocol; fServType = s.fServType; if (fSocket != -1) { R__LOCKGUARD2(gROOTMutex); gROOT->GetListOfSockets()->Add(this); } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TSocket::Close(Option_t *option) { // Close the socket. If option is "force", calls shutdown(id,2) to // shut down the connection. This will close the connection also // for the parent of this process. Also called via the dtor (without // option "force", call explicitely Close("force") if this is desired). Bool_t force = option ? (!strcmp(option, "force") ? kTRUE : kFALSE) : kFALSE; if (fSocket != -1) { gSystem->CloseConnection(fSocket, force); R__LOCKGUARD2(gROOTMutex); gROOT->GetListOfSockets()->Remove(this); } fSocket = -1; } //______________________________________________________________________________ TInetAddress TSocket::GetLocalInetAddress() { // Return internet address of local host to which the socket is bound. // In case of error TInetAddress::IsValid() returns kFALSE. if (IsValid()) { if (fLocalAddress.GetPort() == -1) fLocalAddress = gSystem->GetSockName(fSocket); return fLocalAddress; } return TInetAddress(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t TSocket::GetLocalPort() { // Return the local port # to which the socket is bound. // In case of error return -1. if (IsValid()) { if (fLocalAddress.GetPort() == -1) GetLocalInetAddress(); return fLocalAddress.GetPort(); } return -1; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t TSocket::Select(Int_t interest, Long_t timeout) { // Waits for this socket to change status. If interest=kRead, // the socket will be watched to see if characters become available for // reading; if interest=kWrite the socket will be watched to // see if a write will not block. // The argument 'timeout' specifies a maximum time to wait in millisec. // Default no timeout. // Returns 1 if a change of status of interest has been detected within // timeout; 0 in case of timeout; < 0 if an error occured. Int_t rc = 1; // Associate a TFileHandler to this socket TFileHandler fh(fSocket, interest); // Wait for an event now rc = gSystem->Select(&fh, timeout); return rc; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t TSocket::Send(Int_t kind) { // Send a single message opcode. Use kind (opcode) to set the // TMessage "what" field. Returns the number of bytes that were sent // (always sizeof(Int_t)) and -1 in case of error. In case the kind has // been or'ed with kMESS_ACK, the call will only return after having // received an acknowledgement, making the sending process synchronous. TMessage mess(kind); Int_t nsent; if ((nsent = Send(mess)) < 0) return -1; return nsent; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t TSocket::Send(Int_t status, Int_t kind) { // Send a status and a single message opcode. Use kind (opcode) to set the // TMessage "what" field. Returns the number of bytes that were sent // (always 2*sizeof(Int_t)) and -1 in case of error. In case the kind has // been or'ed with kMESS_ACK, the call will only return after having // received an acknowledgement, making the sending process synchronous. TMessage mess(kind); mess << status; Int_t nsent; if ((nsent = Send(mess)) < 0) return -1; return nsent; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t TSocket::Send(const char *str, Int_t kind) { // Send a character string buffer. Use kind to set the TMessage "what" field. // Returns the number of bytes in the string str that were sent and -1 in // case of error. In case the kind has been or'ed with kMESS_ACK, the call // will only return after having received an acknowledgement, making the // sending process synchronous. TMessage mess(kind); if (str) mess.WriteString(str); Int_t nsent; if ((nsent = Send(mess)) < 0) return -1; return nsent - sizeof(Int_t); // - TMessage::What() } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t TSocket::Send(const TMessage &mess) { // Send a TMessage object. Returns the number of bytes in the TMessage // that were sent and -1 in case of error. In case the TMessage::What // has been or'ed with kMESS_ACK, the call will only return after having // received an acknowledgement, making the sending process synchronous. // Returns -4 in case of kNoBlock and errno == EWOULDBLOCK. // Returns -5 if pipe broken or reset by peer (EPIPE || ECONNRESET). TSystem::ResetErrno(); if (fSocket == -1) return -1; if (mess.IsReading()) { Error("Send", "cannot send a message used for reading"); return -1; } mess.SetLength(); //write length in first word of buffer if (fCompress > 0 && mess.GetCompressionLevel() == 0) const_cast<TMessage&>(mess).SetCompressionLevel(fCompress); if (mess.GetCompressionLevel() > 0) const_cast<TMessage&>(mess).Compress(); char *mbuf = mess.Buffer(); Int_t mlen = mess.Length(); if (mess.CompBuffer()) { mbuf = mess.CompBuffer(); mlen = mess.CompLength(); } Int_t nsent; if ((nsent = gSystem->SendRaw(fSocket, mbuf, mlen, 0)) <= 0) { if (nsent == -5) { // Connection reset by peer or broken Close(); } return nsent; } fBytesSent += nsent; fgBytesSent += nsent; // If acknowledgement is desired, wait for it if (mess.What() & kMESS_ACK) { TSystem::ResetErrno(); char buf[2]; Int_t n = 0; if ((n = gSystem->RecvRaw(fSocket, buf, sizeof(buf), 0)) < 0) { if (n == -5) { // Connection reset by peer or broken Close(); } else n = -1; return n; } if (strncmp(buf, "ok", 2)) { Error("Send", "bad acknowledgement"); return -1; } fBytesRecv += 2; fgBytesRecv += 2; } return nsent - sizeof(UInt_t); //length - length header } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t TSocket::SendObject(const TObject *obj, Int_t kind) { // Send an object. Returns the number of bytes sent and -1 in case of error. // In case the "kind" has been or'ed with kMESS_ACK, the call will only // return after having received an acknowledgement, making the sending // synchronous. TMessage mess(kind); mess.WriteObject(obj); Int_t nsent; if ((nsent = Send(mess)) < 0) return -1; return nsent; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t TSocket::SendRaw(const void *buffer, Int_t length, ESendRecvOptions opt) { // Send a raw buffer of specified length. Using option kOob one can send // OOB data. Returns the number of bytes sent or -1 in case of error. // Returns -4 in case of kNoBlock and errno == EWOULDBLOCK. // Returns -5 if pipe broken or reset by peer (EPIPE || ECONNRESET). TSystem::ResetErrno(); if (fSocket == -1) return -1; Int_t nsent; if ((nsent = gSystem->SendRaw(fSocket, buffer, length, (int) opt)) <= 0) { if (nsent == -5) { // Connection reset or broken: close Close(); } return nsent; } fBytesSent += nsent; fgBytesSent += nsent; return nsent; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t TSocket::Recv(char *str, Int_t max) { // Receive a character string message of maximum max length. The expected // message must be of type kMESS_STRING. Returns length of received string // (can be 0 if otherside of connection is closed) or -1 in case of error // or -4 in case a non-blocking socket would block (i.e. there is nothing // to be read). Int_t n, kind; if ((n = Recv(str, max, kind)) <= 0) { if (n == -5) n = -1; return n; } if (kind != kMESS_STRING) { Error("Recv", "got message of wrong kind (expected %d, got %d)", kMESS_STRING, kind); return -1; } return n; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t TSocket::Recv(char *str, Int_t max, Int_t &kind) { // Receive a character string message of maximum max length. Returns in // kind the message type. Returns length of received string+4 (can be 0 if // other side of connection is closed) or -1 in case of error or -4 in // case a non-blocking socket would block (i.e. there is nothing to be read). Int_t n; TMessage *mess; if ((n = Recv(mess)) <= 0) { if (n == -5) n = -1; return n; } kind = mess->What(); if (str) { if (mess->BufferSize() > (Int_t)sizeof(Int_t)) // if mess contains more than kind mess->ReadString(str, max); else str[0] = 0; } delete mess; return n; // number of bytes read (len of str + sizeof(kind) } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t TSocket::Recv(Int_t &status, Int_t &kind) { // Receives a status and a message type. Returns length of received // integers, 2*sizeof(Int_t) (can be 0 if other side of connection // is closed) or -1 in case of error or -4 in case a non-blocking // socket would block (i.e. there is nothing to be read). Int_t n; TMessage *mess; if ((n = Recv(mess)) <= 0) { if (n == -5) n = -1; return n; } kind = mess->What(); (*mess) >> status; delete mess; return n; // number of bytes read (2 * sizeof(Int_t) } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t TSocket::Recv(TMessage *&mess) { // Receive a TMessage object. The user must delete the TMessage object. // Returns length of message in bytes (can be 0 if other side of connection // is closed) or -1 in case of error or -4 in case a non-blocking socket // would block (i.e. there is nothing to be read) or -5 if pipe broken // or reset by peer (EPIPE || ECONNRESET). In those case mess == 0. TSystem::ResetErrno(); if (fSocket == -1) { mess = 0; return -1; } Int_t n; UInt_t len; if ((n = gSystem->RecvRaw(fSocket, &len, sizeof(UInt_t), 0)) <= 0) { if (n == -5) { // Connection reset or broken Close(); } mess = 0; return n; } len = net2host(len); //from network to host byte order char *buf = new char[len+sizeof(UInt_t)]; if ((n = gSystem->RecvRaw(fSocket, buf+sizeof(UInt_t), len, 0)) <= 0) { if (n == -5) { // Connection reset or broken Close(); } delete [] buf; mess = 0; return n; } fBytesRecv += n + sizeof(UInt_t); fgBytesRecv += n + sizeof(UInt_t); mess = new TMessage(buf, len+sizeof(UInt_t)); if (mess->What() & kMESS_ACK) { char ok[2] = { 'o', 'k' }; Int_t n = 0; if ((n = gSystem->SendRaw(fSocket, ok, sizeof(ok), 0)) < 0) { if (n == -5) { // Connection reset or broken Close(); } delete mess; mess = 0; return n; } mess->SetWhat(mess->What() & ~kMESS_ACK); fBytesSent += 2; fgBytesSent += 2; } return n; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t TSocket::RecvRaw(void *buffer, Int_t length, ESendRecvOptions opt) { // Receive a raw buffer of specified length bytes. Using option kPeek // one can peek at incoming data. Returns -1 in case of error. In case // of opt == kOob: -2 means EWOULDBLOCK and -3 EINVAL. In case of non-blocking // mode (kNoBlock) -4 means EWOULDBLOCK. Returns -5 if pipe broken or // reset by peer (EPIPE || ECONNRESET). TSystem::ResetErrno(); if (fSocket == -1) return -1; Int_t n; if ((n = gSystem->RecvRaw(fSocket, buffer, length, (int) opt)) <= 0) { if (n == -5) { // Connection reset or broken Close(); } return n; } fBytesRecv += n; fgBytesRecv += n; return n; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t TSocket::SetOption(ESockOptions opt, Int_t val) { // Set socket options. if (fSocket == -1) return -1; return gSystem->SetSockOpt(fSocket, opt, val); } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t TSocket::GetOption(ESockOptions opt, Int_t &val) { // Get socket options. Returns -1 in case of error. if (fSocket == -1) return -1; return gSystem->GetSockOpt(fSocket, opt, &val); } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t TSocket::GetErrorCode() const { // Returns error code. Meaning depends on context where it is called. // If no error condition returns 0 else a value < 0. // For example see TServerSocket ctor. if (!IsValid()) return fSocket; return 0; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TSocket::SetCompressionLevel(Int_t level) { // Set the message compression level. Can be between 0 and 9 with 0 // being no compression and 9 maximum compression. In general the default // level of 1 is the best compromise between achieved compression and // cpu time. Compression will only happen when the message is > 256 bytes. if (level < 0) level = 0; if (level > 9) level = 9; fCompress = level; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TSocket::Authenticate(const char *user) { // Authenticated the socket with specified user. Bool_t rc = kFALSE; // Parse protocol name, for PROOF, send message with server role TString sproto = TUrl(fUrl).GetProtocol(); if (sproto.Contains("sockd")) { fServType = kSOCKD; } else if (sproto.Contains("rootd")) { fServType = kROOTD; } else if (sproto.Contains("proofd")) { fServType = kPROOFD; // Parse options TString opt(TUrl(fUrl).GetOptions()); //First letter in Opt describes type of proofserv to invoke if (!strncasecmp(opt, "S", 1)) { Send("slave"); } else if (!strncasecmp(opt, "M", 1)) { Send("master"); } else { Warning("Authenticate", "called by TSlave: unknown option '%c' %s", opt[0], " - assuming Slave"); Send("slave"); } } if (gDebug > 2) Info("Authenticate","Local protocol: %s",sproto.Data()); // Get server protocol level Int_t kind = kROOTD_PROTOCOL; // Warning: for backward compatibility reasons here we have to // send exactly 4 bytes: for fgClientClientProtocol > 99 // the space in the format must be dropped if (fRemoteProtocol == -1) { Send(Form(" %d", fgClientProtocol), kROOTD_PROTOCOL); Recv(fRemoteProtocol, kind); // // If we are talking to an old rootd server we get a fatal // error here and we need to reopen the connection, // communicating first the size of the parallel socket if (kind == kROOTD_ERR) { fRemoteProtocol = 9; return kFALSE; } } // Find out whether authentication is required Bool_t runauth = kTRUE; if (fRemoteProtocol > 1000) { // Authentication not required by the remote server runauth = kFALSE; fRemoteProtocol %= 1000; } // If authentication is required, we need to find out which library // has to be loaded (preparation for near future, 9/7/05) TString host = GetInetAddress().GetHostName(); if (runauth) { // Default (future) TString alib = "Xrd"; if (fRemoteProtocol < 100) { // Standard Authentication lib alib = "Root"; } // Load the plugin TPluginHandler *h = gROOT->GetPluginManager()->FindHandler("TVirtualAuth", alib); if (!h || h->LoadPlugin() != 0) { Error("Authenticate", "could not load properly %s authentication plugin", alib.Data()); return rc; } // Get an instance of the interface class TVirtualAuth *auth = (TVirtualAuth *)(h->ExecPlugin(0)); if (!auth) { Error("Authenticate", "could not instantiate the interface class"); return rc; } if (gDebug > 1) Info("Authenticate", "class for '%s' authentication loaded", alib.Data()); Option_t *opts = (gROOT->IsProofServ()) ? "P" : ""; if (!(auth->Authenticate(this, host, user, opts))) { Error("Authenticate", "authentication attempt failed for %s@%s", user, host.Data()); } else { rc = kTRUE; } } else { // Communicate who we are and our target user UserGroup_t *u = gSystem->GetUserInfo(); if (u) { Send(Form("%s %s", u->fUser.Data(), user), kROOTD_USER); delete u; } else Send(Form("-1 %s", user), kROOTD_USER); rc = kFALSE; // Receive confirmation that everything went well Int_t kind, stat; if (Recv(stat, kind) > 0) { if (kind == kROOTD_ERR) { if (gDebug > 0) TSocket::NetError("TSocket::Authenticate", stat); } else if (kind == kROOTD_AUTH) { // Authentication was not required: create inactive // security context for consistency fSecContext = new TSecContext(user, host, 0, -4, 0, 0); if (gDebug > 3) Info("Authenticate", "no authentication required remotely"); // Set return flag; rc = 1; } else { if (gDebug > 0) Info("Authenticate", "expected message type %d, received %d", kROOTD_AUTH, kind); } } else { if (gDebug > 0) Info("Authenticate", "error receiving message"); } } return rc; } //______________________________________________________________________________ TSocket *TSocket::CreateAuthSocket(const char *url, Int_t size, Int_t tcpwindowsize, TSocket *opensock) { // Creates a socket or a parallel socket and authenticates to the // remote server. // // url: [[proto][p][auth]://][user@]host[:port][/service][?options] // // where proto = "sockd", "rootd", "proofd" // indicates the type of remote server; // if missing "sockd" is assumed ("sockd" indicates // any remote server session using TServerSocket) // [p] = for parallel sockets (forced internally for // rootd; ignored for proofd) // [auth] = "up", "s", "k", "g", "h", "ug" to force UsrPwd, // SRP, Krb5, Globus, SSH or UidGid authentication // [port] = is the remote port number // [service] = service name used to determine the port // (for backward compatibility, specification of // port as priority) // options = "m" or "s", when proto=proofd indicates whether // we are master or slave (used internally by // TSlave) // // An already opened connection can be used by passing its socket // in opensock. // // Example: // // TSocket::CreateAuthSocket("rootds://qwerty@machine.fq.dn:5051") // // creates an authenticated socket to a rootd server running // on remote machine machine.fq.dn on port 5051; "parallel" sockets // are forced internally because rootd expects // parallel sockets; however a simple socket will be created // in this case because the size is 0 (the default); // authentication will attempt protocol SRP first. // // TSocket::CreateAuthSocket("pk://qwerty@machine.fq.dn:5052",3) // // creates an authenticated parallel socket of size 3 to a sockd // server running on remote machine machine.fq.dn on port 5052; // authentication will attempt protocol Kerberos first. // // NB: may hang if the remote server is not of the correct type; // at present TSocket has no way to find out the type of the // remote server automatically // // Returns pointer to an authenticated socket or 0 if creation or // authentication is unsuccessful. R__LOCKGUARD2(gSocketAuthMutex); // Url to be passed to choosen constructor TString eurl(url); // Parse protocol, if any Bool_t parallel = kFALSE; TString proto(TUrl(url).GetProtocol()); TString protosave = proto; // Get rid of authentication suffix TString asfx = ""; if (proto.EndsWith("up") || proto.EndsWith("ug")) { asfx = proto; asfx.Remove(0,proto.Length()-2); proto.Resize(proto.Length()-2); } else if (proto.EndsWith("s") || proto.EndsWith("k") || proto.EndsWith("g") || proto.EndsWith("h")) { asfx = proto; asfx.Remove(0,proto.Length()-1); proto.Resize(proto.Length()-1); } // Find out if parallel (ignore if proofd, force if rootd) if (((proto.EndsWith("p") || size > 1) && !proto.BeginsWith("proof")) || proto.BeginsWith("root") ) { parallel = kTRUE; if (proto.EndsWith("p")) proto.Resize(proto.Length()-1); } // Force "sockd" if the rest is not recognized if (!proto.BeginsWith("sock") && !proto.BeginsWith("proof") && !proto.BeginsWith("root")) proto = "sockd"; // Substitute this for original proto in eurl protosave += "://"; proto += asfx; proto += "://"; eurl.ReplaceAll(protosave,proto); // Create the socket now TSocket *sock = 0; if (!parallel) { // Simple socket if (opensock && opensock->IsValid()) sock = opensock; else sock = new TSocket(eurl, TUrl(url).GetPort(), tcpwindowsize); // Authenticate now if (sock && sock->IsValid()) { if (!sock->Authenticate(TUrl(url).GetUser())) { sock->Close(); delete sock; sock = 0; } } } else { // Tell TPSocket that we want authentication, which has to // be done using the original socket before creation of set // of parallel sockets if (eurl.Contains("?")) eurl.Resize(eurl.Index("?")); eurl += "?A"; // Parallel socket if (opensock && opensock->IsValid()) sock = new TPSocket(eurl, TUrl(url).GetPort(), size, opensock); else sock = new TPSocket(eurl, TUrl(url).GetPort(), size, tcpwindowsize); // Cleanup if failure ... if (sock && !sock->IsAuthenticated()) { // Nothing to do except setting sock to NULL if (sock->IsValid()) // And except when the sock is valid; this typically // happens when talking to a old server, because the // the parallel socket system is open before authentication delete sock; sock = 0; } } return sock; } //______________________________________________________________________________ TSocket *TSocket::CreateAuthSocket(const char *user, const char *url, Int_t port, Int_t size, Int_t tcpwindowsize, TSocket *opensock) { // Creates a socket or a parallel socket and authenticates to the // remote server specified in 'url' on remote 'port' as 'user'. // // url: [[proto][p][auth]://]host[/?options] // // where proto = "sockd", "rootd", "proofd" // indicates the type of remote server // if missing "sockd" is assumed ("sockd" indicates // any remote server session using TServerSocket) // [p] = for parallel sockets (forced internally for // rootd) // [auth] = "up", "s", "k", "g", "h", "ug" to force UsrPwd, // SRP, Krb5, Globus, SSH or UidGid authentication // [options] = "m" or "s", when proto=proofd indicates whether // we are master or slave (used internally by TSlave) // // An already opened connection can be used by passing its socket // in opensock. // // Example: // // TSocket::CreateAuthSocket("qwerty","rootdps://machine.fq.dn",5051) // // creates an authenticated socket to a rootd server running // on remote machine machine.fq.dn on port 5051; "parallel" // sockets are forced internally because rootd expects // parallel sockets; however a simple socket will be created // in this case because the size is 0 (the default); // authentication will attempt protocol SRP first. // // TSocket::CreateAuthSocket("qwerty","pk://machine.fq.dn:5052",3) // // creates an authenticated parallel socket of size 3 to a sockd // server running on remote machine machine.fq.dn on port 5052; // authentication will attempt protocol Kerberos first. // // NB: may hang if the remote server is not of the correct type; // at present TSocket has no way to find out the type of the // remote server automatically // // Returns pointer to an authenticated socket or 0 if creation or // authentication is unsuccessful. R__LOCKGUARD2(gSocketAuthMutex); // Extended url to be passed to base call TString eurl; // Add protocol, if any if (TString(TUrl(url).GetProtocol()).Length() > 0) { eurl += TString(TUrl(url).GetProtocol()); eurl += TString("://"); } // Add user, if any if (!user || strlen(user) > 0) { eurl += TString(user); eurl += TString("@"); } // Add host eurl += TString(TUrl(url).GetHost()); // Add port eurl += TString(":"); eurl += (port > 0 ? port : 0); // Add options, if any if (TString(TUrl(url).GetOptions()).Length() > 0) { eurl += TString("/?"); eurl += TString(TUrl(url).GetOptions()); } // Create the socket and return it return TSocket::CreateAuthSocket(eurl,size,tcpwindowsize,opensock); } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t TSocket::GetClientProtocol() { // Static method returning supported client protocol. return fgClientProtocol; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TSocket::NetError(const char *where, Int_t err) { // Print error string depending on error code. // Make sure it is in range err = (err < kErrError) ? ((err > -1) ? err : 0) : kErrError; if (gDebug > 0) ::Error(where, "%s", gRootdErrStr[err]); }