#ifndef ROOT_TSynapse
#define ROOT_TSynapse
#ifndef ROOT_TObject
#include "TObject.h"
class TNeuron;
class TSynapse : public TObject {
TSynapse(TNeuron*, TNeuron*, Double_t w = 1);
virtual ~ TSynapse() {}
void SetPre(TNeuron* pre);
void SetPost(TNeuron* post);
inline TNeuron* GetPre() const { return fpre; }
inline TNeuron* GetPost() const { return fpost; }
void SetWeight(Double_t w);
inline Double_t GetWeight() const { return fweight; }
Double_t GetValue() const;
Double_t GetDeDw() const;
void SetDEDw(Double_t in);
Double_t GetDEDw() const { return fDEDw; }
TNeuron* fpre;
TNeuron* fpost;
Double_t fweight;
Double_t fDEDw;
ClassDef(TSynapse, 1)
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