#include <Riostream.h>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include "TString.h"
#include "TROOT.h"
#include "TSystem.h"
#include "TError.h"
#include "TFile.h"
#include "TTree.h"
#include "TLeaf.h"
#include "TBranch.h"
#include "TSQLRow.h"
#include "TSQLResult.h"
#include "TSQLServer.h"
#include "TTreeSQL.h"
#include "TBasketSQL.h"
TTreeSQL::TTreeSQL(TSQLServer *server, TString DB, const TString& table) :
TTree(table.Data(), "Database read from table: " + table, 0), fDB(DB),
fResult(0), fRow(0),
fCurrentEntry = -1;
fQuery = TString("Select * from " + fTable);
fEntries = 0;
if (fServer==0) {
Error("TTreeSQL","No TSQLServer specified");
if (CheckTable(fTable.Data())) {
TBranch* TTreeSQL::BranchImp(const char *, const char *,
TClass *, void *, Int_t ,
Int_t )
Fatal("BranchImp","Not implemented yet");
return 0;
TBranch* TTreeSQL::BranchImp(const char *, TClass *,
void *, Int_t , Int_t )
Fatal("BranchImp","Not implemented yet");
return 0;
Int_t TTreeSQL::Branch(TCollection *, Int_t,
Int_t, const char *)
Fatal("Branch","Not implemented yet");
return 0;
Int_t TTreeSQL::Branch(TList *, Int_t, Int_t)
Fatal("Branch","Not implemented yet");
return 0;
Int_t TTreeSQL::Branch(const char *, Int_t ,
Fatal("Branch","Not implemented yet");
return 0;
TBranch* TTreeSQL::Bronch(const char *, const char *, void *,
Int_t, Int_t)
Fatal("Bronc","Not implemented yet");
return 0;
TBranch* TTreeSQL::BranchOld(const char *, const char *,
void *, Int_t, Int_t)
Fatal("BranchOld","Not implemented yet");
return 0;
TBranch *TTreeSQL::Branch(const char *, const char *, void *,
Int_t, Int_t)
Fatal("Branch","Not implemented yet");
return 0;
TBranch * TTreeSQL::Branch(const char *name, void *address,
const char *leaflist, Int_t bufsize)
Int_t nb = fBranches.GetEntriesFast();
TBranch *branch;
TString brName;
for (int i=0;i<nb;i++) {
branch = (TBranch*)fBranches.UncheckedAt(i);
brName = branch->GetName();
if (brName.Index(name) == 0) {
Fatal("Branch()", "Duplicate branch!!!");
return TTree::Branch(name, address, leaflist, bufsize);
void TTreeSQL::CheckBasket(TBranch *branch)
TBasketSQL * basket = (TBasketSQL *)branch->GetBasket(0);
TBuffer * buffer = basket->GetBufferRef();
if(buffer == 0){
vector<Int_t> *columns = GetColumnIndice(branch);
if (columns) basket->CreateBuffer(branch->GetName(),"A", columns, branch, &fResult);
Int_t nb = branch->GetListOfBranches()->GetEntriesFast();
for (int i=0;i<nb;i++) {
TBranch * subbranch = (TBranch*)branch->GetListOfBranches()->UncheckedAt(i);
if(subbranch) CheckBasket(subbranch);
Bool_t TTreeSQL::CheckBranch(TBranch * tb)
if (fServer==0) {
return kFALSE;
TString leafName;
TLeaf *leaf;
Int_t nl;
TString str = "";
TString typeName = "";
if (!tb) return kFALSE;
TBasketSQL *basket = (TBasketSQL *)tb->GetBasket(0);
if (!basket) return kFALSE;
TSQLResult *rs = basket->GetResultSet();
if (!rs) {
Error("CheckBranch","%s has basket but no resultset yet",tb->GetName());
return kFALSE;
nl = tb->GetNleaves();
for(int j=0;j<nl;j++) {
leaf = (TLeaf*)tb->GetListOfLeaves()->UncheckedAt(j);
typeName = leaf->GetTypeName();
typeName = ConvertTypeName(leaf->GetTypeName());
leafName = leaf->GetName();
str = "";
str = tb->GetName();
str += "__";
str += leafName;
for (int i=0; i< rs->GetFieldCount(); ++i) {
if (strcmp(rs->GetFieldName(i), str.Data()) == 0) return kTRUE;
CreateBranch(str, typeName);
return kFALSE;
Bool_t TTreeSQL::CheckTable(const TString &table) const
if (fServer==0) return kFALSE;
TSQLResult * tables = fServer->GetTables(fDB.Data(),table);
TSQLRow * row = 0;
while( (row = tables->Next()) ) {
return kTRUE;
return kFALSE;
TString TTreeSQL::ConvertTypeName(const TString& typeName )
TString tn = "";
if(typeName == "Char_t"){
tn = "TEXT";
else if(typeName == "Int_t") {
tn = "INTEGER";
else if(typeName == "Short_t") {
tn = "SMALLINT";
else if( typeName == "UShort_t") {
else if(typeName == "Float_t"){
tn = "FLOAT";
else if(typeName == "Double_t"){
tn = "DOUBLE";
else if(typeName == "Double32_t"){
tn = "FLOAT";
else if(typeName == "UInt_t") {
else if( typeName == "Long_t") {
tn = "INTEGER";
else if( typeName == "ULong_t") {
else if( typeName == "Long64_t") {
tn = "BIGINT";
else if( typeName == "ULong64_t") {
else if( typeName == "Bool_t") {
tn = "BOOL";
else {
Error("ConvertTypeName","TypeName (%s) not found",typeName.Data());
return "";
return tn;
TBasket * TTreeSQL::CreateBasket(TBranch * tb)
if (fServer==0) {
Error("CreateBasket","No TSQLServer specified");
return 0;
vector<Int_t> *columnVec = GetColumnIndice(tb);
return new TBasketSQL(tb->GetName(), tb->GetName(), tb,
&fResult, &fInsertQuery, columnVec, &fRow);
void TTreeSQL::CreateBranch(const TString &branchName, const TString &typeName)
if (fServer==0) {
Error("CreateBranch","No TSQLServer specified");
TString alterSQL = "";
alterSQL = "";
alterSQL = "ALTER TABLE ";
alterSQL += fTable.Data();
alterSQL += " ADD ";
alterSQL += branchName.Data();;
alterSQL += " ";
alterSQL += typeName;
alterSQL += " null";
TString TTreeSQL::CreateBranches(TSQLResult * rs)
if(!rs) return "";
Int_t rows;
TString type;
TString res;
TString branchName;
TString leafName;
Int_t prec=0;
TBranch * br = 0;
rows = rs->GetRowCount();
TString decl;
TString prevBranch;
for( int i=0; i < rows; ++i ) {
TSQLRow * row = rs->Next();
type = row->GetField(1);
Int_t index = type.First('(');
prec = atoi(type(index+1,type.First(')')-1).Data());
type = type(0,index);
branchName = row->GetField(0);
Int_t pos;
if ((pos=branchName.Index("__"))!=kNPOS) {
leafName = branchName(pos+2,branchName.Length());
} else {
leafName = branchName;
if (prevBranch.Length()) {
if (prevBranch != branchName) {
if (decl.Length()) decl.Remove(decl.Length()-1);
br = TTree::Branch(prevBranch,0,decl);
(br->GetBasketEntry())[0] = 0;
(br->GetBasketEntry())[1] = fEntries;
prevBranch = branchName;
decl = "";
} else {
prevBranch = branchName;
if(type.CompareTo("varchar",TString::kIgnoreCase)==0 || type.CompareTo("char",TString::kIgnoreCase)==0 ){
char siz[6];
decl.Append( leafName+siz+"/C:" );
else if(type.CompareTo("int",TString::kIgnoreCase)==0){
decl.Append( leafName+"/I:" );
else if( type.CompareTo("date",TString::kIgnoreCase)==0 ||
type.CompareTo("time",TString::kIgnoreCase)==0 ||
type.CompareTo("timestamp",TString::kIgnoreCase)==0 ) {
decl.Append( leafName+"/I:" );
else if(type.CompareTo("bit",TString::kIgnoreCase)==0 ||
type.CompareTo("tinyint",TString::kIgnoreCase)==0 ||
type.CompareTo("smallint",TString::kIgnoreCase)==0 ) {
decl.Append( leafName+"/i:" );
else if(type.CompareTo("real",TString::kIgnoreCase)==0 || type.CompareTo("longvarchar",TString::kIgnoreCase)==0 || type.CompareTo("longvarbinary",TString::kIgnoreCase)==0 || type.CompareTo("varbinary",TString::kIgnoreCase)==0 ){
decl.Append( leafName+"/S:" );
else {
decl.Append( leafName+"/F:" );
if (decl.Length()) decl.Remove(decl.Length()-1);
if (prevBranch.Length()) {
br = TTree::Branch(prevBranch,0,decl);
(br->GetBasketEntry())[0] = 0;
(br->GetBasketEntry())[1] = fEntries;
if(!res.IsNull()) res.Resize(res.Length()-1);
return res;
void TTreeSQL::CreateTable(const TString &table)
if (fServer==0) {
Error("CreateTable","No TSQLServer specified");
Int_t i, j;
Int_t length;
TString branchName, leafName, typeName;
TString createSQL, alterSQL, str;
Int_t nb = fBranches.GetEntriesFast();
Int_t nl = 0;
TBranch *branch;
TLeaf *leaf;
for (i=0;i<nb;i++) {
branch = (TBranch*)fBranches.UncheckedAt(i);
branchName = branch->GetName();
nl = branch->GetNleaves();
for(j=0;j<nl;j++) {
leaf = (TLeaf*)branch->GetListOfLeaves()->UncheckedAt(j);
leafName = leaf->GetName();
typeName = ConvertTypeName(leaf->GetTypeName());
length = leaf->GetLenStatic();
if(i == 0 && j == 0) {
createSQL = "";
createSQL += "CREATE TABLE ";
createSQL += table;
createSQL += " (";
createSQL += branchName;
createSQL += "__";
createSQL += leafName;
createSQL += " ";
createSQL += typeName;
createSQL += " null";
createSQL += ")";
createSQL += ";";
TSQLResult *sres = fServer->Query(createSQL.Data());
if (!sres) {
Error("CreateTable","May have failed");
else {
str = "";
str = branchName;
str += "__";
str += leafName;
CreateBranch(str, typeName);
delete fResult;
fResult = fServer->Query(fQuery.Data());
void TTreeSQL::Init()
fCurrentEntry = -1;
delete fResult;
fResult = fServer->Query(fQuery.Data());
if(!fResult) return;
Int_t TTreeSQL::Fill()
Int_t nb = fBranches.GetEntriesFast();
TString typeName;
TBranch *branch;
if (fServer==0) return 0;
if(!CheckTable(fTable.Data())) {
for (int i=0;i<nb;i++) {
branch = (TBranch*)fBranches.UncheckedAt(i);
if (!fBranchChecked) {
for(int i=0;i<nb;i++) {
branch = (TBranch*)fBranches.UncheckedAt(i);
if (!CheckBranch(branch)) {
Error("Fill","CheckBranch for %s failed",branch->GetName());
fBranchChecked = kTRUE;
fInsertQuery += ");";
TSQLResult *res = fServer?fServer->Query(fInsertQuery):0;
return res->GetRowCount();
vector<Int_t> *TTreeSQL::GetColumnIndice(TBranch *branch)
if (!CheckTable(fTable)) return 0;
vector<Int_t> *columns = new vector<Int_t>;
Int_t nl = branch->GetNleaves();
vector<TString> names;
TSQLResult *rs = fServer->GetColumns(fDB,fTable);
if (rs==0) { delete columns; return 0; }
Int_t rows = rs->GetRowCount();
pair<TString,Int_t> value;
for (Int_t i=0;i<rows;++i) {
TSQLRow *row = rs->Next();
names.push_back( row->GetField(0) );
delete row;
delete rs;
for(int j=0;j<nl;j++) {
Int_t col = -1;
TLeaf *leaf = (TLeaf*)branch->GetListOfLeaves()->UncheckedAt(j);
TString leafName = leaf->GetName();
TString str;
if (leafName != branch->GetName()) {
str = "";
str = branch->GetName();
str += "__";
str += leafName;
} else {
str = leafName;
for (Int_t i=0;i<rows;++i) {
if (str == names[i]) {
col = i;
} else Error("GetColumnIndice","Error finding column %d %s",j,str.Data());
if (columns->empty()) {
delete columns; return 0;
} else
return columns;
Long64_t TTreeSQL::GetEntries() const
if (fServer==0) return GetEntriesFast();
if (!CheckTable(fTable.Data())) return 0;
TTreeSQL* thisvar = (TTreeSQL*)this;
TString counting = "select count(*) from " + fTable;
TSQLResult *count = fServer->Query(counting);
if (count==0) {
thisvar->fEntries = 0;
} else {
TString val = count->Next()->GetField(0);
Long_t ret;
sscanf(val.Data(), "%ld",&(ret) );
thisvar->fEntries = ret;
return fEntries;
Long64_t TTreeSQL::GetEntriesFast() const
return fEntries;
Int_t TTreeSQL::GetEntry(Long64_t entry, Int_t getall)
if (PrepEntry(entry)>=0) return TTree::GetEntry(entry,getall);
else return -1;
Long64_t TTreeSQL::LoadTree(Long64_t entry)
fReadEntry = entry;
return PrepEntry(entry);
Long64_t TTreeSQL::PrepEntry(Long64_t entry)
if (entry < 0 || entry >= fEntries || fServer==0) return 0;
fReadEntry = entry;
if(entry == fCurrentEntry) return entry;
if(entry < fCurrentEntry || fResult==0){
delete fResult;
fResult = fServer->Query(fQuery.Data());
fCurrentEntry = -1;
Bool_t reset = false;
while ( fCurrentEntry < entry ) {
delete fRow;
fRow = fResult->Next();
if (fRow==0 && !reset) {
delete fResult;
fResult = fServer->Query(fQuery.Data());
fCurrentEntry = -1;
reset = true;
if (fRow==0) return -1;
return entry;
void TTreeSQL::Refresh()
fCurrentEntry = -1;
delete fResult; fResult = 0;
delete fRow; fRow = 0;
void TTreeSQL::ResetQuery()
fInsertQuery = "INSERT INTO " + fTable + " VALUES (";
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