// @(#)root/base:$Name:  $:$Id: TVirtualProof.cxx,v 1.12 2006/11/20 16:55:37 rdm Exp $
// Author: Fons Rademakers   16/09/02

 * Copyright (C) 1995-2002, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers.               *
 * All rights reserved.                                                  *
 *                                                                       *
 * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE.                         *
 * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS.             *

//                                                                      //
// TVirtualProof                                                        //
//                                                                      //
// Abstract interface to the Parallel ROOT Facility, PROOF.             //
// For more information on PROOF see the TProof class.                  //
//                                                                      //

#include "TError.h"
#include "TList.h"
#include "TPluginManager.h"
#include "TROOT.h"
#include "TSystem.h"
#include "TVirtualProof.h"

TVirtualProof *gProof = 0;

TProof_t TVirtualProof::fgProofHook = 0;     // Hook to the TProof constructor
TList   *TVirtualProof::fgProofEnvList = 0;  // List of env vars for proofserv


TVirtualProof *TVirtualProof::Open(const char *cluster, const char *conffile,
                                   const char *confdir, Int_t loglevel)
   // Start a PROOF session on a specific cluster. If cluster is 0 (the
   // default) then the PROOF Session Viewer GUI pops up and 0 is returned.
   // If cluster is "" (empty string) then we connect to a PROOF session
   // on the localhost ("proof://localhost"). Via conffile a specific
   // PROOF config file in the confir directory can be specified.
   // Use loglevel to set the default loging level for debugging.
   // The appropriate instance of TVirtualProofMgr is created, if not
   // yet existing. The instantiated TProof object is returned.
   // Use TProof::cd() to switch between PROOF sessions.
   // For more info on PROOF see the TProof ctor.

   const char *pn = "TVirtualProof::Open";

   // Make sure libProof and dependents are loaded and TProof can be created,
   // dependents are loaded via the information in the [system].rootmap file
   if (!cluster) {

      TPluginManager *pm = gROOT->GetPluginManager();
      if (!pm) {
         ::Error(pn, "plugin manager not found");
         return 0;

      if (gROOT->IsBatch()) {
         ::Error(pn, "we are in batch mode, cannot show PROOF Session Viewer");
         return 0;
      // start PROOF Session Viewer
      TPluginHandler *sv = pm->FindHandler("TSessionViewer", "");
      if (!sv) {
         ::Error(pn, "no plugin found for TSessionViewer");
         return 0;
      if (sv->LoadPlugin() == -1) {
         ::Error(pn, "plugin for TSessionViewer could not be loaded");
         return 0;
      return 0;

   } else {

      TVirtualProof *proof = 0;

      // If the master was specified as "", use "localhost"
      TString fqdn = cluster;
      if (fqdn == "")
         fqdn = "localhost";

      TUrl u(fqdn);
      // in case user gave as url: "machine.dom.ain", replace
      // "http" by "proof" and "80" by "1093"
      if (!strcmp(u.GetProtocol(), TUrl("a").GetProtocol()))
      if (u.GetPort() == TUrl("a").GetPort())

      // Find out if we are required to attach to a specific session
      TString o(u.GetOptions());
      Int_t locid = -1;
      Bool_t create = kFALSE;
      if (o.Length() > 0) {
         if (o.BeginsWith("N",TString::kIgnoreCase)) {
            create = kTRUE;
         } else if (o.IsDigit()) {
            locid = o.Atoi();

      // Attach-to or create the appropriate manager
      TVirtualProofMgr *mgr = TVirtualProofMgr::Create(u.GetUrl());

      if (mgr && mgr->IsValid()) {

         // If XProofd we always attempt an attach first (unless
         // explicitely not requested).
         Bool_t attach = (create || mgr->IsProofd()) ? kFALSE : kTRUE;
         if (attach) {
            TVirtualProofDesc *d = 0;
            if (locid < 0)
               // Get the list of sessions
               d = (TVirtualProofDesc *) mgr->QuerySessions("")->First();
               d = (TVirtualProofDesc *) mgr->GetProofDesc(locid);
            if (d) {
               proof = (TVirtualProof*) mgr->AttachSession(d->GetLocalId());
               if (!proof || !proof->IsValid()) {
                  if (locid)
                     ::Error(pn, "new session could not be attached");

         // start the PROOF session
         if (!proof) {
            proof = (TVirtualProof*) mgr->CreateSession(conffile, confdir, loglevel);
            if (!proof || !proof->IsValid()) {
               ::Error(pn, "new session could not be created");
      return proof;

Int_t TVirtualProof::Reset(const char *url, const char *usr)
   // Reset the entry associated with the entity defined by 'url', which is
   // in the form
   //                "[proof://][user@]master.url[:port]"
   // If 'user' has the privileges it can also ask to reset the entry of a
   // different user specified by 'usr'; use 'usr'=='*' to reset all the
   // sessions know remotely.
   // 'Reset' means that all the PROOF sessions owned by the user at this
   // master are terminated or killed, any other client connections (from other
   // shells) closed, and the protocol instance reset and given back to the stack.
   // After this call the user will be asked to login again and will start
   // from scratch.
   // To be used when the cluster is not behaving.
   // Return 0 on success, -1 if somethign wrng happened.

   if (!url)
      return -1;

   const char *pn = "TVirtualProof::Reset";

   // If the master was specified as "", try to get the localhost FQDN
   if (!strlen(url))
      url = gSystem->GetHostByName(gSystem->HostName()).GetHostName();

   TUrl u(url);
   // in case user gave as url: "machine.dom.ain", replace
   // "http" by "proof" and "80" by "1093"
   if (!strcmp(u.GetProtocol(), TUrl("a").GetProtocol()))
   if (u.GetPort() == TUrl("a").GetPort())

   // Attach-to or create the appropriate manager
   TVirtualProofMgr *mgr = TVirtualProofMgr::Create(u.GetUrl());

   if (mgr && mgr->IsValid())
      if (!(mgr->IsProofd()))
         // Ask the manager to reset the entry
         return mgr->Reset(usr);
         ::Info(pn,"proofd: functionality not supported by server");

      ::Info(pn,"could not open a valid connection to %s", u.GetUrl());

   // Done
   return -1;

void TVirtualProof::SetTProofHook(TProof_t proofhook)
   // Set hook to TProof ctor.

   fgProofHook = proofhook;

const TList *TVirtualProof::GetEnvVars()
   // Get environemnt variables.

   return fgProofEnvList;

TProof_t TVirtualProof::GetTProofHook()
   // Get the TProof hook.

   return fgProofHook;

void TVirtualProof::AddEnvVar(const char *name, const char *value)
   // Add an variable to the list of environment variables passed to proofserv
   // on the master and slaves

   if (gDebug > 0) ::Info("TVirtualProof::AddEnvVar","%s=%s", name, value);

   if (fgProofEnvList == 0) {
      // initialize the list if needed
      fgProofEnvList = new TList;
   } else {
      // replace old entries with the same name
      TObject *o = fgProofEnvList->FindObject(name);
      if (o != 0) {
   fgProofEnvList->Add(new TNamed(name, value));

void TVirtualProof::DelEnvVar(const char *name)
   // Remove an variable from the list of environment variables passed to proofserv
   // on the master and slaves

   if (fgProofEnvList == 0) return;

   TObject *o = fgProofEnvList->FindObject(name);
   if (o != 0) {

void TVirtualProof::ResetEnvVars()
   // Clear the list of environment variables passed to proofserv
   // on the master and slaves

   if (fgProofEnvList == 0) return;


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