// @(#)root/gx11:$Name:  $:$Id: TX11GL.cxx,v 1.23 2006/12/01 08:53:25 brun Exp $
// Author: Timur Pocheptsov (TX11GLManager) / Valeriy Onuchin (TX11GL)

 * Copyright (C) 1995-2004, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers.               *
 * All rights reserved.                                                  *
 *                                                                       *
 * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE.                         *
 * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS.             *

//                                                                      //
// TX11GL                                                               //
//                                                                      //
// The TX11GL is X11 implementation of TVirtualGLImp class.             //
//                                                                      //
#include <deque>
#include <map>

#include "TVirtualViewer3D.h"
#include "TVirtualX.h"
#include "TGLViewer.h"
#include "TGLManip.h"
#include "TX11GL.h"
#include "TError.h"
#include "TROOT.h"


TX11GL::TX11GL() : fDpy(0), fVisInfo(0)
   // Constructor.

Window_t TX11GL::CreateGLWindow(Window_t wind)
   // Create a GL window.

      fDpy = (Display *)gVirtualX->GetDisplay();

   static int dblBuf[] = {
#ifdef STEREO_GL
                           GLX_RGBA, GLX_DEPTH_SIZE, 16,
                           GLX_RED_SIZE, 1, GLX_GREEN_SIZE, 1,
                           GLX_BLUE_SIZE, 1,None
   static int * snglBuf = dblBuf + 1;

      fVisInfo = glXChooseVisual(fDpy, DefaultScreen(fDpy), dblBuf);

         fVisInfo = glXChooseVisual(fDpy, DefaultScreen(fDpy), snglBuf);

         ::Error("TX11GL::CreateGLWindow", "no good visual found");
         return 0;

   Int_t  xval = 0, yval = 0;
   UInt_t wval = 0, hval = 0, border = 0, d = 0;
   Window root;

   XGetGeometry(fDpy, wind, &root, &xval, &yval, &wval, &hval, &border, &d);
   ULong_t mask = 0;
   XSetWindowAttributes attr;

   attr.background_pixel = 0;
   attr.border_pixel = 0;
   attr.colormap = XCreateColormap(fDpy, root, fVisInfo->visual, AllocNone);
   attr.event_mask = NoEventMask;
   attr.backing_store = Always;
   attr.bit_gravity = NorthWestGravity;
   mask = CWBackPixel | CWBorderPixel | CWColormap | CWEventMask |
          CWBackingStore | CWBitGravity;

   Window glWin = XCreateWindow(fDpy, wind, xval, yval, wval, hval,
                                0, fVisInfo->depth, InputOutput,
                                fVisInfo->visual, mask, &attr);
   XMapWindow(fDpy, glWin);
   return (Window_t)glWin;

ULong_t TX11GL::CreateContext(Window_t)
   // Create context.

   return (ULong_t)glXCreateContext(fDpy, fVisInfo, None, GL_TRUE);

void TX11GL::DeleteContext(ULong_t ctx)
   // Delete context.

   glXDestroyContext(fDpy, (GLXContext)ctx);

void TX11GL::MakeCurrent(Window_t wind, ULong_t ctx)
   // Make current.

   glXMakeCurrent(fDpy, (GLXDrawable)wind, (GLXContext)ctx);

void TX11GL::SwapBuffers(Window_t wind)
   // Swap buffers.

   glXSwapBuffers(fDpy, (GLXDrawable)wind);

// GL Manager's stuff.
struct TX11GLManager::TGLContext_t {
   //these are numbers returned by gVirtualX->AddWindow and gVirtualX->AddPixmap
   TGLContext_t() : fWindowIndex(-1), fPixmapIndex(-1), fX11Pixmap(0), fW(0),
                  fH(0), fX(0), fY(0), fGLXContext(0), fDirect(kFALSE),
                  fXImage(0), fNextFreeContext(0), fDirectGC(0), fPixmapGC(0)
   Int_t                fWindowIndex;
   Int_t                fPixmapIndex;
   //X11 pixmap
   Pixmap               fX11Pixmap;
   UInt_t               fW;
   UInt_t               fH;
   Int_t                fX;
   Int_t                fY;
   GLXContext           fGLXContext;
   Bool_t               fDirect;
   //GL buffer is read into XImage
   XImage              *fXImage;
   std::vector<UChar_t> fBUBuffer;//gl buffer is read from bottom to top.
   TGLContext_t        *fNextFreeContext;
   GC                   fDirectGC;
   GC                   fPixmapGC;

namespace {

   typedef std::deque<TX11GLManager::TGLContext_t> DeviceTable_t;
   typedef DeviceTable_t::size_type SizeType_t;
#ifndef R__MACOSX
   typedef std::map<Int_t, XVisualInfo *> WinTable_t;
   struct WinInfo_t {
      UInt_t       fW;
      UInt_t       fH;
      Window_t     fGLWin;
      XVisualInfo *fVisInfo;

   typedef std::map<Int_t, WinInfo_t> WinTable_t;
   XSetWindowAttributes dummyAttr;

   //RAII class for Pixmap
   class TX11PixGuard {
      Display *fDpy;
      Pixmap   fPix;

      TX11PixGuard(Display *dpy, Pixmap pix) : fDpy(dpy), fPix(pix) {}
      ~TX11PixGuard(){if (fPix) XFreePixmap(fDpy, fPix);}
      void Stop(){fPix = 0;}

      TX11PixGuard(const TX11PixGuard &);
      TX11PixGuard &operator = (const TX11PixGuard &);

   //RAII class for GLXContext 
   class TGLXCtxGuard {
      Display    *fDpy;
      GLXContext  fCtx;

      TGLXCtxGuard(Display *dpy, GLXContext ctx) : fDpy(dpy), fCtx(ctx) {}
      ~TGLXCtxGuard(){if (fCtx) glXDestroyContext(fDpy, fCtx);}
      void Stop(){fCtx = 0;}

      TGLXCtxGuard(const TGLXCtxGuard &);
      TGLXCtxGuard &operator = (const TGLXCtxGuard &);

   // RAII class for XImage.
   class TXImageGuard {
      XImage *fImage;

      TXImageGuard(const TXImageGuard &);
      TXImageGuard &operator = (const TXImageGuard &);

      explicit TXImageGuard(XImage *im) : fImage(im) {}
      ~TXImageGuard(){if (fImage) XDestroyImage(fImage);}
      void Stop(){fImage = 0;}


// Attriblist for glXChooseVisual (double-buffered visual).
const Int_t dblBuff[] = 
      GLX_DEPTH_SIZE, 16,
      GLX_RED_SIZE, 1,
      GLX_GREEN_SIZE, 1,
      GLX_BLUE_SIZE, 1,

// Attriblist for glxChooseVisual (single-buffered visual).
const Int_t *snglBuff = dblBuff + 1;

class TX11GLManager::TX11GLImpl {

   WinTable_t      fGLWindows;
   DeviceTable_t   fGLContexts;
   Display        *fDpy;
   TGLContext_t     *fNextFreeContext;

   TX11GLImpl(const TX11GLImpl &);
   TX11GLImpl &operator = (const TX11GLImpl &);


TX11GLManager::TX11GLImpl::TX11GLImpl() : fDpy(0), fNextFreeContext(0)
   // Constructor.

   fDpy = reinterpret_cast<Display *>(gVirtualX->GetDisplay());

   // Destructor.
   // Destroys only GL contexts and XImages pixmaps and windows must be
   // closed through gVirtualX

   for (SizeType_t i = 0,  e = fGLContexts.size(); i < e; ++i) {
      TGLContext_t &ctx = fGLContexts[i];

      if (ctx.fGLXContext) {
         ::Warning("TX11GLManager::~TX11GLManager", "opengl device with index %d was not destroyed", i);
         glXDestroyContext(fDpy, ctx.fGLXContext);

         if (ctx.fPixmapIndex != -1) {
            if (ctx.fXImage)

TX11GLManager::TX11GLManager() : fPimpl(new TX11GLImpl)
   // Constructor.

   gGLManager = this;

   // Destructor.

   delete fPimpl;

Int_t TX11GLManager::InitGLWindow(Window_t winID)
   // Try to find correct visual.

   XVisualInfo *visInfo = glXChooseVisual(
                                          fPimpl->fDpy, DefaultScreen(fPimpl->fDpy),
                                          const_cast<Int_t *>(dblBuff)

   if (!visInfo) {
      Error("InitGLWindow", "No good visual found!\n");
      return -1;

   Int_t  x = 0, y = 0;
   UInt_t w = 0, h = 0, b = 0, d = 0;
   Window root = 0;
   XGetGeometry(fPimpl->fDpy, winID, &root, &x, &y, &w, &h, &b, &d);

   XSetWindowAttributes attr(dummyAttr);
   attr.colormap = XCreateColormap(fPimpl->fDpy, root, visInfo->visual, AllocNone); // ???
   attr.event_mask = NoEventMask;
   attr.backing_store = Always;
   attr.bit_gravity = NorthWestGravity;

   ULong_t mask = CWBackPixel | CWBorderPixel | CWColormap | CWEventMask | CWBackingStore | CWBitGravity;

   // Create window with specific visual.
#ifdef R__MACOSX
   Window glBack = XCreateWindow(
                                 fPimpl->fDpy, winID,
                                 x, y, w, h,
                                 0, visInfo->depth, InputOutput,
                                 visInfo->visual, mask, &attr
   Window glWin = XCreateWindow(
                                fPimpl->fDpy, winID,
                                x, y, w, h,
                                0, visInfo->depth, InputOutput,
                                visInfo->visual, mask, &attr

   // Check results.
#ifdef R__MACOSX
   XMapWindow(fPimpl->fDpy, glBack);
   gVirtualX->AddWindow(glBack,  w, h);
   XMapWindow(fPimpl->fDpy, glWin);

   // Register window for gVirtualX.
   Int_t x11Ind = gVirtualX->AddWindow(glWin,  w, h);

   // Register this window for GL manager.
#ifndef R__MACOSX
   fPimpl->fGLWindows[x11Ind] = visInfo;
   fPimpl->fGLWindows[x11Ind].fVisInfo = visInfo;
   fPimpl->fGLWindows[x11Ind].fGLWin   = glBack;
   fPimpl->fGLWindows[x11Ind].fW = w;
   fPimpl->fGLWindows[x11Ind].fH = h;

   return x11Ind;

Int_t TX11GLManager::CreateGLContext(Int_t winInd)
   // Context creation requires Display * and XVisualInfo 
   // (was saved for such winInd).
#ifndef R__MACOSX
   GLXContext glxCtx = glXCreateContext(fPimpl->fDpy, fPimpl->fGLWindows[winInd], None, True);
   GLXContext glxCtx = glXCreateContext(fPimpl->fDpy, fPimpl->fGLWindows[winInd].fVisInfo, None, True);

   if (!glxCtx) {
      Error("CreateContext", "glXCreateContext failed\n");
      return -1;

   // Register new context now.
   if (TGLContext_t *ctx = fPimpl->fNextFreeContext) {
      Int_t ind = ctx->fWindowIndex;
      ctx->fWindowIndex = winInd;
      ctx->fGLXContext = glxCtx;
      fPimpl->fNextFreeContext = fPimpl->fNextFreeContext->fNextFreeContext;
      return ind;
   } else {
      TGLXCtxGuard glxCtxGuard(fPimpl->fDpy, glxCtx);
      TGLContext_t newDev;
      newDev.fWindowIndex = winInd;
      newDev.fGLXContext = glxCtx;


      return Int_t(fPimpl->fGLContexts.size()) - 1;

Bool_t TX11GLManager::MakeCurrent(Int_t ctxInd)
   // Make GL context current.
#ifndef R__MACOSX
   TGLContext_t &ctx = fPimpl->fGLContexts[ctxInd];
   return glXMakeCurrent(fPimpl->fDpy, gVirtualX->GetWindowID(ctx.fWindowIndex), ctx.fGLXContext);
   TGLContext_t &ctx = fPimpl->fGLContexts[ctxInd];
   return glXMakeCurrent(fPimpl->fDpy, fPimpl->fGLWindows[ctx.fWindowIndex].fGLWin, ctx.fGLXContext);

void TX11GLManager::Flush(Int_t ctxInd)
   // Swaps buffers or copy pixmap.

   TGLContext_t &ctx = fPimpl->fGLContexts[ctxInd];
   Window winID = gVirtualX->GetWindowID(ctx.fWindowIndex);

   if (ctx.fPixmapIndex == -1)
      glXSwapBuffers(fPimpl->fDpy, winID);
   else if (ctx.fXImage && ctx.fDirect) {
      if (!ctx.fDirectGC)
         ctx.fDirectGC = XCreateGC(fPimpl->fDpy, winID, 0, 0);

      if (!ctx.fDirectGC) {
         Error("Flush", "XCreateGC failed while copying pixmap\n");
         ctx.fDirect = kFALSE;

      XCopyArea(fPimpl->fDpy, ctx.fX11Pixmap, winID, ctx.fDirectGC, 0, 0, ctx.fW, ctx.fH, ctx.fX, ctx.fY);

Bool_t TX11GLManager::CreateGLPixmap(TGLContext_t &ctx)
   // Create GL pixmap.

   // Create new x11 pixmap and XImage.
#ifndef R__MACOSX
   Pixmap x11Pix = XCreatePixmap(fPimpl->fDpy, gVirtualX->GetWindowID(ctx.fWindowIndex), ctx.fW,
                                 ctx.fH, fPimpl->fGLWindows[ctx.fWindowIndex]->depth);
   Pixmap x11Pix = XCreatePixmap(fPimpl->fDpy, gVirtualX->GetWindowID(ctx.fWindowIndex), ctx.fW,
                                 ctx.fH, fPimpl->fGLWindows[ctx.fWindowIndex].fVisInfo->depth);

   if (!x11Pix) {
      Error("CreateGLPixmap", "XCreatePixmap failed\n");
      return kFALSE;

   TX11PixGuard pixGuard(fPimpl->fDpy, x11Pix);

   // XImage part here.
#ifndef R__MACOSX
   XVisualInfo *visInfo = fPimpl->fGLWindows[ctx.fWindowIndex];
   XVisualInfo *visInfo = fPimpl->fGLWindows[ctx.fWindowIndex].fVisInfo;
   XImage *testIm = XCreateImage(fPimpl->fDpy, visInfo->visual, visInfo->depth, ZPixmap, 0, 0, ctx.fW, ctx.fH, 32, 0);

   if (testIm) {
      TXImageGuard imGuard(testIm);
      testIm->data = static_cast<Char_t *>(malloc(testIm->bytes_per_line * testIm->height));

      if (!testIm->data) {
         Error("CreateGLPixmap", "Cannot malloc XImage data\n");
         return kFALSE;

      if (XInitImage(testIm)) {
         ctx.fPixmapIndex = gVirtualX->AddPixmap(x11Pix, ctx.fW, ctx.fH);
         ctx.fBUBuffer.resize(testIm->bytes_per_line * testIm->height);
         ctx.fX11Pixmap = x11Pix;
         ctx.fXImage = testIm;
         return kTRUE;
      } else
         Error("CreateGLPixmap", "XInitImage error!\n");
   } else
      Error("CreateGLPixmap", "XCreateImage error!\n");

   return kFALSE;

Bool_t TX11GLManager::AttachOffScreenDevice(Int_t ctxInd, Int_t x, Int_t y, UInt_t w, UInt_t h)
   // Attach off screen device.

   // Create pixmap and XImage for GL context ctxInd.
   TGLContext_t &ctx = fPimpl->fGLContexts[ctxInd];
   TGLContext_t newCtx;
   newCtx.fWindowIndex = ctx.fWindowIndex;
   newCtx.fW = w, newCtx.fH = h, newCtx.fX = x, newCtx.fY = y;
   newCtx.fGLXContext = ctx.fGLXContext;

   if (CreateGLPixmap(newCtx)) {
      ctx.fPixmapIndex = newCtx.fPixmapIndex;
      ctx.fX11Pixmap = newCtx.fX11Pixmap;
      ctx.fW = w, ctx.fH = h, ctx.fX = x, ctx.fY = y;
      ctx.fDirect = kFALSE;
      ctx.fXImage = newCtx.fXImage;
      return kTRUE;

   return kFALSE;

Bool_t TX11GLManager::ResizeOffScreenDevice(Int_t ctxInd, Int_t x, Int_t y, UInt_t w, UInt_t h)
   // Resize off screen devive.

   // Create a new pixmap and a new XImage if needed.
   TGLContext_t &ctx = fPimpl->fGLContexts[ctxInd];

   if (ctx.fPixmapIndex != -1)
      if (TMath::Abs(Int_t(w) - Int_t(ctx.fW)) > 1 || TMath::Abs(Int_t(h) - Int_t(ctx.fH)) > 1) {
         TGLContext_t newCtx;
         newCtx.fWindowIndex = ctx.fWindowIndex;
         newCtx.fW = w, newCtx.fH = h, newCtx.fX = x, newCtx.fY = y;
         newCtx.fGLXContext = ctx.fGLXContext;

         if (CreateGLPixmap(newCtx)) {
            ctx.fPixmapIndex = newCtx.fPixmapIndex;
            ctx.fX11Pixmap = newCtx.fX11Pixmap;
            ctx.fW = w, ctx.fH = h, ctx.fX = x, ctx.fY = y;
            ctx.fDirect = kFALSE;
            if (ctx.fXImage) XDestroyImage(ctx.fXImage);
            ctx.fXImage = newCtx.fXImage;
#ifdef R__MACOSX            
            if (w > fPimpl->fGLWindows[ctx.fWindowIndex].fW || h > fPimpl->fGLWindows[ctx.fWindowIndex].fH)
               XResizeWindow(fPimpl->fDpy, fPimpl->fGLWindows[ctx.fWindowIndex].fGLWin, w, h);
               fPimpl->fGLWindows[ctx.fWindowIndex].fW = w;
               fPimpl->fGLWindows[ctx.fWindowIndex].fH = h;
            return kTRUE;
         } else
            Error("ResizeOffScreenDevice", "Resize failed\n");
      } else {
         ctx.fX = x;
         ctx.fY = y;

   return kFALSE;

void TX11GLManager::SelectOffScreenDevice(Int_t ctxInd)
   // Selects off-screen device to make it accessible by gVirtualX.


void TX11GLManager::MarkForDirectCopy(Int_t ctxInd, Bool_t dir)
   // Selection-rotation support for TPad/TCanvas.

   if (fPimpl->fGLContexts[ctxInd].fPixmapIndex != -1)
      fPimpl->fGLContexts[ctxInd].fDirect = dir;

void TX11GLManager::ReadGLBuffer(Int_t ctxInd)
   // GL buffer is read info buffer, after that lines are reordered
   // into XImage, XImage copied into pixmap.

   TGLContext_t &ctx = fPimpl->fGLContexts[ctxInd];

   if (ctx.fPixmapIndex != -1 && ctx.fXImage) {
      // Read GL buffer.
      glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 1);
      glReadPixels(0, 0, ctx.fW, ctx.fH, GL_BGRA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, &ctx.fBUBuffer[0]);

      if (!ctx.fPixmapGC)
         ctx.fPixmapGC = XCreateGC(fPimpl->fDpy, ctx.fX11Pixmap, 0, 0);
      if (ctx.fPixmapGC) {
         // GL buffer read operation gives bottom-up order of pixels, but XImage
	      // require top-down. So, change RGB lines first.
         char *dest = ctx.fXImage->data;
         const UChar_t *src = &ctx.fBUBuffer[ctx.fW * 4 * (ctx.fH - 1)];
         for (UInt_t i = 0, e = ctx.fH; i < e; ++i) {
            std::memcpy(dest, src, ctx.fW * 4);
            dest += ctx.fW * 4;
            src -= ctx.fW * 4;
         XPutImage(fPimpl->fDpy, ctx.fX11Pixmap, ctx.fPixmapGC, ctx.fXImage, 0, 0, 0, 0, ctx.fW, ctx.fH);
      } else
         Error("ReadGLBuffer", "XCreateGC error while attempt to copy XImage\n");

void TX11GLManager::DeleteGLContext(Int_t ctxInd)
   // Deletes GLX context and frees pixmap and image (if any).

   TGLContext_t &ctx = fPimpl->fGLContexts[ctxInd];

   // Free GL context.
   glXDestroyContext(fPimpl->fDpy, ctx.fGLXContext);
   ctx.fGLXContext = 0;

   // If the pixmap exists it is destroyed.
   if (ctx.fPixmapIndex != -1) {
      ctx.fPixmapIndex = -1;
      if(ctx.fXImage) {
         ctx.fXImage = 0;
      if (ctx.fDirectGC)
         XFreeGC(fPimpl->fDpy, ctx.fDirectGC), ctx.fDirectGC = 0;
      if (ctx.fPixmapGC)
         XFreeGC(fPimpl->fDpy, ctx.fPixmapGC), ctx.fPixmapGC = 0;

   ctx.fNextFreeContext = fPimpl->fNextFreeContext;
   fPimpl->fNextFreeContext = &ctx;
   ctx.fWindowIndex = ctxInd;

Int_t TX11GLManager::GetVirtualXInd(Int_t ctxInd)
   // Returns an index suitable for gVirtualX.

   return fPimpl->fGLContexts[ctxInd].fPixmapIndex;

void TX11GLManager::ExtractViewport(Int_t ctxInd, Int_t *viewport)
   // Returns the current dimensions of a GL pixmap.

   TGLContext_t &ctx = fPimpl->fGLContexts[ctxInd];

   if (ctx.fPixmapIndex != -1) {
      viewport[0] = 0;
      viewport[1] = 0;
      viewport[2] = ctx.fW;
      viewport[3] = ctx.fH;

void TX11GLManager::PaintSingleObject(TVirtualGLPainter *p)
   // Paint a single object.


void TX11GLManager::PrintViewer(TVirtualViewer3D *vv)
   // Print viewer.


void TX11GLManager::DrawViewer(TVirtualViewer3D *viewer)
   // Draw viewer.


Bool_t TX11GLManager::SelectViewer(TVirtualViewer3D *viewer, const TGLRect *rect)
   // Select Viewer.

   return viewer->DoSelect(*rect);

Bool_t TX11GLManager::SelectManip(TVirtualGLManip *manip, const TGLCamera * camera, const TGLRect * rect, const TGLBoundingBox * sceneBox)
   // Select manipulator.

   return manip->Select(*camera, *rect, *sceneBox);

void TX11GLManager::PanObject(TVirtualGLPainter *o, Int_t x, Int_t y)
   // Pan objects.

   return o->Pan(x, y);

Bool_t TX11GLManager::PlotSelected(TVirtualGLPainter *plot, Int_t px, Int_t py)
   //Analog of TObject::DistancetoPrimitive
   return plot->PlotSelected(px, py);

char *TX11GLManager::GetPlotInfo(TVirtualGLPainter *plot, Int_t px, Int_t py)
   //Analog of TObject::GetObjectInfo
   return plot->GetPlotInfo(px, py);

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