Index of ROOFITCORE classes
This directory contains the RooFit toolkit classes. For documentation see:
- Roo1DTable 1-dimensional table
- RooAICRegistry Registry for analytical integration codes
- RooAbsAnaConvPdf Abstract Composite Convoluted PDF
- RooAbsArg Abstract variable
- RooAbsBinning Abstract base class for binning specification
- RooAbsCache Base class for cache managers
- RooAbsCacheElement Base class for cache elements
- RooAbsCachedPdf Abstract base class for cached p.d.f.s
- RooAbsCategory Abstract discrete variable
- RooAbsCategoryLValue Abstract modifiable index variable
- RooAbsCollection Collection of RooAbsArg objects
- RooAbsData Abstract data collection
- RooAbsFunc Abstract real-valued function interface
- RooAbsGenContext Abstract context for generating a dataset from a PDF
- RooAbsHiddenReal Abstract hidden real-valued variable
- RooAbsIntegrator Abstract interface for real-valued function integrators
- RooAbsLValue Abstract variable
- RooAbsMCStudyModule Monte Carlo study manager add-on module
- RooAbsOptTestStatistic Abstract real-valued variable
- RooAbsPdf Abstract PDF with normalization support
- RooAbsProxy Abstract proxy interface
- RooAbsReal Abstract real-valued variable
- RooAbsRealLValue Abstract modifiable real-valued variable
- RooAbsRootFinder Abstract interface for 1-dim real-valued function root finders
- RooAbsSelfCachedPdf Abstract base class for self-caching p.d.f.s
- RooAbsString Abstract string-valued variable
- RooAbsTestStatistic Abstract real-valued variable
- RooAcceptReject Context for generating a dataset from a PDF
- RooAdaptiveGaussKronrodIntegrator1D 1-dimensional adaptive Gauss-Kronrod numerical integration engine
- RooAddGenContext Context for generating a dataset from a PDF
- RooAddModel PDF representing a sum of PDFs
- RooAddPdf PDF representing a sum of PDFs
- RooAddition Sum of RooAbsReal terms
- RooArgList List of RooAbsArg objects
- RooArgProxy Abstract proxy for RooAbsArg objects
- RooArgSet Set of RooAbsArg objects
- RooBinning Container class for binning specification
- RooBrentRootFinder Abstract interface for 1-dim real-valued function root finders
- RooCacheManager<RooAbsCacheElement> Cache Manager class generic objects
- RooCacheManager<vector<double,allocator<double> > > Cache Manager class generic objects
- RooCachedPdf P.d.f class that wraps another p.d.f and caches its output
- RooCatType Category state, (name,index) pair
- RooCategory Index variable
- RooCategoryProxy Proxy for a RooAbsCategory object
- RooCategorySharedProperties Shared properties of a RooCategory clone set
- RooChi2Var Abstract real-valued variable
- RooClassFactory RooFit class factory
- RooCmdArg Universal method argument
- RooCmdConfig Method configuration holder
- RooComplex a non-persistent bare-bones complex class
- RooConstVar Real-valued variable, calculated from a string expression formula
- RooConvCoefVar Auxiliary class representing the coefficient of a RooAbsAnaConvPdf
- RooConvGenContext Context for generating a dataset from a PDF
- RooConvIntegrandBinding RooAbsReal interface adaptor
- RooCurve 1-dimensional smooth curve
- RooCustomizer PDF customizer
- RooDLLSignificanceMCSModule MCStudy module to calculate Delta(-logL) significance w.r.t given null hypothesis
- RooDataHist Binned data set
- RooDataHistSliceIter Iterator over a one-dimensional slice of a RooDataHist
- RooDataProjBinding RealFunc/Dataset binding for data projection of a real function
- RooDataSet Unbinned data set
- RooDirItem Base class for RooFit objects that are listed TDirectories
- RooDouble Container class for Double_t
- RooEffGenContext Context for generating a dataset from a PDF
- RooEffProd Product of PDF with efficiency function with optimized generator context
- RooEfficiency Generic PDF defined by string expression and list of variables
- RooEllipse 2-dimensional contour
- RooErrorVar Abstract modifiable real-valued variable
- RooExtendPdf Flat PDF introducing an extended likelihood term
- RooExtendedTerm Flat PDF introducing an extended likelihood term
- RooFFTConvPdf Abstract base class for cached p.d.f.s
- RooFitResult Container class for fit result
- RooFormula TFormula derived class interfacing with RooAbsArg objects
- RooFormulaVar Real-valued variable, calculated from a string expression formula
- RooGaussKronrodIntegrator1D 1-dimensional Gauss-Kronrod numerical integration engine
- RooGenCategory Index variable derived from other indeces, via an external global function
- RooGenContext Context for generating a dataset from a PDF
- RooGenProdProj General form of projected integral of product of PDFs
- RooGenericPdf Generic PDF defined by string expression and list of variables
- RooGrid a multi-dimensional grid
- RooHashTable Hash table
- RooHist 1-dimensional histogram with error bars
- RooHistError Utility class for calculating histogram errors
- RooHistPdf Histogram based PDF
- RooImproperIntegrator1D 1-dimensional improper integration engine
- RooInt Container class for Int_t
- RooIntegrator1D 1-dimensional numerical integration engine
- RooIntegrator2D 1-dimensional numerical integration engine
- RooIntegratorBinding RooAbsFunc decorator
- RooInvTransform RooAbsFunc decorator
- RooLinTransBinning Linear transformation of binning specification
- RooLinearVar Modifiable linear transformation variable
- RooLinkedList TList with extra support for Option_t associations
- RooLinkedListElem Element of RooLinkedList container class
- RooLinkedListIter Iterator for RooLinkedList container class
- RooList TList with extra support for Option_t associations
- RooListProxy Proxy class for a RooArgList
- RooMCIntegrator multi-dimensional numerical integration engine
- RooMCStudy Monte Carlo study manager
- RooMPSentinel Singleton class that terminate MP server processes when parent exists
- RooMapCatEntry Utility class, holding a map expression from a index label regexp to a RooCatType
- RooMappedCategory Index varibiable, derived from another index using pattern-matching based mapping
- RooMath math utility routines
- RooMinuit RooFit minimizer based on MINUIT
- RooMsgService RooFit Message Service Singleton class
- RooMultiCatIter Iterator over all state permutations of a list of categories
- RooMultiCategory Derived index variable represening the maximal permutation of a list of indeces
- RooNLLVar Abstract real-valued variable
- RooNameReg String name registry
- RooNameSet A sterile version of RooArgSet, containing only the names of the contained RooAbsArgs
- RooNormSetCache Manager class for a single PDF normalization integral
- RooNumConvPdf Operator PDF implementing numeric convolution of 2 input PDFs
- RooNumConvolution Operator PDF implementing numeric convolution of 2 input PDFs
- RooNumIntConfig Numeric Integrator configuration
- RooNumIntFactory Numeric Integrator factory
- RooNumber wrapper class for portable numerics
- RooObjCacheManager Cache Manager class generic objects
- RooPlot Plot frame and container for graphics objects
- RooPlotable Abstract interface for plotable objects
- RooPolyVar Polynomial PDF
- RooPrintable Interface for printable objects
- RooProdGenContext Context for generating a dataset from a PDF
- RooProdPdf PDF representing a product of PDFs
- RooProduct Product of RooAbsReal and RooAbsCategory terms
- RooProfileLL Profile likelihood
- RooProjectedPdf Your description goes here...
- RooPullVar Calculation of pull of measurement w.r.t a truth value
- RooQuasiRandomGenerator quasi-random number generator
- RooRandom random number generator interface
- RooRandomizeParamMCSModule MCStudy module to vary one or more input parameters during fit/generation cycle
- RooRangeBinning Single bin binning
- RooRealAnalytic RooAbsFunc decorator
- RooRealBinding RooAbsReal interface adaptor
- RooRealConstant RooRealVar constants factory
- RooRealIntegral Real-valued variable representing an integral over a RooAbsReal object
- RooRealMPFE Multi-process front-end for parallel calculation of a real valued function
- RooRealProxy Proxy for a RooAbsReal object
- RooRealSumPdf PDF representing a sum of real functions
- RooRealVar Real-valued variable
- RooRealVarSharedProperties Shared properties of a RooRealVar clone set
- RooRefCountList RooLinkedList with reference counting
- RooResolutionModel Abstract Resolution Model
- RooScaledFunc RooAbsFunc decorator
- RooSegmentedIntegrator1D 1-dimensional piece-wise numerical integration engine
- RooSegmentedIntegrator2D 1-dimensional numerical integration engine
- RooSentinel
- RooSetPair Element of RooLinkedList container class
- RooSetProxy Proxy class for a RooArgSet
- RooSharedProperties Abstract interface for shared property implementations
- RooSharedPropertiesList Manager for shared properties among clones of certain RooAbsArg-derived types
- RooSimGenContext Context for generating a dataset from a PDF
- RooSimPdfBuilder RooSimultaneous PDF Builder
- RooSimultaneous Description goes here
- RooStreamParser Utility class that parses istream data into tokens
- RooStringVar String-valued variable
- RooSuperCategory Derived index variable represening the maximal permutation of a list of indeces
- RooTObjWrap Container class for Int_t
- RooTable Abstract interface for tables
- RooThreshEntry Utility class, holding a threshold/category state pair
- RooThresholdCategory Index variable, defined by a series of thresholds on a RooAbsReal
- RooTrace Memory tracer utility for RooFitTools objects
- RooTreeData Abstract ttree based data collection
- RooTruthModel Abstract Resolution Model
- RooUniformBinning Uniform binning specification
- RooWorkspace The RooFit Project Workspace
Last update: Thu Jan 17 08:41:03 2008
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