// @(#)root/eve:$Id: TEveProjections.cxx 21317 2007-12-11 08:48:17Z matevz $
// Authors: Matevz Tadel & Alja Mrak-Tadel: 2006, 2007

 * Copyright (C) 1995-2007, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers.               *
 * All rights reserved.                                                  *
 *                                                                       *
 * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE.                         *
 * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS.             *

#include "TEveProjections.h"
#include "TEveUtil.h"

// TEveProjection
// Base-class for non-linear projections.
// Enables to define an external center of distortion and a scale to
// fixate a bounding box of a projected point.


Float_t TEveProjection::fgEps = 0.005f;

TEveProjection::TEveProjection(TEveVector& center) :
   fCenter(center.fX, center.fY, center.fZ),
   // Constructor.

void TEveProjection::ProjectVector(TEveVector& v)
   // Project TEveVector.

   ProjectPoint(v.fX, v.fY, v.fZ);

void TEveProjection::UpdateLimit()
   // Update convergence in +inf and -inf.

   if (fDistortion == 0.0f)

   Float_t lim =  1.0f/fDistortion + fFixedRadius;
   Float_t* c = GetProjectedCenter();
   fUpLimit.Set(lim + c[0], lim + c[1], c[2]);
   fLowLimit.Set(-lim + c[0], -lim + c[1], c[2]);

void TEveProjection::SetDistortion(Float_t d)
   // Set distortion.

   fDistortion = d;
   fScale      = 1.0f + fFixedRadius*fDistortion;

void TEveProjection::SetFixedRadius(Float_t r)
   // Set fixed radius.

   fScale = 1 + fFixedRadius*fDistortion;

void TEveProjection::SetDirectionalVector(Int_t screenAxis, TEveVector& vec)
   // Get vector for axis in a projected space.

   for (Int_t i=0; i<3; i++)
      vec[i] = (i==screenAxis) ? 1. : 0.;

Float_t TEveProjection::GetValForScreenPos(Int_t i, Float_t sv)
   // Inverse projection.

   static const TEveException eH("TEveProjection::GetValForScreenPos ");

   Float_t xL, xM, xR;
   TEveVector vec;
   TEveVector dirVec;
   SetDirectionalVector(i, dirVec);
   if (fDistortion > 0.0f && ((sv > 0 && sv > fUpLimit[i]) || (sv < 0 && sv < fLowLimit[i])))
      throw(eH + Form("screen value '%f' out of limit '%f'.", sv, sv > 0 ? fUpLimit[i] : fLowLimit[i]));

   TEveVector zero; ProjectVector(zero);
   // search from -/+ infinity according to sign of screen value
   if (sv > zero[i])
      xL = 0; xR = 1000;
      while (1)
         vec.Mult(dirVec, xR); ProjectVector(vec);
         // printf("positive projected %f, value %f,xL, xR ( %f, %f)\n", vec[i], sv, xL, xR);
         if (vec[i] > sv || vec[i] == sv) break;
         xL = xR; xR *= 2;
   else if (sv < zero[i])
      xR = 0; xL = -1000;
      while (1)
         vec.Mult(dirVec, xL); ProjectVector(vec);
         // printf("negative projected %f, value %f,xL, xR ( %f, %f)\n", vec[i], sv, xL, xR);
         if (vec[i] < sv || vec[i] == sv) break;
         xR = xL; xL *= 2;
      return 0.0f;

      xM = 0.5f * (xL + xR);
      vec.Mult(dirVec, xM);
      if (vec[i] > sv)
         xR = xM;
         xL = xM;
   } while(TMath::Abs(vec[i] - sv) >= fgEps);

   return xM;

Float_t TEveProjection::GetScreenVal(Int_t i, Float_t x)
   // Project point on given axis and return projected value.

   TEveVector dv;
   SetDirectionalVector(i, dv); dv = dv*x;
   return dv[i];

// TEveRhoZProjection
// Transformation from 3D to 2D. X axis represent Z coordinate. Y axis have value of
// radius with a sign of Y coordinate.


void TEveRhoZProjection::SetCenter(TEveVector& v)
   // Set center of distortion (virtual method).

   fCenter = v;

   Float_t r = TMath::Sqrt(v.fX*v.fX + v.fY*v.fY);
   fProjectedCenter.fX = fCenter.fZ;
   fProjectedCenter.fY = TMath::Sign(r, fCenter.fY);
   fProjectedCenter.fZ = 0;

void TEveRhoZProjection::ProjectPoint(Float_t& x, Float_t& y, Float_t& z,  EPProc_e proc )
   // Project point.

   using namespace TMath;

   if(proc == kPP_Plane || proc == kPP_Full)
      // project
      y = Sign((Float_t)Sqrt(x*x+y*y), y);
      x = z;
   if(proc == kPP_Distort || proc == kPP_Full)
      // move to center
      x -= fProjectedCenter.fX;
      y -= fProjectedCenter.fY;
      // distort
      y = (y*fScale) / (1.0f + Abs(y)*fDistortion);
      x = (x*fScale) / (1.0f + Abs(x)*fDistortion);
      // move back from center
      x += fProjectedCenter.fX;
      y += fProjectedCenter.fY;
   z = 0.0f;

void TEveRhoZProjection::SetDirectionalVector(Int_t screenAxis, TEveVector& vec)
   // Get direction in the unprojected space for axis index in the
   // projected space.
   // This is virtual method from base-class TEveProjection.

   if(screenAxis == 0)
      vec.Set(0., 0., 1);
   else if (screenAxis == 1)
      vec.Set(0., 1., 0);

Bool_t TEveRhoZProjection::AcceptSegment(TEveVector& v1, TEveVector& v2, Float_t tolerance)
   // Check if segment of two projected points is valid.

   Float_t a = fProjectedCenter.fY;
   Bool_t val = kTRUE;
   if((v1.fY <  a && v2.fY > a) || (v1.fY > a && v2.fY < a))
      val = kFALSE;
      if (tolerance > 0)
         Float_t a1 = TMath::Abs(v1.fY - a), a2 = TMath::Abs(v2.fY - a);
         if (a1 < a2)
            if (a1 < tolerance) { v1.fY = a; val = kTRUE; }
            if (a2 < tolerance) { v2.fY = a; val = kTRUE; }
   return val;

// TEveCircularFishEyeProjection
// XY projection with distortion around given center.


void TEveCircularFishEyeProjection::ProjectPoint(Float_t& x, Float_t& y, Float_t& z,
                                                 EPProc_e proc)
   // Project point.

   using namespace TMath;

   if (proc != kPP_Plane)
      x -= fCenter.fX;
      y -= fCenter.fY;
      Float_t phi = (x == 0.0 && y == 0.0) ? 0.0f : ATan2(y, x);
      Float_t r = Sqrt(x*x + y*y);
      // distort
      Float_t nR = (r*fScale) / (1.0f + r*fDistortion);
      x = nR*Cos(phi) + fCenter.fX;
      y = nR*Sin(phi) + fCenter.fY;
   z = 0.0f;

Last update: Thu Jan 17 08:48:15 2008

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