// @(#)root/eve:$Id: TEveProjections.h 21246 2007-12-06 17:55:44Z matevz $
// Authors: Matevz Tadel & Alja Mrak-Tadel: 2006, 2007

 * Copyright (C) 1995-2007, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers.               *
 * All rights reserved.                                                  *
 *                                                                       *
 * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE.                         *
 * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS.             *

#ifndef ROOT_TEveProjections
#define ROOT_TEveProjections

#include "TEveVSDStructs.h"

//                                                            //
// TEveProjection                                             //
//                                                            //

class TEveProjection
   enum EPType_e   { kPT_Unknown, kPT_CFishEye, kPT_RhoZ };     // type
   enum EPProc_e   { kPP_Plane, kPP_Distort, kPP_Full };        // procedure
   enum EGeoMode_e { kGM_Unknown, kGM_Polygons, kGM_Segments }; // reconstruction of geometry

   EPType_e            fType;          // type
   EGeoMode_e          fGeoMode;       // way of polygon reconstruction
   TString             fName;          // name

   TEveVector          fCenter;        // center of distortion
   TEveVector          fZeroPosVal;    // projected origin (0, 0, 0)

   Float_t             fDistortion;    // distortion
   Float_t             fFixedRadius;   // projected radius independent of distortion
   Float_t             fScale;         // scale factor to keep projected radius fixed
   TEveVector          fUpLimit;       // convergence of point +infinity
   TEveVector          fLowLimit;      // convergence of point -infinity

   TEveProjection(TEveVector& center);
   virtual ~TEveProjection(){}

   virtual   void      ProjectPoint(Float_t&, Float_t&, Float_t&, EPProc_e p = kPP_Full ) = 0;
   virtual   void      ProjectPointFv(Float_t* v){ ProjectPoint(v[0], v[1], v[2]); }
   virtual   void      ProjectVector(TEveVector& v);

   const     char*     GetName() { return fName.Data(); }
   void                SetName(const char* txt) { fName = txt; }

   virtual void        SetCenter(TEveVector& v) { fCenter = v; UpdateLimit(); }
   virtual Float_t*    GetProjectedCenter() { return fCenter.Arr(); }

   void                SetType(EPType_e t) { fType = t; }
   EPType_e            GetType() { return fType; }

   void                SetGeoMode(EGeoMode_e m) { fGeoMode = m; }
   EGeoMode_e          GetGeoMode() { return fGeoMode; }

   void                UpdateLimit();
   void                SetDistortion(Float_t d);
   Float_t             GetDistortion() { return fDistortion; }
   void                SetFixedRadius(Float_t x);
   Float_t             GetFixedRadius() { return fFixedRadius; }

   virtual   Bool_t    AcceptSegment(TEveVector&, TEveVector&, Float_t /*tolerance*/) { return kTRUE; }
   virtual   void      SetDirectionalVector(Int_t screenAxis, TEveVector& vec);

   // utils to draw axis
   virtual Float_t     GetValForScreenPos(Int_t ax, Float_t value);
   virtual Float_t     GetScreenVal(Int_t ax, Float_t value);
   Float_t             GetLimit(Int_t i, Bool_t pos) { return pos ? fUpLimit[i] : fLowLimit[i]; }

   static   Float_t    fgEps;  // resolution of projected points

   ClassDef(TEveProjection, 0); // Base for specific classes that implement non-linear projections.

//                                                            //
// TEveRhoZProjection                                         //
//                                                            //

class TEveRhoZProjection: public TEveProjection
   TEveVector   fProjectedCenter; // projected center of distortion.

   TEveRhoZProjection(TEveVector& center) : TEveProjection(center) { fType = kPT_RhoZ; fName="RhoZ"; }
   virtual ~TEveRhoZProjection() {}

   virtual   Bool_t    AcceptSegment(TEveVector& v1, TEveVector& v2, Float_t tolerance);
   virtual   void      ProjectPoint(Float_t& x, Float_t& y, Float_t& z, EPProc_e proc = kPP_Full);
   virtual   void      SetDirectionalVector(Int_t screenAxis, TEveVector& vec);

   virtual   void      SetCenter(TEveVector& center);
   virtual Float_t*    GetProjectedCenter() { return fProjectedCenter.Arr(); }

   ClassDef(TEveRhoZProjection, 0); // Rho/Z non-linear projection.

//                                                            //
// TEveCircularFishEyeProjection                              //
//                                                            //

class TEveCircularFishEyeProjection : public TEveProjection
   TEveCircularFishEyeProjection(TEveVector& center):TEveProjection(center) { fType = kPT_CFishEye; fGeoMode = kGM_Polygons; fName="CircularFishEye"; }
   virtual ~TEveCircularFishEyeProjection() {}

   virtual void ProjectPoint(Float_t& x, Float_t& y, Float_t& z, EPProc_e proc = kPP_Full);

   ClassDef(TEveCircularFishEyeProjection, 0); // XY non-linear projection.


Last update: Thu Jan 17 08:49:15 2008

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